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Alexis Morwind Status

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@Edto Xar'Sivaree @raz @CadetNewb @Ace

Recently I have received a number of PM's concerning the species and ownership of the character Alex Morwind. It is my intention to put these arguments to rest by making a ruling.

1) Regarding ownership, Raz objected to Edto controlling the character because there was no official adoption thread but it is my understanding that Ace voluntarily gave the character to Edto. Additionally in this thread the OP post clearly says Edto is playing the character:

Therefore it Edto's character to use and maintain.

2) Regarding her species: The character was originally approved on March 15, 2016 ( ) and looking at the wiki from then ( we can see the species is listed as just Nekovalkyrja.

In the transfer thread linked previously we can see on that date of approval, August 17, 2016, the character is listed on the wiki as and NH-33 (Tennyo, as suggested in the thread) on the wiki from that date :

Therefore based on the evidence the character was and presumably still is a normal NH-33.

On January 7, 2017 Edto made an edit to change the character to an Eihei. There does not appear to be any RP to support a change in body so this edit is considered invalid. Then on January 8th the character was edited to cross out her SAINT status. I would like a link to the RP post where the character leaves the Star Army.

As the wiki states, NH-33 neko automatically is downgraded if they leave the Star Army. See these links for details:

Note that all PANTHEON access is revoked.

I hope this clears up the matter.
I did voluntarily give the character to Edto. At the time I did not know that there was anything necessary to let Edto adopt Alexis other than a simple post and a change to the wiki page. I am willing to make an adoption thread if I need to. Other than that I don't know.
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Just for transparency's sake: I made an edit on 3/10 to remove the unapproved/metagamed upgrade to Eihei based on my conversation with you (with a lengthy edit summary). Haven't really thought any more about the issue because nobody reverted the change nor yelled at me about doing it, and the question as to whether Yamatai would even agree to give her up as a prisoner—while concerning and, again, metagamey—has never been my call.

Thanks for clearing it up, though.
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I did voluntarily give the character to Edto. At the time I did not know that there was anything necessary to let Edto adopt Alexis other than a simple post and a change to the wiki page. I am willing to make an adoption thread if I need to. Other than that I don't know.
Your post is good enough for me. Thanks!
Regarding the changes made to the character, I suggest we wait for Gallant to come online. I don't want to move this forward further until then.
Regarding the changes made to the character, I suggest we wait for Gallant to come online. I don't want to move this forward further until then.
What changes are you referring to and what does Gallant have to do with this?
Just to help out where I can, Alexis was part of first contact with the Vekimen Colony Station in this thread:

She upset them by injuring and possibly killing two Vekimen, even when the Taii and another member of the away team warned her to just stun them, as they were not the threat they were there to take care of.

I can clarify that Ace tagged Edto in her transfer request to the Heartbreaker because Edto and the Vekimen had been part of the last scene Alexis had been in, and were part of the next mission we were starting, the one I just linked. I set her up as a new SAINT recruit to help fill some holes in her backstory and fill an opening on the Heartbreaker.

A while after that mistake in the RP, November, Ace contacted me to say he was giving up Alexis and no longer wanted to RP her. He had spoken to Edto about leaving Alexis as a prisoner of the Vekimen, to explain her sudden disappearance from the RP, and to keep her offscreen after. I agreed that that was fine, and didn't think any further action was needed, as I assumed the character was now permanently offscreen in NPC status.

Alexis was definitely a standard NH-33 Tennyo with SAINT training. I would assume the NPC negotiators from Yamatai who handled the Vekimen Treaty of YE 39 checked in on her and had her properly decommissioned and discharged from Star Army. I'm not sure how Yamatai would feel about one of their trained soldiers being (dishonorably?) discharged and then joining the service of a rival power. If she was just a prisoner being punished for her actions, that's one thing, but if they are ICly and Edto OOCly using her as a backdoor into Yamatai tech, that's probably not good.

Even if she's just being used as a soldier, that's still probably not great. She did not serve out her mandatory service period that Yamatai requires after her creation, for one thing. And is basically using her misconduct to leave one plot and one faction to join another. It seems odd to 'reward' the character or the players for that. I'm not sure I would have simply let Alexis be taken with no fuss if I knew she was going to turn around and be used for this, as I was not consulted. Not sure the Captain ICly would have been cool with it, as I smoothed it over and let it slip by for OOC reasons.

I would think you'd want to include some sort of mention that Ace was the original player on the character page. Also looks like lots of other edits need to be made if she's not going to be a SAoY character.

If there's anything else I can help with in relation to this, please let me know.
I believe they're mentioning it because I allowed Edto to cameo the character in Scythe for a little while.

