Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 25] Stolen Pride (YE 38)

Bisen Lighthouse

"If they were watching with thermal sensors you'd still show up like a bright spot against...." Wazu's voice trailed off as he watched Aikiko dart off on her own. He was already halfway after her, bailing on the tactics conversation in the shuttlebay as he added, "...I will be right back..."

He would give chase, following her down the ladder one level, "Aikiko, wait up..." He asked, quickly climbing down after her, knowing he probably should be wincing in pain each time he came down a rung, "...You are staying here?"

Aikiko stopped her flight and hovered, letting Wazu catch up. "Yeah. Someone needs to stay and help protect Mitsuka and Blackberry." Being her usual neutral self again. "Its probably suicide to do so. But I dont leave when there are other of the crew remaining behind." She settled on the deck and waited for Wazu.

"They can take care of themselves... you staying here would not be of any help if the Rixx return. You would just get killed along with them..." his voice was not quite as neutral as hers. "...I would not have made it off the last planet without you... I was hoping you would be nearby for this operation."

"I am sure the Taii would take care of you just fine like. She would want her Karoake Partner to be okay." Aikiko looked down, as she unslung the rixxikor rifle she was carrying. "Here take this. I have cleaned it." She held it out to him.

"A.... Th.... " Wazu stumbled over his words, half heartedly putting his hand on the Rixxikor rifle before finally settling on, "... That is not fair..."

"Look. I known having the tryst with you would turn out to be a one timer thing. And who am I stand in anyones way when it comes to pleasure. By far you are the best so far." She moved to him, giving him a soft kiss after she raised his chin up to do so.

Wazu had his jaw clenched tightly, he wanted to say something... but as each line of dialouge when through his head he couldn't find one that sounded honest. 'Nothing happened' sounded like an admission of guilt, and as much as he hated to admit it, Natsumi did feel nice.

".... I would rather you stay,"​

"I am staying right here to help protect our logistic officer and the injured bridge bunny." Aikiko hand fell to her holster. then she looked down at it. Seeing it contained something something other than her NSP. "You have my NSP?" Pulling out a pouch that belonged to Marcus.

Wazu nodded, taking the Rixxikor rifle and handing back the NSP he had retreived earlier.

She handed over the pouch to Wazu. "Make sure this is returned to Marcus." As she took the NSP service pistol back. She quickly checked it out and holstered it.

Aikiko looked up at him and moved to him quickly. She kissed him on the lips. "Be safe and watch your back."

Wazu would kiss her back this time, putting his arms around her and holding her close, indulging the kiss for quite a while before pulling away just a little bit,

"I am going to see you again." He replied.​

He was kicking himself mentally... Aikiko was great, supportive, and she made him feel wanted. Her kiss was warm, inviting, just a bit regretful, but he could feel it was no where near as close as it had been back on UX-1.

Aikiko slipped from his embrace slowly, wanting to stay longer in his grasp. "I hope so." She grasped his hand, giving it a squeeze as she walked away, letting his hand slide free... "I am going to contact some friends once you guys leave. I will be fine... and know where to get in touch with you." She said, giving him a saucy smile, adding a subtle swaying of the hips as she disappeared down the corridor.

Wazu watched Aikiko leaving him, looked back up towards the crew getting ready.... then back at Aikiko.

She had paused at a doorway, looking at him with a very soft expression that made her more human, normal than the usual Peace Officer, she presented to everyone in public. She gave him a shy wave with her open palm and bending her fingers.

Wazu slung the weapon over his shoulder, and gave her a quick wave back before slowly heading back up the ladder, wincing each time he went up a rung.


Once Wazu was back on the hanger deck, he'd head over to Marcus, catching the tail end of the conversation there,

"Or make the other guy sacrifice right?" He asked, faking a smile as he held up Marcus's pouch "...I have your thing, Aikiko made it sound important you get it back."

Marcus shifted his gaze over to Wazu as the other human approached. He'd been to Ayenee. He knew what it was like there. A declaration like the one Marcus had just made simply didn't come as easily as it did for military personnel. Marcus smiled in appreciation of the attempt at adding a more lightened tone to the conversation.

He held out his hand and took the pouch back. "Yeah...and thanks for bringing me this. I'm not gonna get much done without it. Thanks, Heram."

