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Approved Submission Tail Chasers

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Location: Strip Club!
Template Used: Stub Article
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:location:tail_chasers
Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=location:tail_chasers

FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? (Yes/No)

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes, Chloe Writa
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: So, its come up in roleplay a couple times, and since I mention it in Chloe Writa's history, I felt it prudent to make a stub article for it so people at least knew what it was. It doesn't have much, each location will vary, and I'm not artistically inclined enough to make a sign. Maybe someone could help me with that?

It started on Nepleslia, so @Wes to decide if he wants to maintain Chloe shut it down, or if he doesn't mind there being a few locations still operating in the faction, and @Gallant to see if he wants a furry stripclub in Asteria.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
You know, at first I was like eh, furries.

And then I was like earperk, tentative tail wag, sniff sniff.

More fluff is good. I do have a question though, which is wasn't some illegal stuff run through this business at some point if it's attached to that character? I can recall you talking about something like that but I might just be blending conversations in memory.
You know, at first I was like eh, furries.

And then I was like earperk, tentative tail wag, sniff sniff.

More fluff is good. I do have a question though, which is wasn't some illegal stuff run through this business at some point if it's attached to that character? I can recall you talking about something like that but I might just be blending conversations in memory.

I can add in somewhere that is was/is used as a method for Chloe to launder money. IDK how much need Chloe is going to have for money laundering, but I suppose it is always good to have that method available
Here's my suggestions:
  • The years need to be links
  • The interiors should be described
  • Add prices for entry, dances, etc.
  • There needs to be more meat to this article overall, as it's currently just a 1-paragraph stub article.
  • Move this to NSFW if it's going to have NSFW images or the text is too sexy.
Here's my suggestions:
  • The years need to be links
  • The interiors should be described
  • Add prices for entry, dances, etc.
  • There needs to be more meat to this article overall, as it's currently just a 1-paragraph stub article.
  • Move this to NSFW if it's going to have NSFW images or the text is too sexy.

Can do the links, I don't think every location is going to look exactly the same, but I can do something up I suppose, That I was not expecting, the meat I can do with the last two options, and yes. Once I get the sexy art this is 100% going to NSFW
My only question is why the business was run in Nepleslia in the past when she was both not around (OOCly) and isn't going to be there. Why not just make it a new business and tie it to Asteria/Yamatai? It seems almost like the intent is to copy what Akemi's has always done/been for Nepleslia.
Chloe has been a NPC in the Interregnum for a while, just never put down in a character sheet. As for the business, it shows up in this (badly written on my part) RP before the Asterian split happened. IIRC, Ametheliana even mentioned it in site chat at the time, but I don't know where to look up the logs to find it. As for 'copying' Akemi's, I don't see why there can't be multiple strip clubs in a city as big as the Funky City. And like Edto said, depending on what Wes wants to do, it could just be an Asterian business in the future.
Because she was around. I've only just made this page of the character, I've done a few roleplays with her on the Interregnum. Her first appearance in roleplay was... Gun Christmas, the first year the interregnum was running, ad she's bee a rather steadily played NPC since. I even had a Loveday RP in Tail Chasers, though I can't find that a the moment. Two, but the second never became canon.

This has nothing to do with Akemi's. Literally nothing. Chloe was a gangster, I needed a way to Launder money, and Tail Chasers is a reoccuring theme with me and my wife whenever we write stories about Cleo. We were going to do more with it in Nepleslia, but you know, bounties and such. That's why part of this is whether or not it stays.

Not to mention, Akemi's, from a quick read over, is basically a fast food joint that also doubles as a whore house. Tail Chasers is a specialized strip club focusing on furries. Not Neko, not Mishhu, Not, quote, Anything they can do to legally win, end quote. Tail Chasers is where guys go to watch Anthro girls dance sexy, and occasionally get a dance. Sex isn't on the table here, aside from specific circumstances. Like... Akemi's was made to compete with Neppy's. This is made to give furry girls and guys a job in the industry, and when taken care of stripping is a stupid lucrative job.

