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RP Ayenee Crossover

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The Ayenee universe is a vast, enigmatic expanse of creation. It is home to countless species of interstellar beings, mystical creatures, ancient cultures and technological marvels. These drastically different societies manage a strange balance of existence within the confines of Ayenee. It is here that the empress
Ketsurui Yui and Heram James Wazu found themselves providing assistance to foreigners. It was here that Marcus Rodia originated. And, it was here that, apparently, still more excitement awaited some of the citizens of Yamatai and its neighbors.
(OOC - Continued from YSS Eucharis - Post Mission 25 - Recovery on Yamatai)

Ayenee Prime - Space

After proceeding from the secret arrival point of the Ayame-class cruiser YSS Listener (YC-31) , the Hayai-class Stealth Gunboat YSS Pliable space-folded into the vicinity of Ayenee Prime and deployed an ambulance shuttle that headed towards the planet.

Shuttle Interior

"Approaching planet. Activating shields, PSC, and anti-magic field," Bryn said aloud. She turned back to Marcus. "Where to?"she asked. "Also, be aware I'm not allowed to stay for more than a few minutes on the planet, I can only pick up and drop off. So once you get there, you will be on your own."
Shuttle Interior

During the trip, Marcus explained to Bryn why there were now two of him. Of course, he left out the parts that involved the Eucharis being stolen. Still, it was no secret that the ship had been under heavy fire, and he was planning on making a clone for the business, anyway. So, it wasn't unreasonable that he'd been created early to help with the emergency.

Once they crossed over into the familiar universe, Marcus let Bryn do the talking until he needed to. Had it not been for the dying man they were escorting, Marcus would have been amused at the precautions being taken. He knew, full well, that if someone wanted to shoot them out of the sky, none of those protective measures would do any amount of good. Thankfully, they were now on his turf. The pouch containing the small control panel was still on him. He flicked a switch on it and sent a transmission.

"Equilibrium, transmission code 5A729. VP fitness on a return trip. We have an ambulatory patient code M3. En route to base planet now." Marcus looked over at Candon and translated, being quite certain the codes would make him suspicious. "I gave them my authorization code and told them what type of treatment the other Marcus will need."

A few seconds later, the speaker came to life as a woman on the other end answered back.

"Copy, Mr. Rodia. Proceed to Port Silver, dock 52B. Medical escort will meet you when you arrive. Welcome home, sir."

Marcus visibly cringed at the last phrase before responding back, again. "Thank you, Sabrina. Please contact the deli and inform Katarina of our arrival. Also, tell the Galacom reps I'll be meeting with them in the morning."

"Anything else, sir?"

"No. Thank you."

"You're welcome, sir. See you when you get here."

Marcus slid up to the front of the shuttle to speak more easily with Bryn, looking at the control panel for the exact location. "Latitude and Longitude are north 41 degrees 10 feet, west 112 degrees 35 feet. Same city where you picked me up but a little to the west is a large space port. Dock 52B. And don't worry about having to pick us up. I have to make sure treatment gets started on him, and there are several people who will need to know happened. Then, there's the process of resupplying, and I'm sure these guys are going to want to see at least something out of their normal experience while we're here. We'll probably be a couple days. I can arrange transport back." He didn't bother telling her that when he said "transport" back, he meant it. Either way, they'd get back.
Outskirts of Ayenee Capital City
Public Spaceport

The small white ambulance shuttle, with the Star Army Medical red diamond emblazoned on it and red strobe lights flashing on its sides, came to rest in a large gray docking area labeled "52B" in scratched yellow paint. This was one of the capital city's larger public spaceports, a sprawling center of technology surrounded by a warren of medieval-looking stone buildings, traditional taverns and towers, and the occasional corporate office building. A sign said it had been built by the Qel'noran Industrial Sector.

"Right," Bryn said, squinting her eyes a little uncertainly. "Well, you call the YSS Pliable when you need your ride home." She went to the rear door and opened it up to reveal the starport and the cityscape. "See you in a few days. Watch out for the vampires," she warned. She wasn't joking.

