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Approved Submission [Chelti] Peanut Scout Aerodrone


Lover of Purple
Inactive Member

Submission Type: Small scout drone
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=chelti:armory:drone:peanut_aerodrone

Faction: Chelti
FM Approved Yet? Yes. Now, now.
Faction requires art? No.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No.
Contains New art? Yes, modification of generic art.
Previously Submitted? No.

Notes: Carried by infantry and some vehicles, these little drones provide an eye in the sky for chelti forces. The name also lets me name swarms of them as the "Peanut Gallery".
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Wiki articles need to link to other articles. This is one of the basic items on the review checklist.

Please fix this.
You're talking about it linking to common equipment pages for the Chelti? So far, Jimmy's not got all of his stuff coalesced into such common pages.

I also don't see that requirement on the submission rules that "wiki articles need to link to other articles". Am I missing it? Do we need to update/amend them?
This is what I'm referring to:


Also, no wiki article should ever be a "dead end" with no links to anything else.

Additionally, I noticed there's no year of manufacture listed.
More links added, per request. The Peanut itself is part of the Gen 1 kit, it's been around since before chelti even went into space. Added a date to the opening paragraph.

The Weapons Template has no year of manufacture on its point list: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=guide:weapons_template

A link the current approved items in the chelti armory, for your reading enjoyment and sanity enrichment: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=chelti:armory

Also, Doshii has to read these on a very small phone screen during his lunch break. At least it's a short article.