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Approved Submission Assailant 30mm Auto-Gauss

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Gonna need an ammo page for this thing, also might want to put the unapproved tag on top of the page or they get mad.
What Arieg said.

What is the muzzle velocity of the tungsten darts? Are they purely darts, or are they possibly guided/sheathed in energy/explosive?

Are they expected to be sold to anyone else? If so, a baseline price in Scal is required. Your economy page can be switched to "species:vekimen:scal_exchange_rates" if you plan on maintaining that page.
I added an ammo page, and they aren't going to be sold to anyone else quite right now. I plan on maintaining the economy page, so I could put a cost in anyway. I'll also switch it over to what you suggested but alter species to faction
The DR on the ammo is listed as PDR3. I know you have the v3 stats on the weapon, but what is going on with the ammo page?
The ammo page is just in a phase. It'll grow out of it.

But on a serious note, there's a table beneath it with the ammunition's Tier translation. I imagine that note was left on for anyone who refuses to upgrade to DRv3.
I removed DR v2 I must not have removed it or put it in by force of habit. I probably got the set up from one of my other ammo things soooo yeah. It's t7, ignore the PDR, I removed it.
This system needs to go up for reapproval. At the realisation that the DRv3 system is based per bullet fired, and not overall effectiveness, the idea of a 325 RPM autocannon being able to PROBABLY destroy a T7 craft was not suitable for the concept of the weapon. I have made the following changes to both the platform, as well as the ammunition.

  • Altered 30mm from T7 rating to T4 Rating.
  • Added 105mm
  • Added 210mm
  • Added 315mm
  • Added 420mm
The system at it's lowest point is a T4, at it's highest is a T12. Fire rates have also been modified to better facilitate the desire to not make this platform overpowered. At least, not as overpowered as it was previously.

This also makes me implore the idea of changing the damage description. A high RoF will eventually ruin someone's day. One T4 hit may not bother a T9 mecha, however, 20, maybe 100, will certainly make the pilot sweat a little. It may only require one round to take out, but it will need a whole lot more to pave the way.

@Doshii Jun
The calibers and their respective data are ... well, a little ungodly, but not to the level of being ridiculous. Understanding this is the main Vekimen spacy weapon helps.

Can we get a note about exactly what size round is meant for which ship? By which I mean the gun that fires 420 mm rounds probably belongs only on battleships, etc.
Essentially, yes, but I'd like it set more in stone. I.e. "starfighters only carry up to this, cruisers carry up to this, etc." I understand you're not done building out the Vekimen, but I'd like to make sure it's laid out so players know what's up.
Could I change minor details like that, make special notes and such on ships that change the rules of the weapon system itself? 420 could go on a destroyer realistically. By the system, it can go on a T8 ship. One could, at least. I thought we used that to dictate information like that?
By the system, it can go on a T8 ship. One could, at least. I thought we used that to dictate information like that?
Purely by the system, yes.

However, there's also purely physical scale. You haven't detailed how large these weapons are when they get to be firing 4.2 cm shells. In fact, there's no dimensions information on them at all.

Adding the dimensional data might solve the whole caboodle, but there has to be something.
42cm shells. 4.2 would be 42mm. I have the details of the shell specifically on the ammo page, with exact dimensions.

Having actual weapon dimensions is important, then I will put the barrel diameter and length on the various weapons. Or at least something worthwhile. Sound good?