Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Art A little character art

hi hi

I know it's a little bit of a faux pas here to make art without approval, but every so often I wonder what my old character might be up to. Whatever it is, it undoubtedly does not shape the galaxy, but I just had to make something. So hope you don't mind, I made a picture and some embarrassingly self-indulgent prose to go with it. Here's Komatsu Elena, after a long day of hard labor for PHI. (There's a Starchaser II coming up to dock in the background.)


Siren System - A Station in the Akuma Asteroid Field

The crowd in the lounge had dwindled as the first shift patrons left for the night, and second shift's end was still hours away. All that remained were a few holdouts and transient passengers waiting for a connecting ship to arrive. The music, playing softly from an old recording, added to the subdued atmosphere. Komatsu Elena remained in her spot by the bar, contemplating the remains of her drink.

What would be the greater crime, to leave it unfinished or to finish it without appreciation for its quality? I should not have bought it in the first place, but here I am.

A gentle chime sounded as the door opened. The sharp sound of clicking heals entered the room. Not the all too familiar thud from a vac suit or work boots. And as the footsteps approached her, Komatsu glanced at the nearby window for a reflection. A uniform. What could it be now?

"Komatsu-san, may I have a word with you?" The newcomer's voice held a hint of warmth.

Elena did not make eye contact, looking instead back to her drink. "Good morning Officer-san. If this is about the GAO, they only tried to recruit me the one time and that was ages ago, I have no new information to report."

Caught off guard, the uniform paused a moment before replying, "Oh, no. No. The GAO is not a concern. Do you not follow the news? No, I am here to talk about you. You are an experienced starship operator, a profession in short supply these days, but you stay here doing heavy labor, quality assurance, basic maintenance. Do you not think that this work is beneath your station?"

"It is a quiet life, which is its own reward, in a way."

"Your family still worries about you, you know..." The uniform spoke in a measured voice, treading carefully. "Even if you choose not to contact them, I am certain they would feel better knowing that you were living a more successful life."

Elena forced herself not to grasp her drink too tightly. Not pity, not from them. Disgust, disdain, but please anything but pity.

"I'm afraid your information is mistaken. My... twin has a family, but I do not. Not anymore."

"And yet, you continue to send most of your meager earnings to them. You knew what was in your will, you must have known what would happen when you were assumed deceased, but you kept going. You keep going. That kind determination is seen by some as a valuable asset. I could get you a position, somewhere you could do real good again in these troubled times. You would not want war to visit hardship on your family again, would you?"

Komatsu felt a tumult of emotion grasp her heart, but she kept looking straight ahead. I should jump at the chance, but there is something not right about all of this.

Lifting up her glass, Komatsu swirled the remaining contents lazily. "You seem to know a lot about me Officer-san, but in spite of your flattery, I am a former peacekeeper with a dismal career and enduring psychological trauma. You ought to know as well as I, that I would never pass a mental health test. Not without someone's finger on the scale, and who would do such a thing? Who are you, and what do you really want? Someone expendable or perhaps someone deniable?"

The uniform's voice went quiet, sending their thoughts via radio instead. "Do you not think you are being a little paranoid? I am only here to help you. I can understand the reason for your disrespect, but I am confident that we can change your mind if you give us a chance. Having trustworthy and reliable people in useful places is something of great importance to myself and my superiors. I can promise you, you'll never have a better opportunity."

The warmth in the uniform's voice didn't change, but took on a menacing feel.

Suddenly very aware of the space on her leg where her pistol would have been, Komatsu slightly shook her head. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Officer-san, but I think you need to walk away now."

To her relief, the uniform took a step back and said, "Very well. But please do think this over, I've already sent you a data packet should you change your mind." The door chimed softly as they left the room.

Once she was certain that the uniform was no longer watching, she downed the last of her drink and got to her feet. Perhaps I have been complacent too long.
I don't know what you're talking about as far as making art without approval, especially if it features your character for SARP. I think (pretty sure at least) it's fine to get art made of SARP and all that you really should try to do is share it when possible so FMs + Wes can post it around if it's cool/demonstrating a scene well.

No one, AFAIK, has to get approval for artwork; the rule closest to that is that submissions need artwork or if you were using artwork you didn't own that came from SARP. @Wes can tell me if I'm wrong tho.
I don't think it even has to be SARP related necessarily to show it off. I got a thread where i post all my random DoGA models. Also that is great art by the way, and also nice to meet you.
Wow the art is phenomenally done and the writing is top-notch! It makes me want to know where she will let her feet land to end this complacency she's set into!! Awesome job on both pieces of art and writing! In the art, the details in the coloring such as on her pants and skin, soft mood lighting, the great pose and expression working together, and the scene through the window really strike me as some great parts of the finished art! Again, awesome work!
hi hi

I don't know what you're talking about as far as making art without approval...
I don't think it even has to be SARP related necessarily to show it off. I got a thread where i post all my random DoGA models. Also that is great art by the way, and also nice to meet you.
It was a while ago, so I suppose things may have changed, but I recall people expressing displeasure about the possibility of people using art to unfairly sway the approval process for characters and things. So I've tried to avoid that by staying out of canon's way. (If it were strictly against the rules, I might have just made it for my private collection.) But I will keep what you said in mind and try not to worry so much in the future.

