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Approved Submission Mythic shield system

Alex Hart

Well-Known Member
Submission Type: one of a kind Shielding system
Template Used: none
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Faction: None
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) n/a
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) no

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Notes: This is a one of a kind shield system, using several already existing technologies in conjunction to make a very effective. It's not intended to be replicated for other use, because it's expensive to make and power hungry.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Here's something interesting in the DRv3 article @Ametheliana, which I probably should have noticed earlier. It says that shields are a "universal means of defense against direct harm". I'm pretty sure that Universal includes Aether.

Additionally, it's stated in the Aether article that "Aether is basically energy and/or an energized matter/anti-matter plasma" and both of those things are able to be defended against by the shield currently. It has been established within the wiki articles used to create this page that its components can defend against energy weapons well, and against plasma of both the matter and anti-matter varieties well.
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Let Kyle explain, then, unless you have links to RP and wiki.

During my time on this site, I've seen it RP'd in several different threads - this includes the Aeon, Eucharis, 21st, and a few others in Neplesia and Lorath factions, and elsewhere about Aether being blocked by shielding.

Also, as Aether has been described as being both matter and anti-matter, shielding is generally designed to protect against both in one form or another which means that - yes - Aether can be blocked by shielding.
It can be blocked moderately by this shield, but not effectively, which is what the article currently states. If Alex would change it from effective to moderate, I would think this could work out but he hasn't seemed to want to.
The reason for my disagreement is that there's no reason for it to defend against Aether in all its forms anything BUT effectively.

According to what Wes says on the Wiki,
"Aether is basically energy and/or an energized matter/anti-matter plasma that starts reacting as shortly after it's pulled out of the aether. Aether energy (e.g. white beam) moves at light speed, and aether plasma moves however fast you can push it with your coil gun, although if you are producing enough aether plasma, you won't have to push because it'll push you (e.g. aether plasma engines).

I always figured aether energy consists of a wide mix of energy types (basically a full EM spectrum) rather than any particular type (e.g. gamma rays)."

Now, according to this post by Wes, Shields that defend against EM radiation defend against Aether energy, which is only full spectrum EM radiation.

This only leaves the "energized matter/anti-matter plasma " portion of Aether left to defend against, and if you'll look at the wiki article for the Emblem, it "Protects effectively against: Antimatter, ions, high-power lasers"

According to Wikipedia, "Plasma is a state of matter in which an ionised gaseous substance becomes highly electrically conductive to the point that long-range electric and magnetic fields dominate the behavior of the matter"

This tells us two things. One; that plasma whether matter or antimatter, is composed of Ions, and is therefore protected against effectively by the EMBLEM, which is established canon.

Two; that the behavior of aether plasma, like all plasma, is dominated by magnetic fields, which the EMBLEM emits.

Even if Aether plasma wasn't composed of Ions, which it clearly is, because it is a plasma, it would be defended against by the EMBLEM because the wiki says that "Inspired by the magnetic fields around most terraform planets, which shield them from charged particles and extremely high-frequency waves emitted by their suns, the EMBLEM creates a similar magnetic field electromagnetically around a single ship"

This means, that as a plasma whose behavior is dominated by electric and magnetic fields, aether plasma would be directed around the ship like any other charged particle, electromagnetic waveform, or plasma would be.
Another change I just made, after looking at how it works, is that it's got no defense at all against neutron or antineutron weaponry, of which some exists already in the setting.

Because they are single particles, the SEA system can't turn them into gas, and because they have no charge, the EMBLEM system doesn't do squat against them.
I'm confused how this passes any kind of OP test, especially as a one-off, "it's really special" system.

Why can't anyone make this thing? Heck, why doesn't everyone make one? It looks like a system based on old designs, after all.
I'm confused as to why a NTSE moderator is receiving so much flak for simply trying to do her job. If she thinks it's overpowered, then it's her right to label it as such and reject it. If the submitter disagrees with said rejection, then it's their right to request an appeal.
I'm confused how this passes any kind of OP test, especially as a one-off, "it's really special" system.

Why can't anyone make this thing? Heck, why doesn't everyone make one? It looks like a system based on old designs, after all.

The main reason, given within the article, is that it takes a lot of finagling to get the system working and the components playing nice with each other.

In addition to this, the EMBLEM is a design, not a sold product, meaning that if you want one you’re going to have to build your own.

It’s the difference between looking up how to build a nuclear reactor at home and actually doing it @Doshii Jun.

People could do something similar if they wanted, but it’d take a ton of work.
Honestly, part of the problem is also that having three defense systems at once, but only one of the same standard power source, means that each component should only be one third as effective, doesn't it? That's the basic reason why people don't just cover everything in ridiculous numbers of shields and guns all the time.

People are most likely being defensive because they feel like this would open the floodgates to way more 'super customs'.

