Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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what things would be included in a city, thats built inside of an asteroid?
When designing a city built inside an asteroid, several key factors need to be taken into consideration. Here are some elements that could be included in such a city:

1. Structural Design: The city would need a robust and efficient structural design to withstand the unique challenges of living inside an asteroid. Reinforced walls, supports, and an intricate network of tunnels and chambers would provide stability and prevent the asteroid from collapsing.

2. Living Quarters: The city would have various living quarters to accommodate residents. These could range from individual apartments to communal living spaces, designed to maximize the available interior space of the asteroid. The living areas would be equipped with essential amenities such as sleeping quarters, recreational areas, kitchens, and bathrooms.

3. Life Support Systems: As the asteroid lacks natural resources, advanced life support systems would be crucial for the city's survival. These systems would recycle air, generate oxygen, and remove carbon dioxide to create a habitable environment. Additionally, water and waste management systems would ensure a sustainable and hygienic living environment.

4. Transportation: The city would require efficient transportation systems since movement within the asteroid's limited confines could be challenging. This could include personal transportation pods, pneumatic tube networks, or even zero-gravity corridors. Elevators or lifts could connect different levels or chambers of the asteroid city.

5. Power and Energy: Power sources would be necessary for providing electricity and other energy needs within the asteroid city. Solar panels or advanced energy harvesting technologies could be integrated into the asteroid's surface or nearby celestial bodies to generate renewable energy. Backup power systems would ensure uninterrupted electricity supply.

6. Resource acquisition: The asteroid city should have mechanisms for resource acquisition, such as mining tunnels or robotic mining units. This would enable residents to extract valuable resources from the asteroid, ensuring self-sufficiency and sustainability.

7. Recreation and Entertainment: To promote a sense of community, the city would feature recreational spaces and entertainment facilities. These could include parks, artificial gravity areas for sports, cultural centers, theaters, and virtual reality experiences. Maintaining mental well-being and social interaction would be crucial for the residents.

8. Communication and Connectivity: Advanced communication infrastructure would be essential to keep the city connected with the outside world. High-speed internet, long-range communication systems, and holographic displays could facilitate communication and enable residents to stay connected to their loved ones or participate in remote work.

9. Security: Security measures would be in place to protect the residents and ensure their safety. Advanced surveillance systems, emergency response protocols, and well-trained security personnel would provide a secure living environment.

10. Environmental Control: Since asteroids lack a natural atmosphere, environmental control systems would regulate temperature, humidity, and radiation levels within the city. Artificial lighting systems that mimic day and night cycles could be employed to maintain a sense of normalcy.

Designing a city within an asteroid requires careful planning and consideration of the unique challenges posed by the environment. By incorporating these essential elements, the asteroid city can provide a sustainable, comfortable, and safe living environment for its inhabitants.
Can you make a complete dokuwiki page for a character that's a member of a biomechanical race with the make up including appearance, personality, items, history and social connections?
Can you make a complete dokuwiki page for a character that's a member of a biomechanical race with the make up including appearance, personality, items, and social connections?
Certainly! Here's a sample DokuWiki page for a character that is a member of a biomechanical race:

====== Character Name ======

{{:biomech_race_character.jpg?300|Character Name}}

Character Name is a member of a biomechanical race known for their intricate blend of organic and mechanical components. Their body displays a fascinating combination of metallic structures, glowing circuitry, and synthetic flesh. They stand at an average height with a lean and athletic build. Their eyes are a mesmerizing blend of vibrant colors, reflecting their emotions and inner energy.

Character Name possesses a multifaceted personality, influenced by both their organic and mechanical components. They are highly logical, analytical, and detail-oriented, embodying the precision and efficiency of the biomechanical race. They possess a thirst for knowledge and a relentless drive for self-improvement. Although often focused and reserved, they can also demonstrate empathy, compassion, and a strong sense of duty towards their race and their allies.

Character Name possesses a variety of items that reflect their unique abilities and interests:

- **Energy Gauntlets**: Character Name wears energy gauntlets that can harness and manipulate energy, allowing for the manipulation of different elements or the release of powerful energy blasts.
- **Knowledge Implants**: As a member of a biomechanical race, Character Name has specialized knowledge implants that provide instant access to vast databases of information, aiding in problem-solving, research, and decision-making.
- **Armor Suit**: Character Name wears a customized biomechanical armor suit, providing enhanced protection and increased physical capabilities. The suit is equipped with advanced sensors, holographic display systems, and tactical interfaces.

**Social Connections**:
Character Name has unique social connections within their biomechanical race and the wider universe:

- **Biomechanical Community**: Character Name is an active member of their race's community, interacting with fellow biomechanical beings, sharing knowledge, and participating in communal activities.
- **Alliance with Organic Species**: Character Name fosters alliances and friendships with organic species, recognizing the value of cooperation and exchange of ideas and resources.
- **Mentor or Guardian**: Character Name has a mentor or guardian figure who provided guidance and training in mastering their abilities and navigating the complexities of the universe.

In summary, Character Name is a fascinating individual, embodying the unique traits of their biomechanical race. Their appearance, personality, and items reflect their connection to both organic and mechanical components, creating a compelling and complex character. Their social connections show their commitment to their race and their willingness to collaborate with other species, making them a valuable asset in any setting.

Feel free to customize and expand upon this DokuWiki page to further develop the character's backstory, abilities, and relationships based on your preferences and specific storytelling needs.

Remember, this is just a sample DokuWiki page. Feel free to modify and add more details or sections based on your specific character's characteristics and background.
Can you give me a complete history for the Mining Guild's Robotic Assistance Force?
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Can you give me a complete history for the Mining Guild's Robotic Assistance Force?