Marcus held the pouch up for a second so Hanako could see it. "I can have everything ready within a few minutes of us being in comm range. For all intents and purposes, he'll be me, just on board the Eucharis. I'll let you figure out what that means on your end.
Bisen Lighthouse, Shuttle Bay

(OOC: JP by Wes and @Rhysis)

"Having two of you seems like too many," Hanako said. "I am not sure it applies out here, except on the Eucharis herself, but Yamataian law is that there should only be one copy of a person active at a time. Are you planning to go out in a blaze of glory and rise again back on the ship?" the Shosho inquired.

Marcus knew that question would be coming, at one point or another. He was forced to reveal something of what they could expect to happen to him. "I'm still not at 100%. But, to be useful, I'm going to have to tap my mental modifications, again. I've never done it before I've been fully recovered from a previous use. I, honestly, have no idea what will happen. I can assure you, though, that if I have to do what I fear I'll have to do, there will be no waking me up with any amount of technology. My alternate self will know what to do. When it becomes available, I'll need to be sent back to Ayenee. There are...other methods...of reviving someone that simply aren't available here."

"My father was a necromancer," Hanako revealed. "I understand." She ran a hand through her soft aquamarine hair. "So the original goes home and the new you starts a new life here and stays here," she pondered aloud. "If we create this clone your original self would probably have to go back anyway," she speculated.

"Truth be told, I don't see much of an alternative." Marcus handed over the comm units he'd gotten from the kits before he fell asleep. "When my modifications take hold, they'll do a massive amount of good for getting us on the ship and making me aware of what's going on."

He paused, sighing. "Unfortunately, without my father's presence, or at least his notes, I don't have any idea what utilizing them will end up costing me. I can pretty well guarantee that, when the time runs out on me using them this time, nothing here will be able to make me useful, again."

"Run me through how it works again," Hanako asked Marcus.

Marcus nodded. "It functions with a similar principle as theoretical transporter technology. Our researchers found that they weren't able to successfully transmit a sentient being without damaging them, but with the research they'd done, they could create a rapid clone. While it was still in the formation stage, they figured out they could insert information into the clone so that it would know necessary information when it was formed. The price for that is that some other information had to be lost."

"I programmed a duplicate clone, knowing that I didn't have the necessary knowledge to run a successful commercial farming business, especially in a foreign universe. I chose to replace some of the information that links me so strongly with my family back home. That maintains all the vital information I programmed into it, and everything I know about most other subjects. The control panel inside the pouch I entrusted to Aikiko can accept a voice command to run the program that's waiting to start the cloning process."

The Shosho nodded. She wasn't entirely sure about this, but she was willing to give it a try. And it wasn't like she could stop Marcus from trying it anyway, if he was set on it. "Alright," she nodded. "Do what you feel you have to do. My team is going to get in that enemy base and get to our ship. I'll see the other you on the other side."

Marcus cleared his throat. "It will only take a few seconds, once we're within communications range, to begin the process. If there's anything you want someone on the ship to do, or rather, anything you think I'm capable of doing if I were on the ship, then my clone will be able to do it. If there's a way to get me into the base with your team, I'd be more than happy to assist in that endeavor. I've managed to find makeshift weapons, and when I reactivate my modifications..."

The pause seemed to unnerve the big human. "I'll be faster than I was on the other planet. Faster and...well..."

He shook his head in an attempt to rid himself of the thoughts. "I'm a guardian by nature. Everyone I associate with has made the observation. I know you have a ship full of people who would die for you out of duty. I'm well aware I'm just a strange businessman making insane proposals in a world where I don't belong. Nevertheless, I am more than willing to sacrifice everything I have and am for you and your crew."

Bisen Lighthouse, Floor 6, Shuttle Bay

Candon dropped the bomb, literally and metaphorically. "I know I just said that I like crazy... But seriously, Ma'am, are you out of your mind?!" Candon asked almost shouting as the tubular bomb slowly rolled her way, "I know it's nice to give people benefit of doubt but let's think about this. That Ayenee guy hasn't even been on our ship three days and now our ship has been taken by a vessel of Unknown Origin equipped with technology that apparently makes it impossible for a technological showcase of Yamataian engineering to detect. Hell, the guy is claiming to be here on business. What business?! There is absolutely nothing a civilian corporation could possibly gain from this universe!