Now that I think about it, Akemi's seems pretty objectifying. Customers can have sex with workers and they will not only watch but openly video-tape it. They record egg layers laying eggs and video tape the process so that people can watch the process before eating said egg, and request eggs from specific people. Staff is almost exclusively women, specifically Neko where available, and will refer to customers however they want, specifically Master, Captain, or Sir in most cases. Akemis is basically McDonalds if it was also a whore house. This is a Strip Club, or more a gentlemans club. You do not get to be a pig in Tail Chasers, unless of course you are actually, physically a pig. You still don't get to act like one. I see nothing about Akemi's that would prevent someone from acting piggish. Quite the opposite.
It's been in the character's history for quite a while, Edto just wants to expand on it. It's also not like the concept of a strip club is new. Anyway he said "It started on Nepleslia, so Wes to decide if he wants to maintain Chloe shut it down, or if he doesn't mind there being a few locations still operating in the faction, and Gallant to see if he wants a furry stripclub in Asteria." so he's willing to shut down the Nepleslian ones. Shutting those down would solve the problem I think.
I appreciate the answers from everyone except Edto, but please kindly respect the fact I asked a simple question that he could have answered without the help.

My only concern was something that was just sort-of pulled together on the spot without much reason. I do personally thing you could remove mentions of running "decently well" and simply say it initially operated in Nepleslia to YE 39 (I believe that was the date you put). I will say, though, that I think shutting down the Nepleslian ones would help significantly. While I'm not going to shame furries, I've never understood people who try to make a difference of "class" in places that aren't really... classy at all. Nepleslia has Akemi's and the reason I point to it is because as far as I've seen? The act of acting out at a strip club in Nepleslia should already tell you why you don't see it that often.

Everyone in Nepleslia has a gun. Practically every fight escalates to guns getting drawn.

It almost imposes a rule of "don't mess with someone, just get drunk and eat until you've had enough fun". And that's why I don't see the difference. If it's under the impression it ran (I don't care about your RP, as one running well isn't a problem. I'm worried about someone backdooring a "Nepleslian franchise that did really well" into existence) but doesn't speak to how, that's great. I specifically want to make this known because to me (and I imagine to most of those who have looked at Nepleslia) do not consider it to be something that's even really going to be the right market for a furry bar. This is because they're so "pro-Nepleslian" and had rivalries with a nation of essentially... well, cats that can even appear borderline furry.

It just seems like it's very odd that a Nepleslian bar would specialize like that and franchise successfully. One establishment, sure. But a franchise that runs through Nepleslia? That's the only thing that's giving me pause now. I'm fine with the possible existence, but I don't want Nepleslia type-cast into some haven for something it isn't. Nepleslia is about burly men who are anything but the best gentlemen. They're more worried about reloading than saying please and thanks. And the fact this strip club with manners franchised? I just don't believe that much either.

So to reiterate: I'm glad it existed in RP before today. But, as I've explained, I just want this to be represented as a smaller element than you're trying to play it. You're not with Nepleslia anymore (last I checked) and this is intended to head to Asteria. Downplaying it to simply have initially started and failed/been abandoned in Nepleslia is enough to satisfy my concern toward this. Because I've seen far more uses of Akemi's than I have Tail Chasers, and I can't really recall any anthro in Nepleslia save for your characters and those that appear to have been unfinished/scrapped into Yamataian concepts. It just does not seem like the market, nor the IC logic, that such a place would start in Nepleslia. Yamatai? Maybe. I have my hunches that this RP occurred without any mention to Gunhand, because I can't believe the prior FM backed/allowed something so out of character to the nation, but I will at least be respectful enough to not say it didn't happen. Rather, I'm willing to at least concede your character started one... as long as it fits the condition above.

Edit: And it came up in the Discord when this got discussed, but no. This is not kink/fetish shaming. Rather, this is me concerned that this place is focused on Anthro/furries so hard within Nepleslia. Why would they focus so much on a minority that essentially blends in with the mutants of Nepleslia, rather than equally hire? There's nothing wrong with it being in Nepleslia and being an equal-opportunity gentleman's club... but the forced fetish-focus seems very detrimental and potentially unsettling to members who do not want this. I'm all for the idea of a fetish haven (such as Akemi's), but the focus to me feels uncomforting and odd for something in Nepleslia.

In Nepleslia, people identify with being Nepleslian... they wouldn't have a remotely sizable amount of rich people that believe otherwise to make this even a high class "niche" thing that makes sense to me. If it's in Nepleslia, one of the most pro-alien nations, then focusing on that fetish of "furries are different" counteracts that unifying pride and seems to make it almost like... the corruption of Nepleslia isn't simply economic (which it is) and makes it about perversion (which it most certainly is not). Akemi might be the biggest pervert, but take note of JUST how rare he is compared to all the Nepleslians. And he's possibly one of the most wealthy and well-known figures of Nepleslia when it comes to strip club scenes. Fun fact? He's not really even Nepleslian. He's Yamataian.