Prototypes and non-mass production units in real life are generally test beds for one specific technology, and basically garbage at everything else due to their bodged together origins. Mass production units will always have an excuse to be both cheaper and better, no matter what gundam says.

On the other hand, I realize USO totally plays off mecha tropes, but... Yeah. It's entirely up to the mods how much SARP actually follows that.
I completely didn't think about the power source at all, and that's an excellent point @Primitive Polygon. However, my main issue is treating Aether energy and plasma attacks differently than normal energy and plasma attacks. I don't see what makes them any different. From what I've read on the Wiki and from quotes by Wes, it seems to act like other attacks and we know that shields that block EM radiation block Aether energy,

Additionally, according to the rules of DRv3 shields are a universal defense, so I'm actually taking quite a few hits in terms of defenses compared to a generic shield.

I've changed the article so that it's only moderately effective against Aether plasma, but we do know from a quote from wes that it will deflect Aether energy just like any other EM radiation.
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"Protects effectively against: Antimatter, charged particles, ions, high-power lasers
coherent real matter, antimatter, plasma, aether energy weaponry , High energy electromagnetic waves (Eg. lasers, phase weaponry, radiation beams)"

The bolded and italicized bit needs to move to moderately.
Would a full EM spectrum attack pierce or bypass EM sheilds?

No, I think EM shields would be good at blocking EM radiation.
Armor can help protect against aether energy and aether plasma, but aether shock weapons have to be defended against with shields or anti-gravity systems.

Wes, confirming that shields that defend against EM shields defend against Aether energy because he
always figured aether energy consists of a wide mix of energy types (basically a full EM spectrum) rather than any particular type (e.g. gamma rays).
But he isn't saying they do this EFFECTIVELY and I am saying, they don't. They do it moderately. This is your last chance for you to change this before it gets a checklist.
The main reason, given within the article, is that it takes a lot of finagling to get the system working and the components playing nice with each other.
The chances of someone not already having come up with such a system, based on old designs and using relatively routine power sources, don't clear my suspension of disbelief. Yamataian and Nepleslian military scientists would've figured something like this out by now, y'know?

It's the difference between looking up how to build a nuclear reactor at home and actually doing it @Doshii Jun.

People could do something similar if they wanted, but it’d take a ton of work.
Nepleslia and Yamatai built that nuclear reactor. And everything better that came after it.

I think they know enough to replicate this or improve on it. Better yet, beat it.

I'm confused as to why a NTSE moderator is receiving so much flak for simply trying to do her job. If she thinks it's overpowered, then it's her right to label it as such and reject it. If the submitter disagrees with said rejection, then it's their right to request an appeal.
Considering who we're talking about, I'm not beating up on her. I don't want to know what such an act would get me.

My comments are to the submitter. Apologies for not making that clear.
It doesn't make sense to me, but I'll submit to the judgement of those who are in the postion to pass it in this case.

However, I'm not too happy with the whole "Why hasn't someone done it already" argument because if that were the case, no one would ever make any new articles. The dialogue surrounding "Why hasn't [insert name of faction] already started using [insert name of technology] if it's better" has always bugged me.
This review is for: Mythic Shield System with URL:

The submitted article is/has…
[✓] A very high level of overall quality
[✓] A general topic sentence under the title header
[n/a] Artwork (Required for new species; Strongly recommended for vehicles and hand weapons)
[✓] Needed and/or useful to the setting
[✓] In the proper format/template
[✓] Proofread for spelling and grammar
[✓] Easy to read and understand (not a lengthy mass of technobabble)
[✓] Wikified (terms that could be a link should be a link)
[✓] No red and/or broken links
[✓] Reasonably scientifically plausible
[✓] Reasonably neutral point of view

The submitted article is/does not…
[✓] Overpowered (or cutting tech for a faction with little or no roleplay)
[✓] Obtusely redundant
[✓] Contain copy pasta descriptions of systems or interior compartments
[✓] Unauthorized by faction managers or player-controlled corporation
[n/a] Contain references to IC events that have not occurred (SM must authorize retcons)
[✓] Use second-person language (“you” or “your”) unless it is an instructional guide aimed at players.
[✓] Use bombastic language (“virtually immune,” “nearly indestructible,” “insanely powerful,” “horrible effects”)
[✓] Use an unbalanced header/text ratio (many headers but sections are one-liners)
[✓] Use major unapproved sub-articles that should be submitted separately
[✓] Lacking Detail
[n/a] Images hosted on sites other than (Photobucket, Imageshack, etc are not allowed)
The article has…
[n/a] Speeds in compliance with the Starship Speed Standard, if applicable
[n/a] Damage Capacity and Damage Ratings in compliance with the DR Guidelines
[✓] The in-character year of creation/manufacture. (Should be current year. Future years not allowed).
[n/a] The Standard Product Nomenclature System, if applicable.
