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Approved Submission [SAoY] Damage Estimation Through Energy Weapon Output Regression


🎖️ Game Master
Submission Type: Technology (Computer program)
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:detour

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet?: Uhm... Yes? @Wes
Faction requires art?: No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: While this is a finished product, I'm always willing to take minor suggestions. The intended use for this tech is to provide some basis for an IC conceptualization of what we OOC understand as the DR system.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to look at this article with the link you provided.
WIP articles can only be seen by members who are logged in to their wiki accounts.
Indeed, I had to login from work to actually see the article.

Personally, I'm not all that fond of it because it's not the way I did it/would do it in the future for my plot. Having an article like this existing would mean that my PCs would refer to it and assume my plot ran like that too. the whole thing wouldn't fit my own cosmetic preferences.

Past that bias, I think it's an excellently detailed article. It has detailed IC origin that make it quite plausible. I think it also does accomplish the goal of meshing the IC and OoC fairly well from a Yamatai faction perspective. So, despite my bias, I cannot not endorse the effort. Very well made and thought out.

As moderator, the only thing I'd like to see addressed is the mention of Shield/shield strength in the article. I'm trying to encourage a vocabulary where the commonly used term for energy forcefields is "barrier", so that the "shield" term be reserved to actual physical shields like we see on the Daisy power armor.
While I'll admit that I find the term "barrier" clunky and awkward, I'm a stickler for continuity, and have thus updated the article to use this terms instead.

As for your concerns about player usage of this concept in ways not to the GM's liking, I tried my best to address that concern at the bottom of the article (In fact, that entire section was written almost exclusively for players in your plots, since I knew from the get-go that at least you individually wouldn't implement the system into your plot anyways). Do you think that there is better language I could have used to prevent these kinds of player assumptions?
A quick question as I'm going over this to get a feeling for it: Is it only a MEGAMI that can record these outputs? Or is it any IES?
No, all Yamataian military vessels and spacy craft use PANTHEON-related systems. KAMI, MEGAMI, and W-, C-, A- (etc.) IES.
There are things that I wanted to say about this article, but to be honest ... Fred said all of them better anyway.

GM autonomy is maintained by this submission, so there's no argument there. It's finely detailed, well thought out and offers a good IC avenue — for Yamatai — to work within the DR system. I imagine other factions could incorporate the theory behind DETOUR into their own systems as required.

I approve this submission in accordance with the Guide for Submission Reviewers.