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Interest Check [Gartagen] The Baba Yaga



The Baba Yaga will be a plot centered around the privateers aboard the titular ship, the Baba Yaga. The ship is a variant of a “Divine Comedy” State-Issue Ayane, built from designs obtained on the Black Market.

The ship was commissioned by Viceroy Qault Kajia, a government official in the Gartagen Union, with the purpose of raiding Kuvexians and any of their allies. With that in mind, the Viceroy looked for a Captain suitable for the mission. He located Mikhail Alexei Zakharov (also known as “Bruin”) looking for a crew on the Black Market and made him an offer. After the first job, he would be allowed to pick his own targets and keep the majority of his spoils in exchange for taking a job on behalf of the Viceroy from time to time. All he needs is a crew.
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Cool stuff. Like I've said I think I can put one of my inactive characters in here, so I'm good to go.
Okay looks like I didn't make it exciting enough. How about I tell you landlubbers my plans for the first mission?

The Baba Yaga crew is just settling in when an encrypted message from the Viceroy is received. Using the previously provided decryption key, Mikhail watches the video. The Viceroy comes on-screen, looking disheveled. The Captain notices that Kajia looks frustrated and perhaps somewhat frightened. He speaks quickly. "Captain. I.. need to call you in right away. I'm sorry you don't have time to prepare but this is urgent. The Kuvexians attacked Nibiru station before the fleet could launch. We were able to repel them. The only problem is, one ship managed to evade destruction, and it's heading for Kuvexian space. You're the closest asset I have. You must stop that ship from delivering the intelligence they gathered."
The ship is a variant of a “Divine Comedy” State-Issue Ayane, built from designs obtained on the Black Market.

Erm... Yeah, you do realize not even the Freespacers can just build new ones, even with the plans? They were Yamatai-built hulls that were semi-reverse engineered after the fact.

Sorry for being slow responding to your PM requests for what you wanted in return for one, but A) I've just started uni again and it's taking up a lot of my time, and B) It's an expensive and rare-ass ship and the Gartagen FM hasn't exactly had much interest in the Freespacers in the past... So, erm, yeah, I like building bridges, but I have no idea what this kind of alliance would entail.

Perhaps @Wes would like to tag in? Would it actually be possible to replicate an Ayame to this degree?
You could try to build your own but you wouldn't really be able to make a real one because you wouldn't have the capabilities of the original shipyards or access to the Zesuaium hull parts, etc. If you make more sense to say they stole it, bought it, or have a different ship type, than to say they built one form scratch. If you could straight-up build starships you wouldn't need to be in the raiding business.
...You didn't say anything about that in the conversation. o_O

Edit: Looking back at the convo I guess I didn't say that it would be new. It doesn't have to be a new ship, that's not important. Easy fix.
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I said you could buy one from the Freespacers, no black market required... I just wasn't sure what to ask for in return.

Would the Gartagen Union be interested in making a deal on their behalf, @Ira? Guns aren't really our thing, but I'm interested in spreading some junkers around a few more planets, giving the Spacers an infrastructure backbone...

Perhaps this is okay?

  • Junkers and Liquid Ally allowed to roam in the sewers/wilderness of Gamjie I, Husya II, and Gartaga. They will process trash, scrap metal and pollution for you. They are not to be destroyed or have their programs interfered with, unless they enter a dedicated military sector without permission. Having them help in industrial actions is also possible on request, much like the situation on 188604 and many Nepleslian starships, but they are not under direct control and have the same personal liberties as any humanoid life form. I.E. You can send them to prison if they do something naughty.
  • Some mining rights for the rocky planets in the Gamjie system and the gas giant of Shara would be nice. Doesn't need to be exclusive.
  • In return, the Viridian Array will sell the Garts a Divine Comedy, including the full compliment of 40 phantasms, minus AI data (but including the hardware to simply install your own). Junkers can be added for self-repair functions, but have the same rules as above.
I honestly am a little confused, but yes, I think those terms are fair to help out Arsenic. :D

As long as we can also mine stuff in those areas, and these privateers will heed to the call of the Union if needed, seeing all the stuff we are doing for this! :p

my approval is of course not needed, but I approve.
Sounds good. What about the smaller drone fighters? They aren't necessary just wondering if I can build those. If not I might use that space for something else.
Sure, if you want them. It's the same deal with the AI, through.

That was the only reason why I didn't originally mention them; Honestly I'm not super sure what the Gart level of programming even is.

But they operate close to the ship anyhow, so simply remote controlling them would make a lot of sense.
I think some hesitation on this interest check is that it only says you are privateers on a ship. Do you expect it to be ship based? Pa? Mecha? Boarding? Ground? All of these things?
Mostly ship-based and boarding, PA is kind of a given in the setting but I don't plan on involving mecha. If there's something we can steal on the ground there may be some ground action.

Also maybe I should mention that since we don't have ST, it's going to be difficult to bring back anyone who dies.
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Well PA doesn't have to be a focus just because it exists but at least you gave a little more detail into what the plot will be like. Good luck with that.
Sorry if it seemed like I was being rude. o.o I was trying to say that against some enemies if you don't use PAs you're basically dead.

So for the first mission, we will likely be fighting Kuvexians. Generally, we'll be dealing with less armed vessels or already damaged ones. In those cases, or if we don't need to board, PA may not be necessary. If we're on the ground they may not be needed. The main boarding party will be the most heavily armed and most likely to be using PA. If someone really wants to they can join the second party. Same goes for mecha - if someone really wants to pilot a mecha then I won't say you can't. There just won't be a bunch of mecha on the ship, the character would need to bring his own.

@club24 What kind of character are you thinking of making? Currently, we have an XO and a tech guy.
well I can quite easily go for a heavy-man or a more combat orientated character if that will help complement it, otherwise I was thinking of a more intelligence based character, just let me know what kind of roles need filling and i can work to that I dont mind
Oh, you can easily make either type of character. Also, you could be pretty much any species you want since we're pretty much pirates. I've found it's more important to play something you enjoy than to make a character to fill a specific role.

I think that we need a Navigator (someone who can pilot a ship/drones), a Quartermaster, a Boatswain, a Surgeon, Master Gunner, and a few Gunners(Infantry). Any roles that aren't filled will be NPCed so don't worry about it. Most of the crew will be NPCs (I'll call them Seadogs). If you need me to explain a role let me know.