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Approved Submission Jios system

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I have 3 initial thoughts:

1. This submission looks like it contains history of stuff that wasn't RPed. (Edit: Apparently the "Current Year" rule has been removed in a recent update)

2. Also it appears to a violation of international law: See: (which not a barrier to approval of the submission but it should be pointed out).

3. I think anyone establishing a base in extranational territory in YE 42 would probably be subject to Kuvexian pirates raiding them since there's no military to protect them.

My suggestion is to RP or at least make a news post about the colonization happening in YE 43. And then have leftover Kuvexian pirates attack them, lol.
(If the current year item was forgotten, I can re-add it, cause it was an error not a mindful omission)
Thanks for your observation @Wes much appreciated, though I do have a few questions.
  1. The submission is pretty much new, there was never an article written about it but it is on the star map and briefly mentioned that Neps had an interest in it but moved to Colonization Expanse (still can't find the thread, but I swear I did saw it).
  2. Is a bit of a puzzle for me, I don't see how it violates the said treaty as it is not in YAM space or in NEP space.
  3. There is not colonization, only a small a skeleton crew of researchers. RP of this will come in the future (can do a news article on it?)
Thought it is good to point out about the Kuvexian pirates, as Sunavi has a protection deal with the Nepleslians so I def going to include that in the said article :)
To explain further, the treaty is binding to the signatory nations so if Sunavi is based in Nepleslia, which is appears to be at least partly, it should respect this law and Yamatai and Nepleslia will enforce this law (e.g. the Star Army of Yamatai or Nepleslian Star Navy may be asked by their governments to protect the 1 LY perimeter around the indigenous people by forcibly removing illegal colonists). To put it in Star Trek terms, this is our equivalent of the "Prime Directive" and is meant to protect factions from simply gobbling up any helpless primitive civilizations we run into while exploring the stars. It applies everywhere. If Sunavi goes in anyway, they could (or at least should) end up in Nepleslian court if Nepleslia notices, which they certainly would if they're providing security.
To explain further, the treaty is binding to the signatory nations so if Sunavi is based in Nepleslia, which is appears to be at least partly, it should respect this law and Yamatai and Nepleslia will enforce this law (e.g. the Star Army of Yamatai or Nepleslian Star Navy may be asked by their governments to protect the 1 LY perimeter around the indigenous people by forcibly removing illegal colonists). To put it in Star Trek terms, this is our equivalent of the "Prime Directive" and is meant to protect factions from simply gobbling up any helpless primitive civilizations we run into while exploring the stars. It applies everywhere. If Sunavi goes in anyway, they could (or at least should) end up in Nepleslian court if Nepleslia notices, which they certainly would if they're providing security.
Yea that is why I placed the outpost on the other side of the planet, but that still violates the said treaty. Mmm, I did state that Sunavi is trying to find out the origin of these people as there is a crashed ship near the settlement, would it be more feasible to say that Sunavi's outpost is not built but does investigate the crash site (that being RP'd out) to find out the origin? I kinda want to RP it out (or news message) that the settlement is from an old Nepleslian ship, still thinking about it.

Sunavi is not based in Nepleslian, they do business with them :) Thought Sunavi does try its best to abide by the set treaties (even if they are not part of Nepleslia).
If the settlement consists of lost Nepleslians I suppose that would solve the legal issue.
3-day approval timer for anyone to raise objections if needed.
Psychopomp LLC is headquartered in system 87c and was mentioned nowhere in the article. While I’m not sure on the status of that corporation, surely it’s worth mentioning because Psychopomp was a significant part of quite a number of character histories if its backlinks are any indication. Wouldn’t want to not mention actual RP’d history if it exists.

Since @Ace doesn’t necessarily seem to be around, maybe @Alex Hart can shed some light on elements that should be in this article, if there are any at all.
Because 87C is such a short term, our forum's current search engine isn't able to search for it, which has been making it difficult to determine IC references to it. Thanks for pointing this out! Unfortunately, the Psychomp page doesn't really tell us anything about the system either, or what their headquarters consists of.
When Ace and I were originally creating Psychopomp, they were originally not intended to be much more than generic bad guys, so a lot of things weren't detailed very well. Later, people started to do RP with characters employed by the company but by that point people didn't care very much about detail or lack thereof.

What is known is that System 87c housed Psychopomp's main headquarters, though they had holdings throughout the 87 series of systems, including facilities and warehouses. While the OSO did its best to wreck the company in retaliation for its actions against OSO members, Psychopomp is still alive and well as a corporation, though they're flying under the radar for now.

It's possible that the headquarters is hidden in a debris field or asteroid belt, given the less than savory nature of Psychopomp's dealings, and escaped the notice of any scouts or settlers.
I am trying to figure out how this would be best to implant it into Jios, which would mean Jios III (that is an asteroid belt) but as @Wes had stated it is difficult to find any information as to what this HQ of Physchopomp is. So if it's a base, the Sunavi Corporation would have noticed it when scanning for it...if it's a ship...they would have escaped the scenery (at least if they try to stay under the radar). I am not going to lie about this, but I do have an interest in expanding into the 87 star systems as it is a profitable area to do so, but I got limit to no information on Psychopomp operations in regards to their holdings in those systems (that actually have no star system article since it has been put on the map in circa 2005).

