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Approved Submission [SAoY] Fuji-class Expeditionary Gunship


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Submission Type: Starship
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:starships:fuji-class_expeditionary_gunship

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? No @Wes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes Thank you @Gunsight1!!
Previously Submitted? No

I'd like to thank @Fred for making the Himiko-class, which this ship borrows several interiors from. I did get his blessing and also had him and others look over this ship. To everyone that helped out with it, thank you. It will be getting updated art soon from Gunsight and a DA artist, but I need this in RP sooner rather than later.
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I would say it could be the other way around. If I'm changing from gunship to cruiser, which I'm still not saying should happen, I would go up to cruiser tier (heavy starship tier 12), no doubt.
Even the Sharie has a huge weapon on the front half of the ship. Does that make it a gunship?
Guys, ship types like gunship and battleship don't mean anything unless you define those terms. Kinda like how in modern times the term Cruiser and Destroyer are only used in the context of making fleets seem bigger or smaller in news stories.

I'd recommend defining your terms in the SARP wiki just like how gunship is defined: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=guide:gunship
Why are people beating on this dead horse?

Though options were discussed, I don't think anyone truly disagreed with the use of "Expeditionary Gunship".

Not to mention Nashoba's concern was addressed. Some gunships do belong in the light cruiser category.

Just move on. >_>;


The Star Army will start making these soon, in limited quantites at first until any kinks are worked out.
This is a side issue not really related to this submission, but I think it is important... or at least I feel silly when people argue about terms but don't have a definition for those terms.

After all why is a cruiser anyways? How is it different from a gunship? Can a gunship also be a cruiser or are the two mutually exclusive terms?

For that matter, what makes a light cruiser different from a heavy cruiser?

And what makes this an expeditionary gunship instead of just a gunship?


I think we should have a guide page to define expeditionary type starships, but that is off topic for this I think.
Thanks everyone! I'm really happy this got approved and thank you for all of your feedback and help! You're all the best!
Can you add art credit to the OOC notes Ame?
Post approval, there's a few things that kind of nag at me.

I suggest changing Type to "Nekovalkyrja Heavy Gunship".
This is also the place where the DRv3 information is supposed to be written to mesh with the article rather than require an extra 'damage capacity heading'... people don't follow those guidelines, but I included them for a reason in the DRv3 article in order to set a standard.

The same problem carries over with the weapon system nomenclature. The weapon classification is supposed to be expressed in the name so that the name is informative in itself, rather than tacking on the tier in parenthesis after. For example, the positron cannons perhaps ought to come across as: "Medium Anti-Starship Positron Accelerator Cannons".
You can see the suggested standards for applying DR in an article here: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=guide:damage_rating_v3#article_templates
Also, I'd like to point out there's an error with your turbo aether turrets. They obviously are different weapons, but dish out the same tier of damage.

There also the matter of the main gun. You refer to the very same piece of equipment as the Plumeria-class, the double-bladed array. However, for all intent and purposes, it seems to function as the same kind of 'nose emitter' the Yui and Eikan have. I'd argue that this is not a 3020, but rather a newer 39xx (xx depending on the number of weapon systems on the vessel, and which it is listed as) which might deserve its own article. The same could go for your other weapon systems, and I wouldn't recommend going for a 'stubbed' listing like Wes does for so many of the KFY vessels these days.
I think I should address the issues in a separate wiki. [EDIT: this one https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:fuji ]

There also the matter of the main gun. You refer to the very same piece of equipment as the Plumeria-class, the double-bladed array. However, for all intent and purposes, it seems to function as the same kind of 'nose emitter' the Yui and Eikan have. I'd argue that this is not a 3020, but rather a newer 39xx (xx depending on the number of weapon systems on the vessel, and which it is listed as) which might deserve its own article. The same could go for your other weapon systems, and I wouldn't recommend going for a 'stubbed' listing like Wes does for so many of the KFY vessels these days.

I also found that the Heavy Quad Anti-Mecha Cannons are tier 7 not tier 8 so I "nerfed". I think that settles the issue of the turbo aether turrets needing to be "different weapons".

The things I quoted I don't quite understand or don't know if I need to do? It's up to @Wes and you, @Fred.
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The point I'm trying to make with the main gun is that the model you put for the Fuji is the same one that was created for the Plumeria back in YE 30.

The Fuji is obviously a new ship. It has a different nose and entirely lacks the Plumeria's double-bladed arrangement. Evidently, it's a different weapon system, not the 3020. So, I kind of think it's a mistake to link it to the 3020 article (even though I realize it's one of the more detailed 'aether shock cannon' pages). It seemed like it'd make more sense to either not indicate the model, or to create a new article detailing the function on your weapon (especially considering how your art doesn't seem to display any weaponry at the forward tip of the ship, an explanation would likely be welcome).

Also, regarding DRv3 nomenclature, I meant something more as follows:
As described in the link I pointed out earlier, that's how it was designed to work.

(also, isn't the location stated for the turbo aether turrets wrong? Shouldn't it be "2 mounted on the top and bottom of the main body" to take account for the four turrets?)
I follow the guide's request to put the purpose, whereas yours does not. I also don't see the use by not putting the number tier. Only a few people know what tier anti-mecha is whereas saying both anti-mecha and tier 7 is helpful to those looking for straight numbers.

I am having trouble wrapping my head around putting it this way. Would you mind talking to me about this in chat or discord?