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Approved Submission 12.7x99mm VD ammo


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Ammunition
Template Used: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=templates:ammunition
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:corp:black_star_industries:vdr-w2_12.7x99mm
Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=corp:black_star_industries:vdr-w2_12.7x99mm

Faction: VDTF
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) @Edto Xar'Sivaree
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) no

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) no
Contains New art? (Yes/No) no
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) no

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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hey look, a fekking bullet!

Yeah, approved. I had an issue with the speed, the Vekimen preferring a faster bullet over a heavier bullet. Will be corrected.
Right now, it looks like the damage rating is too high. It'd classify as Tier 3 for the standard rounds, and Tier 4 for the armor piercing ones I think. As an optional bit, you can also add additional detail regarding the bullet construction; does it have a lead core, is the jacket just copper or copper/steel bimetal? That kind of stuff. There's also some minor grammar problems, namely with the first sentence of the standard ball description, but we can hammer that out later.
Right now, it looks like the damage rating is too high. It'd classify as Tier 3 for the standard rounds, and Tier 4 for the armor piercing ones I think. As an optional bit, you can also add additional detail regarding the bullet construction; does it have a lead core, is the jacket just copper or copper/steel bimetal? That kind of stuff. There's also some minor grammar problems, namely with the first sentence of the standard ball description, but we can hammer that out later.

That would be strange, as that would mean my .50 cal sniper rifle does the same amount of damage as my standard infantry rifle. Isn't like... an armored car a T4?

12.7mm = .50 cal
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@CadetNewb It strikes me that Edto pictures this as being for an anti-materiel rifle and expects to cause some measure of damage to Armored Personnel Carriers and Shuttlepods. He wants to be capable of feasibly hurting something that's a light mecha target (Tier 7).

The way he described it to me before, this was ammo for somesort of large squad-based weapon that you'd set down with a deployed bipod and then snipe from afar.

In light of that intent, his Tier 5 does seem to accomplish his goal of damaging light armored vehicles while trying to employ some restraint to not be a weapon as convenient as you'd find on power armors.

So, in the context of the cinematic impact he's reaching for, he seems to be reasonable in my eyes.
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My reasoning behind this is that the round looks to be the exact same as a modern .50 BMG, which is also a 12.7x99mm round. Considering the more advanced materials of the setting, I don't think a Barret would be able to punch through a Mindy's chestplate in a single shot, but would do so to a Tier 3 hardsuit.

Now, regarding the other rifle you mentioned being a Tier 3, I will assume you're referring to the VDR-1. Considering its ammunition, the rough equivalent would be 8mm Mauser, which is in the same ballpark as 7.62mm NATO. Which is basically 7.62mm KZ. This means that, rifle for rifle, Its peer would be the GP-1, which is rated at Tier 2, since the conversion chart has Tier 2 cover both DR 2 and 3 of the old system. I believe the reviewer made a small oversight regarding the DR of the VDR-1, and suggest correcting it.

I hope this makes sense?
Alright, checking with Edto, the math checks out for the VDR-1; it's just a lot higher velocity, so ignore my previous statement.

For this article though, I would suggest changing the case dimensions, since its current form is deceptively the same as a .50 BMG. Personally, I would go with something that is around 120mm long and maybe 24mm wide at the base; that's roughly a 20% increase to the case dimensions. The projectile would still be 12.7mm in diameter, and the 24mm bit is an optional level of detail, so it'd be ok if you only had it as 12.7x120mm. With this, you can go with the previous DR ratings of Tier 4 for the standard, and 5 for the enhanced round.

Besides this, I suggest you change the bullet construction up however, with the standard round having a ferrium, tungsten, DU or nerimium core, since at these velocities, a normal copper jacketed lead round would just shatter before penetrating. Meanwhile, for the enhanced round, a discarding sabot with a projectile consisting of the previously mentioned stuff would be best.