Wazu calmly exited the shuttle and took a deep breath,

Then a long exhale,

A slight grin coming to his face as he looked around his old stomping grounds. The entire place seemed bright-er, free-er, it lacked the subtle desire to conform of Yamatai. Even looking out from the Starport Wazu could see rebellion in all forms. Those that resisted building codes, reason, common sense, civil rights, control... it was a glorious mess, like watching a fire burning down a forest. The display inviting one to stay and at the same time suggesting they run for the hills.

Certainly a nice change of pace.

"I have not been here in a while. I hardly recognize the place..."

He would set his duffel bag down for a moment, grabbing a datapad out of it and syncing it up to the DPP so that they could have Marcus Prime follow along behind them.

"I suppose we need to get Marcus Prime back first though... I would like to hear from him that he will be OK before we get dragged into some ACC firefight."


"We have to stop by the markets too.... maybe go to one of the magical districts!"
Port Silver, Dock 52B

True to their word, shortly after they arrived, and as if on cue from Wazu, the medical escort arrived at the docking bay. A pair of stoic-looking men clothed in identical scrubs and pushing what looked like a modified iron lung, approached the group exiting the shuttle quickly. They nodded to Marcus, then took one look at their patient, and gave him a brief questioning look. The older of the two spoke up. "That explains a lot. Are you the clone?"

Marcus nodded.

The men sighed and set the controls on the machine. "M3? Are you sure?"

Marcus shrugged. "Possibly 4. 5 isn't far from coming. I suggest Anon."

Both men looked uncomfortable. The older one spoke up, again. "That's gonna be tricky. None of the Omniclad have been easy to reach lately. Something about the town of L'Jess and a visitor from the Myst Realm."

Marcus shrugged. "Doriaon, most likely. He's the only one from the Myst realm who ever gets the title 'visitor'. You get that message to someone in the Angelus family. Tell them who it is that needs their help and I guarantee they'll be here."

"You'd know better than us. But, we can't do it here. If one of the Omniclad does show up it can't be in the middle of the Interplanetary District."

He nodded. "Agreed. Take him down to street level. We'll be right behind you."

The two men nodded to Marcus, then carefully lifted their patient off the DPP and sat him on a small stool inside the machine they'd brought along. It was quickly sealed and a set of lights glowed on the display panel. "Stasis chamber active. He's safe to transport."

As the two men left, Marcus turned to Candon. "You're about to witness something pretty amazing, but entirely foreign to you. Energy manipulation and magic usage in this universe is very common, and highly potent. As much as you may or may not believe me, the creature who will be coming to help my predecessor is the best first magic user for someone to meet. He's massively powerful, and immensely dangerous...and he literally wouldn't hurt the smallest of insects."
The armor clad soldier stepped off the ramp with all the stature of a tiger. His rifle had traded places with his SMG, a minor decision that would make a massive difference to the city's infrastructure should they be attacked. His immediate impression of Ayenee would be fair had he not been plagued with OCD. It was obviously functional but the surroundings just seemed unevenly built, as if none of it were planned. Organized chaos was the word and it was about the only thing he could focus on as Wazu commented on the magical districts.

Port Silver, Dock 52B
As the two men left, Marcus turned to Candon. "You're about to witness something pretty amazing, but entirely foreign to you. Energy manipulation and magic usage in this universe is very common, and highly potent. As much as you may or may not believe me, the creature who will be coming to help my predecessor is the best first magic user for someone to meet. He's massively powerful, and immensely dangerous...and he literally wouldn't hurt the smallest of insects."

Candon shrugged. "If he's docile so am I," his voice flowed through the helmet's speaker, "I'll turn my PSC field down to cover just my armor so the man can work. Let me know if you need something from me."

Wazu watched as Marcus Prime was taken away, "I did get him into this... so please let me know what I can do to help."

He then overheard Candon talking about the PSC

"I'll turn my PSC field down to cover just my armor so the man can work. Let me know if you need something from me."

"You should leave it on. These Ayenee types love a challenge... We also have to get you a sword... maybe have someone throw a True Strike Aura on your SMG...."

Wazu then looked over at Marcus,

"My Apologies... Lets take care of your business first. I take it you are not expecting a fight any more so than normal? And is formal attire going to be expected for meeting your predecessor? I could dust off the old robe and wizard hat."
Port Silver, Dock 52B

Marcus waved goodbye to Bryn and headed toward the tower at the center of the spaceport, leading the other two men to a power lift that was a bit closer than the one the medical escorts used to take the stasis chamber down. On the way, they passed a wide enough diversity of people to make it look like they were in the middle of a comic convention. When they entered, Marcus responded to Wazu, with a chuckle at first.

