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Approved Submission KAM Life Support

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Nothing is linked.

Just saw that Vekimens should be Vekimens' or Vekimen's-- I don't know the plural form of your species. If the plural has an s at the end, it's the former.

Also, it's really annoying when something is titled something that isn't specific enough. "Standard Life Support" as the header could be "Vekimen Standard Life Support" so when you're searching the wiki, you can tell it's a Vek thing.
Things were linked

single instance fixed

I could care less about if it annoys you, because not only is it based on a pre-existing model, but I also blew that pre-existing model away so you can take your "Better than before" and stow it.
She's right about the title, though.

Articles usually have manufacturer nomenclature or some other identifying mark in them to avoid confusion when the tech's supposed to be faction-specific. A lot of old Abwehran and Gart articles have really general names that make first-time readers confused, and thus the style borders on misleading.

Maybe "KAM Standard Life Support" or "VDTF Standard Life Support" would be better.

Your intro paragraph is a little "bombastic," as the checklist says to avoid, too. But maybe Doshii or Cadet can help you more with fixing that.
If you would be so kind as to search "Standard Life Support" on the wiki, you will notice [Corp:Komodo_Arms_Manufacturing] appears next to it. you can tell it is a Vekimen thing.

Oh, and that Nomacular thing.

It was originally developed by Ketsurui Zaibatsu in YE 24 for the Star Army of Yamatai but since then it has become a de facto international standard and is used by most major manufacturers in the Kikyo Cluster.

Most. Read that carefully Ame. Most.

Oh, and the checklist?

The article has…
[ ] Speeds in compliance with the Starship Speed Standard, if applicable
[ ] Damage Capacity and Damage Ratings in compliance with the DR Guidelines
[ ] The in-character year of creation/manufacture. (Should be current year. Future years not allowed).
[ ] The Standard Product Nomenclature System, if applicable.

If Applicable. It's not backed up by anything. Vekimen don't use the Standard Product system.
I think this is a great opportunity to develop your faction even more and birth a naming system of your own!
This is pretty concise, but it also doesn't seem to contribute anything interesting... the article just says 'Vekimen are good at life support. Their life support provides air and water.' There doesn't seem to be anything usable in the RP, here. (Also, note that while it implies they recover other waste, too, it doesn't say anything about what they do with it after recovering it, it just says it's 'repurposed'. Sounds scary.)

Maybe you could add some Vekimen flavour to it, like things that other species would find objectionable about the equipment, or that no one else would have bothered with, like hot plates to sleep on?
@Edto Xar'Sivaree the NTSE are probably going to tell you "Listed the faction in the name for all your other 'basic tech' articles, why not this one?" And being mean to someone who just' trying to give you advice really isn't going to endear you towards the NTSE, articles have been rejected because of players being rude or uncooperative during the approval process and they had to resubmit it.
Follow the nomenclature style, please. You're picking up a lot of tech from Yamataian and Nepleslian manufacturers; it makes sense for the Vekimen to use that style.

Also, you should listen to Ame, Navian, raz and Syaoran, as they each put out points I would have if they already had not done so.

This system talks about air and water. That's it. What about heat? What about air moisture or pressure? Those are applicable life support systems too, if you want to get specific. How does the system handle those?

Do these systems apply to any Vekimen craft?

Right now, the phrase "really shows the Vekimen's and the VDTF's skill in this critical space fairing system" is bombastic and unapprovable. Please remove it, or at the very least prove why it's so amazing, because [Abwehran tech beats the pants off something lifted from the ISS.

I have reviewed this submission according to the Guide for Submission Reviewers.
So if the only reason I have tech right now is because of Yamatai and Nepleslian, I need to write on the Vekimens page that they can survive in a vacuum without a suit. Does this mean I can make Lord Freiza?

I will advise that Yamatai updates their Support System and applies all the issues I am facing to it, as it's literally three lines. Friendly advice.

I'll remove your "Bombatic" but they have been doing lifesupport for 1300 Yamatai years. They would be good at life support. Sorry a faction that has access to the "Advanced" bracket made fake plants, I felt the bombasticism would scale with what is available to them. "Look, these guys got nothing, but they sure can make a really efficient system with it"

This applies to any craft in the way described on the individual craft page. I will add heat, moisture and pressure.

