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Approved Submission [SCU] Sesestran Colonial Union - Faction Cover Page


DEFCON Everybody Dies
Submission Type: Factional Cover Page
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=sesestran_colonial_union:sesestran_colonial_union

Faction: Sesestran Colonial Union
FM Approved Yet? - Yes
Faction requires art? - Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? - Yes
Contains New art? - Yes
Previously Submitted? - Yes, and was approved, was pulled down for edits and put back up but life got in the way and it got prune/rejected. The faction is still effectively canon I'm just putting the cover page back up, any further additions will revolve around other projects and the edits to this page will be noted in their submissions, mostly a paragraph of recent history.

Notes: Theres a few unapproved and work in progress articles linked and a few that redirect back to the page, overall this is the index for the faction so thats to be expected.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
My main concern is this will radically alter the population in the whole RP - The Sesestrans are listed as having population numbers that are much greater than any of the existing factions. Also you are starting them with a whole bunch of star systems but you're just one player.
My main concern is this will radically alter the population in the whole RP - The Sesestrans are listed as having population numbers that are much greater than any of the existing factions. Also you are starting them with a whole bunch of star systems but you're just one player.
It honestly already has altered the population in the whole RP considering three of those four star systems have been approved, but in all honesty population counts seemed to have little baring on how powerful or how developed a faction is in Star Army RP. Case in point would be your own faction @Wes, of the big three factions you have the smallest population by tens of billions yet you control the most territory by a massive amount and have a disproportionately large military for the size of your population. But you also have to ask yourself how that came about because remember the Sesestrans are a standard human faction with all that implies including a 'normal' population growth as such I don't think it should be compared to the likes of your Yamatai, Nepleslia, or even Lor due to the factors of how those factions came about and their histories.

A good starting example would be how only just recently Nepleslia had a horrible imbalance in its gender ratio and most of its population replacement was carried about by cloning. Arguably thats the theme of the faction and another part of what makes them interesting but a normal population model it does not back. In any event they still manage to have a larger population then Yamatai. However that is also simply due to the fact Yamatai lacks a normal population model as well. Hell over half of your population by your words are manufactured gynoids and most of the rest aren't human either (human 'plus' but they don't have normal processes associated with the human body so in my book they're more homo-superior then homo sapian), lets not even get started on the resulting gender imbalance that would cause. Out of the big three the lorath are the only ones with a normal'ish population curve and they aren't even human what does that tell you for whats 'normal' on sarp when it comes to population?

Now the reason the Sesestrans have such a large population as I've stated in each system submission so far is simply because thats how it would actually occur, given their limited space they would continue to develop and spread to all celestial bodies making maximum use of what they had thus star systems in which every celestial body has a large amount of population and development. Now in the future I plan to have them engage in the interesting corporate activity of colonization by proxy simply because they have large portions of the population living comfortably but cramped in acrologies in non-terran hospitable situations (IE on mars or mercury like planets), thus they have a large pool of willing and skilled personnel to settle worlds and develop them either for the Sesestran Colonial Union, its client states, or as part of some agreement. Literally that population is intended to be an export on top of a realistic model.

Now the question of the number of star systems they control was already answered as well, they're an NPC faction thus I'm not tied to the player count issues and the military build up limitation (yet). They will have a military as large as roleplay with them determines they need. In addition those star systems aren't some willy nilly paragraph worth of information and a pile of low grade planetary data, I've actually sunk some work into them and they're honestly more detailed and useful then 90 percent or so of those on Star Army as far as detail and chances for roleplay. The real question is why does Yamatai have so many star systems yet so little work done to them or for them? Honestly this whole stink over that count is directly tied to the military build up limitation which directly translates to military power instead of setting elements which is all star systems should ever be considered for.

Now I apologize for crappy grammar and a few run ons but I'd like this answered in the next day or two, otherwise I'll think the matter closed. ('Do we have enough anthros?' isn't an issue of greater import in my opinion.)
Faction to faction or plot to faction interaction, you could also have Sesestran origin characters coming about as I work on them. Theres also the fact they're more business minded then anything else so trade can be a very big thing, I'm hoping in the near future to setup some standardized routes running through them up to the Neshies after the first contacts and formal bits are done.
So it's a faction that just sits there. It does nothing unless interacted with, except perhaps producing baseline humans that already can be found elsewhere.

That's inadequate at best, and certainly doesn't justify its existence as a NPC faction, let alone as a race that can be used for PCs.
So it's a faction that just sits there. It does nothing unless interacted with, except perhaps producing baseline humans that already can be found elsewhere.

That's inadequate at best, and certainly doesn't justify its existence as a NPC faction, let alone as a race that can be used for PCs.
Ok lets go back to the beginning and clarify whats actually up for review and the faction itself isn't it was approved the first time this page was submitted along with several sub-articles. Whats happening right now with the addition of two star systems to their canon (one of which is approved and the other is well on its way toward submission) and several modifications to the articles template is the resubmission of the faction cover page. This entire process is a formality due to it being modified and having to be resubmitted. Since most of the content the page is indexing is approved do you find anything wrong with the page layout and or the grammar?

Again the faction itself is already effectively canon, you approved it, you approved three of the star systems, and recently several weapon systems. So effectively is there anything wrong with this page?
The question of the history has arisen where it says the SCU expanded into the creepy passage near YSE/UOC in YE 33 (2011) but it doesn't make sense they could have been there without being noticed by all the NMX/YSE activity that was around there at the time (Dietrich's Expedition, Task Force Torch, YSS Eucharis, NSS Acadia and the evacuation of the UOC in general).

It it my suggestion that we change it to at least YE 35 to avoid a timeline conflict. Even that would be really generous considering it seems impossible that they'd go for 3 years without being noticed by Star Army patrols.
But double post I suppose, you say it conflicts with history and timeline when I examined and talked to you indepth about the idea that is the Sesestran Colonial Union and that whole area of space involving the nebula that is wrapped around the creepy passage. You have had numerous times over almost two years to bring this up after reading and approving their existing timeline twice! I'm not going to budge, especially after everything thats been said and done in the last few days specifically one line from you over the IRC that makes this entire episode feel like a petty act of low handed revenge while using your site powers.

I'd correct this if it wasn't for the fact that one the nebula and the creepy passage itself has no wiki article and again the fact you've seen it numerous times and only decided to do this after recent events.
The Sesestran timeline page isn't approved: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=sesestran_colonial_union:sesestran_timeline

The way this site works is I'm the setting manager, whose job is manage the setting as a whole, which includes determining what is and isn't canon. Attempting to boss me around and tell me what is and isn't canon isn't going to work. I'm the GM of the Star Army RP. If you're not willing to work with me and make some compromises, your projects simply aren't going to go anywhere.

You can't show me RP that establishes the SCU was around in 2011, because those posts don't exist. I've been trying to offer you a way to say that your SCU guys got out of Danu Pocket before the present year by suggesting YE 35. If you're not going to take it, I'm just going to approve a version of this article that says they emerged in YE 38 in the present day. I don't have to let you touch the past years of the SARP at all.

So what's it going to be?
The version of the article that says YE 38 is approved as canon.

Any changes to the year will be a violation of the site rules.

Edit: Well that didn't take long.
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