Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 27, Part 1] Expanding Horizons (YE 39)


"I want more infantry, so keep an eye out for recruiting opportunities. The ship's history and my rank give us certain powers to pluck talent where we find it and bring it with us," Hanako told Candon. She stood up and went to a nearby ship phone and dialed the bridge.

Candon nodded, "will do, Shôshô."
He truly had no idea where he was going to find good, or even decent soldiers who'd stick with the job long enough to be useful but that was all part of his job… well, in reality it actually wasn't his 'job' but it was still important. He'd give his bunk and sleep in the Mindy for a few permanent infantry.

"Solid landing. Shut down all engines and put the ship in standby mode."

She turned back to Candon and the others in the wardroom. "Beach party?" she floated the idea.

The spy thought about it for a second, he had far too many things that he needed to take care of and was stressed to a level that would kill a human. It was perfect. "Sounds good," he answered as he took a seat with his plate barely occupied by a small piece of tempura, a good indication that he was having issues.

Natsumi raised an eyebrow as she had paperwork deposited upon her by the bubbly Mehitabel as the ship touched down and settled into its hangar. And like that, Mehitabel was gone. Natsumi shurgged, signed off on the transfers and glanced about the command center.

"Take care of closing things down, please," she confirmed Hanako's orders to Takao, then turned and departed as well, to catch up with Mehitabel in the cargo bay, which she sped off to at a quick clip, her feet floating a few inches off the deck as she used her counter grave to glide along.
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Power Armor Bay

Masumi had been sitting with eyes closed on a bench as the engines turned off, watching some videos of kinetic sand being cut, molded, squished, and played with. Before that, she had been watching paint get mixed with different utensils. The colors and shapes melding with one another after long seconds of being pushed together and spread apart alleviated the minor, but still inconveniencing, troubles that the scientist still faced.

She lacked friends on the ship and the only relationship she had, with Candon, was currently in a state of limbo that she was trying her best not to ponder too significantly. Combat training brought her joy, but it was Candon that taught her and she wondered if that training would continue or it it had reached its end, already. The only thing she really enjoyed any more besides combat training was playing video games and even that was dulled for her after so many weeks of playing ad nauseam. The ST backup and what it implied pushed at the edges of her receding memories of the Kuvexian battle, threatening to pull them back to the forefront.

And, so, she watched videos of sand and paint and let herself zone out on them, mind not straying from the images she was receiving while they were in front of her, calming and centering the Nito Hei.

When the ship powered down, she was keenly aware of the change and chose to leave the videos and the power armor bay behind and went to the wardroom.


She entered to see the partial array of the Eucharis' crew. She immediately saluted to her captain, then her blue eyes caught the member that stood out the most, Jax, and she frowned a bit at the protrusion that was his outfit. She looked to Candon as she was accustomed to doing in order to gauge the situation, but found only more questions arise in her mind as she did so.

Her eyes bounced around from one person to the next until they landed on Hanako and she asked, "Orders, Shôshô?"

Takao, now alone, went to his business of closing everything down. His mind went to work while his hands did anything they needed to do to supplement the mode shift. He took the engines offline with a graceful thought and began powering the ship down into standby mode. As he watched the power levels slowly lower to idle at a low enough level, Takao pressed the console to send a message, "Attention all personnel, we are now at Condition Five."

He stood from his seat at his station and made a final check of his board, making sure nothing was out of the ordinary and that power levels were remaining stationary and low. With a small sigh and a tug at his uniform coat he calmly walked out of the bridge.


Having been told of the food that was available, and wanting to satisfy his hunger, Takao had walked to the Wardroom. He saluted Hanako reporting, "Ship's powered down, Shôshô." He followed it with a calm smile and walked towards the buffet line to get some of the food the Elysian had told him about before.

Wazu would enter into the Wardroom having freshly showered. His hair still a bit damp, and pulled back tightly in a bun on the back of his head. His wardrobe still limited to generic green T-shirts and pants.

His datapad was still in hand, but his attention was taken up by Jax's outfit and rapid relocation. The crew seemed to be standing around considering something... and he didn't want to get in the way.

He also didn't want to return to his current project just yet. He had been watching Rixxikor videos gathered from the bug they had left on their ship, as well as slowly trying to gain access to unsecured devices. It was slow going, and more than anything it caused a strong desire to go shower to get clean.

"Hey Jax..." Wazu would say quietly, "What did I miss?"

Jax’s open-mouthed reaction to her question elicited a giggle from Freyja. She didn’t expect him to be excited about explosions. The medic’s joke fell flat, though.

