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Approved Submission New Bernese


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Planet
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=planet:new_bernese

Faction: Nepleslia
FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? No (? Not sure on this, but if so it has a map of the planetside stuff?)

Notes: It's not done and has been getting worked on for a while. @Gunhand4171 , @Wes (admittedly, we've clarified these Reds are an off-branch/non-affiliated with the current Reds group?) are some required tags for input as much as for reviewers. I'd appreciate input on this that actually has suggestions alongside it, though. Posting a "no, this won't work" but not providing ideas would just more or less stall the plot that this planet is going to be used for.

It should be noted that there is information on the world that will be approved post-approval via this board/faction managers. This is mostly, however, irrelevant information in the long-scope of the planet and will be mostly comprised of events that occur on the planet.

That said, looking forward to what people think. And before anyone jumps to the conclusion that this is a world of Reds? It's not. Reds are a minority in comparison to "Greens"/Loyalist Nepleslians. The location of the world is potentially going to be near the Freespacer territory acquired (based on talks with @Primitive Polygon), which has basically allowed the events to culminate without IPG/heavy intervention prior.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
If this planet is in Nepleslian space, it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense that it's been colonized since YE 30 (IRL 2007-2008) and no one noticed it or interacted it with it in any way. Basically I'm trying to express is that what you're doing is asking for a retcon on the number of planets and star systems Nepleslia possessed during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War, etc. You're asking for me to say the colonization of new Bernese etc happened when our collective canon right now is that it didn't.

Is there some better way we can proceed? Instead of adding a new star system, is there some way we can take the history you wrote and apply it to some underdeveloped, but already existing, Nepleslian star system?
If this planet is in Nepleslian space, it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense that it's been colonized since YE 30 (IRL 2007-2008) and no one noticed it or interacted it with it in any way. Basically I'm trying to express is that what you're doing is asking for a retcon on the number of planets and star systems Nepleslia possessed during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War, etc. You're asking for me to say the colonization of new Bernese etc happened when our collective canon right now is that it didn't.

Is there some better way we can proceed? Instead of adding a new star system, is there some way we can take the history you wrote and apply it to some underdeveloped, but already existing, Nepleslian star system?
While I'm open to suggestions on what planet would possibly work with New Bernese, I'm going to quickly point out that in space where there is tons of distance between some systems in various parts of space... I don't really understand how a colony can't be included that was founded prior the current timeline. By this, I mean that... with how big Nepleslia space is, why wouldn't they have planets that got colonized/have things going on there that the overall plots haven't been to? A planet existing in a setting without being visited (or even shown) happens all the time. Like... it seems like that's overall not a good way to diss-out a colony.

However, before that opinion on the matter that it really shouldn't matter of when it was founded, I've already made it clear: if there is a world that could be modified/given this current setting in the CURRENT line-up, then I'm all game. But as far as I know, there really isn't.

Edit: I figured I'd clarify why this strikes me as odd. Look at Star Trek and Star Wars for examples: tons of planets are mentioned or exist in them (not just due to them existing but as unspoken pillars) without ever appearing. Jumping through systems, the Enterprise could come across space in their territory that no one else ever ventured to in terms of the military, so it went unnoticed. Why wouldn't New Bernese be capable of having existed, but been peaceful/standard enough that it just... wasn't a hotbed/conflict/plot-point until recently?
After some looking around and discussing, Legix and I have come decided that it would make sense to put New Bernese in the currently-underdeveloped Freemud system. If Gunhand is alright with that, then I have no further objections.