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Approved Submission [Black Syndicate] Hades Star System


DEFCON Everybody Dies
Submission Type: Star System
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:hades

Faction: Black Syndicate
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When): Yes over skype.
Faction requires art? (Yes/No): Many shiny artz.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No): No.
Contains New art? (Yes/No): Some planet art that hasn't been in submissions yet.
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected): No

Notes: This is both an infrastructure build up for Zen Arms and once I get them approved the home of my Jiyuuian corporate and its government trappings all under one roof. This is also intended as a major area for the Black Syndicate.

Edit: Also altering the Zen Arms logo into something easier to stamp onto rifles.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Why is Zen Armaments/Black Syndicate set-up hundreds of lightyears from Nepleslian space? Why are Jiyuuians going so far from the former UOC?
You can go ahead and read the last few chapters of TFL yourself if you don't believe me.
Please link specific, hard canon (wiki canon) examples that Jiyuuians are dissatisfied as of YE 39. The stuff already provided in the thread proves that they're entirely integrated into the factions they became part of. Is there contradictory hard canon, or are you going with your opinion over canon?
As for FM's, we're not playing a strict numbers game here where we're literally subtracting them from the factions population, so this should not need their go ahead.
Everything that goes through the NTSE needs FM approval, and the Jiyuuians are exclusively a part of Yamatai and Nepleslia at this point. I guess it's your prerogative as the reviewer to ignore procedure, though.
Please link specific, hard canon (wiki canon) examples that Jiyuuians are dissatisfied as of YE 39. The stuff already provided in the thread proves that they're entirely integrated into the factions they became part of. Is there contradictory hard canon, or are you going with your opinion over canon?

Everything that goes through the NTSE needs FM approval, and the Jiyuuians are exclusively a part of Yamatai and Nepleslia at this point. I guess it's your prerogative as the reviewer to ignore procedure, though.
And the Lorath. But I don't think that's a big deal.

Edit: Someone named Raz thought I meant the Lorath were still around. Plz.
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Where on here? Could you show me how much you're going to take?
Again its below that map is for the present galactic elevation and or plane, I'll probably wind up generating my own sector man for this 'underworld' (pun intended) and tie it into my Pact faction when I get them rolling. Also I think 250 might be a better idea *pencils this in*.
We'll still need some sort of coordinates on the current map - it'll still show up on it after all, even though the current one doesn't take the z axis into account. Again, FM permission isn't required since this isn't altering their factions in any substantial or meaningful way. There are Nepleslians in Yamatai, and Yamataians in Nepleslia for an example, and places like Dawn Station have plenty of everyone, all without asking. It simply isn't required. As for this being canon, there's only so many plots and so much stuff in SARP, so it's unsurprising that not everything is covered all the time. It is fact that such a major event happened, and once is enough for this article to work off of, and though the Wiki doesn't go into specific detail, the RP itself does. It becomes abundantly clear what happened to anyone that reads it, and it is more important than the wiki itself.

After all, what happens in our stories is generated by RP, and not by wiki articles.
We'll still need some sort of coordinates on the current map - it'll still show up on it after all, even though the current one doesn't take the z axis into account. Again, FM permission isn't required since this isn't altering their factions in any substantial or meaningful way. There are Nepleslians in Yamatai, and Yamataians in Nepleslia for an example, and places like Dawn Station have plenty of everyone, all without asking. It simply isn't required. As for this being canon, there's only so many plots and so much stuff in SARP, so it's unsurprising that not everything is covered all the time. It is fact that such a major event happened, and once is enough for this article to work off of, and though the Wiki doesn't go into specific detail, the RP itself does. It becomes abundantly clear what happened to anyone that reads it, and it is more important than the wiki itself.

After all, what happens in our stories is generated by RP, and not by wiki articles.