"It really has been a long time since you've been here, hasn't it?" He shrugged. "Not a lot changes, in the grand scheme of things. Ayenee is very much the same as it always is. I've studied other universes. Now that I've been to one, I can see how there's a fascination with Ayenee. Most places don't have the kind of diversity Ayenee does. There are worlds exactly opposite to ours," Marcus didn't even notice that he referred to the universe where they'd just come as his own. "where technology is minimal and magic abounds. And others where different aspects are dominant and the others either don't exist at all, or are nearly to that point. But here, there is no favored group. Science, religion, magic, traditional and modern all exist together. I can't explain it, but it works for them."

He took a breath and continued. "I don't plan on any formal meetings while we're here. Wear whatever you like. This is Ayenee Capitol City. Candon can wear that power armor the whole time, if he likes, and it's not like you'll be looked at like you actually are from another universe. He just looks like he's applying for a position with the Mecha Squadron. Not that unusual. Even if anyone thought you were, there are any number of interplanar visitors here at any given time."

The lift reached the ground floor and the doors opened to reveal an immensely different sight then what had been visible from the docks. Here you couldn't see the various different layers of Ayenee Capitol City. There wasn't even much sign of the supremely technologically advanced world that had existed around the elevated platform from where they'd just come. Here, on the ground, it looked simply like the middle of a major metropolis with minor technological advancement. Down the sidewalk from where their lift let out, the medical escort stood in a relatively open area, at the intersection of two small streets that ran between buildings. Marcus pointed to the men, and headed their direction.
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"It has been YEARS since I last saw this place."

Wazu would follow Marcus towards the medical escort, staying about a step behind while drinking in the surroundings.

"Last time I dropped by Q-I-S was in the middle of getting established here... looks like they backed off in recent years. Ayenee's a great place to exploit crazy phenomenon but after the SAoY backed off from its interdimentional travel, the Qel'Norans had less to fear from extra-dimentional interventions. Of course, you said the Guild is still around... and I bet the Red Dragon Inn is still a thing... but just about everything looks different from how it used to be.

It is like you can not go down the same street twice with how fast things change around here."

Years ago the Qel'norans had invested heavily in infrastructure in a bid to crowd out their rivals in the area. Their signs and buildings still stood, their power plants still fed much of the city that used electricity, but they had largely retreated from the public space. Their signs were older, more covered in dirt. Their buildings lacking the hustle and bustle of daily use.
Candon just grumbled. Swords, enchantments, he didn't care. His swords were composed of pure aether and his shots rarely missed their mark. Then there's the question of whether any of that stuff would work in his home universe. The Magic sure didn't… but the hardware might be promising. " let's just get this over with, I promised to see Marcus Prime home safely.
Magic District ???

There was a sharp pop as someone abruptly slipped into this version of existence. The willowy man appeared in the middle of a graceless swan dive toward the ground. When he hit it a large trunk appeared a few seconds after him. but instead of crushing his slight body it hovered slightly above them before sliding just in front of the stranger's nose "I said stop you infernal, parasite riddled , hell bird When I get my hands on you I'll feed you to..." Volodymyr pushed himself upright and looked around. He glanced behind him intent on berating it further but, the bird had vanished. Where the pitris should have been and instead of thick jungle were row upon row of peculiar shops and even stranger collections of people.

"Oh... Well this is highly irregular." Joints aching, Volodya pushed himself up to his feet and brushed the dust from his pants and his intricately embroidered shirt. His gloved hands were also quick to reach up and straighten the wide floppy hat. Several tiered layers of thin lace hanging from the brim obscured his features and left him comfortably shaded.

He stomped after his trunk catching it before it hovered away from him. He set one of his feet down on the top and tugged a map free from his belt. "This is all nonsense." He reached back towards the bit of air from which he had just fallen half expecting to grab hold of a tree or a vine and break the illusion he was immersed in but he had no such luck. Twisting the ring on his finger nervously he looked about again. perhaps he had fallen through some sort of portal and the rest of his company now believes him to be dead or missing. Thank the shades that the bird failed to come through as well if that was the case.