"And this 'clone' could be programmed for literally anything. How do we know it isn't going to kill the crew that's still on board? How do we know it won't sail off with our ship? Ma'am, he too could be a clone on a suicide mission. The fact is that we don't know a damned thing. If we don't know our enemy, how are we going to know who our enemies are?.."

Candon looked at the floor for a moment, then back to Hanako. "You know, I'm risking my career for you. On UX-1 I contacted a friend and asked them to block signals in and out of the entire sector. We are hacking the PANTHEON network to keep this situation under wraps, they could have me executed as a traitor for this. I'm not going to bet my life on the words of a stranger. This Marcus guy, I don't know him, I don't like him, and I don't trust him and you shouldn't either. If you care about any of us, please, don't do this. We have enough people on Eucharis to pull this off."
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Shuttle Bay

"You're right, of course, Candon. You have no reason to trust me off hand, and your skepticism would be rational in different circumstances."

Marcus' expression was serious, and his tone matched. He had been questioned on his sincerity before, but never during times where so much was on the line. The anticipation of the coming hours fueled his intense response.

"However, Candon, the fact remains that I'm here during these circumstances. Your doubts are ignoring a great deal. Never mind the fact that I was brought to this universe by a patrol from the Yamataian empire, rather than coming here on my own. Never mind the fact that as I was setting up the programming for the clone, I was in a room with someone who is familiar with Ayenee technology and was able to witness everything I was doing. Never mind that I was in just as much danger from that Rixxicor attack as everyone else. Never mind that I risked my own life, used up thousands of pounds of valuable resources, and took a great deal of physical and mental damage in order to kill off several hundred of those disgusting bipedal bugs. And, of course, never mind the fact that the only reason I'm standing here, with a slew of makeshift weapons to take out as many of them as I possibly can, mind you, is because someone from this universe chose to use stimulants to wake me out of what would have otherwise been a sleep that kept me out for several more hours, still. Clearly, because I'm a stranger, I can't be trusted."

"I was chosen by my company to come here purely because they don't trust people from other universes any more than you trust me. I'm the most combat capable person within my company. But you speak with the ignorance of someone who clearly knows nothing about my world. Hanako knows a great deal of what many from my universe are capable of doing. I can assure you, if there were ill intentions at hand, I would not be the one that was sent. In my world, there are countless beings far more powerful than you have likely ever even thought possible, and many of them are not afraid to take payment for their services. If someone from Ayenee wanted harm done to this empire, or any other part of this universe, it would be an easy matter to accomplish without having to resort to basic trickery and lies. Trust me or don't, it's your decision for your own feelings, but the fact remains that using someone with my experience who is already on board the ship is the best option available and risks the fewest lives of those in the crew."

Marcus looked back at Hanako, and nodded. "I apologize for jumping in. I'll be waiting on the shuttle."

Without allowing for a response, the human boarded the shuttle and took a seat, anxiously.
Bisen Lighthouse, Floor 6, Shuttle Bay

Hanako waited until Marcus was aboard the shuttle and then pulled Candon close and smoke very softly so she was out of Marcus's earshot. "I certainly see your point," Hanako told Candon. "But I have already given my consent to his plan. He has already fought at our side once and is voluntarily doing it again, despite having no obligation to do so. That is something we should respect, even if it may me motivated by his business interests. Making a good impression with the Ketsurui Clan could be very useful in that respect, and nothing impresses like a warrior ally. As usual, we do have a backup plan. If Marcus were to turn against us, we should be able to take him on here or with our remaining soldiers on the Eucharis. It may comfort you to know that Charisma reports to me that he has created some additional crew members on her own." She gave Candon's shoulder a reassuring squeeze and then went to the shuttle.

Once everyone who was coming had found seat, Hanako gave the order to approach the Eucharis' location at top available speed. "If anyone contacts our shuttle, just act Rixxikor," she suggested.
Captured Rixxikor Shuttle

"Aye aye, boss-lady!" came a near-perfect impression of a Rixxikor's own, butchered Trade from somewhere in the shuttle. No culprit could be found, but evidence suggested that it came from somewhere in Jax's vicinity.