No, I will not use Yamataian Nomacular. I've said it once, I will say it again. The Vekimen, were, a space, fairing, race. They had a Navy, a combat navy even. You seem to think they are retarded. They aren't.

They went through a technological dark age. They were trapped without a means to realistically advance their technology in a practical fashion. The only issue being that I am placing these guys who are not advanced ((But smart, this is something you need to remember Doshii)), in with people who run their ships off literal space magic from another dimension. Yeah, the Vekimen are pretty interested in being friends with species with all that fun stuff.

For reference, the average intelligence of the Vekimen as a total population is about that of humanity only they are further in the game((Much further, before you use that on me)). It used to be higher, but then they went from Millions of Vekimen to only 100,000 so there is that. I use stuff from the ISS because every time I think of something that isn't founded in hard science, I worry that you will come and tell me I can't do it because Vekimen are nothing more than Cavemen who admittedly do more than we all do as humanity.
No one is asking you to use Yamatai Nomenclature, they just want some sort of nomenclature, even if it's just putting VDTF in the front, so that it's identifiable to which company it belongs.

As for the bombastic language, no one is saying you can't make the life support something amazing, just, if it's an amazing life support, make it an amazing life support by listing it's capabilities, not just say "This is amazing."
I understand you're feeling persecuted. It's not my intention to do that to you or make you feel as such, and I will explain my reasonings at length so that you can feel fully informed. However, I need to get through work right now, so please hold tight.
So if the only reason I have tech right now is because of Yamatai and Nepleslian, I need to write on the Vekimens page that they can survive in a vacuum without a suit. Does this mean I can make Lord Freiza?

I don't understand what you're saying here. Can you please explain?
I will advise that Yamatai updates their Support System and applies all the issues I am facing to it, as it's literally three lines. Friendly advice.

Please explain this too.

I will add heat, moisture and pressure.
Thank you kindly.

No, I will not use Yamataian Nomacular. I've said it once, I will say it again. The Vekimen, were, a space, fairing, race. They had a Navy, a combat navy even. You seem to think they are retarded. They aren't.
That's not what I think, nor did I ever mean to imply that or insinuate it.

The reason I ask you to use the Yam/Nep nomenclature is for wiki purposes. It's easier to search, compare, etc. if systems are described similarly, including with nomenclature.

It's just as Syaoran described -- you don't have to make it sound like Yamatai or Nepleslia made it. I just want the style followed. So it might be "VK-T5-year".

They went through a technological dark age. They were trapped without a means to realistically advance their technology in a practical fashion. The only issue being that I am placing these guys who are not advanced ((But smart, this is something you need to remember Doshii)), in with people who run their ships off literal space magic from another dimension. Yeah, the Vekimen are pretty interested in being friends with species with all that fun stuff.
Just so it does not go unaddressed -- a technological dark age usually comes with penalties. Such as forgetting how to do things at all. Is that what you're saying happened to them? Or was it that they couldn't practice what they knew?

For reference, the average intelligence of the Vekimen as a total population is about that of humanity only they are further in the game((Much further, before you use that on me)). It used to be higher, but then they went from Millions of Vekimen to only 100,000 so there is that. I use stuff from the ISS because every time I think of something that isn't founded in hard science, I worry that you will come and tell me I can't do it because Vekimen are nothing more than Cavemen who admittedly do more than we all do as humanity.
I'm not here to use anything on you except the Guide for Submission Reviewers. That's plenty.

What you need to understand, Edto, is that I don't have it out for you or your race. I have it out for your submissions because they either don't add up, have mistakes or just come off as lazy.

You don't need to have something founded in hard science to get something approved; trust me, Zack will tell you that straight away. What you need is to justify your submissions better. Vekimen aren't cavemen, but I see them suddenly creating this stuff within weeks of each other when they haven't had the ability to for hundreds of years. That's a little hard to swallow.

You're building up this faction at a breakneck pace, which isn't a bad thing, but you need to take your time, cover your bases and turn in complete, thought-through submissions.