It was my understanding at the time that a SAINT Neko would most likely have been an Eihei, which is what I told them when they asked me about what I would allow into the plot. Since I typically assume that even normal Neko are a tier or two above simple biologicals, I didn't see the problem with allowing that, as long as it wouldn't be abused, which it hasn't been. I'm not even certain that it's been mentioned.

So that's why I'm a little confused by this thread; it doesn't seem like a problem, except that Raz is making it one. If anyone has anything to say on this matter it should be Ace, and he seems perfectly fine with this.

Since Wes is involved, I need to clarify that my involvement is only as a GM, so that is where my interest lies. The species is not particularly important to the plot, but as it's Edto's character, and as the character's status was uncertain, and allowing that players have certain rights to the sovereignty of their characters, I can't see why this argument is worth my time or yours.

Redacting, or changing things about other people's characters is beyond the scope of the edits that can be justified under the wiki's general terms of use. If it is a history edit, sure make the edit - but this isn't a history edit, it's a species change. I'm going to just assume that people can use the Wiki and skip linking the appropriate pages for those rules, here. I've had to read and re-read them a lot lately.
At the time, it was a little nebulous since the character was originally just labeled as a "Nekovalkyrja" and without any specific model type. When Edto asked us about picking one or another, we gave the go ahead for the Eihei, since it felt like it made sense for a SAINT, or someone who had taken the black. Plus, we felt it couldn't hurt the plot as Gallant had pointed out since it's a minor detail.
The character was pretty specifically applied and approved as a Tennyo. That is also how it was RPed. No Eihei abilities were used, even when they would have aided the character and made sense to appear. It would be going against the character's creator, a GM's editing and approval process, hard facts on the wiki and actual RP to claim that this character is now an Eihei.

It also seems even less likely that Yamatai would let a non-standard model like that be turned over so easily.

And even if all of that was to be ignored, for some reason, every single extra ability would be removed when she was decommissioned and discharged. So it would not even matter, in the end. Unless Edto wants to play her with all of these abilities intact. Which sets off a bunch of both IC and OOC red flags.

And, if Edto does want to play an Eihei with all abilities intact, they could easily create such a character and join a SAoY plot.
  1. Most SAINT operatives aren't Eihei at all. Most SAINT are analysts in standard NH-33 bodies, and then the next most prevalent are NH-33S. But that's irrelevant because Eihei bodies are only authorized for use by the Star Army and Ketsurui Clan as restricted technology. Moreover, as has been stated twice in this thread by the approving GM, the character started as a Tennyo and participated on the YSS Heartbreaker as such.

  2. I brought it to Wes' attention via PM because I was researching characters who backlinked to SAINT and saw that the character sheet said she was an Eihei who wasn't part of the Star Army anymore. Looking at the revision history further showed that the change from Tennyo to Eihei occurred after the character was adopted by Edto and turned over as a prisoner to the Vekimen, which is the opposite of well-documented IC decommissioning procedures upon exit from the Star Army. I informed him that I'd crossed out the character's SAoY/SAINT affiliation and laid out the apparent funky-business with the body swap, and was under the impression that he agreed the edit was incorrect or made in error.

  3. This doesn't seem to be a debate. Wes posted his clarification here because questions apparently remained. There is no right to playing an NH-33 Eihei outside of the Star Army—unlike Tennyo and NH-29, it's still restricted and controlled technology rather than "this is the person I am and you can't take it"—especially because the upgrade would never happen to a soldier right before they were turned over as a criminal prisoner.
Again, we honestly thought it was rather nebulous at one point or another so decided to just fudge it. The idea was that she'd retain the subdermal armor but lose most of the other abilities. Still, the issue isn't which species or Neko model the character is though, but player rights and the wiki editing without permission.
Anyone can edit the wiki to fix errors and, in fact, the Site Admin/Setting Manager/Faction Manager was consulted before it happened.

No need to make trouble.
Why is this thread where a decision was clarified getting turned into some sort of attempt to justify the mistakes made? This is a running theme where a decision is stated or explained turns into some lengthy discussion.

Player right doesn't mean treading on FM rights and setting accuracy. Make a thread for that. This thread really has no business as a place to hold this beyond some attempt to overrule a decision made. Take it to reports or a group conversation.
Before this spirals out of control anymore than it already has all I'm going to say is that when I turned over Alexis she was as a prisoner since I was not comfortable or able to play her. She had been a test to see if I could play a character like her. When she was turned over she was turned over as a Tennyo Saint.
Alright, sounds like the matter is settled. Thanks everyone for your input to help clear this up.

Also, as a matter of courtesy, I recommend speaking to players when making edits to their characters' pages aside from minor spelling/grammar or link fixes.
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