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Approved Character NAM Corporate Liaison to the Golden Band

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Hello, uploading copyrighted artworks to my site without permission is a violation of the terms of service. The image has been removed. Please only use images you have permission for. If you like, I can try to generate a copyright-free image using AI for you.
Hello, uploading copyrighted artworks to my site without permission is a violation of the terms of service. The image has been removed. Please only use images you have permission for. If you like, I can try to generate a copyright-free image using AI for you.
Sorry, I'd been informed earlier that attributed artwork could be temporarily used until a more suitable art piece could be commissioned.
With placeholder art being used with permission from ShadowWalker:

I just want to make a few little notes on this, by no means am I asking the character to be nuked, I just want to bring up some things I'm wary of.

ShadowWalker seems to have been making some strange attempts to sneak some extra resources into the Golden Band's inventory, this isn't something that's escaped my attention, but I just want to make sure that this corporate liason doesn't magically fund everything and provide them with restricted tech lol. The character having their service Golem is fine and really quite harmless as long as it doesn't get reverse engineered or somesuch, but yeah, my main concern is about that company credit card being overused as a blank cheque to suddenly boost the merc company's assets to something ridiculous.

Again, just saying I'm aware and will be keeping an eye out, no hard feelings or anything. I am a cautious and weary person.
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I just want to make a few little notes on this, by no means am I asking the character to be nuked, I just want to bring up some things I'm wary of.

ShadowWalker has been making some strange attempts to sneak some extra resources into the Golden Band's inventory, this isn't something that's escaped my attention, but I just want to make sure that this corporate liason doesn't magically fund everything and provide them with restricted tech lol. The character having their service Golem is fine and really quite harmless as long as it doesn't get reverse engineered or somesuch, but yeah, my main concern is about that company credit card being overused as a blank cheque to suddenly boost the merc company's assets to something ridiculous.

Again, just saying I'm aware and will be keeping an eye out, no hard feelings or anything. I am a cautious and weary person.
Sorry that was mostly me just trying to be a cliché corpo less trying to get the golden band more gear than they're supposed to have.
I'm not accusing you of anything, yer all good, I just don't want this to evolve into anything that might cause trouble ^^.
I dont think it would Scully, hence why the golden band is going to pay charter fees every year to Neplessia as we want to work with you guys while also having fun and making good experinces on the site.
I just want to make a few little notes on this, by no means am I asking the character to be nuked, I just want to bring up some things I'm wary of.

ShadowWalker has been making some strange attempts to sneak some extra resources into the Golden Band's inventory, this isn't something that's escaped my attention, but I just want to make sure that this corporate liason doesn't magically fund everything and provide them with restricted tech lol. The character having their service Golem is fine and really quite harmless as long as it doesn't get reverse engineered or somesuch, but yeah, my main concern is about that company credit card being overused as a blank cheque to suddenly boost the merc company's assets to something ridiculous.

Again, just saying I'm aware and will be keeping an eye out, no hard feelings or anything. I am a cautious and weary person.
I fail to see how I'm making sneaky extra Resorces Skully, and I don't approve of the accusations. I keep a ledger of everything on the golden band Wik page, Resorces being used in DA and keeping track of everything heck I got into a conversation with Alex hart discussing possible power armor ideas and me explaining I can't afford it as I don't have any proper forge capability's outside of armor and some weapons. So, if you're going to accuse me of anything i suggest you go to dm's and say them instead of spreading rumors and gaslighting me to other players thank you.
finacial gain/losswhat its from
+10,000,000 da1 loan via nep government
-2,200,000 da20 fully weaponized Terrene Assault Transport
-540,000 da1 year of supplies
-800,000 daUniforms
-800,000 daGP-1 Assault Rifle
-200,000 daTraditional Flak Vest
-200,000 daCosts to create a body armor system with the help of a Senti Scrap team for resorces
-1,000,000 dafor a 1 year contract with a senti Scrapper ship
+10,000,000 da over timecreation of a trade network with Rythankin in lets make a deal
-1,092,000 da1 year contract for use of 3 Pathfinder Class Mech
-1,278,000 dapayment for all golden band employees for a 1 year contract

I have 788,000 DA left after everything and will still be able to pay off the debt and afford the yearly expenses of the golden band. So, unless your claims of I'm being sneaky have proof next time. if you're referring to the mistake of the luxury shuttles that was me unable to find a price on it as usually that's in a nomenclature somewhere on the template and that been the only issue that was quickly resolved.
Im not gaslighting you, you must admit that discussing loans and then listing a bunch of gear that reaches beyond them is a little shady looking, at the time I didn't have the context of you not being able to find the price listed on the page but it's all good now.

I'm not trying to start any beef, I was just saying that's how it seemed at the time and that I wanted to avoid it, Firebrand tried something like it a while back and it was quite messy.

I don't want to derail the thread any more so I will say that I'm sorry for not realising this was a simple mistake on your behalf, but I hope you also at least see the reasoning why I thought what I thought.

I'd like this to be the end of this discussion, my intention was never to start a days-long argument.
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