She thought about the last mission and how wrong it all went. Fragmentation injuries were nothing to joke about. The Neko didn’t even hear the rest of Tan’s words. She thought about her first squad, just before she met her friends on the Orochi.

The guilt of surviving when her friends died was still there. She knew that some of them have gotten STs, but that didn’t erase the trauma of hearing their dying screams. Then there was Junko's absence in the Wardroom. Since they started dating officially she had never missed lunch. She didn't know what was going on with her.

The suggestion of a beach party brightened her mood. She turned towards Jax and yelped, surprised at his sudden change in apparel. She couldn’t help but giggle. An image of him as an actual kitten wearing his beach outfit came into her head, making her giggle harder. By now she was laughing so hard she couldn’t talk.

After her laughter subsided, she sent Jax a telepathic message. “That sounds great Jax-heisho. When you have time, come find me. Or we could set up a time and place to meet if you prefer.” She responded to Hanako’s question vocally. “That sounds like fun, Shosho.”

After her laughter subsided, she sent Jax a telepathic message. “That sounds great Jax-heisho. When you have time, come find me. Or we could set up a time and place to meet if you prefer.”


~Eh, pina coladas now, work later.~ Jax replied back telepathically. ~We'll do it during our next leg through FTL.~
Zero-G to Wardroom

Saiga-chusa emerged from the ship's recreation area and ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back and out of his eyes—a last, effortless step in making sure he was presentable after changing back into uniform following his daily strength and stamina training. He'd hoped to compare lifts and pulls with the duo of infantry Neko at some point during the mission, even though Tsuguka and Shiho would surely best him, but the late news that the latter had been transferred off dampened that prospect. No matter; the Heisho seemed like a more capable rival. The fact that Junko would be departing, too, leaving only one infantry soldier remained other than Tsuguka was a far more pressing issue, anyway.

The Chusa stopped to wait as Natsumi passed, floating along above her toes. With a smile, he threw her a quick salute. Though the floofly First Officer didn't outrank him, she was still his superior on the Eucharis and he'd extended the courtesy to her whenever they met in passing. He'd have stopped her for a quick word if not for her looking particularly determined, and himself having the disintegration of Hanako's armor team on his mind.

So he proceeded upward toward the Wardroom. His entrance was met by the bombarding aroma of Lime's clockwork feast, which, from the looks of it, would make a perfect post-workout meal. And a welcome distraction, at that. He could worry about Star Army Command and replacement soldiers later. For now, it was time to eat three steaks and a pile of shrimp.
Cargo Bay

The ever reliable Victory was no doubt already in the cargo bay, lowering the doors as Eucharis settled down in her hanger, metal cooling and creaking slightly after the sudden rapid shifting of temperatures. Mehitabel joined her in short order, greeting her supply-senpai with a relaxed air that few others got. Holding onto her cap, she watched the doors drop to reveal the lovely tropical world... Maybe there'd be some time to sightsee, a thought that surprisingly uplifted her manic mood. Her communicator chimed; with a few taps to the brief flash of light projections, Bel forwarded Junko's and Shiho's transfers onward for filing with Star Army Personnel.

Somewhat surprisingly there was someone there. Well, what was more surprising was that someone was waiting for them with their duffel bag. The dark haired Elysian recovered quickly, matching a name with the Yamataian face. Her bow, traditional, barely included a flick of her wing tips and a shallow dip towards him.

"Valencia-juni, welcome back aboard," Mehitabel said levelly, her Yamataigo almost, but not quite, natural.

"Hey Jax..." Wazu would say quietly, "What did I miss?"

"Beach party!" Jax hissed back with an excited purr, his tail lashing uncontrollably, his mind filled with visions of pina coladas and warm, shady groves of palm trees under which to curl up for a snooze.
Cargo Bay

Natsaumi passed through the hatchway that lead from the main passage into the vast compartment as soon as the doors hissed open to allow her through. She spotted the winged Mehitabel ahead of her, talking to someone who must have just come up the ramp, who was blocked from her view. The snowy haired neko stepped forward, her eyebrows raising as she thought she heard the words 'Valencia-juni' and quickened her pace, crossing the gap between where she was and where they were with several long strides.

She spotted the man in the grey paneled uniform of a starship operator, the three blue rank stripes of an Itto Juni on his cuffs, the familiar shaped face, brown hair, blue eyes. A massive grin immediately broke out across Natsumi's face as she recognized him.

