Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [Iromakuanhe] Dream World

If anyone wants to join, you must forum PM me beforehand!

New post from me.

I got permission from Wes to have the SAINT presence on Kyope months ago and today for this thread, too. They're not there for any real reason on my end (I have no plans for them to do anything but listen and report in findings), but if you want to interact in some way, let's talk before that happens in RP.

PLEASE don't hate it that I had Sachiko interact with all of you at once lol I just want everyone to have something to do. I'm mostly worried about Vishta being like... But me? Please don't get too ICly upset over moving on right fast (Sachiko also had to save her pal Aaki from a distaster) but do respond to her, of course!
Negative to the non-canon. My character never said what was in the roof, only that something was. It is in the hands of the GM on what to say or do about it.
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Technically Ametheliana is the GM of the plot we posted in and it's her right to declare the thread non-canon if she wishes. The person who would over-rule that is @Wes, if he finds that it's in bad taste.

I would like to know why the thread is non-canon. I thought that we had written an elegant solution, a reasonably face-saving measure. Sachiko doesn't come out smelling like roses, but ICly Vishta is a volitile ruler who likes to be approached through appropriate channels, so it's reasonable ICly for her to react that way, and reasonably IC for Bhelith to assert herself and move her aside for a more private talk as opposed to letting her try to continue on in what seems to be a deepening political hole.

If it's Vishta's guards noticing the SAINT agents that's the trouble, I'm sure that Ira wouldn't mind editing his post or redacting it if it meant that the greater RP could remain canonical. Our characters aren't getting along, but so far, everything seems to be running off of IC cues, and this is the most political RP that the website has seen in quite a while.

Alternatively, Wes has mentioned to me that we could make the Soothsayer people non-canon instead (as you say they weren't there for any purpose but fluff anyway), Ira could go ahead and modify his post to not include them, and then we could continue forward with our RP?
I asked Ira earlier twice, as you know, asking if removing SAINT mention in the thread would be amicable and he said no. Ira, has this changed?
I have attempted to DM you to talk and you have ignored me.

We have spoken on the spies what is written is about what would happen. You posted something in the thread which leaves me free to react to it. I did this, in a way that does not implicate any organization in anything. Leaving you the GM free to explain it away as needed and to save face politically.

That being said, if you do desire to decanonize the spies, then I can remove the bits of dialogue referencing the SAINT agent on the roof.
See under normal conditions I likely would have. Vishta how ever is the FMPC of my factions. As such she has rescources allocated to her to prevent that very thing from happening. Vishta is not a typical player character. This was a special event.
Lesson learned then, about defining who does what in crossover threads in the future. In the future, we'll make better plans, have more communication, and hopefully do this sort of thing just generally better.

In the meantime, is it sufficient, @Ametheliana ?

He removes his post about noticing the spies, you decanonize the spies, SAINT is no longer made to look silly at all, we continue in spirit of jolly co-operation?
The problem is this meeting isn't just part of this plot but a larger metaplot. I am starting to think meetings like this shouldn't be under a GM's purview but a neutral third party. This way someone can't use their GM status to retcon something in the Premier election metaplot.

It's also concerning that Sachiko claims to KNOW that she's going to win the election. How can she have this knowledge?

Another thing I would like to mention is moderator power being used to lock an RP thread. If that is acceptable then all GMs should have this power. Or some rules for legitimate use of thread locking powers should be put in place.