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Approved Submission VF-41 Sparrowhawk

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Its commissioned and paid for by him and owned by him, Why not? I dont see any glaring similarities by any other mecha out there that it would be considered a copy of.
It's commissioned and paid for? OK. The second I looked at it, I thought it was traced from the VF-19. From perspective to lines.

It was inspired by the YF-19, and now that I think about it, with how the artist was dragging their feet, it very well might have been a pose reference. If it helps, I can change Variable Fighter to Variable Frame or something, as well as add an "inspired by" note in the OOC section, since it was based at least partially on the YF-19.
Wow, you paid for traced art, and you even thought Wes would let you get away with such a close reference to a popular machine from another very well known anime IP? It's wonderful if you're happy with what you've obtained from the artist, but I'll also echo Doshii on the lack of belief that the art can "be gotten away with" as a Star Army vehicle submission.

Star Army is registered; that entails precautions on Wes' part to protect his IP that will make approving the article as-is impossible even if he wants to be nice about it. Besides, this isn't your first rodeo, which makes me baffled you went for this - did you actually want it to succeed? I believe you should have known better.

So, I would suggest going back to the drawing board with this machine's appearance. The fact that it can switch between an humanoid and fighter shape isn't the issue; since that has existed before. But it needs a different appearance and transformation mechanics so that Star Army won't be slapped by a copyright notice over it. Given my glanceover shows that this is an outlier, and that you've got a bevy of other mechas already submitted with a wholly different design lineage, I kind of feel this would turn out for the best for your Osman company anyways.
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I thought the blender models for both modes were already in the article, but the one for the mecha mode wasn't, so I added it. Now, I'm fairly positive that this wasn't actually a trace on the artist's part, but the poses are similar. I was never a huge fan of the lineart, but felt obligated to use it because I paid for it.
Put succinctly from this retired staffer:
  1. Keep the blender models.
  2. Ditch the lineart.
I would bet on relatively smooth NTSE sailing afterward.
Would you guys rather that I remove the lineart of the mecha itself and go just with the blender art instead? At least one clipped off section of the hand and its gun is being used in an article for said gun.
Lineart removed, anything else or can a review start? While I appreciate Doshii being non-attacking about the whole ordeal, I don't appreciate how Fred seemed to be very set on almost insulting me.

Wow, you paid for traced art, and you even thought Wes would let you get away with such a close reference to a popular machine from another very well known anime IP?
Besides, this isn't your first rodeo, which makes me baffled you went for this - did you actually want it to succeed?
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Don't mind Fred too much. His style involves bricks; mine, featherdusters. It's a long-running tango.

He means well.
If you want to be insulted, feel free. I'm mean, I'm a retired staff on a power trip; obviously someone should object. I don't know what's up with this mention that I mean well; I felt plenty of scorn in seeing this and it felt satisfying to comment on it and point how wrong it was.

Why? Because every bit of it is true. I'm not on some agenda other than making you shape up on something you could have very clearly done better with. No waffling, there's a problem now - get it fixed so we can stop whining over it. A waste of time - is what it was - but it's fixed now, so, good. Hopefully you'll do better next time and thus avoid being scolded over it. Maybe it'll reminds others not to do it either.

If you want some mollification over your treatment, I'm sure you'll find an echo chamber on Discord to get confirmation on "Yes, Fred is a jerk", or can submit a forum report on the matter for the powers-that-be to look into.

In the meantime, I think this thing can be reviewed.
FM approved as long as no stuff is left in it that is going to be perceived as a rip-off of Macross/Robotech.
I will take this one on then, looking at the art work while there are some conceptual similarities it doesn't look close enough to be considered 'copied or plagiarized now.
  • There are 2 weapons that are unapproved and not listed as unapproved on the entry, do you not want those reviewed right now?
    • Either way the plasma repeater, it's article is going to need to explain how it can be fired in jet mode, as the description says it's no longer being held, but rather attached to the fuselage. (It's not impossible you just need to actually put the fact that it can do it in the article)
  • I know it's annoying but sensors is gonna have to explain what kinds of sensors are there, otherwise people can just make stuff up, especially when it comes to range of sensors
  • The transformation section
    • First you don't really need to describe the steps of the transformation, what woudl be more helpful is data on things like how long it takes to transform, can it transform while on it's back? Can it transform while standing or does it need to at least be hovering? Things like that.
    • Also the intermediate mode is not really explained anywhere on the page as to what it's functionality is. There is just that one sentence in key features, so you can also use this section to also clearly explain the purpose and functionality of each mode.
  • You need to talk about what its armor is made out of, nowhere is that listed
  • There is also no mention of the life support systems on board(Which also effects the 'range' section as well.