Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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OOC Conference Discussion

It feels like the meet and greet is winding down. I don't think I've seen a reply coming from Coast either.

Might not be important. Maybe we should just kick this into higher-gear to retain interest.
Yeah, I'm eager to get down to business - can we get the representatives in the room with Yui?
I'd suggest giving each participants an alert as a heads up, give them a day (tomorrow) to get thier business settled, and then write a post about some PA (public announcement) notice that the conference will soon begin and then just timeskip them to their seats.
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Considering what just went down with the backing out of DATASS by Yamatai through a legal loophole, my Jiyuuian Senator Mochizuki Shiori would like a chance to RP with Premier Yuumi and address if this was a legislative failing conducted on purpose to give Yamatai a back door to make war as it wished. She's highly concerned this is going to also embolden the terrorists and dissidents like the GAO, and threaten her fledgling government in the former UOC region, as well as negatively impact cross-border relations with Lor that she has been trying to cultivate.

It would be pretty easy to justify ICly happening the next day once the news spreads, and since the embassy park is not far from the Imperial palace where the Senate is located, would not be difficult to happen location wise either. Perhaps we can do this when you come back from break @Doshii Jun ?
Winsbury's also throwing his hat in for support of DATASS remaining in effect - no matter how much of a joke he's seen as in the Senate.

Yamatai backing out of a treaty makes them look flighty and confirms the fears of the smaller nations that Yamatai prefers to be unfettered and to have absolute control. Operating with a lack oversight and accountability. Plus, they're backing away from consolidation, trade, and infrastructure, showing that they're not serious about defence or the needs of its civilians.

Also, Nibbi's going to have words with Yuumi about how serious her government is on being a good citizen internationally, because they sure don't look like they're interested.

EDIT: In addition, this is going to ruin the LSDF Val'ta's core plot idea, which you initially approved. I can't believe you're going to throw that under the bus for your own want.
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Wes wanting out of the DATASS is nothing new. It shouldn't come out as a surprise. It might have been more effective to point anything that hinder a plot at the point Wes' desires for his faction were put up in the GM forums. I personally prefered the DATASS to remain active, but I cannot accuse Wes of whimsy.

Not that I don't have my own OoC disagreements.

What I don't like how Wes' legal loophole imprecations makes Yuumi look incompetent after all the hard work @Doshii Jun 's done for him as a fellow Yamatai FM and NTSE mod. A lot of what Yui said wasn't done has been put at the feet of the Yamatai senate when it was actually just proceedings that were glossed over. There would have been senate roleplay if there had been something to do... but the DATASS treaty was implied as handled and taken care of.

Doshii had heavily invested in the DATASS treaty. He was likely informed by Wes how this would go and was likely convinced to gamely go along with it. But framing his efforts ICly as incompetent is what I find unacceptable out of this situation. I find it thankless and callous and disgusting to see this being Doshii's reward for him getting involved and participative in Yamatai and SARP as a whole.

When I raised the point in chat, Wes just seemed content that he'd made up his excuse based on that, and to the devil what other repercussions this might have. I will not make more drama over this because I get that this is a done deal, but I will neither be quiet and pretend that this wasn't wrong. It was seriously not "awesome", Wes.

