Star Army

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[Elysia] Adrast-Type Heavy Torpedo Update


Banned Member
  • Submission Type: Article Update
  • Submission URL: Linky
  • Original Article URL: Linky
  • Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope.
  • Contains New Art? Nope.
  • Previously Submitted? Nope.
  • Changelog: Linky

An update for an older torpedo design that unfortunately never saw the light of day due to its host platform never being completed.

The article will be receiving art at some point in the future, however, it's currently a low-priority item because of its age and lack of usage.
But shouldn't the station be submitted first, then, in that case?

Not to be rude, but isn't one supposed to submit a starship/installation/etc.'s sub-articles before submitting the starship/installation/etc. itself?

Here's yet another changelog, as I made a few minor edits over the past several days; also, sorry for replying so late - been dealing with shenanigans recently IRL. :oops:

Lastly, @Wes, a question - do weapons such as the Ke-M2-W2907-SDMM Subspace Detonating Mini-Missile still disable FTL flight and collapse wormholes, or were those particular effects of theirs removed when anti-FTL fields got banned?
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You might get that from somewhere else, but, I don't see how I can approve, say, a ship without a chassis or a gun without a firing mechanism. And it's okay, everything can come off as rude when you're doing NTSE stuff! :D

As you said, the main host platform hasn't been completed yet, and it lacks the small stuff like DRv3. There's also the issue that this gun is basically a sub-article of this article.

I can go along approving it, as I know you put a lot of work into updating all the Elysian articles; but I won't be sliding it into the green until the aforementioned article above is put through the machine and fixed up to current standards (which vary so take this with a grain of salt :D).
Once this gets to being two months old I'm going to recycle it unless that really doesn't sit well with you.