So long as he was stuck here, he decided he would make the best of this expected change in environment. At first glance this place afforded many opportunities for discovering new life and perhaps even new magic. He could only hope he had brought enough parchment to write it all down with.
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ACC (Ayenee Capitol City) Commons

Marcus' positive personality had returned full force since they'd made contact with the medical escort team. He knew, without a question, that the man who had been the source of his genetic information would be taken care of once he was back home. That being the case, he was able to be more light-hearted than when they'd landed the Eucharis.

"Oh come on now, Candon. You have to be able to enjoy yourself at some point. Besides, we're on the way to ensure he gets the treatment he needs. There's nothing here you need to worry about. It's just different from Yamatai."

When they reached the medical escort team, they immediately update him on the situation. "Contact has been made with the Omniclad, Mr. Rodia. They're sending the requested representative."

"Excellent." Marcus turned to Candon. "This should impress even you."

When Volodya's entrance created the sharp popping sound, Marcus' brow furled for a second. That wasn't the sound created by Omniclad energy manipulation. Had there been some confusion in his request? It only took a moment for Marcus to look around and see the person who had caused the disruption for him to realize it wasn't anyone from the Omniclad, at all. Rather, it was yet another random twist of the waylines bringing yet another visitor into the realm of Ayenee. Marcus raised his hand and spoke loudly. "Hail, stranger. I'd advise standing back for a moment. We're about to have..."

That was all he could manage before everyone gathered would be able to hear a sound remarkably similar to a ringing in their ears, though it was obviously not an internal effect. What can only be defined as a crack composed of light appeared in the air directly in front of the group. Smooth tendrils of light slipped through the crack and pulled it apart, seemingly with great caution. Within moments, the crack separated enough for a young man, dressed in gold and white who glowed bright enough to rival the sunlight currently hitting the planet's surface, to step through onto this plane. Immediately, the crack closed, leaving no trace that it had ever been there. The young man looked around at all those gathered, and smiled. Everything about him was peaceful, calm and disarming. The fiercest of warriors, in the midst of a rage, often found it difficult to remain angry when this creature arrived on the scene.

Marcus smiled in return, and held out his hand while speaking to the others. "Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to Anon Angelus, the soul redeemer, heir to the SevenStars, grandson of Queen Angelus, head of the Omniclad. It's good to see you again, Anon."
ACC (Ayenee Capitol City) Commons

Wazu would have to hold up his hand for a moment, blocking out enough light so that his eyes didn't burn out.

There was a slight twinge of regret that he didn't have any anti-magic trinkets with him. This was supposed to be a cake walk... but even so he was beginning to feel unprepared. Perhaps those years on Ether did end up damaging his adventurer's instincts.

While Marcus and Angelus had a chat, Wazu would slowly over his eyes, and then uncover them repeatedly. Trying to determine if that disarming feeling was a magical aura put out by Angelus, or if he actually just looked really harmless.
ACC (Ayenee Capitol City) Commons

"Oh come on now, Candon. You have to be able to enjoy yourself at some point. Besides, we're on the way to ensure he gets the treatment he needs. There's nothing here you need to worry about. It's just different from Yamatai."

When they reached the medical escort team, they immediately update him on the situation. "Contact has been made with the Omniclad, Mr. Rodia. They're sending the requested representative."

"Excellent." Marcus turned to Candon. "This should impress even you."

"I've been a lot of weird stuff, Marcus. I'll wager a thousand Kikyou Satsu that you won't be able to impress me," Candon replied flatly.

Candon just stared as the random human face planted through a portal of some type. "Umm.. Yeah, I hate to break this to you Marcus but we've been teleporting for a long time now. It's not really impressive anymore, especially when you crash in the process-"

ACC (Ayenee Capitol City) Commons

When Volodya's entrance created the sharp popping sound, Marcus' brow furled for a second. That wasn't the sound created by Omniclad energy manipulation. Had there been some confusion in his request? It only took a moment for Marcus to look around and see the person who had caused the disruption for him to realize it wasn't anyone from the Omniclad, at all. Rather, it was yet another random twist of the waylines bringing yet another visitor into the realm of Ayenee. Marcus raised his hand and spoke loudly. "Hail, stranger. I'd advise standing back for a moment. We're about to have..."