The engineer smirked and kept his gaze down, absent-mindedly cleaning gunk from the rocket launcher that rested in his lap. He'd been working on that voice for weeks, and he was ecstatic that he could finally use it for something.
Captured Shuttle

Natsumi settled herself into one of the thankfully cleaned seats for the trip out. With Umeshu piloting, she had little to do at the moment but wait and watch the crew. She was dissapointed some people were staying behind. She understood Blackberry had too, due to her condition, but she had been surprised when it had been announced that Mitsuko and Aikiko would be as well. It made sense in the end, she guessed, them remaining behind to make sure Blackberry was safe and looked after during her recovery at the lighthouse. She just hoped thdir mission was successful so they could return to pixk them all up.

She glanced around and wondered if everyone else had the same feeling of apprehension in the pits of their stomachs that she had. Not that she doubted herself or any of her shipmates abilities in the least. They were just going into a hostile envyronment with little to no intel and little to no weaponry or hardware suitable for a mission of this kind.

Natsumi took a deep breath, let it out, letting all of the self doubt and worry flow out of her and put a reassuring and confident smile on her face. It would do no good to the others' morale if she looked like she was worried about there chances!

It was time to get their ship back and teach whoever had taken the Eucharis why one doesn't mess with Yamatai.
Captured Rixxikor Shuttle

Umeshu tried to be upbeat with her morning greetings, to try to share some of her positivism with the others... but the tension still hung in the air heavily and was indeed difficult to break. Distrust among some, apprehension amongst others. She noticed the missing personnel, too, and her smile muted to a degree. "I see... so some are staying behind? I suppose it is best, just in case Rixxikor happened to follow us to this location. Still..."

The purple-skinned officer shook her head and tried to push away the doubts about losing one of their most reliable soldiers, as she found her way to the cleaned up pilot's seat of the captured shuttle without being asked. Umeshu glanced back at the slightly nervous looking XO a moment as she took the helm, just to make sure. "Allow me, Natsumi-sempai..." offered the junior Taii, as it seemed the obvious choice for her to fly with Yamashiro still in much better fighting shape than she was to lead any charge.

Hashimoto-taii quickly got to familiarizing herself with the controls of the craft, happy that at least it was much more sanitary than before. She made sure to run a pre-flight mental checklist for their safety (trusting the Rixxikor engineers was not a mistake she was willing to make), and seeing that all was serviceable she spooled up the engines and sent the message to the Bisen's computer to begin to open the bay doors for launch when everyone who was leaving was aboard.

"Hai, Hanako-sama. Let's go home," she declared firmly, taking a breath to steady her hands as mended fingers laid in a course to the last coordinates of the Eucharis that Charisma had transmitted to them. Hearing the comment from behind her in Jax's faux Rixx dialect, Umeshu smiled a bit again and hit the throttle to the max the rickety craft could handle, adding in a somewhat similar tone to her lover: "Gunnin' it, boss."
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Captured Shuttle

Tsuguka stared silently at the loading ramp, as if expecting Akiashiro to come running on board at the last minute, held up by some minor technical problem. It didn’t happen. The hatch slowly raised, and the crude air seal hissed into activation, somewhat before the dim interior lights chose to finally ignite themselves. Shuddering acceleration told her everything she needed to know about how the small ramshackle craft handled, without even flying it. The interior was tiny, but given the situation, also felt strangely empty.

Her hand thumbed onto her communicator and briskly sent Taharial a message, a simple “Take care of yourself”. It was difficult to know what to say.

Did she feel scared for their future?... Not really, not anymore… Triumphant, marching once into the breach?... No, that was wrong as well. Maybe it was just because they had no choice. All of her despair and fury had been spent on UX-1 I, now it just felt like they were finally waiting for the predetermined lottery results to come rolling back in. Purgatory.

A sideways glance at the consistently proud siting position of Shosho Hanako. The sworn guardian would follow orders to the end. That was the way of things, simple as. But Tsuguka wished her plan had been considered if for no reason than improving their overall odds. It would have been better to attack from multiple vectors to insure they couldn’t all be killed at once, and there was never a chance to explain to Wazu how she would have considered practically freezing herself to avoid sensors, if that’s what it took.

Eyes struck onto Candon instead now. He had listened to her. Hadn’t even talked since the events within that Bisen lighthouse, or what exactly what was going down with his secret access to the computer network. So much protocol that told her not to trust him. Even loyalties to Umeshu that could be burnt in the future just by interacting with him.


