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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Five: Kyūka

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
New Kyoto
Ketsurui Resort Hotel
16日 4月 YE 39
1900 Hours

The brides were at the Cloud Temple Retreat in the mountains West of New Kyoto while the rest of the Kaiyō crew walked in to the lavish and esteemed Ketsurui Resort Hotel on Hanako's World. Not a month earlier it had been wracked by indomitable winds and rain, but it had withstood the test of time with a fair bit of help from the technological prowess of the Yamataian Star Empire to reconstruct what had been wrecked on the resort world.

Mitsuko was, as was expected, in charge of the rough and tumble group of Kaiyō crew members on their vacation. Eden herself had asked it off the logistics Neko to do so and Deio Asuka peeled herself away from wanting to talk with Hanna in order to poke Mitsuko. She realized that wasn't such a good idea midway through the poking action and let her finger fall to her side.

"Mitsuko, what should we do next? Eden said she paid for all of the rooms and that the third floor is reserved for all of us. Should we go up there or go out on the town?" Asuka wasn't expecting Mitsuko to reply to her. It was more of a question for Mitsuko to tell the entire group the answer to. And, so, she took a few steps back, towards Muyomi and began chatting with her, asking if she liked the way she held the giant red umbrella in the wedding earlier that evening.
Naturally, Meissa was excercising in the gym. Wait, she wasn't there...

Naturally, she was lying on one of the many pool's watersides, wearing a bikini. She was watching some sort of anime she nicked from Yoshida while tanning, her wings also somewhat outstretched. And really, by 'nicked' she meant 'borrowed.' She picked some weird anime where people had these weird hats and big muscles, running around making weird poses punching each other at impossible speeds and strengths while shouting overdramatically. And by 'picked' she really just let Yoshida reccomend her one to watch.

Despite the level of cringe she somewhat experienced, she had to admit it was a pretty good show. It had a good story, it was flashy enough, and it was pretty hectic.
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New Kyoto, Ketsurui Resort Hotel, Lobby

Once she had entered the hotel lobby at the front of the pack, Mitsuko had hurried forward to briefly speak with some sort of manager. Several carts containing the crew's luggage were wheeled past them and into a nearby elevator while she swiftly handled the business of checking in. The Logistics Neko rejoined the group just in time to be approached by one of the young, anxious Neko. "Our belongings are being delivered to our assigned rooms as we speak. You can check with the Front Desk when we return to receive your key. I have confirmed that our identities are on file." Well, it seemed that decision had been made.

"Today, and for the next week, I am not an officer, or your team leader. However, I am experienced in the ways of this planet. Even considering my age." She had a somewhat sour expression for a brief moment. "...I expected more of you would be..." Her eyes drifted from the Neko to the few older Minkan, not to mention their winged and scaled comrades. "...younger." Mitsuko shook her head, pushing away her concerns and brightening her expression. "I have several activities planned for today, designed to ease you into your experience on Hanako's World, and vacationing in general. The rest of the week will be yours to enjoy, although I will be available to assist if needed." Which, again, made more sense for Yoshida and the other Neko than it did for some of the naturally grown crew members.

"Of course, if you are already confident in your own plans - like some people" Mitsuko didn't name names, but at least one crew member was conspicuous in their absence. "-you are free to come and go as you please. It is called 'liberty' after all." She smiled and gave a shallow bow to the group, and then began to...undress?

The sweater and dress she had been wearing after the end of the festivities on Yamatai were quickly shed and squirmed out of, expertly folded and tucked into a large bag carried over one shoulder. One bare shoulder. The traditionally formal, reserved Logistics Neko was wearing an orange, frilled and flowery swimsuit with matching sarong featuring orange and yellow sunflower patterns. She'd even been hiding sandals under her long skirt. A large, floppy sunhat was produced from the bag and plopped onto her head, tinted glasses replaced with dark cat eye sunglasses.

"Now, who would like to go shopping? I believe most of you will require swimsuits, towels, footwear, casual wear and other personal supplies. I do not mean to brag, but I am very good at shopping." She smiled. It was likely true, considering her occupation. "Oh...and today's activities are my treat, of course."
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Ketsurui Resort Hotel, Lobby

Anastasia had been quietly standing there near the back of the group nearby the few close friends she had. She was still awkwardly dressed in her Type 35, eyeing the room they were in, and its impressive style. She wasn't entirely sure what she was going to do on vacation, let alone on a beach. Waters and wings don't mix, neither does sand.

