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Approved Submission Tail Chasers

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Location: Strip Club!
Template Used: Stub Article
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:location:tail_chasers
Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=location:tail_chasers

FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? (Yes/No)

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes, Chloe Writa
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: So, its come up in roleplay a couple times, and since I mention it in Chloe Writa's history, I felt it prudent to make a stub article for it so people at least knew what it was. It doesn't have much, each location will vary, and I'm not artistically inclined enough to make a sign. Maybe someone could help me with that?

It started on Nepleslia, so @Wes to decide if he wants to maintain Chloe shut it down, or if he doesn't mind there being a few locations still operating in the faction, and @Gallant to see if he wants a furry stripclub in Asteria.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
You can always write in that the business relocated to yamatai in ye what ever due to not really making much money on nepleslia.

To be honest you could always work it in that the business caters to a niche crowed that is primarily under ground.
Of all the things to argue over, I just want to say that I really enjoy we're arguing over a strip club.

As the Asterian FM, I see nothing wrong with opening this club in Asura, or on any other planet where people could potentially visit strip clubs.

If the Nepleslian FMs don't want you including 20 or so Anthros in their setting in one place, you could easily just give up the point and say that it was still a theme club, but that people 'dressed up'. I imagine that dressing up holographically is really, really easy, and since it's specifically a strip club if people wanted to get "pawsy" (hue hue) you'd just give them the one or two real anthros. It could still be a really good theme club.

As Acewing pointed out, this place exists, its been mentioned in RP, and it predates the Nep/Ast split. But I really can't see how this would harm anyone anywhere, so Edto, why don't you go ahead and just give Wes what he wants here and flex so he and Legix feel comfortable as FMs. Just rewrite it how he wants you to rewrite it because this is turning a shoo-in history article into a knife fight for some reason. It's like watching hobos fighting over a can of beans when there's a whole buffet down at the chow line the next street over. I don't honestly know why anyone would feel uncomfortable with... this, but you know what, Waspy's totes right here. It's a strip club. Just... just go with it.

Once you've written that place out of Nepleslia you can open up a whole damn franchise on Asura III for all I care. Multiple cities. People turning Anthro just to work there. Make it classy. Personally my suggestion would be to build theme clubs beyond the furry variety. But I'm not going to force you.

So drop this argument, give them what they want, and then go write more fluffy butt fluff. (I think that makes sense).

>_>-b Asterian FM approves.

PS, this reminds me: @Ira, have you ever written up Creature's bawdy house? Chop chop.
Of all the things to argue over, I just want to say that I really enjoy we're arguing over a strip club.

As the Asterian FM, I see nothing wrong with opening this club in Asura, or on any other planet where people could potentially visit strip clubs.

If the Nepleslian FMs don't want you including 20 or so Anthros in their setting in one place, you could easily just give up the point and say that it was still a theme club, but that people 'dressed up'. I imagine that dressing up holographically is really, really easy, and since it's specifically a strip club if people wanted to get "pawsy" (hue hue) you'd just give them the one or two real anthros. It could still be a really good theme club.

As Acewing pointed out, this place exists, its been mentioned in RP, and it predates the Nep/Ast split. But I really can't see how this would harm anyone anywhere, so Edto, why don't you go ahead and just give Wes what he wants here and flex so he and Legix feel comfortable as FMs. Just rewrite it how he wants you to rewrite it because this is turning a shoo-in history article into a knife fight for some reason. It's like watching hobos fighting over a can of beans when there's a whole buffet down at the chow line the next street over. I don't honestly know why anyone would feel uncomfortable with... this, but you know what, Waspy's totes right here. It's a strip club. Just... just go with it.

Once you've written that place out of Nepleslia you can open up a whole damn franchise on Asura III for all I care. Multiple cities. People turning Anthro just to work there. Make it classy. Personally my suggestion would be to build theme clubs beyond the furry variety. But I'm not going to force you.

So drop this argument, give them what they want, and then go write more fluffy butt fluff. (I think that makes sense).

>_>-b Asterian FM approves.

PS, this reminds me: @Ira, have you ever written up Creature's bawdy house? Chop chop.
Again, the issue I had entirely had to do with the fact that it was a themed club in a place that... logically has no reason to theme clubs around that culture. It's why I recommended Yamatai and simply asked for it to focus on mutants in wording. Because mutants are, percentage-wise, larger than anthro and makes more sense as something that could really... well... be feasible? Nepleslians have little reason to throw fetish parties because of the fact that they could care less about whether you're an alien or not, but their anthro population is a minority within a minority group. That's why I wasn't all for the idea that they had one and as I've said: I spoke to countless members of Nepleslia who felt the same.

It's why I gave the compromises I did to make this submission's start in Nepleslia possible. And, as I figured you might not like my suggestions to fix it, I even went out of my way to recommend just making it in Yamatai and having the character (the reason you've cited as to why you suddenly want this to be wiki'd) simply have worked a normal club in Nepleslia. I don't care what it is in the end, when it ends up in Asteria. I just care about the parts that seemed to misrepresent Nepleslia. And it seemed Wes agreed, based on his own pushes and concerns matching many of mine. I am sorry if you don't agree with the FMs, but you didn't bring it up when there was a different FM. You brought it up while it was us. And as I explained to @LittleWasp, I don't want to argue on this. I've tried to be civil precisely because I might not be a fan of the stuff, but I'm not going to hinder something that makes sense within Nepleslia.

This didn't make sense, so I've spoken to ways to make it. If you don't like it, then please, @Edto Xar'Sivaree, just ignore the need for this wiki. Or just remove any mention of Nepleslia. Your RP doesn't get invalidated because of a wiki article missing one sentence. Something as minor as someone having owned a normal strip club in Nepleslia doesn't bother anyone. It's just that this article, again, seemed to reflect an image of Nepleslia that only you have tried to push and there's really no evidence to support. The only mention of Anthro in Nepleslia is a small section on the Anthro CCG... and it mentions them trying to blend in. To me, it's open-and-shut that I could have just said "no", but I've instead tried to work with you to give Tail Chasers an origin within Nepleslia, even if it was different. As Co-FM of Nepleslia, with the hopes to eventually become the next FM, I cannot simply allow you to misrepresent the faction because it's a stepping stone to Asteria. No matter how small, keeping Nepleslia cohesive and to what the players of it echoed to me is more important than giving way to something you saw fit to never get approved for almost an entire year.

Gallant approves of this, so your only problems now are the ones you choose to make with Nepleslia. I encourage you to find the best path to making the approval happen, because I'm certain Asteria is looking forward to this. I have seen countless Asterian players suggest they'd like to see this, so I'd like to think you'd prioritize the RP people want over the simple request that while in Nepleslia, it wasn't "themed" and it was just a strip club that had your dancers and a reputation. And, after leaving Nepleslia, it became what it is now/what you desire.
Edto: Go ahead and update the article based on the suggestions in the thread, using whichever ones you will take to heart, and then let me know once the article is ready so I can review it again. At that point I will come back and tell you if everything is good to go. I think it's close.
I edited the passage.

I just realized, the last line of the initial summary stated "Tail chasers employs almost exclusively Anthromorphic Dancers, but some exceptions apply" which should solve the "Not enough furries" issue.