“-You remember heisting those bodies on that Rixxikor ship, right, Heisho?-” A telepathic message, stern and uncompromising as ever. Toyoe Tsuguka's vibrant green eyes did not blink nearly often enough. “-I need that man right now. Nothing has changed. If you have an insane plan, you just lay it on me, understand? Just like I always told you to.-"
Bisen Lighthouse, Floor 6, Shuttle Bay

Two hands clenched into fists as Marcus told Candon off.
'Just one shot, just one.- no that's a bad idea, I can't just kill him.. But maybe a stun round would be okay- no, no, then he'd be useless. No shooting, no shooting...' he kept correcting himself as he quietly took a deep breath.. and released. Another deep breath.. and release. A third deep breath.. and release, fire at bottom of breath between heartbea- 'NO! No sniping! No shooting, no... No!'

"..I'll be on the shuttle." Marcus said as he left, much to Candon's relief.

Bisen Lighthouse, Floor 6, Shuttle Bay

Hanako waited until Marcus was aboard the shuttle and then pulled Candon close and spoke very softly so she was out of Marcus's earshot. "I certainly see your point," Hanako told Candon. "But I have already given my consent to his plan. He has already fought at our side once and is voluntarily doing it again, despite having no obligation to do so. That is something we should respect, even if it may be motivated by his business interests. Making a good impression with the Ketsurui Clan could be very useful in that respect, and nothing impresses like a warrior ally. As usual, we do have a backup plan. If Marcus were to turn against us, we should be able to take him on here or with our remaining soldiers on the Eucharis. It may comfort you to know that Charisma reports to me that she has created some additional crew members on her own." She gave Candon's shoulder a reassuring squeeze and then went to the shuttle.

"Alright," Candon relented with a sigh, "I hope your right about him." He kneeled down and hefted the 55lb tube of napalm over his shoulder. As he took his first step toward the shuttle an idea brought him to a halt. If Hanako was willing to trust a trans-universal traveling salesman who's history couldn't really be proven they must have been truely desperate. If the man wasn't a soldier he wouldn't know how to tactically infiltrate and clear an enemy ship.. but he was quite strong…

Bisen Lighthouse, Floor 6, Shuttle Bay

Candon took a seat across from Tsuguka with the bomb sitting next to him. His eyes were closed as he sat deep in thought, trying to paint a picture of what the OpFor would be defending with but the reality was that he just didn't know what to expect. His thoughts lingered back to his service in the first Mishhuvurthyar War, his Spec Ops team had been buried in their armor as part of an ambush. No way to see, on one to talk to, no way of knowing. Just a timer. They would power up and crawl out of the ground and simultaneously attack the artillery they thought the enemy was going to be set up in the area. They had no idea what to expect when they dug themselves out and here he was doing the same thing all over again in a civilian spacesuit.

Captured Shuttle

Tsuguka stared silently at the loading ramp, as if expecting Akiashiro to come running on board at the last minute, held up by some minor technical problem. It didn’t happen. The hatch slowly raised, and the crude air seal hissed into activation, somewhat before the dim interior lights chose to finally ignite themselves. Shuddering acceleration told her everything she needed to know about how the small ramshackle craft handled, without even flying it. The interior was tiny, but given the situation, also felt strangely empty.

Her hand thumbed onto her communicator and briskly sent Taharial a message, a simple “Take care of yourself”. It was difficult to know what to say.

Did she feel scared for their future?... Not really, not anymore… Triumphant, marching once into the breach?... No, that was wrong as well. Maybe it was just because they had no choice. All of her despair and fury had been spent on UX-1 I, now it just felt like they were finally waiting for the predetermined lottery results to come rolling back in. Purgatory.

A sideways glance at the consistently proud siting position of Shosho Hanako. The sworn guardian would follow orders to the end. That was the way of things, simple as. But Tsuguka wished her plan had been considered if for no reason than improving their overall odds. It would have been better to attack from multiple vectors to insure they couldn’t all be killed at once, and there was never a chance to explain to Wazu how she would have considered practically freezing herself to avoid sensors, if that’s what it took.

Eyes struck onto Candon instead now. He had listened to her. Hadn’t even talked since the events within that Bisen lighthouse, or what exactly what was going down with his secret access to the computer network. So much protocol that told her not to trust him. Even loyalties to Umeshu that could be burnt in the future just by interacting with him.


