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Approved Submission Talon Class Light Corvette

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I have been asked by Edto to review this article. I intend to do so with a checklist after my initial concerns are addressed.

(I think you meant non-Vekimen)


Designers: Black Sun Industries
Manufacturer: Black Sun Industries
Fielded by: Alliance Of The Black Sun

(All of these are unapproved [or at least have wip banners])

Seems a little small for a light cruiser and the tier is not that of a cruiser, either. What do you think about changing the class? Either that or making it bigger. How do you feel about the tier changing along with the size and etc? I checked on DR and I have no problem but will re-check my math once tier is established.

"The Warmest part of the Vessel" (No need to capitalize these words)

How is the vessel kept warm? Starships do get hot, but space is very cold so the starship would likely need to be warmed in some way rather than just be hot naturally.*

What are "Heads" ("Heads and water pits are available for the Vekimen")?

*Nitpicking, I'm sorry! Just trying to figure out this ship inside and out!
I'm such a derp.

This is a corvette. Not a light cruiser. The url says that and the title for the submission says that!

The only problem is, the type under Statistics and Performance says "Light Cruiser". Can you change that?

Double post!
I'm such a derp.

This is a corvette. Not a light cruiser. The url says that and the title for the submission says that!

The only problem is, the type under Statistics and Performance says "Light Cruiser". Can you change that?

Double post!

I was just about to say. Was very confused, must have missed it from when I made the Cruiser. Changed.

As for Black Sun Industries, it's KAM, which is just the Company "Face" of the Vekimen Defensive Task Force. However, to make things easier I changed it all over to "The Vekimen Defensive Task Force" until appropriate changes can be made in RP and on the Wiki.

As for how is the ship heated, I would assume the life support system. As for engineering, I would assume the heat generated by the generators. If you want a better explanation, I would think they get heated the same way a car does. The coolant goes through special tubes in the chassis of the car to heat/cool the cabin before going through the radiator. At least that is how it was explained to me.

Heads is the naval term for bathroom
Please remove all references to Black Sun.
I ask that this article be re-reviewed, this time with a checklist. It obviously links to unapproved sub-articles, as well as a variety of other problems.
So I may as well do this thread as well. New link, all problems that have been specifically mentioned have been solved with the approval of this thread.

@CadetNewb for approval.

Just a heads-up @Edto Xar'Sivaree: while you were away, Wes said here that "submitters don't get to pick their reviewers[,]" hence I'm going to also tag @Ametheliana, @Arbitrated, @Fred, and @META_mahn. Furthermore, Wes said here that "submission reviewers should avoid being a reviewer on their own stuff or reviewing things where their impartiality is likely to be called into question" - which therefore effectively "disqualifies" @CadetNewb from reviewing this submission, seeing as how he's a Co-FM of the Vekimen Defensive Task Force according to the Factions page.

Regarding the submission itself, I have a few concerns, most of which are minor and easily addressable:

Lastly, I'd like to utilize this opportunity to address some major concerns I have over the actions and conduct of CadetNewb in this thread...
  • CadetNewb - a Co-FM of the Vekimen Defensive Task Force - effectively approved the submission, despite Wes saying here that "submission reviewers should avoid being a reviewer on their own stuff or reviewing things where their impartiality is likely to be called into question."
  • CadetNewb ignored what Wes said here and the Submission Rules by claiming here that "...the business template...[was] not mandatory."
  • When presented with the aforementioned forum post and wiki article, CadetNewb replied that "...if I hold this submission to your standard...I'd have to do the same with things like NAM. [...] I refuse..." - which is a completely invalid justification when one considers that Nepleslian Arms and Munitions was approved six years before the business template was even submitted for review.
  • When presented with the fact that the titles of the Black Star Industries article's Corporate Divisions section had been copied almost word-for-word from the Corporated Divisons section of the Nepleslian Arms and Munitions article, CadetNewb referred to it here as a "minor [problem] and not grounds for unapproval" despite the fact that plagiarism is - to the best of my knowledge - something that is not tolerated within this community.
  • When presented with it a second time, CadetNewb "replied that "if people follow the same format, it's expected that things will start looking very similar...," that "it's the same as how you can't really 'rip off' plot ideas for an example - every faction is likely to have a ground pounder plot, or a space marine plot or so on," and that "business articles are no different" - which (just like the above) are all completely invalid arguments, given that (to the best of my knowledge) no two corporations besides Nepleslian Arms and Munitions and Black Star Industries have multiple internal divisions with identical names.
...and request that the thread be unlocked so that it may be properly reviewed by someone not affiliated with the Vekimen Defensive Task Force.
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Uh. Cadet has nothing to do with the Vekimen.

Noodles is the boss now, and the vekimen are under the Gartagen banner for all intents and purposes.

And yes wes did say we don't get to pick our reviewer. But I think that works in all directions. As the FM, please and I'd say this reguardless of who is reviewing the article - let the reviewers do their jobs.

Also this article was already approved. I don't see an unapproved marker. So, why does it need to be rereviewed when it already went through the process?
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If anything needs to be added to make this more clear it's probably a paragraph in the VDTF article stating that the Vekimen are now part of the Union.
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Noodles is in fact the Vekimen Faction Manager, and as previously stated, the Vekimen Defensive Task Force has merged with the Gartagen Union, to formally create a new faction titled The Union. Therefor, I do not see how Cadet has anything to do with the Vekimen, neither does Gallant. I personally helped as a GM of the Union, to create this new united faction, so I confirm that Noodles is the FM of the Vekimen, and not anyone else.

In addition to that, the person who approved Blackstar Industries is not affiliated with the Vekimen, so your argument against that is invalid. To be completely honest too, your division names are not that unique. and personally see no problem with different corporations using those same terms, since I am sure many people could come up with.
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Yea. The article needs to clarify it is a Union organization now.

But let's get the record set. The Gartagen Union is its own faction. The Gartagens in Asteria are asterian subjects loyal to Asteria. The Union stands on its own legs.
Uh. Cadet has nothing to do with the Vekimen.
[...] Therefor, I do not see how Cadet has anything to do with the Vekimen...

This post and this article say differently, @Ira and @Zekec.

Noodles is the boss now...
Noodles is in fact the Vekimen Faction Manager...so I confirm that Noodles is the FM of the Vekimen, and not anyone else.

Would one of you mind posting a link to the forum post that supports this claim, please?

[...] As the FM, please and I'd say this reguardless of who is reviewing the article - let the reviewers do their jobs.

How am I preventing any of the submission reviewers from doing their jobs, Ira?

...neither does Gallant.

Correct, and my apologies to @Edto Xar'Sivaree for making that mistake.

[...] In addition to that, the person who approved Blackstar Industries is not affiliated with the Vekimen, so your argument against that is invalid.

There is nothing invalid about my argument, as I never once stated that Talarn was affiliated with the Vekimen Defensive Task Force.

To be completely honest too, your division names are not that unique.and personally see no problem with different corporations using those same terms, since I am sure many people could come up with.

My division names? I'm flattered, Zekec - but I did not create Nepleslian Arms and Munitions. @Tom did - and if they're so generic and "easy to come up with," then why has Black Star Industries been the only one to copy them over the past eleven years Nepleslian Arms and Munitions has been in existence?