Anastasia perked up at Mitsuko's shopping offer, and just now noticed the clothing change. She looked around before raising her hand, "I'd like to go."
Anastasia had clothing, but nothing too beachy. She also wanted to get to know Mitsuko better than "clean the maintenance conduits". She was a bit of a genius, what with her tactical maneuvers in the cargo bay during the Mishhu assault.
Lobby Gathering

"Yeah, I think I'll come with..." Arb-Arb took a couple steps forward, testing the proverbial waters. She really hadn't gotten invested in the water-based outfits during her time in Kyoto, although the smol had at least managed to pick out something less formal than the Type 35. A nondescript white shirt mixed with a cream skirt let her minute body shine just slightly as opposed to fading into the background like usual.

"Although I'm not sure if they have anything really uh, designed to work with us." She looked up at Anastasia, still clearly taken aback by the technician's not-broken wing.
Ketsurui Military Sector, Hanako's Star, Hanako's World, New Kyoto
Ketsurui Resort Hotel, Lobby

16日 4月 YE 39

Anastasia had been quietly standing there near the back of the group nearby the few close friends she had. She was still awkwardly dressed in her Type 35, eyeing the room they were in, and its impressive style.

Based upon Barlow-Hei's body language, there exists a distinctive chance (97.17%, plus or minus 2.11%) that she is impressed by the grandeur of the Ketsurui Resort Hotel, thereby further proving that Yamataian architecture is superior to anything designed by Elysians.

Once she had entered the hotel lobby at the front of the pack, Mitsuko had hurried forward to briefly speak with some sort of manager.

Considering Murakami-Juni's occupation as a(n) {04 - Logistics (Transportation and Supply)} Officer and the likely identity (91.16%, plus or minus 17.32% owing to a lack of other verifiable identification factors) of the conversation's other participant - Tamemoto Talia, assistant manager of the Ketsurui Resort according to YamOpMilInt's dossier on the hotel staff - there is a probability of 99.20% (plus or minus 0.02%) that the former is querying the latter regarding our luggage and/or verifying our presence here on this island, something that ought to have been conducted automatically via SYNC and/or PANTHEON in order to maximize efficiency; security and counterintelligence precautions, however, admittedly offer up a valid counterargument against s-

Several carts containing the crew's luggage were wheeled past them and into a nearby elevator while she swiftly handled the business of checking in.

Identifying...done. Analysis of appearance, gait, uniform, and occupation indicate the three attendants to be Chikafusa Masao, Yang Sidney, and Sakamoto Shunko with an of accuracy of 95.14% (plus or minus 7.15%), 91.11% (plus or minus 9.06%), and 95.02% (plus or minus 6.13%), respectively; although no flags of suspicious activities appear in their YamOpMilInt citizen files, operational security mandates that I examine all relevant security footage and inspect my equipment in order to ensure that no tampering and/or placement of poisons and/or unauthorized devices occurred - which is also something I will have to routinely perform within my assigned suite to negate the presence of any potential surveillance devices.

The Logistics Neko rejoined the group just in time to be approached by one of the young, anxious Neko.
Mitsuko was, as was expected, in charge of the rough and tumble group of Kaiyō crew members on their vacation. Eden herself had asked it off the logistics Neko to do so and Deio Asuka peeled herself away from wanting to talk with Hanna in order to poke Mitsuko. She realized that wasn't such a good idea midway through the poking action and let her finger fall to her side.

"Mitsuko, what should we do next? Eden said she paid for all of the rooms and that the third floor is reserved for all of us. Should we go up there or go out on the town?" Asuka wasn't expecting Mitsuko to reply to her. It was more of a question for Mitsuko to tell the entire group the answer to. And, so, she took a few steps back, towards Muyomi and began chatting with her, asking if she liked the way she held the giant red umbrella in the wedding earlier that evening.

A valid query, seeing as how we have thus far not been given any further directives apart from the notification that Murakami-Juni is temporarily in command and that we are to report to the Ketsurui Hotel lobby; regarding Deio-Hei and Muyomi-Hei's conversation, a perusal of the fragments I have been able to overhear up until now indicate its topic to be related to holding an object at an earlier social event, thus making the chances of their exchange being a cover for treasonous activities a meager 2.20% (plus or minus 0.51%) due to body language, the aforementioned subject matter, and the individual's speech patterns. Nevertheless, I shall further analyze a rec-

"Our belongings are being delivered to our assigned rooms as we speak. You can check with the Front Desk when we return to receive your key. I have confirmed that our identities are on file.

Impressively efficient, even for a fellow Nekovalkyrja sist-

Today, and for the next week, I am not an officer, or your team leader.

-wait, what? Who is our commanding officer, then?