Alrightie call it 256 light years on the negative Z-axis below grid square reference (the number itself on map) 1713.
Alright. Let me know when the other changes to the article are done so I can take a look.
As far as a more devilish situation for the Jiyuuians thats done, population reduction is done, and an expansion on this system not really being secret is also done.
We'll still need some sort of coordinates on the current map - it'll still show up on it after all, even though the current one doesn't take the z axis into account. Again, FM permission isn't required since this isn't altering their factions in any substantial or meaningful way. There are Nepleslians in Yamatai, and Yamataians in Nepleslia for an example, and places like Dawn Station have plenty of everyone, all without asking. It simply isn't required. As for this being canon, there's only so many plots and so much stuff in SARP, so it's unsurprising that not everything is covered all the time. It is fact that such a major event happened, and once is enough for this article to work off of, and though the Wiki doesn't go into specific detail, the RP itself does. It becomes abundantly clear what happened to anyone that reads it, and it is more important than the wiki itself.

After all, what happens in our stories is generated by RP, and not by wiki articles.
So, I'm going to point out one giant flaw and contradiction here. Simply put, most of the "story" of this place has been produced via wiki work rather than RP. The issue hasn't been HAVING Jiyuuians, but rather having Jiyuuians that, as the majority of RP and the confirmed canon indicate, have been and had short-existing issues if any. This is why even you (with our indication, but certainly you'd not be trying to simply appease us but rather ensure setting accuracy) backed up the reduction of their amounts.

It wasn't a major event, simply because it occurred in Task Force Lantern, especially with the case that the wikis in relation to the Jiyuuians point to the amount of them that were "rowdy", basically not existing or becoming pirates. Again, this is the issue. Not that they have Jiyuuians, but that these Jiyuuians are being misrepresented because someone RP'd a few of them being grumpy in the past. And, even then, simply ignored the fact that the various efforts BESIDES FOR THIS ONE PLOT all proved useful.

If there were more RP, especially after having read back and seen that the UOC member presence was small and that this was an isolated occurrence that was not expanded on further. I'd implore you to understand, especially as you're an NTSE, why people have issue with this. This is misrepresenting both the Blacks (who have a base membership that even while out of date would have no reason to go this far from Nepleslian space) and the Jiyuuians, all for the better of "the story". There hasn't been a story even attempted in Open RP to support this, beyond the far-off idea that Task Force Lantern validates the existence of the system.

What's best for the setting, which is what the NTSE are supposed to be worried about (right?), should be looked at before what's best for a single story that COULD be okay. I just wish that you'd stop dropping things like "After all, what happens in our stories is generated by RP, and not by wiki articles." when none of this has really been prefaced with any RP.

Edit: In this post, I mentioned the Black Syndicate. This is, again, due to the fact they're running a planet-wide legal operation in Fortuna and still have no reason to set-up 250-ish lightyears away in some system. If they wanted to get away from people, then there shouldn't be people there. They can't trust the Jiyuu that much to not have them looked at as "criminal scum", I'd imagine.
I can accept if a ship full of Jiyuuians or mob guys went and claimed a planet, but 700k of them seems implausible and I don't think we should be adding such a major event that goes all the way back to YE 30 (A decade ago IRL). My suggestion is to start out small and slow, and in the present time of the RP.

About the black syndicate: They exist to make money, what's the financial motivation for them to go away from where all the business/population is? There's a reason why they've stuck to planet Nepleslia for hundreds of years.
I can accept if a ship full of Jiyuuians or mob guys went and claimed a planet, but 700k of them seems implausible and I don't think we should be adding such a major event that goes all the way back to YE 30 (A decade ago IRL). My suggestion is to start out small and slow, and in the present time of the RP.

About the black syndicate: They exist to make money, what's the financial motivation for them to go away from where all the business/population is? There's a reason why they've stuck to planet Nepleslia for hundreds of years.

Like any money-minded organization they would seek expansion of their business interests. Staying bottled up in one area over such a great deal of time is just poor planning. Want more money? Expand, Expand, Expand.

This isn't an incredibly huge number of people when you compare it against 'larger' groups who do the same thing. I just do not see why this is such a huge leap, or big deal.
I am okay with 70k. Proceed.
It looks like the changes I asked for have been made, and new coordinates on the map have been included as well. I will allow its colonization and such to have occurred in YE 30 however, since this article is basically Zen history as much as it is a planetary article. Without, we basically have an arms company that's been sitting around doing diddly, and that honestly looks abnormal.