"Ramiro!" She almost dropped the paperwork she was bringing to Mehitabel as she yelped with delight at seeing her old shipmate. Ramiro Valencia, who had been the senior starship operator when she had first joined the YSS Eucharis, who had taught her everything she knew in her early years as a member of the bridge crew and who had always been a good friend to her. She had missed him dearly when he had departed from the crew, but now he was back and Natsumi leaped forward, throwing her arms around Ramiro.

She embraced him tight, her mass of white hair cascading about as she hugged her old shipmate.
Cargo Bay

When the ramp to the Cargo Bay finally lowered Ramiro straightened out his facial expression before taking a deep breath and marching up the ramp. He glanced around the bay, noticing Victory's familiar face, and took note of the Elysian girl whom he didn't recognize. He was a bit startled when she said his name and he received the "welcome back" from her, and he paused for a moment as his brow furrowed slightly and one eyebrow raised. Was he supposed to know this girl? It was only then that he noticed that her uniform identified her as a clerk. He mentally shrugged of his confusion, assuming that she must have had a copy of his orders or some other such nonsense.

He gave the Mehitabel a brief bow in response. "Nitô Hei," he stated calmly as he approached. "And it's good to see you again Victory, my dear," he said as the two exchanged a bow. Once he was a step past her he shook his head a little. I've never seen one of those on this ship before...

He hadn't gotten two steps further before he was ambushed by Natsumi. He stepped back with one leg to catch himself as he dropped his duffel bag and his hand instinctively returned the hug. He let out a loud, hearty laugh at hearing the squeal of his name and seeing her excitement.

"Natsumi-chan. How I have missed you, old friend," he shouted through a cloud of her hair, his voice full of surprise. He put a long, tight squeeze into the hug before he let go and took a step back. He leaned down to grab his bag, grinning from ear-to-ear. He sighed as his eyes scanned the rest of the familiar bay.

"I'm pleased to see that you've stuck it out here. And it is good to be back, ma'am. I've missed this old girl." His eyes turned back to Natsumi. "But look at you. They gave you a commission and everything. I mean, a Taii! Hell, you're probably getting paid almost as much as I am these days." He chuckled as he shook his head in disbelief. "So how have you been!? We must take time soon for you to catch me up on everything I've missed."
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The more she thought about it, the more Hanako wanted a beach party. "We can take a shuttle over to a secluded beach out in the middle of nowhere and go camping there. That way the press will not bother us. We should make sure to bring the T8 so we can use its onboard restroom as needed. Fill it with whatever booze, food, and camping supplies we need and then get your swimsuits to wear tomorrow."
Cargo Bay

With the implacably fluffy Natsumi-taii, who, naturally, knew their returning crew member, on scene Mehitabel flitted off to deal with the real reason she'd come down to the cargo ramp. Augmented display swirling, she set off to check on the waiting supply crates for a quick double-check with her copy of the manifest. Not to mention picking up the mail packet for distribution. They were supposed to stay several days, she thought, but the sooner work was out of the way the better.

Jax beamed and whipped out his communicator to do some shopping. Normally, he was very against the thought of spending money, but considering that Havok had just sold its first bike, he felt the need to celebrate.

Cargo Bay

Outside, a delivery truck rolled up to the ramp, and a rather confused minkan hopped out of the driver's seat with a datapad. Looking around, he called out:

"Uh... Jackson Howard?! I have five gallons of pineapple juice, fifty cans of coconut cream, sixty pounds of ice, five handles of rum, and an industrial-grade blender for a Jackson Howard!"

To make the poor man's day even stranger, another minkan with blonde hair and cat ears strolled down the ramp wearing swim trunks and a Hawaiian shirt.

"That's me!" Jax called out.

"Uh... okay, just sign here..."

"Yup, sure."

"Thank you. And enjoy your... pina coladas."

"Thanks! See ya 'round!" Jax waved and began hauling the crates, on a gravity sled back up the ramp and to the lift.

Vehicle Bay

Jax pulled the sled up to one of the T8s and opened the airlock, once inside the shuttle, he used a control panel to stow the back row of seats for easier storage. Once that was done, he began hefting the crates into the craft and stacking them to where they wouldn't topple over.

Surprised that her question regarding orders came back with a response about quite the opposite, Masumi nodded and turned to walk into the wardroom fully. There was something about throwing herself into work after so much vacation time that had an allure to it. Postponing that to enjoy the benefits of having an entire crew that begged to be called 'family' had an allure all its own, though.

She began the process of getting herself a plate of shrimp while she mused on Hanako's decision. While she was doing so, she bumped elbows with Takao. Quickly, she set down the utensil she was using to pick up the morsels of food and the hand went to her mouth, covering it as she grimaced and spoke.

