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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Approved Submission Iemochi Systems Again


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Corporation
Submission URL:
Destination URL:

Faction: Independent (working with Yamatai, Nepleslia, USO)
FM Approved Yet? Several nods in VC and PMs but I think I need official approval
Faction requires art? No idea.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles?
Edit: now added them into the main article, took a long time.

Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? Yes

*wipes brow*

Alright, here it is. This company provides intricate, hard-to-produce internals for shipyards and other manufacturers that are hard to make economically on a large scale (due to patents, expertise, facilities, time). This includes Yamatai's Ketsurui products as well as civilian ones. They recently moved into the Nepleslian market by warping their home starport into orbit around Fortuna. RP will come soon regarding them also moving into the USO's market.

I feel like I'm missing a few things but I thought I'd best submit it before I end up making things way too elaborate. @Wes, @Gunhand4171 , @Ametheliana and @Zack have pitched in at one point or another though I need official approval in this thread from a few of them. Thanks for the numerous others that helped me in VC and PMs :3

I took a look at this with Etherial's permission and tried to make it more approvable.

A lot of the bombastic language has been removed, and a lot of the text about how the company bought out other companies is also gone. I've also removed all of the locations except the HQ on Yamatai.

A company like this, that mainly focuses on business to business sales, could easily slip under the radar of every player character that isn't intensely involved in ship or electronics design. I think We'll need @Wes to ok that KFY buys components from them, but other than that I think we're good to go.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
It needs a mod approval, Ethereal.

Sorry it took so long for someone to get to it. Do you want me to review it or should someone else?
  • Created 6 subsidiary companies, 5 of which have articles, 1 of which I still need to submit and 1 of which is just fluff for managing a few hundred of acres of farmland on the Avalon (and for donating to USO).
  • Since IIS branched out, renamed the holding company to Iemochi Innovations & Sales.
  • Gifted 3 planetary shipyards from Elysia in exchange for economic participation.
  • Created a research/ship-plan agreement with Section 6 in exchange for access to their unlimited budget and near-unrestricted research, added them to clients list following several JPs.
  • Created a research/ship-plan agreement with the Vekimen in exchange for economic participation and fluff ship upgrades, adding them to the clients list following a JP.
  • Created a employment agreement with the Wire Guided in exchange for fair wages to hire Freespacer Junkers.
  • Added several IIS, Vekimen and Section 6 ships to the current products list due to arrangements to share ship plans.
  • Added the various stations owned by IIS to the article.
  • Added the fact that IIS have a Skype-esque comms network as it was used in a Kaiyo-Ascension JP.
  • Added mentions of the chromataphoric stealth system that is now exclusive to IIS.
  • Split the history, structure, etc into their own sub-articles.
  • Added a small inventory for externally bought assets.
  • Created a production/fleet tracker for everything that IIS has produced since they procured shipyards, using build time restrictions.
  • Added a company will.
  • Added a bunch of history, including how they rescued Creature and the current RP surrounding the disagreement between FSCorp and IIS (which is all for the sake of RP).
That's all I can think of for now but I'll edit it if I remember anything @Ametheliana
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Excuse me, @Ethereal , could you clarify something for me?

This was submitted this year. It has existed in-character for 9 years. But now I understand that your company now has a number of employees around 30 millions, as well as a 654 shipyards total.

*Headscratch* Isn't that like 54ish-years worth of space stations where military buildup is concerned? This seems to easily rival big empires like Yamatai (and you're in Yamatai, which makes this appear more baffling).

I'd like to know if this is a correct understanding of your company's current state, as well as how it turned out like this.
Ah I see what you mean.

Well, I talked this over a while back with both Wes and Nashoba separately. I didn't realise when I created this company that it needed to be created in the "current" year, since it was originally a military contractor for SAoY ships and facilities since we didn't really have much surrounding shipbuilding other than one or two massive companies such as Geshrinari.

Wes at the time said he was fine with backdating it a to YE 31 regarding its creation period because it wouldn't have too big an effect
anyway given the amount of money they'd be getting from Yamatai for all the ship parts anyway.

I estimated that they would probably have earned at least a billion at least from nine years of service to Yamatai, so I bought the biggest station Geshrinari has available from Nashoba, with his consent, as an easy way to reflect that they had been working closely in the interests of the SA for some time.

In the meantime and following RP with many FMs, the company has expanded to service what is probably near a half dozen nations at this point - meaning their income is even more off the chain as it stands. SAoY, Nepleslia, Union, Section 6, Elysia, Vekimen to name a few.

The amount of shipyards on the ~30km by ~40km station isn't noted, the same is the case with the Origin station of similar size. I decided that I would estimate the amount to be the ~650 mentioned as auxillary shipyards to the main station, as an under-estimation.

Ironically, IIS hasn't been producing ships apart from the past month or so as I haven't had any ship plans so you can assume whatever buildup they've had they've put solely into shipyards while focusing on their main business of electronics for all this time.

I can point to several companies that claim unlimited production capabilities, as well as some companies directly controlled by factions that claim the same due to the lack of numbers of shipyards on many stations.

A lot of people handwave the numbers because companies aren't technically factions and hence don't abide by buildup other than ship build times, according to what Raz has quite usefully told me in the past. I could potentially say that IIS just pay to rent shipyards to bypass the build time requirement also but I don't for the sake of sanity.

Unlike a lot of people as well, I've done JPs to canonise the station I have, I can point to at least three if you need some reason why it's canon. I hope this answers your questions, if not just ask :) in short it's basically that I'm doing my best to estimate where a lot of people won't and this is what I've come up with.

