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OOC [OSO] Economic Collapse

I think this should be listed under wip:timeline:events and submitted, I don't see how this was a plot.
Technically speaking, it was an arc of the OSO plot, a very important event that did contribute to it's collapse.

Edit: We still have said threads in the OSO subforum under the NDC's board btw if those are needed for reference.
It was a subplot that kinda ran in the background. It was a project that I’d been managing since the beginning and was essentially a plot that facilitated a notable IC and OOC shift in the faction. Being so deeply rooted in the faction’s other RPs I felt it fit best as a plot as it was definitely a collision of at least 2 storylines, though I have no issues moving it to the timeline if you feel it’s best.

My goal in this is to have a tangible page on the wiki to link when someone wants to bring up history and gets it wrong. Especially if it’s inflammatory. No more need to respond to the fire, I just want a link that speaks for itself.
My main issue with calling this specific thing a plot/subplot is that players had no idea they were participating in it, meaning they never made the willful choice to participate except by making a company, which apparently put them under the 'GMship' of this plot.

The second issue is that if this were to be a timeline event, it's written very much to make one party look very good while vililfying all others involved, even those run by players, making it biased and look like an attempt to make the people behind the groups that the article vilifies look bad.
It should be a non-biased factual account of the event and what went down in the RP.
Zack gave the green light on this. No one had a gun to their head when they were posting on Pt.2. In fact, there were more people involved than I was even expecting. Saying it wasn’t a plot is kind of a stretch IMO. I know Zack’s reputation isn’t worth much anymore, but he was the FM at the time and that title is universally respected. We should remember that his decision then was in his authority to make at the time and was a decision he made prior to his final ban.

Furthermore, the people posting had the right to opt out and did not, saying they didn’t make a willful choice couldn’t be correct. They all made the choice to show how their characters reacted to the event, and even if we argue that it was not a plot, it was still a major event approved by the FM of the time.

And finally, I would like to touch on this bias. Alex, for over a year you have had the wrong impression of what really took place. Now I get it, there were a lot of hurt feelings during the period of time that this took place, and I cannot think of anyone who would deny it. My argument, with all due respect, is that you are the biased party.

You obviously don’t like me, and you are more than welcome to have a negative opinion of me, that’s your right! Don’t get me wrong at all, I am not saying that you have to like me or have to be in agreement with the morality of the decisions made, by all accounts this was not a good period of time IC or OOC. You have been very outspoken of how evil I am. You have called me a liar and a cheater both behind my back and to my face and yet you’ve never had an iota proof to back this up. Even when your claim of cheating was found to be completely untrue by a member of the staff you STILL TO THIS DAY claim that I’d cheated. That’s not fair. Will you ever stop attacking my reputation over things that don’t even matter anymore?

Regardless, this is the story. This happened. My summarization of what happened was done as I was reading each thread. The only additional information I added was merely the filler bridging one thread to the next. You argue that I was not a GM yet despite that argument I was still the FM authorized party to facilitate this event. Is it not within my rights to explain the context of that which I wrote? I am only one person and I didn’t exactly have an overwhelming degree of support to write in every though and feeling of every single character and bios and everything else. It was a lot of work, hours of research for a plot/event half a year in the planning and a month in the making!

If I am biased at least it’s because I was the creator of this content with the support of the FM of the faction it involved. You, on the other hand, weren’t even narrating your own Sky Guard at the time. No references were ever even made to them. And what negative did I say of OHI? I only linked the message you wrote and narrated FSCs response to the action of leaving with IC text to back it up. Was that painting your creation in a negative light? It’s actually quite sad to see as Candon originally only wanted to talk to Leo and yet you used OOC means to shield your company from all IC consequences of their actions. Now that is certainly questionable usage of player rights, and yet I do not bring that up the moment someone mentions the old toxicity of the USO. Why is it okay for you to claim that I was ‘eliminating competition’, ‘abusing player rights’, ‘cheating in PvP’, and more? You have assigned bad motives to me for the actions of my character to the point of lying about both of us! Even if you truly believe your claims they are untrue and yet you continue to spread this erroneous message.

I’m tired of arguing this, it keeps coming up and spoiling sunny days. All it does is spread the toxicity of a sad collapse. Look, even now you and Jack are working together and Jack has even reached out to me. You’ve even joined my current plot! It’s like getting the band back together. My biggest reservation to jumping into the NDC is the possibility of having you skewer my reputation again. That’s not fair.

Jack and I moved on, and he’s the one that blew up the economy in the first place! It’s water under the bridge to us. We can even talk about it without hard feelings and anger and these days we rarely bring it up at all because it’s just a story! The story of the USO was a crazy, wild ride with twists and turns at every bend with many things happening all the time and now it’s just a story behind us. I only wish that we could do the same.
Fair point, Ame. I recall the burger-bucks were somehow sort of a big deal and I frequently had to say "No, Yamatai will not accept those for trade."

I insist that this be written up as a history (event) article. There is not a lot of utility to making a plot article for a plot that has ended (it has ended right?) and I think this makes more sense to view this in the context of a historical thing that happened. Plot articles are OOC stuff about the plot and who was in it, and event articles are IC canon so if you want to settle this by putting it in the books, then a history article is what we should be making.
That’s a really good question. I could really see it going both ‘yes’ and ‘no’, though in most cases more ‘no’ than ‘yes’.

On one hand, it’s generally approved by default when the proposed plot is FM approved and the plot is completed, since at that point it has been established as hard canon with RP to support the articles summarization. Additionally, should the accuracy of said article ever be questioned the FM could give an official yes or no. As far as I’ve seen, FMs generally handle the history of their faction.

In this case the story is no longer being considered a plot and is instead an event. Additionally, there is no longer an FM, that I am aware of, to approve the article or it’s contents. It’s impossible to deny that the event took place as even the FM of the time approved it, over 5 players participated, and dozens of PCs were affected.

At this point what would need approval is the presentation of the information. I’ve done my best to summarize the story according to the RP provided. As rare as a situation like this is, it looks like @Wes(Setting Manager) is the only one who could really approve this representation of the event. Perhaps it could receive an official approval at the bottom of the page in an OOC section?

We could also have others involved review the article as they may have more threads to offer and have added to the page. @Jack Pine, and @Ethereal would be foremost opinions to ask as the RP followed our PCs and NPCs.

EDIT: I’m still willing and able to add more to the page if presented with more material to use. Links to RP helps tons!
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