So you might get why I mentioned in the discussion on Discord that this could have been, in the RP, just another strip club of Nepleslia (which do exist) and had furries/anthro. But a focused effort when the Anthro try to deliberately hide as mutants (by their own page's admittance, which is the only real mention of Anthro and Nepleslia even from the old culture page versions) so they can be viewed as just Nepleslian? To me that makes it clear that Nepleslia doesn't have a home for a place focused on furries, even if they welcome/allow them. They're more focused about people being Nepleslian.
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Here's my suggestion:
  • It started as a single generic strip club in YE 31 in Funky City Nepleslia
  • At some point it got some anthros in there, for variety's sake.
  • It eventually become known for them.
  • It moved to Asteria in YE 39, and closed the original location.
  • In YE 40 it opened multiple locations for the first time, becoming a franchise.
This would be something I could work with as Nepleslian FM.

I will not allow you to back-date a franchise or chain.
Here's my suggestion:
  • It started as a single generic strip club in YE 31 in Funky City Nepleslia
  • At some point it got some anthros in there, for variety's sake.
  • It eventually become known for them.
  • It moved to Asteria in YE 39, and closed the original location.
  • In YE 40 it opened multiple locations for the first time, becoming a franchise.
This would be something I could work with as Nepleslian FM.

I will not allow you to back-date a franchise or chain.
My one thing is make the wording "mutant". Because of the fact that anthro, within Nepleslia, are viewed as mutants (they try to blend into that sub-culture after all). Anthro fit into it and it makes the most sense that Nepleslia had that happen versus specifically anthro.

Edit: It still works with the name because Mutants can have tails. Anthro and Neko aren't the only ones.
I can do all but the not anthro at the beginning, would ruin the joke of the name "Tail Chasers" what with Neko being illegal in Nepleslia.
In YE 31, Nekovalkyrja didn't have tails.
In YE 31, Nekovalkyrja didn't have tails.
That just goes to ruin the joke further

I don't quite understand why the theme of this now one shot building in Nepleslia is being argued. I have complied with every other request and will edit the page accordingly. Why now the issue of this being a club featuring anthro animals exclusive?
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The current Nepleslia FMs are giving you options to work with. Anthros have never been a big thing on Nepleslia. I would blame the Black Claw empire for that.

I don’t think I recall a Kohanian ever going to Nepleslia.
I'm aware Anthros have never been a big thing in Nepleslia. At this point, we are talking about one strip club that was mainly a money laundering thing. This is no longer a few strip clubs, it's just the one.

This means I don't see why /one/ strip club, out of all the strip clubs that could possibly be on Nepleslia, can't hire what, 20 anthros out of tens of millions of people?

I'm cool with dropping it down to one. Im cool with shutting the location down, I'm cool with opening one up in Asteria YE39, and I'm cool with opening more up in YE40. I'm cool with them getting a little lax on the hiring requirements later on in the future.

The place was run and operated by an Anthro, who likely experienced the same racism that every other Anthro likely had received. If I was allowed to have a couple more locations, I could easier accept not starting with or even having an exclusive anthro staff, but I was told one location. Why can't I control how my character hired people? How my character decided to run her own business? I complied with the major faction based requests but now we are arguing over what my character decided to do, because Anthro's aren't common? I'm not saying they are common.

What if it was a pretty decent spot, then Chloe bought it, and switched out the staff and clientele gradually enough to not crush the business, and enough to maintain a good amount of income, but fast enough that it didn't take long for them to have their niche. Chloe wanted it to be only Anthro's similar to her, so like, uplifted animals, or heavily modified people to look more like animals. That way I can maintain that /she/ ran the business not only for herself, but other Anthro's down on their luck.
It's not my place, considering I'm only a discord mod, but I'm concerned that this conflict isn't really going anywhere. Considering the overall minuscule role this establishment will have in the setting at large, and its presumable minuscule role in future roleplay, I think it's important that this issue be resolved as quickly as possible. After all the stress we've been through already, I don't want relations souring further over a furry strip club, of all things.
I have to agree with Littlewasp - there really is no point in going into the minute details to this degree. It is rather excessive, considering that even the founding date isn't actually necessary to RP, though it is appreciated. I think we need to stop focusing on the little details and look at the big picture to get this approved. The thing that really matters is that the article currently doesn't specify how many chains there are, or how it all began, which gives us something very important - flexibility.

As long as that is never touched on IC, everyone's headcanon is correct.


On a side note, I believe that the article can stay in the standard namespace so long as the textual information is SFW, and the NSFW text goes into a sibling article that is in the NSFW section of the wiki. Also, I've been told that NSFW images won't appear unless you're logged in and over the age limit.