Hayashi Akiko (wearing her usual Type 35 Class B Uniform and, also as usual, standing towards the back of the group so that she could observe as much of them and the spacious lobby beyond as possible) raised an eyebrow at this new and unexpected pronouncement from the group's (former?) leader. Does this mean that Ketsurui-Shoi is in command now?

However, I am experienced in the ways of this planet. Even considering my age." She had a somewhat sour expression for a brief moment. "...I expected more of you would be..." Her eyes drifted from the Neko to the few older Minkan, not to mention their winged and scaled comrades. "...younger." Mitsuko shook her head, pushing away her concerns and brightening her expression.

Correct, as Murakami-Juni's personnel file notes that she has visited this world three times previously; the Juni's comment regarding age, however, is... ... ... ... ... ...not so easily answerable, fascinatingly enough, and is something I shall endeavor to deduce at a later point in time.

"I have several activities planned for today, designed to ease you into your experience on Hanako's World, and vacationing in general.

Ah, so Murakami-Juni's prior statement concerning her withdrawal from a leadership position was...erroneous.

The rest of the week will be yours to enjoy, although I will be available to assist if needed." Which, again, made more sense for Yoshida and the other Neko than it did for some of the naturally grown crew members.

Acknowledged, though I am fairly certain that activities related to training, observation, counterintelligence, and paperwork will sufficiently occupy the remainder of my waking hours this week.

"Of course, if you are already confident in your own plans - like some people" Mitsuko didn't name names, but at least one crew member was conspicuous in their absence. "-you are free to come and go as you please. It is called 'liberty' after all."

Speaking of such matters, Nashira-Hei's absence - in combination with her species and my level of unfamiliarity with her - is a highly-suspicious event that I would have investigated immediately (due to the aforementioned Elysian's demolitions training); unfortunately, though, the security feed from the Hei's suite reveals that she is merely observing an animated series named Jo-Jo's Mysterious Travels. While the show itself has not been flagged by YamOpMilInt for containing potentially subversive materi-

She smiled and gave a shallow bow to the group, and then began to...undress?

The sweater and dress she had been wearing after the end of the festivities on Yamatai were quickly shed and squirmed out of, expertly folded and tucked into a large bag carried over one shoulder. One bare shoulder. The traditionally formal, reserved Logistics Neko was wearing an orange, frilled and flowery swimsuit with matching sarong featuring orange and yellow sunflower patterns. She'd even been hiding sandals under her long skirt. A large, floppy sunhat was produced from the bag and plopped onto her head, tinted glasses replaced with dark cat eye sunglasses.

Once again, Akiko was caught off-guard by Mitsuko's actions, blinking several times as this previously-unknown aspect of the Kaiyō's Logistics Officer was revealed; fortunately for the Operative, however, several possible explanations for the other Juni's behavior quickly sprung to mind. Fascinating. So our next destination is a local swimming facility or a coastal l-

"Now, who would like to go shopping? I believe most of you will require swimsuits, towels, footwear, casual wear and other personal supplies. I do not mean to brag, but I am very good at shopping." She smiled. It was likely true, considering her occupation. "Oh...and today's activities are my treat, of course."

So we are acquiring equipment for our next mission, then? Interesting, though it is highly peculiar that we have been granted such a vast degree of latitude in selecting and obtaining said equipment from Logistics Command...

Anastasia perked up at Mitsuko's shopping offer, and just now noticed the clothing change. She looked around before raising her hand, "I'd like to go."
"Yeah, I think I'll come with..." Arb-Arb took a couple steps forward, testing the proverbial waters. She really hadn't gotten invested in the water-based outfits during her time in Kyoto, although the smol had at least managed to pick out something less formal than the Type 35. A nondescript white shirt mixed with a cream skirt let her minute body shine just slightly as opposed to fading into the background like usual.

...and, while I highly doubt I actually need any of the aforementioned gear to perform at optimal efficiency, the presence of multiple Elysian crewmates on such an important asset-gathering operation is simply too valuable of an observational exercise to ignore; furthermore, it may provide an explanation as to why Shan-Hei has in typical Elysian fashion chosen to adorn herself in an improper uniform that violates multiple regulations - and why Murakami-Juni has yet to take notice of the aforementioned transgressions.

"Although I'm not sure if they have anything really uh, designed to work with us." She looked up at Anastasia, still clearly taken aback by the technician's not-broken wing.

A surprisingly accurate assessment, given that this is a world of the Yamatai Star Empire, not the Elysian Celestial Empire - and it quite telling of Yamataian superiority that such a trivial medical procedure is, based upon Shan-Hei's nonverbal cues and eye movements, viewed (with a 69.16% degree of certainty, plus or minus 4.52%) as utterly miraculous. Elysian inferiority aside, though...

