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Approved Submission Necrosis Class Multirole Fighter

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
This article needs some proofreading. Please review it for spelling and grammar (periods especially).

Right now, there are no mentions of hull material or barrier systems. It mentions no operating system. This fighter needs to be described as "unarmored" if the lack of mentions countering that description are to remain.

It also does not, at this point, even begin to justify how it is possible that the Vekimen went from having no viable spacy navy to having a single, deeply obsolete vessel in the Nightbane, to now having a fightercraft that can reach extreme speeds and do battle with the other factions of the site, nevermind references to larger starships and even starbases.

Edto, I know you want your faction to be popular. I know you want your faction to gain more players. However, this submission pushes the limits of believability, especially combined with your other submissions.

I have reviewed this under the Submission Guide for Reviewers.

I find this submission:

Lacking Detail
Not in compliance with the Speed Standards or the DR Guidelines
Not yet sufficiently proofread.

This submission remains pending a response from the submitter.
Different Engines based on a previous design. The big difference is that the Vekimen /had/ a viable space Navy in the past. They had ships, and fighters, and all that fun stuff. They were a space capable race. They didn't have a viable space navy not because they didn't build it, they were without it because they destroyed it.

That is the big difference Doshii. Edtoto was found in a Vekimen fighter craft. Admittedly a little larger than this one, like a single seat scout, but she was found in it. The station was not their only Spacefaring vehicle. This is an incredibly basic starship design. All it uses is technology we have viable right now. Maybe not as strong as written on here, but the Vekimen have at least this.

Current speed standards also don't reflect the latest change to the overall maximum speed that DRv3 has brought in. In the original template, it still says the max speed on the site is .375, where on DRv3 which was recently approved and placed into full service on the site I believe after the Nightbane was aproved, which states maximum speed is now .45. What this speed increase was, isn't really explained. Ship speed set to .30, which should not conflict with the current distances set between the varying technological differences based on the latest change in DRv3, It would till be considered Standard until what the sudden .45c max speed increment is, is explained.

I have added armour, and at the time of this post I am going through to check the grammar. It is based on British style grammar just so people are aware ((I have a program to fix grammar for me on my computer))
Edtoto was found in a Vekimen fighter craft. Admittedly a little larger than this one, like a single seat scout, but she was found in it.
So instead of submitting that, you create a new fighter?
What this speed increase was, isn't really explained.
SARP has a speed standard, found here. It also has the Yamataian and Nepleslian standards. V3 takes the speed standard bonuses in relation to armor and converts them to the new standard.

As wonky as it stands (and it needs fixing), you have to use both the base standard and the armor bonuses table to find out what speed you can have.

You appear to be going off of Standard Aptitude, with a 0.075 c bonus for being unarmored. That's a good mark for your fighter, though if you could, please link back to the SSS so your speeds are explained.

When you say you've added armor, do you mean to say that you described it as a Light Mecha/Vehicle, unarmored? That's all I see described here; there still is no hull material.

Also, this fighter cannot be approved until your fusion generator submission is addressed.
I don't understand how it is both unarmored and has a Durandium hull construction.

DRv3 clearly states that something with a Durandium armor hull gets +.05c STL. Seems like you're just saying it's unarmored even though it's made of Durandium.
Most spaceships have aluminum hulls, hence the 'tin can' moniker, though this isn't the same thing as aluminum hull plating. Maybe this just needs to clarify that while it's made of durandium, the hull is thin enough to punch through barehanded. At least for a Vekimen.
Having a sturdier framework than your outside surface is not exactly new in SARP, so, I don't quite see this as a problem.

The boost in speed from the DRv3 page is a value there for the sake of echoing DRv2, and there to give something if other sources aqre not involved. But yeah, inspiration fromt he speed standard article is in general better.
The boost in speed from the DRv3 page is a value there for the sake of echoing DRv2, and there to give something if other sources aqre not involved. But yeah, inspiration fromt he speed standard article is in general better.

Does that mean how it is written is correct?
Last I asked Wes about it, with the notion that it added confusion and that I ought to more solidly link to the speed standard, he said it was fine to keep as "another way to figure speed if someone wants to go off the beaten track". The DRv3 article itself does point at the speed standards foremost, though.
Alright, then I'll leave it as it is. Honestly, it does make more sense with the additional speed bonus for no armour and such. That's admin though
Having a sturdier framework than your outside surface is not exactly new in SARP, so, I don't quite see this as a problem.
You're talking about a chassis. The article says "Durandium Alloy hull construstion." That means the hull is made out of Durandium, and is thus armored.

If it's the chassis, it should say "chassis" rather than "hull."
I will be making some small edits to the craft. Nothing major, just changing it's role ((I was talked out of Multirole)) but explain some other things better.