That was all he could manage before everyone gathered would be able to hear a sound remarkably similar to a ringing in their ears, though it was obviously not an internal effect. What can only be defined as a crack composed of light appeared in the air directly in front of the group. Smooth tendrils of light slipped through the crack and pulled it apart, seemingly with great caution. Within moments, the crack separated enough for a young man, dressed in gold and white who glowed bright enough to rival the sunlight currently hitting the planet's surface, to step through onto this plane. Immediately, the crack closed, leaving no trace that it had ever been there.

"Hmm, that actually was pretty cool," Candon thought to himself. Then again, he had always been one for theatrics. Many a time he would use his teleporter and holographic projection system to make himself appear and disappear with stunning realism. In fact that was exactly the way he was able to teleport into the reactor control room without drawing too much attention from the defense forces.

"That's pretty cool but I've also done that too," he said waving to Anon.
ACC Commons

Marcus chuckled at Candon's wager. It wasn't Anon's entrance that he'd been referring to when he said he thought Candon would be impressed. The real show was yet to come.

"It's good to see you, as well, Marcus. Although," The angel raised an eyebrow for a moment as he looked at Marcus. "I can't, very well, say 'again' can I? You're not the Marcus I know." His eyes shifted to the stasis chamber. "Ah. I see. Cross-dimensional travel hasn't looked favorably on him." Anon grabbed at the empty air next to him, as if he was holding onto a pole. The moment his grip closed, a shimmering staff appeared. "Alright then. Please bring the chamber here. I prefer healing people when I don't have to work around barriers to do so." With that comment, Anon gave Candon a kind, but knowing glance. He then looked over to Volodya and motioned for him to come closer.

"You have the feel of magical manipulation. I imagine you'll be interested in what I'm about to do." Anon would wait a moment for Volodya to decide what he was going to do, and then nod to the medical escort team. "Please open the chamber."
ACC Commons

Volodymyr inhaled sharply and looked up at the strangely dressed group of people standing in front of him.

"Hel--" He barely had time to register just how otherworldly these people were because one of them was warning him to step back. He had lifted his eyebrows in confusion, and pushed his trunk back slightly but it wasn't enough to be half blinded by the intense light that emitted from a split in reality itself. He visibly recoiled and sat down on the lid of his luggage. He pushed the hovering seat backwards until it bumped against a nearby wall. he blinked his eyes underneath his veils several times to recover. Just being near this ethereal being was enough to give him a headache. He made a mental note to not look directly at this Anon fellow. Taking further initiative he pulled his hat lower onto his head.

Volodya counted backwards in his head, slowly composing himself before climbing to his feet again. When the illuminated man beckoned him to come closer, he smiled weakly and approached slowly. As he neared the group the pungent smell of cloves became more apparent. "I imagine I would be very interested in seeing your healing methods." He favored the study of body systems and healing, but his own knowledge was archaic and reliant on unsanctioned autopsies and alchemic experimentation.

So many questions about where he was and who these people were, were swimming in his mind, but he forced himself to remain silent. He might miss something extraordinary, if he wasted time asking asinine questions. Waiting expectantly his pale eyes focused on the strange capsule that held a seemingly dead body. Something in his gut told him that the occupant wasn't really dead.
ACC Commons

"So... Candon... what are you hoping to do here anyways?" Wazu casually inquired as they watched the light show going on between Marcus and his friend.

"I expected the Marcus Prime hand off to be handled by Marcus... I did not think you would jump to joining so quickly. Looking to get some more information for SAINT? Professional curiosity?"
ACC Commons

Wazu's question had unintentionally scratched a sensitive subject. "For Hanako-hime I'm here to ensure that a person whom she has deemed trustworthy and important receives the medical attention he needs, for SAINT I'm here to confirm Marcus' story and validate his credibility, For the Empire I'm here to serve as a representative to ensure our national security and diplomatic relations, and for myself.." He paused, unable to find a good reason besides the truth, "Why not? I have nothing else going for me. This is a much more efficient use of my time."
ACC Commons

Wazu mulled over his response for a moment. There was subtext to Candon's comments, and only some of it felt appropriate to respond to.

"Nothing else going for you? What of your relationship with Tugs?"
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