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Banned Member
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Yamataian Bioweapon / Species
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:species:mudulcis

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? Unsure

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

So I decided to make a living bioweapon as practice for making things for the wiki, here it is. Designed under SAINT directives supposedly, the species is currently only present aboard the YSS Kaiyo II and there are only a few specimens in existence. While I don't think it will be immediately used in RP, it would definitely be an interesting bioweapon for Yamatai to use it if it ever called for it. Also it gives me an in-universe thing my science officer has been doing since he got aboard the ship. Enjoy!
I question the notion that SAINT, let alone the SAoY, would support development of such a weapon.

That said, and other functional questions aside -- I totally love how it works.
Hmm.. That's quite a dilemma if that's the case, though I'd like to keep the species and change the lore if that's cool?

Probably make it a product of one of the corporations I'm putting through submission
I don't think SAINT has talked to Iemochi about this, but Ethereal already took out SAINT references from the article so it doesn't really matter.

That said, if Wes thinks it's cool, Iemochi is more than welcome to post a communications board message to SAINT (or SARA) to talk about potential future military deployments of the organism.
Now I'm just imagining Ketsurui Yui with the voice of The Emperor (Star Wars) issuing the drop of Mulducis on a Kuvexian world.

Welp, that's not getting out of my head. Thanks Raz.
So, the IC development behind this has been mostly in petri dishes and stuff, since the facilities onboard - despite being used solely by the creator - would likely not be sanctioned for anything greater by the Captain. Since the guy who created it is a bio-engineer it makes sense that since he transferred to his post he's been researching stuff for the SA rather than not doing much in his downtime. I could retro something about him being commissioned by SARA or something similar but from my experience retroing makes people angry ><

If this doesn't make sense, I can just resubmit it for Elysia for @FrostJaeger later down the line once #MEGA rolls out so nothing lost if @Ametheliana or @Wes don't think it's likely this would be possible.
Here's what I think. I think you should submit this as an ongoing operation/experiment, much like how SAINT wiki operations work.

Here is an example:

In this instance, you would need to work with Star Army Command a bit.

Also, I would suggest you send out a transmission about the experiment thus far and ask what to do.
Alright, will do. I'll ping you when I've made it in such a form and namespace.

Would you like me to submit a transmission before or after this approval?

Also would you like the race to be inside the operation article or as a subarticle?
It's quite large already but whatever works.

Is there a representative of Star Army Command I need to talk to player to player to iron this our shall I imply it's being talked through ICly and sanctioned that way?

Finally, ask what to do with what? XS

I reformatted it ^^

If you think it's in good enough state for a proposal, I can formally ask Command, SAINT and Sara in the communications forums to canonise the background I've added.

If not, I'm open for changes :)
Well, I've thought about this for a few days and I feel like the Star Army wouldn't be interested in non-targeted, unpredictable weapons like this, especially given that it could be accidentally spread to the wrong planets, etc. In fact, I feel like only an evil faction would use this at all. If the Star Army wants to take over a planet, we have an quasi-unlimited supply of Nekovalkyrja soldiers who are trained to take over planets.

Due to this, I have decided not to FM approve the submission for Yamatai.

On a technical level it's okay for the SARPiverse, although it's pretty vague about what it would actually affect.

By the way, your character in Yamatai could still make this, but you'd have to adjust the submission to say it's not something official.
Now you say that I see what you mean, I guess it's more a weapon for a faction less populous with expendable soldiers i.e. a smaller military. Might remarket it to Elysia or USO possibly depending who's interested.