"I will also be participating in this gathering of assets, Murakami-Hei" was the Nekovalkyrja's toneless, soft-yet-steeled reply.
Ketsurui Military Sector, Hanako's Star, Hanako's World, New Kyoto
Ketsurui Resort Hotel, Lobby

16日 4月 YE 39

Riku, despite the fact he was on a luxury resort world, named after a famous Captain no less, had nothing to wear for the occasion; his Type-35 Uniform 'B', with it's dull gray coloring seemed so regular in comparison to everyone else's vibrant color. Adjusting the Star Army Type-32 Cap, he looked around at the gathered group and found that perhaps it wasn't such a good idea after all to come in uniform, quietly pulling off the Type-22 gloves he had on; folding them so that they slid perfectly into the pocket of his jacket. The Minkan listened to the impromptu briefing, their freedom to do whatever they wished still holding true, though Riku didn't find that too odd considering where they were - a perfect place for one to get together with friends, loved ones, and enjoy life to the fullest.

The idea of going off shopping appealed to him, having already experienced that sort to a limited extent during their time in Kyoto. Yoshida was an excellent partner, having enjoyed the time he spent with her. She reminded him just how much he had dedicated his every waking moment towards the Star Army. With a glance to his right, coincidentally, he saw the familiar shape of Santô Juni Hayashi , whom also appeared to be in the way back of the line-up. He remembered the look on her face, how she seemed to just go through each and every person with a discerning eye, as if picking out flaws and quietly pointing out faults in their lining as people.

She is Intelligence, after all .. and a Nekovalkyrja. I suppose I can't blame her.

"I will also be participating in this gathering of assets, Murakami-Hei" was the Nekovalkyrja's toneless, soft-yet-steeled reply.

He also wasn't surprised to see her volunteering to participate, her manner of words belying what he assumed to be just another excuse to watch and examine the crew. He raised his hand, making sure it was visible over the small crowd, "I'll come along as well, Murakami-hei. I .. I'll need more then just my uniform if we ever come back here in the future." Riku would say, smiling awkwardly. He normally would have never done this and so he wondered why.

Hmm, well I do need clothes ...
Yoshida stood and stretched quite valiantly as she heard they were going to go and aquire seimsuits- something she actually failed to get on the shopping trip with Riku. "Haaii I also need one, I'll be coming!" She let off a grin and looked around at th eothers, and the suspicious lack of meissa. She strongly suspected of her present location and activity given she had only recently been reccomended an anime by her request.

While the others had a breif moment to speak, she paused and sent out a breifly encrypted telepathic message, informing meissa of their current location, and what their plans would be. Also with a rather exciteable "Don't miss out on a beach party!"

Then she turned to the spooky saint officer, and nodded, seeing as how she would be coming along. "This will be a good chance for us to get to know eachother! Uh, team building exercise!" At least, that was most certainly the excuse she would be using for such a serious professional. Yoshida wasn't sure there would be any other way to properly get to know her, with how distant she would be remaining at nearly all times, guarded by a frosty attitude and a relitively lofty position.
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Beat the guy, big hat man! You can do it! You can beat the vampire dude!

Then came Yoshida's telepathic message.

Shit. She didn't realize that the logistics Neko would ACTUALLY have something planned today. Although, she kicked herself right after because she should have known. It was Mitsuko after all.

Elevators were too damn slow. So instead she opened the window of her suite, unfurled her wings, and glided down to meet the group, with a small bag of belongings.

"Hey guys." Meissa greeted. "Didn't get the memo."

The Kaiyo's resident snakeman stood near the side of the group, as to not make his fellow people trip over his tail. Mitsuko's change in wardrobe case as much of a surprise to him as the others, and he couldn't help but stare for a short bit.

Her propostion of a shopping trim seemed most inviting, and even though he didn't particularly need anyhting, he would be happy to join. He figured that, ev Elysians were going to have a hard time finding decent aparrel here, finding specific Separa'shan underclothing was going to be nigh impossible. Top clothing was no problem though, just have to make sure you find a long size and you're set. Still, good thing he packed his own swimwear before travelling here.

"I'm in as well!" The separa said, raising his hand a bit, a gesture that wasn't too necesarry, being one of the taller members of the group to begin with. Immediately after that, he started muttering to himself a bit, a not-so-good habit of his. "...Heh, no way i'm passing up a chance to see our Ice Queen try to be social with this bunch..."

Imagining the silly shenanigans that could ensue, his tailtip wagged a bit, accidently brushing up against one of the fellow crewmember's legs, before snapping out of it from Meissa's unconventional entrance, looking impressed. "So convenient....."
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