Star Army

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The Value of an Arcmark

It fluctuates. I imagine the Arcmark is a lot more volatile than most currencies in the setting.

This isn’t important for RP though, so I’m not making a GM level effort to play currency markets unless there is intrest in that kind of RP.
If the Arcmark fluctuates, what would its average and/or typical “high” and “low” values be, then?

I also believe it is important for RP (how is someone visiting 188604 supposed to purchase anything there if they don’t know how much their money’s worth?) and does not require any “currency markets” - as according to the International Currency Exchange the “exchange rate has been fixed for OOC simplicity purposes.”
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If the "value" fluctuates enough, other nations might refuse to accept it altogether. Like a bolivar or a Venezuelan dollar.

That would put USO in a bit of a pinch.
Volatility =/= Inflation
Granted, but the point is that the currency isn't stable enough to be worth something when you need it to be. If it goes through strong or weak runs over a period of months — USO is what, 5 years old? — it won't be seen as stable enough to used on the galactic market.

It's RP, I get it. Just saying, seems wiser to find a number, work it out and move on.
As Rizzo explained it once, the banking system FSC runs, worked in a way that made 1 arcmark = 1 DA. I wish he was here to explain it better, but that is the value he told me. To be honest I have made the suggestion of implementing a new currency in the past, one backed by certain resources that hold value on the galactic market. The arcmark does not follow this and is held to a local standard of value. (I.e. salvage and such)
When we last left off with Rizzo, the FSC was using 'shanangins' to make the Arcmark worth a DA, but that's not set in stone. Ultimately I don't think its worth going over until someone wants to do economic stuff.
1 Arcmark equaling 1 DA would not be a good starting point, @Doshii Jun, because it would be a slap in the face to @Legix, @Soresu, @Nashoba, @Syaoran, @Kyle, and myself - as although I can’t exactly speak on the behalf of my fellow FMs, I’m fairly sure they’d agree that Nepleslia, the Iromakuanhe, the Hidden Sun Clan, the Abwehrans, and the Neshaten all have economies which dwarf USO’s because of factors like size, age, stability, and prosperity.

10 Arcmarks equaling 1 DA would be a vastly better start in my opinion, as it would divide evenly into most of the other currencies and would accurately represent USO’s small size, youthful age, and lack of a heavy industrial base in comparison to the other factions.

When we last left off with Rizzo, the FSC was using 'shanangins' to make the Arcmark worth a DA, but that's not set in stone. Ultimately I don't think its worth going over until someone wants to do economic stuff.

In my opinion, IC “shananagins” should not be used to artificially inflate a currency’s value unless one is ready to accept the IC consequences of said “shananagins” - and I, @Ametheliana, and @club24 believe it’s worth going over, @Zack.
i said i was interested, im more interested in the outcome of this than actually stepping in and offering an opinion where its not needed so yes while i think it is something i want definite answers for ill be avoiding making any arguments where i dont have a place to do so
I personally think that 1 AM or whatever this thing is called shouldn't be a flat 1 DA. I don't think it needs to be worth 10, as then it just inflates numbers insanely. 3 or 4? Sure. Only because of trying to prevent making people field a currency that potentially ends up with something like 20000000 arcmarks for basically nothing in DA or KS.

But it's definitely my decision alone to work to place a value on currency. Last I checked, DA isn't the standard that people work from. If we were supposed to listen to any one-voice, then the USO currency would need to convert via KS. Everyone's currency, to my knowledge, is based off KS conversion value (though we have a chart based off that to figure out the values between the others, obviously). @Wes would be the person if there was a "sole person" to speak to about it.

I still don't understand why you're using Arcmarks after the collapse of FSC, since the currency was backed by the company. If anything, it just seems logical to use DA or KS instead of deal with the conversion. Especially now that you lack the company that essentially ran your entire currency market. But that's just my two cents from an IC/logical view.
I feel like the real answer is they're worth whatever someone will give you for them, just like the value of gold coins or baskets of strawberries or anything else that can be sold.

Currently Yamatai doesn't even think USO is a real country and thus no Yamataian bank or exchange will even touch Arcmarks. You'd have to barter or go through some other currency first.
Though I appreciate Wes’ answer (no sarcasm meant - I genuinely appreciate him clearing things up >.<), it raises another question: who does accept the Arcmark as a valid form of currency?

The Elysian Celestial Empire doesn’t, as it also doesn’t consider USO a “proper” nation - but what about the other factions?

(Apologies for pestering y’all, but would @Syaoran, @Nashoba, @Kyle, @Legix, and @Soresu mind weighing in on this, please? I’m thinking about adding it to the International Currency Exchange update; no offense, @Primitive Polygon, but is it safe to assume that the Freespacers don’t really care that much one way or the other? >.<)