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Approved Submission City / Location] Uberreik


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Location
Template Used: N/A
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=WIP:uberreeik
Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=location:uberreik

FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: Sorry Wes, I stated I'd make a more japanese name, but I couldn't pass up having some of my characters being able to scream 'uberreich' things.
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FM approved.
One thing I'd like to add is that a name change might avoid confusion with an Abwehran article since they have a largely German-influenced culture and naming structure. Definitely not necessary but might ensure clarity for the article. Don't got a name to offer up, so not going to be able to do anything beyond voice the idea.
One thing I'd like to add is that a name change might avoid confusion with an Abwehran article since they have a largely German-influenced culture and naming structure. Definitely not necessary but might ensure clarity for the article. Don't got a name to offer up, so not going to be able to do anything beyond voice the idea.

While I would stick to the traditional naming that falls in with Yamatai, as I stated, I just can't resist naming it Uberreich. I'm sorry if I'm being difficult on this, Legix, but the name's staying. I appreciate the suggestion, though ^^"

Other than that, I realised I only tagged one of the people that isn't the FM. Allow me to rectify.

@Arbitrated @META_mahn
It's German for "profuse" by the way.
Profuse is Uberreichlich, reichlich being a lesser synonym for it. Uberreich is more a play of words on Uber-reich. Over-empire or something such.
Note: If this is some sort of Nazi reference or could be interpreted as one by everyday people browsing the site, I'd rather not have that in Yamatai.
Well Ubersreik is a fantasy word from a quick google search and doesn't have the word "reich" in it. What's more, reik and reich are not commonly associated with one another, the closest is the Gothic reiki (it's down in the article, like one of the last things mentioned). So, the point is, your example of where you got the word is more in line with what I'm asking of you. Instead of having a word that has a meaning (with extraordinarily well-known connotations) in an Earth language, try something off the top of your head?

If you want, my next post will include actual suggestions, but for now I am telling you what you can do and what I would do.
Hm. If it retains the same feel, I do not nescessarily mind, if there's controverse about it, I don't mind a namechange.

While there are no ideas present with me currently bar changing the 'ch' to 'k', I'd love to see your actual suggestions. I'll also think further on the matter.
I really don't know where the idea for a mayor came from. I searched the wiki for Yamataian mayors and found nothing that made me think it is very Yamataian to have mayors or heirs to cities. Anything owned by someone else is usually picked up by Yamatai and called Yamataian instead of being held by the original owners. I don't think this aspect fits the setting.
I find it hard to believe each and every city is autonomous and that there's no governing head or officials leading everything, it'd lead to extremely poor infrastructure, dillapidated roads, etc. etc.

How does a road repair happen, or how does even the simplest of things such as trash pick up and such happen, if there is no one to actually make the executive decisions on that?