(Also, thanks Jack Pine. Perhaps I'll see you around.)

Wow the art is phenomenally done and the writing is top-notch! It makes me want to know where she will let her feet land to end this complacency she's set into!! Awesome job on both pieces of art and writing! In the art, the details in the coloring such as on her pants and skin, soft mood lighting, the great pose and expression working together, and the scene through the window really strike me as some great parts of the finished art! Again, awesome work!
Thanks! I tried to do something a little different than usual with my coloring, but I couldn't quite get the effect I was aiming for, so I ended up with plan B instead. Still, I'm glad to hear that it worked. :)
hi hi

It's high time for a few more probably non-canon misadventures of Komatsu Elena. I actually started this a while ago, so it's a bit more out of date than I'd like, but real life happens. (I heard someone wanted to see art of everyday life stuff, maybe? I hope the first one counts.)

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Yamatai/Siren Commercial Space-lane - Outer Colonies

"Komatsu Elena psychological self-report.
It's, uh... 21st of Shigatsu, shipboard time is... well, it doesn't matter."

"I dreamt that I was stuck on that deserted planet again. It's been a few weeks since the last time. Still the same dream though. I'm in a daze from hunger, endlessly searching, but I'm looking for people, not food."

"When I'm awake and someone approaches me though, I only feel anxiety. It's weird, isn't it? I think it's weird."

"Maybe memory surgery would fix my problems, but I still can't bring myself to let it go. Is it stubbornness, spite? I don't know. If I forget those memories, what else would separate me from the other me? My twin, the one restored from backup, the me that's more like me than I am. The one who has a family. The one who still dreams of driving starships."

"I didn't want to meet my family again, but I couldn't bring myself to miss my daughter's wedding. Would she forgive me if I'd missed it? Well, yeah, probably... She's a better person than I am. It's a good thing. Children ought to surpass their parents, right?"


"It was awkward. I wanted... I want to be happy for them. I barely knew what to say. I couldn't look my twin in the eyes. She's basically me, right? So I've got a pretty good idea how she feels. My existence is probably hardest on her."

"My ex-husband... it must be awkward for him too, though we both tried to pretend like nothing was wrong."

"Not sure if it was just going through the motions, but they tried to convince me to stay. Ai-chan especially. I love my daughter. I know it must not seem like it, but I do. I really do. But she can start her own family now, she doesn't need to worry about me."

"I mean, I'm not the one who was there for them through thick and thin. I wasn't there when Haru-kun died. I'm just a coward who can't stand the thought of being an also ran."

"... Oh, but hey, the in-laws seemed nice enough. My new son-in-law isn't from a military family, but he signed up for the Kuvexian war. I don't know how to feel about that. We... I originally moved to the outer colonies to get out from under Yamatai, and now marrying right back into the center... You know what, forget I said that. It makes me sound like I'm holding a grudge or something. How petty would that be?"

"I'm not mad that someone else won something. Honestly, I need them to win. The thought of the Star Army making my daughter a widow twists my heart up into knots."

"Yes, I'm a mess, I know. What good is an old washed up Peacekeeper, other than making sure your job doesn't get boring?"

"Well, I guess that's it for now, Doctor-san. Looks like we'll be arriving at port Siren soon."

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Komatsu Elena stretches her arms and gets up from her seat. Moving into the lounge, she reflexively glances at the corners, checks for blind spots and exits. It's a late flight, and there's no one in sight. After calming herself, she pulls a coffee from the dispenser and stares at it.

Now that I have it, I don't really want it. Restlessness and coffee are a bad mix to begin with.

She takes a sip anyway.

This is... far tastier than an auto-coffee on a second rate star-liner has any right to be.

The door behind her opens and she turns just in time to see a hand racing toward her face. Elena reacts, pushing up with her right hand, connecting with the assailant's elbow. Her left hand lets the coffee go flying across the room as she grasps the assailant's wrist and swings.

The two are on the floor in the blink of an eye, and Elena is pinning their arm behind their back. She looks at the device that had been in the assailant's hand. She doesn't recognize it, but she knows it would have killed her.

"Who are..."

Before she can even finish a sentence, the assailant rises and slams the two of them into the ceiling, easily overpowering Elena's inertial control with their own. Pain shoots through her back and shoulder as she's steadily crushed against the metal plating. Even without any leverage, the assailant starts pulling their arms out of Elena's hold.

The hell?! A military grade body? I'm totally outmatched!

Elena looks around desperately and spots the sidearm on the assailant's hip. Just as their arm starts to slip free, several things happen one right after another.

Elena's jacket shreds against the ceiling as she shifts her inertia control into a vector toward the door. She reaches down and flips off the safety on the assailant's sidearm, twists, and fires a round into the view-port. She lets go and pushes off, propelling herself through the door as the view-port is torn away from the hull. Detecting the rapid pressure loss, the doorway automatically slams shut behind her and the assailant is pulled out into space.


Alarms blare. Elena lets herself fall to the floor as she tries to control her breathing. Her arm isn't moving as intended.

What. Just. Happened?!

I wonder if self-defense a valid excuse for putting a hole in a starship? No... forget that, are there any more of those people onboard?

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(Seems like ol' Elena might be better off as a hard boiled detective than a soldier at this point. But sometimes them's the breaks.)