"My apologies, Shoi Kohosei!"
Cargo Bay

Ramiro watched curiously as the delivery truck approached to deliver beverage supplies, and this blonde man went down to collect it. Ramiro observed and examined the behavior of this man, the one called Jackson, as well as his interaction with the delivery man. There was an aura about the way he picked up his order that Ramiro could only describe as pride in what had just occurred. However, Ramiro knew that he was going to have to re-establish his social and personal dominance over these new people running around his beloved ship, and this seemed like a good place to start.

He shook his head back and forth a few times before he took a deep sigh and muttered, "Amateurs..."

Ramiro put both his pinkies into the corners of his mouth and let out an ear-piercing shrill of a whistle. "Alright boys, bring it on in!" At the end of the hangar a forklift drove out from around the corner carrying a pallet. On this palette, wrapped in intentionally clear plastic so people could see through it, was a cube of liquor bottles wrapped individually for their protection. Stored sideways, they were stacked roughly six long, eight wide, and eight tall. There had to be hundreds. The forklift drove right up into Cargo Bay and set the pallet down. There was a piece of paper taped to the side of the stack which began unfolding as the impact of the pallet setting down jostled it. It unfolded to three-times the length of a normal piece of paper, and was almost touching the ground. It wasn't a manifest, per se, because there were no numbers listed anywhere. It was just a very long list of liquor.

List said:
Black Wolf Winery
  • Pinot Noir Red Wine
  • Freya White Wine
  • Fenrir White Wine
  • Niord White Wine
  • Wolf White Specialty Wine
  • Wolf Blood Frost Specialty Wine
Delsurian Dusk (YE 28+)

Lorath Liquors

Chateau Hanako
  • Valkyrja Mead
  • Hanako's Rum
    • Banana Rum
    • Coconut Rum
    • Dark Rum
    • Spiced Rum
  • Sake
  • Hanako's Original Red
  • Hanako's Original White
  • Hanako's Pineapple Wine
  • Hanako's Sweet Pineapple Wine
  • Industrial Cleaning Alcohol
  • Brandy
  • Vermouth
  • Gin
  • Tequila
  • Scotch Whiskey
  • Flavored Liqueurs - Assorted
  • Champagne
  • Sangria
  • BEER
    • Flavorless (Roughly half of the stock)
    • Lemon
    • Lime
    • Orange
    • Tangerine
    • Grapefruit
    • Raspberry
    • Strawberry
    • Blueberry
    • Vanilla
    • Cherry
    • Apple
    • Cinnamon
    • Chocolate
    • Cranberry
    • Whipped Cream
    • Peach
    • Pear
    • Passion Fruit
    • Plum
    • Mango
    • Banana
    • Grape
    • Pineapple
    • Coconut
    • Mint
    • Honey
    • Caramel
    • Marshmallow
    • Red Licorice
    • BACON

Ramiro glanced over at Natsumi standing next to him. "You ever been to a kegger, ma'am?"
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Wazu could only watch as Jax stocked up on supplies faster than he had ever seen anyone do anything. He would pull his own datapad off the clip on his hip and start putting in his own orders. "Excuse me, Hanako," Wazu started, "Is there a local animal here that makes for a good roast? It would be a shame to waste the opportunity to build a good cooking pit."

Takao balanced the food on his platter with ease, looking to the Neko who bumped elbows with him. "Oh, don't worry. Nothing fell." His voice calm and collected, though was on his food. He looked up to Hanako, "Wait, we're having a beach party?"

His face lit up a bit, but was generally focus on balance as he walked towards a table after finishing getting his food. He found one of the tables nearby and sat his plate down, looking to Hanako for confirmation. He had a feeling this was for the regular crew, and the Kohosei would not be invited, no matter the fun that it sounded like.

Takao hoped for a better answer.
Cargo Bay

Natsumi was beaming as she spoke with Ramiro. She blushed as he commented on her rank and that she might finally be earning the same pay as him, which made her giggle.

"I still have to pinch myself some times to make sure it's all real" she replied. "Sometimes I can't believe how far things have changed. especially since we were last serving together" she grinned and brushed at her uniform, who's color panels matched her snowy hair. "I've been doing great and we'll have to catch up for sure. So much has happened in the last few years!" she said, then raised an eyebrow as the delivery truck arrived and Ramiro called to it and forklifts full of booze were carted in.

"A kegger?" she asked, glancing back at Ramiro, a look of confusion crossing her face.