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Showstopper Heavy Assault Rifle

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Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Firearm - Heavy Assault Rifle
Submission URL: Showstopper Heavy Assault Rifle

Faction: Origin Industries, Nepleslia
FM Approval(s): Yes

Unapproved Sub-Articles: Yes -12.7x50mm EM
Previously Submitted: No

Besides the rifle and ammunition above, this will also retcon the ammunition of the Type 33 Rifle from 12.7x30mm to 12.7x50mm and in the process give it an ammunition that has an article, as well as ammunition commonality with this new rifle, the Showstopper. The reason for this is that the Type 33 was done before the requirement of weapons having separate ammunition articles; besides just introducing a new weapon, I am also using the Showstopper to tie up loose ends and neaten things up on the wiki a little bit.
Well crafted, well designed, and purposely built to fill a specific niche.

I applaud it. Gets my vote.
It still needs appearance text.
CadetNewb said:
That's what I get for adding the details in late at night!


On a side note, I did mention that the unapproved ammunition would also affect the Type 33 rifle as well; though that is the intended case, the Type 33's changes will be made separately from this submission, and merely requires the ammunition to be approved first before such changes can be made.
Tagging @Gunhand4171 so that he can (dis)approve of this change.

This is an Origins Industries product. Not a Nepleslian product. Why does Gunhand have to approve it? Cadet built this entire weapon, other than an IC contract stating Origin would only sell to Nepleslian Special Forces, which was explained in the article, as said contract expiring, this doesn't stop Gunhand from using the weapon. It just opens it up to everyone else.

So... This is Cadets thing. Why does Gunhand have anything to do with it other than roleplay? Cadet can choose to end a roleplay contract at any time. Just lie Gunhand could end the Nepleslian/Vekimen Contract without my approval. We have that right as content creators.

Stop pinging me

I would have liked to have actually been informed of these changes as it does affect my stuff, but what ever. That's just par for the course around here.

PS Edto, you know exactly why that contract got torn up. It went out the window after a few IPG traitors ran away with their Vek collaborators... it should have been expected.
Don't worry Gunhand, this doesn't affect your faction. Nepleslia is still able to purchase Showstopper rifles from Origin. Just as importantly though, the point that Edto is making is that since I'm the owner of the Showstopper, I have the right to alter the deal.
Well actually it does since that used to be a private weapon for Nepleslia. Now that everyone will have it, now I'll have to make something else that's private for Nepleslian Commandos.

It's kinda like Browning developing this ultra high-tech Rifle on commission from JSOC then turning around and going, "Hey Russia, China, Iran! Wanna buy this cool gun we made for America???"

Again. I don't care. You do have that power, so whatever.
Something deliberately made to be a unique and exclusive weapon for Nepleslia suddenly being sold publicly seems a tad bit silly. FM or not, this seems like very little logic from Origin by opening a weapon that only fits to a group like Asteria that needs such a weapon while irking the biggest buyer and the ones who originally paid for the design (Nepleslia). I think this would be akin to Origin being paid to design something for, say, Yamatai and then making it available.

This is the kind of move that makes a corporation untrustworthy, because they don't respect their original customers for the sake of new ones.

Edit: And to further point out my reason? The gun's page even mentions Origin AND NAM worked to both design and manufacture the weapon. It certainly seems to reason that it'd need FM approval of some sort if NAM paid to design the weapon, as it may have advancements in technology only NAM wished to share for the sake of this one weapon/exclusive business.

Edit 2: Can you supply any existence of this 5 year contract you edited onto the wiki? I've never seen any RP or a version of the page that hinted at a 5 year contract until you added it. AFAIK, the Showstopper never had been intended to get shared.
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I thin the long story short is that this weapon is actually nothing unique, and Cadet made the decision that he wanted to actually use content he made from the ground up without having to tip toe around Gunhands previous "Nothing without a price tag outside Nepleslia" ruling. I think Cadet has a right to make something he put all the work into.

Nothing is stopping Gunhand from using it. This just pulls away the exclusivity and allows it to be used by literally anyone who can afford it. I could arm the entire VDTF with it. Yamatai could arm the entire SAoY with it. People can arm militaries and mercenaries with it.

And more importantly, Cadet can use the content he made, in roleplay he wants to participate in.
I thin the long story short is that this weapon is actually nothing unique, and Cadet made the decision that he wanted to actually use content he made from the ground up without having to tip toe around Gunhands previous "Nothing without a price tag outside Nepleslia" ruling. I think Cadet has a right to make something he put all the work into.

Nothing is stopping Gunhand from using it. This just pulls away the exclusivity and allows it to be used by literally anyone who can afford it. I could arm the entire VDTF with it. Yamatai could arm the entire SAoY with it. People can arm militaries and mercenaries with it.

And more importantly, Cadet can use the content he made, in roleplay he wants to participate in.
I think the long-story short is that the weapon is actually very unique. That's why almost all artwork of Nepleslians in PA (such as the Hostile) depicts the Showstopper. The content he made for the site should not be something he can police years later just for the sake of retconning it away from the faction that has seen the exclusive use of the weapon for so many years. If there was RP to depict there being an actual 5 year exclusivity deal, then I could maybe buy this as just "a creator updating his work".

But this seems very shady and honestly? The fact you're talking about arming the entire VDTF already makes me saddened and alarms me that this really isn't some attempt to preserve it. It's to steal a piece of technology through a very loose loophole (due to the fact that Origin is involved EQUALLY as much as NAM, based on the wiki and the fact both worked together in the same way as many exclusive pieces from Zen Armaments).

There's no need for you to be speaking for Cadet, either. I'd love to hear from him as to where this RP is, which seems to be the basis for the edit and public sales of a weapon that (again) seems set-up like every other exclusive weapon in the Nepleslian arsenal made by another nation. Are we really just going to turn a blind-eye "because it has a price", and ignore the fact of how iconic the Showstopper is in Nepleslian artwork, history, and RP?
Locking this thread so that Cadet and myself can discuss this right now.

@CadetNewb where is the RP for the five year exclusivity contract? If you can procure that, I can approve the changes.
First and foremost, I am not 'retconning it away' - I have made it very clear that Nepleslia may continue to use the Showstopper. I cannot stress that enough. I also point out that, no, the Showstopper is not commonly depicted in pictures with Nepleslian power armor; that's actually the HPAR. Also, when I wrote the article, I intended the word 'input' to mean something like 'we want bullets around this big, in a gun that shoots it this fast, and with a thing that goes up'; Nepleslia was simply making requests, with Origin designing it from the ground up and producing it. I've gone ahead and changed the nomenclature to be inline with what's in the opening paragraph.

Now, the exclusivity contract thing was just fluff text explaining why it's now on sale to the general public that I made up while updating the article. However, since you asked about RP, I remembered that there never was any IC RP of exclusivity whatsoever. I went ahead and changed the article to more accurately state that Origin simply stopped selling it exclusively to Nepleslia. It's been five years IRL, but if I recall correctly, I - as Origin's FM - chose to sell these exclusively to Nepleslia to help build and make it neat. That was the deal, OOC, IRL, with people long gone. Now though, I'd like to use the very things I made from scratch. Seeing how mountains are being made of molehills though, I'm very disappointed, and in response, I now have this to say;

I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.
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