“-You remember heisting those bodies on that Rixxikor ship, right, Heisho?-” A telepathic message, stern and uncompromising as ever. Toyoe Tsuguka's vibrant green eyes did not blink nearly often enough. “-I need that man right now. Nothing has changed. If you have an insane plan, you just lay it on me, understand? Just like I always told you to.-"

His eyes eased open as he received a telepathic message. After a moment to realize sent it he nodded affirmatively and replied telepathically with a half grin, "I'll let you know."

"Alright," Candon announced the beginning of one of his usual 'how it's gonna be' statements as he stood up. He set the osmiridium cylinder on the shuttle floor by Marcus' feet with a tinny ringing sound.

"Hanako-hime wants to give your plan a chance despite my objection. Thats good for you because now you have a unique opportunity to prove to me that you're trustworthy. In order to light this candle I have to shoot it square in the center with this," he drew his High Hybrid Gun and removed a red-tailed bullet, holding it for him to see, "This is a .45 caliber high explosive round. It is fired from what is arguably the galaxy's most powerful handgun and explodes with the force of just under one megajoule, sometimes a little more," he replaced the bullet in the cylinder and holstered the cannon, "Obviously I cannot throw a heavy object, run for cover, and land a good hit while people are trying to kill me so here's your time to shine. Toss it, kick it, roll it, whatever. When, and if, we go to use it all you have to do is get it into position and take cover at which point I'll shoot it and coat everything in the bullet's direction in flaming goop…"

Candon took a seat across from him, "Just carry, throw, run. Think you can do it?"
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Marcus was focused on what he was going to tell his clone when they got within communications range. "Hey, new me, by the way I'm about to do something extremely stupid that we would never do under any sane circumstances. Wanna help?" Somehow that didn't seem like it would be the best approach. Ultimately, he knew the clone wouldn't hesitate for an instant to offer help. They were, after all, the same person.

Candon's display managed to break him out of his focus, but he still took a moment to respond as he looked around at the others. Marcus wasn't one to hold a grudge. He also wasn't one to be talked down to. "Don't be confused on this issue. If you don't trust me, that's your fault, and your responsibility to deal with. I'm no longer in a position where I have to prove anything. Nevertheless, if using this turns out to be the best strategy for our approach, then yes, I can play the part of delivery boy. If it does what you've described then I'm pretty familiar with it, or at least the same general concept. We call it dragon's spit."

Marcus stood and lifted the large canister, then set it back down. "When the time comes, I can probably get that about twenty five meters away without having to spend extra time winding up for a throw. I realize this should go without saying, but I'm saying it anyway. I'll only deliver this thing with an order from Hanako or Natsumi."
Space, Shuttle

Candon shook his head. The defiance was genuinely amusing considering that it was the trigger man's decision where and more importantly when the bomb was detonated. If the guy had a good sense of self preservation he wouldn't want to have it anywhere near him.

"Look, if you're going to be an ass that's fine. I am too. But if you ever want to see your family again you'll do what I say, I don't talk just to hear myself. Hanako and Natsumi are fine officers but they run a starship. If your going to survive the battle to come you need to listen to someone who lives in the trenches, I run tactics and I've been doing it my entire life. Infiltrating a starship always results in a casualty. I have to get over my distrust of you if I'm going to survive, I'm sure your smart enough to do the same." Candon returned to his seat.
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Bisen Lighthouse

Taharial had said that she would stay behind with some of the people who were too injured to be on the mission, she can check on them and if something attacked the lighthouse they needed someone to protect the crew. She told Hanako that she would stay to protect and will stay in radio contact so the injured know when they get the ship back, she picked up one of the Rixxikor guns when she knew there were no arguments for her staying. She looked liked a child holding a toy gun, she didn't seem to really know how to use the gun but she closed her eyes and breathed slower and when she opened her eyes she looked determined "No one will touch our crew while I am here and breathing."

She watched the able crew get on the shuttle and she nodded to all of them "If any of you get injured the med bay should have what you are looking for." she looked like she was about to cry, she has been on high alert so much and so stressed with everything that she has needed to do and deal with, She looked over at the two humans that had taken the drugs before "I know all that is in that med bay, if any of it is gone and I find out you took it, you will ne detoxed the Taharial way" she gave a little smirk then looked over to Tsuguka "Take care.... all of you." She waved then went over the wounded checking if they needed anything.

Wazu was just sitting in one of the seats, bracing the Rixxikor rifle against the floor. He was out of it in a different way from before, instead of being alert and active he was just sorta... withdrawn. There was no telling if he overheard what Tsuguka said.