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Nomenclature Question


Banned Member
Please correct me if I'm wrong, @Wes, but doesn't what you said here...


If you want to come up with your own factional system (like the US Army's M numbers, NSNs, or project numbers or something) you can do that, But otherwise please just use the one provided.

...mean that all factions in the Kikyo Sector (including the Constitutional Dominion of Ersetu) have use the Standard Product Nomenclature System - or their own customized version, like the Hidden Sun Clan, the Lorath, the Neshaten, and the VSGCRotCP - to assign model numbers and part numbers to their ships and equipment?

@CadetNewb, judging by his replies in this thread, believes otherwise.
I don't see why a species that have never had contact with Yamatai should be using, or required to use their nomenclature system, or even modified version of said system of a faction/government/organization they had never encountered, let alone heard of.
I think Wes has made himself pretty clear on the matter of tech nomenclature. I remember thinking it nonsensical to add standard nomenclature for a piece of tech my company made, but ended up doing it anyway because it's an OOC requirement.

There's no reason to make an issue about a single (honestly) irrelevant line of text. I'd err on slapping it on for procedure's sake because it's obvious that every article is required to have it whether it makes sense or not. But even if it's not there: BIG whatever.
To quote from rule 1i: "if applicable"

That does not mean has too. Read the line in it's entirety, that's a pretty clear statement that it is not a requirement. If it would not say "if applicable".
To quote from rule 1i: "if applicable"

That does not mean has too. Read the line in it's entirety, that's a pretty clear statement that it is not a requirement. If it would not say "if applicable".

Here's what the "line in it's[sic] entirety" reads, @Gunsight1 (emphasis mine):

The Submission Rules said:
1. All articles submitted to the site must... i. Use the Standard Product Nomenclature System, if applicable

"Must," in my opinion, does indeed mean "has too" - and the reason the "if applicable" portion is there is because of the fact that, well, things like cultural articles and planet articles don't need nomenclatures.

* * * * * * *
Using the rules as a stick to bludgeon people with is in pretty bad taste.

Making slanderous personal attacks is also "in pretty bad taste," @Ira.
Let me help you guys out by cutting into this with a more definitive answer.

You either create your own nomenclature system, or you use the one presently in place - regardless of if you've made contact with Yamatai or not.

Consider this measure something of advanced preparation if you've reduced to using humankind's standard: say if later you're discovered and that trade starts happening on the civilian end, and that intel agents make thier reports about what they've observed... they're going to have to label it something sooner or later. You're just doing this work for them in advance.

If not, well, you're free to create your own thing.

This is what should be happening. But, if you've gone through the NTSE process with getting stuff approved despite lacking that, good for you. Just know that it might catch up with you later on once Wes notices and takes exception on it. Especially on the level of making things marketable in the Kikyo sector. So basically, if you don't do it, you're just putting off work until later. Which is okay, but it's smarter to take care of it/figure it out earlier on.

Why does this happen? Because NTSE mods have to make calls, and Staff trusts them to make good ones. Therefore - @FrostJaeger - you will kindly cease policing our NTSE mods. If you have reservations on how they work, you come to us privately through the forum's Conversation functionality; you don't attempt to put them into question in a thread like this.

Thread locked.

Staff, Star Army Roleplay
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Executive ruling on the matter:

After having had time to confer with Wes on the matter I can post a follow up on this.

Wes clarified his stance on how nomenclature were to be upheld and now that I am up-to-date I can share the information with you: Factions that use a system have to use it with all submissions for consistency; if a faction lacks a system they do not have to use one.

Therefore, in answer to Frostjaeger's initial post: @CadetNewb believed correctly.

The information on SARP nomenclatures may be revisited after the holidays to clarify on the matter.

Staff, Star Army Roleplay
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