Edit: Also note that those 600 odd shipyards are all Sanza-class, which is of a very specific size and incapable of producing anything near to capital ships, which I believe "Shipyards" for buildup are defined as. In reality I have less than 10 "Shipyards" capable of producing capital ships, three of which were gifts from Elysia.
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Could you show RP of buying the stations, not just them being a part of the setting?
Could you show RP of buying the stations, not just them being a part of the setting?
Sure, I can hammer those out through today and tomorrow if you want ^u^, though it might be a little while on the side of the YSS Avalon because I don't want to disturb Nashoba too much
Is the long and short of it that IIS company purchased a Kodaina soon after it was approved, and has been using it to its fullest capabilities since the order date? That seems to essentially be the justification, here.

A lot of people handwave the numbers because companies aren't technically factions and hence don't abide by buildup other than ship build times, according to what Raz has quite usefully told me in the past. I could potentially say that IIS just pay to rent shipyards to bypass the build time requirement also but I don't for the sake of sanity.
I assume you're talking about this thread. I dunno why you're getting "you can just ignore military buildup guidelines" from what I said, because it's a bit more nuanced than that.

You shouldn't be flat-out ignoring the spirit of any buildup limitations just because it's up to FMs where corporations reside to reign those corporations in. You should strive to be reasonable and conform to the site's norms, in my opinion, because FMs should be able to trust people to restrain themselves from going too balls-to-the-wall crazy with unregulated expansion.
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Is the long and short of it that IIS company purchased a Kodaina soon after it was approved, and has been using it to its fullest capabilities since the order date? That seems to essentially be the justification, here.

That's pretty close to what happened, since it made sense as a single easy way to explain away nine years of ludicrous income rather than figuring out another solution.

Either way, the company is being used to a lot of RP at the moment, a lot in Section 6, some Nepleslia and USO as well as with the Vekimen and a bunch upcoming with Elysia, which is one thing to bear in mind before justifying any sweeping changes. Affecting 3+ plotlines wouldn't be the greatest in terms of negative-positive.

It's an NPC company at the end of the day and you can imagine there is (and there are) a lot of companies like it or larger, such as Geshrinari or the countless unnamed companies in the universe.

To reinterate one last time, in reality I have less than 10 shipyards that count towards faction buildup as the rest can't handle anywhere near big enough for capital ships, even if that applied to companies, which it doesn't.

Also I haven't been using it to capacity at all, in fact in terms of buildup the station has been dark since before the last month as I had no ship plans to use. All I've created has been in the past month, using things that don't count towards buildup. Either way, it's for the sake of several plotlines and doesn't impact the setting in any noticeable way, mostly because any faction IIS moves into can simply veto IIS's existence there because it's a settings element.

I assume you're talking about this thread. I dunno why you're getting "you can just ignore military buildup guidelines" from what I said, because it's a bit more nuanced than that.

You shouldn't be flat-out ignoring the spirit of any buildup limitations just because it's up to FMs where corporations reside to reign those corporations in. You should strive to be reasonable and conform to the site's norms, in my opinion, because FMs should be able to trust people to restrain themselves from going too balls-to-the-wall crazy with unregulated expansion.

I abide by build times as my logical limitation, unlike so many companies. I can point to FSC for one that ignores shipyards and build times.

As far as I can see, there is no specific guidance for corporations on the buildup guidelines:
"The buildup limitations are intended for nation states, not for their subordinate organizations such as corporations. Corporate and civilian ships not involved in national defense are not limited."

The only other mention of universal limitations is regarding how systems count to your buildup. As companies can't actually "claim" systems for themselves rather than their nation - as that would be declaring themselves sovereign - this doesn't apply in the slightest.
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I think that's a really cool explanation, my dude. I'm not the one asking, though, so good luck.
Added the various stations owned by IIS to the article.
This needs to have been accounted for in RP already and not now.

If you're trying to write RP to justify changes you have made to the wiki, those changes to the wiki are not valid until your RP is posted.

Can you link me where the shipyards were bought in RP? At least one.
This needs to have been accounted for in RP already and not now.

If you're trying to write RP to justify changes you have made to the wiki, those changes to the wiki are not valid until your RP is posted.

Can you link me where the shipyards were bought in RP? At least one.

I do believe according to the canonicity rules I don't necessarily need to as they're fine being Firm Canon and I'm fine changing them if it affects other players (it would actually be somewhat detrimental to have things Hard Canon for a company, given they operate at the digression of the factions they serve).

In addition, I don't think I need to abide by making everything Hard Canon for such things like factions do because as I've said this doesn't count to buildup and can be vetoed at any point. If a FM doesn't want IIS in their space, they can just nope the existence of the station if it's Firm Canon.

Otherwise we'd have everyone accounting for every station and ship they ever bought or made. I can dig up the FM approval for the various stations being in their space as well as Nashoba saying it was fine for IIS to have bought them if you wish instead from old DMs? I can even link you to three JPs canonising the Avalon, which is the largest station?

If you want to push for having them all removed, just check it's worth affecting the 3+ plotlines I mentioned above for the sake of an entity that only exists to help as many factions as it can.
This is what it said at conception:
IIS mostly produces internal components, chips, boards, resistors, sensors, and the other stuff that makes up larger systems like datapads and starships.
Current Products and Projects
Datapad Internals
Medical Scanner Internals
Science Scanner Internals
Civilian Advertisement Board Internals
Civil Aviation Internals
Air Traffic Control System Internals
It seems like in one month they jumped from internals to everything as well as gained a large number of assets and that raises red flags. I'm sure you can understand why questions are being asked.

As has been stated:
I'm not the one asking