On the bright side, at least for you @Luca there might be a silver lining.
Yui paused for a moment to let the others absorb this revelation and then added. "With this in mind, the Yamatai Star Empire would like to maintain relations by way of replacement treaties as soon as possible. However any new treaty we make cannot limit the Star Army of Yamatai's ability to go to war against forces like the Kuvexians and Rixxikor. Under DATASS any war Yamatai fought would have dragged Nepleslia and Lor into it too, which we don't think is a good thing. As commander of the Star Army, I need to be able to...'do my thing' as Nepleslians say."
It's not like Yui isn't open to creating something that might be an equivalent. Something equivalent can probably be set up to maintain your core plot idea.
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I'm totally down for new cooperative treaties. Preferably with names that don't make me laugh when I read things like "Yamatai is pulling out of DATASS." I'm going to check the acronym this time! An officer exchange program would be a good component of a new military treaty.
I'm not sure how this harms Doshii, Fred. Kicking DATASS to the curb actually sets him up for some great RP opportunities because now Yuumi gets to start making new treaties with all new negotiations. Basically it gives her a chance to do her thing too.
That said, it'd be nice for Yui to read her nation's constitution.
The constitution says that the power to declare war is invested in her hands. A treaty that puts that power in the hands of other nations is unconstitutional.
Not to mention, it's not like anybody can do anything. I mean, the Val'ta is out in the middle of nowhere, right? What's Yamatai gonna do, go find it just to get the catgirls back? I wouldn't be easy.

My personal goal for this IRC is that we can set up expatriation and immigration clauses to protect those Neko who left the Empire's borders during the open borders and internal peace created by the treaty. In the galaxy they couldn't travel too freely (banned in Nepleslia, stigmatized in so many other places) and if they did in many cases they were considered criminal even back home. Stealing Star Army equipment and all that. Now we can give them foreign citizenship or extended stay visas-- we can give them the chance to be more than just soldiers of the empire. Soldiers can retire and travel the galaxy, or go to other nations and bathe in the culture.

They got rights not too long ago. In a world where your sisters bounce around in short skirts and blow raspberries as you pass, what's there to do for the young oddball Neko who wants to at least once just try a cigarette or slip into a business suit? What about one who wants to be a man but doesn't feel like she'll fit in anymore? Does one want to understand Freespacers? Abhwerans? How many of these girls are Neplaboos? Happiness and fulfillment awaits, without full-scale military obligations!

PS: Also, even though Yui is a princess and when you're a princess you just get what you want, let me ask a little question here: If the Yamataian military handles all of the Empire's military affairs, why does the senate have to ratify the military treaties?
@Wes just to be clear, I don't mind the DATASS treaty being taken down. I was mentally prepared, and Iknew you wanted it to happen. What I contest is that by blaming Yamatai's senate for not ratifying the treaty (something I think we all felt was already done/glossed over in RP that didn't need to happen because we surely make more senate appearance than is implied by the roleplay we actually do) makes the Yamataian senate look incompetent, and makes the person leading the senate - Yuumi - look incompetent too.

Additionally, the senate of Yamatai has failed to ratify the treaty as required by section 6, and and therefore cannot be considered a signatory.

So, what I critique is the method. You used your own faction's senate's OoC inaction as an excuse. While I personally find it cheap for Yamatai to conveniently hide behind bureaucratic technicalities, as a senate participant I don't mind being thrown under a bus because my involvement is minor. But Doshii's isn't. I really wish you could have found another excuse because I don't find this one to be very mindful of Doshii's past effort.

Like I said, I'm not going to keep ranting about this. Doshii's amenable attitude is disarming that. Which I feel is exceedingly classy of him. I hope you notice that.

@Lamb it always sounds wierd to me to see Yui called a Ketsurui Princess. "Princess", to me, is a much weaker term for female members born or adopted by the Ketsurui clan (and not one popular with all, since a signifiant number seem to prefer the rank of their military position over the prestige that their almost-dynastic clan has). Kotori always kind of refered to Yui as her "Clan Mistress". Yui was Empress, though we can't call her that. Former-Empress would be tacky.

I can't call Yui "Queen", and yet "Princess" feels woefully inadequate. ^_^;
I just feel like those of us outside the Empire would call any KET surui a princess except for the empress comma so as not to get into too heavy of a complicated system of titles. She is the former empress comma and the oldest living member of the clan comma but to me this is stuff that isn't the big picture-- she's NOT the empress and nobody is going to colloquially say "Clan Mistress Yui", it's a damn mouthful.

Besides who doesn't want to be a princess