However, the corporate page does state that it operated in Nepleslia space and had various stores there (Even if it's limit information on the topic it's more than it actually has on 87). If the corporation is active, maybe it is best to operate there? If it's for historic purposes I don't know how to incorporate it based on information I cant find.
I am trying to figure out how this would be best to implant it into Jios, which would mean Jios III (that is an asteroid belt) but as @Wes had stated it is difficult to find any information as to what this HQ of Physchopomp is. So if it's a base, the Sunavi Corporation would have noticed it when scanning for it...if it's a ship...they would have escaped the scenery (at least if they try to stay under the radar).
I don't know what the HQ is meant to be either. I posited an asteroid base because it's quite easy to hide one (especially with SARP stealth technology) unless someone is going to visually inspect each asteroid in an asteroid belt individually. My suggestion would be to list the Psychopomp HQ as an asteroid base out in the system's Kupier belt or Oort cloud, which was overlooked by the corporate scouts.

I do hate to say this, but Psychopomp was there first. I do have to ask that whatever your plans for the 87 series of systems take that into account.
SARP stealth technology is not easy to come by, which is also not stated in the article of Psychopomp (Or I missed it). So while it is honestly your right to say they are first, I can't go on the information that is mentioned here while it has none to back it up from (RP threads and Wiki articles). So I predict that this might go in circles to a yes and no game, I will let @Wes take a look at this situation, and I adapt to his judgment :) Thought thank you for your input Alex I appreciate it, I hope you understand my side also.
This is a popular topic today. Reading everyone's comments on this system I would like to propose that if this system has a history with a company the company page should be updated to represent this. Before this company is added to the system I think the owner of the company should update the page to the current wiki standards. Once this is complete with the company's history and the details needed. Now this being saidif the company has a single base hidden in the belt then that leaves the rest of the system for Ra to and create. This would mean he can simpily put a single part in the systems history for it to be included. This being said if this corperation has no proof of exsisting and does not have any roleplays to back up its exact location might I propose it be placed elsewhere where the companys creator can flesh out the system they make themselves. I also want to say that given the lack of information it is something that can be added to the history at another point when the page and supporting roleplays are up to date and easy to be found. This kind of goes to show that everyone has a bit of wiki work to do for their factions.
I didn’t even know that Psychopomp was there when I first read the article, and had nothing to say. My initial thought was “neat.” But I wanted to see what it was replacing (must be the old submissions reviewer spirit in me) and searched “87C” in the wiki search bar to find that there was canonical information completely ignored.

If the update itself includes extensive un-roleplayed history invented on the spot, I can’t fathom why including a sentence about Psychopomp’s canonical presence in the system based on clarification here would be an issue. More history’s always a good thing, which is why I brought it up in the first place. SARP builds off of past developments, after all.
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SARP tier stealth technology is not easy to come by legally (Though it's not exactly hard either), but I would be shocked if there were no black market dealers for it. You know, the kind that a shady corporation would deal with? I would think it's entirely reasonable for Psychopomp to have shielded their base with Zanarium, which is noted to have made its way through back channels to various nations, and a Mass Mesher, which given the recent fairly lengthy war, would not have been too difficult to acquire from illegal salvage.

To top that off, there are less advanced stealth systems that are also incredibly useful for masking signatures, such as cooling systems and faraday cages, which more conventionally reduce or eliminate EM emissions.

In regards to the comment that the Psychopomp page might not be up to wiki standards, we don't have any for companies but the page is fine. In regards to the one that the company page might not accurately represent Pyschopomp's holdings, I'll refer to this section on the Psychopomp page. Finally, in regards to RP, there's been a lot of RP that either directly or indirectly involves Psychopomp, it's not as if this is some company that's not had any bearing on RP, quite the opposite. In fact, there's RP specifically taking place in 87D, which held the training center for Psychopomp's PMCs.
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SARP tier stealth technology is not easy to come by legally (Though it's not exactly hard either), but I would be shocked if there were no black market dealers for it. You know, the kind that a shady corporation would deal with? I would think it's entirely reasonable for Psychopomp to have shielded their base with Zanarium, which is noted to have made its way through back channels to various nations, and a Mass Mesher, which given the recent fairly lengthy war, would not have been too difficult to acquire from illegal salvage.

To top that off, there are less advanced stealth systems that are also incredibly useful for masking signatures, such as cooling systems and faraday cages, which more conventionally reduce or eliminate EM emissions.

In regards to the comment that the Psychopomp page might not be up to wiki standards, we don't have any for companies but the page is fine. In regards to the one that the company page might not accurately represent Pyschopomp's holdings, I'll refer to this section on the Psychopomp page. Finally, in regards to RP, there's been a lot of RP that either directly or indirectly involves Psychopomp, it's not as if this is some company that's not had any bearing on RP, quite the opposite. In fact, there's RP specifically taking place in 87D, which held the training center for Psychopomp's PMCs.
I understand this and I am not discrediting that the company exists but there is little to no proof they are located in that system. It could simply be a rumor with no evidence of it being true.
The wiki is, in all cases, treated as omniscient. If it says something is someplace, that's not a rumor.

I've done my best here to propose ideas that wouldn't require completely rewriting Ra's stuff, but it's not exactly pleasant to have someone coming down on you going "Well, were you even really there? There's no proof this company even existed."
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