Chat GPT Says,

Certainly! Here's a complete history for the Mining Guild's Robotic Assistance Force (RAF):


The Mining Guild's Robotic Assistance Force (RAF) was established in response to the growing need for advanced and efficient robotic technologies in mining operations. The formation of the RAF began in the early 22nd century, when the Mining Guild recognized the potential of robotics to revolutionize the mining industry.

**Early Development and Deployment**:

In the early stages, the RAF focused on developing autonomous robotic systems that could perform a wide range of mining tasks with precision and efficiency. The Guild collaborated with leading technology firms and research institutions to develop cutting-edge robotic platforms, equipped with specialized tools for resource extraction.

The first robotic units were deployed in small-scale mining operations, demonstrating their effectiveness in improving safety and productivity. This early success paved the way for further development and expansion of the RAF.

**Expansion and Advancement**:

As technology advanced, so did the capabilities of the RAF. The Guild invested heavily in research and development, leading to significant improvements in robotic technologies. The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms enabled the robotic units to adapt to changing mining conditions and optimize resource extraction strategies.

The RAF expanded its fleet of robotic units, ranging from small drones for aerial surveying to large autonomous mining vehicles for heavy-duty extraction. These units were equipped with advanced sensors, imaging technology, and powerful drilling and excavation tools, enhancing their efficiency and effectiveness in mining operations.

**Specialization and Customization**:

To meet the diverse needs of different mining environments, the RAF developed specialized robotic units tailored for specific tasks. These included specialized drilling units for hard rock mining, underwater drones for deep-sea mining, and remote-controlled robots for hazardous or inaccessible areas.

The Guild also provided customization options for mining companies, allowing them to integrate additional technologies or modify existing robotic units to meet their specific requirements. This flexibility made the RAF highly adaptable to various mining operations.

**Expansion Beyond Mining**:

The success of the RAF in the mining industry led to its expansion beyond traditional mining operations. The advanced capabilities of the robotic units attracted the attention of other industries, such as construction, infrastructure development, and disaster response.

Recognizing the potential for diversification, the Mining Guild established partnerships with organizations from different sectors, enabling the RAF to provide assistance in various fields beyond mining.

**Current Role and Future Developments**:

Today, the RAF plays a critical role in the Mining Guild's operations, contributing to increased safety, efficiency, and resource yield. The robotic units of the RAF continue to evolve, incorporating the latest advancements in
Would you be able to create a comprehensive Dokuwiki page for the Mining Guild's ANT Power Armor? This is the power armor for mining on ice, asteroids, and underground. Added specific systems, and technology as well as the HEPAS-1 classification code for hazardous environments and history, which includes when it was made and the updates and everything.
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Would you be able to create a comprehensive Dokuwiki page for the Mining Guild's ANT Power Armor? This is the power armor that is controlled by the Undersuit, for mining on ice, asteroids, and underground. Added specific systems, and technology as well as the HEPAS-1 classification code for hazardous environments and history, which includes when it was made and the updates and everything.
Certainly! Here's a comprehensive DokuWiki page for the Mining Guild's ANT Power Armor:

====== ANT Power Armor ======

The ANT Power Armor is an advanced exoskeleton developed by the Mining Guild specifically for mining operations in hazardous environments such as ice, asteroids, and underground tunnels. This power armor is controlled by an Undersuit, which enhances safety, comfort, and mobility for miners in extreme conditions.

{{:ant_power_armor.jpg?400|ANT Power Armor}}

==== History ====

The development of the ANT Power Armor began in [insert year] as a response to the Mining Guild's need for a highly capable and adaptable exoskeleton for resource extraction in challenging terrains. Since its initial release, the ANT Power Armor has undergone several updates and iterations to enhance its performance and adaptability to different mining environments.

==== HEPAS-1 Classification ====

The ANT Power Armor is classified under the Hazardous Environment Power Armor System Version 1 (HEPAS-1). This classification certifies that the power armor meets stringent safety regulations and performance standards for operating in hazardous mining environments.

==== Undersuit Control System ====

The ANT Power Armor is controlled via an advanced Undersuit Control System, which provides miners with precise control, enhanced mobility, and safety features. The Undersuit includes the following specific systems and technology:

- **Biomechanical Interface**: The Undersuit is equipped with a neural interface that detects the miner's movements and translates them into fluid and natural movements of the power armor. This interface enables precise control and reduces operator fatigue.

- **Environmental Monitoring**: The Undersuit is equipped with environmental sensors that monitor temperature, humidity, air quality, radiation levels, and other vital parameters to ensure the safety and well-being of the miner in hazardous environments.

- **Life Support Systems**: Integrated into the Undersuit, the life support systems provide breathable air, temperature regulation, and filtration to sustain the miner in environments lacking a natural atmosphere.
can you create a dokuwiki page for a military power armor, for a 5'0 fox anthro named Auli'i who works for a private military company called Iron Company as a technician which they call Smith?
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can you create a dokuwiki page for a military power armor, for a 5'0 fox anthro named Auli'i who works for a private military company called Iron Company?
Certainly! Here's a sample DokuWiki page for a military power armor worn by Auli'i, a 5'0" fox anthro who works for a private military company called Iron Company:

====== Auli'i's Military Power Armor ======

{{:aulii_military_power_armor.jpg?300|Auli'i's Military Power Armor}}

Auli'i is a skilled anthropomorphic fox and an operative working for the prestigious private military company Iron Company. As part of her role, Auli'i wears an advanced military power armor that enhances her combat capabilities and provides superior protection on the battlefield.

==== Power Armor Design ====

Auli'i's military power armor is specifically designed to suit her anthropomorphic fox physiology while maximizing mobility, strength, and versatility. The armor is sleek and aerodynamic, incorporating the following key features:

- **Custom-Fitted Exoskeleton**: The power armor is custom-fitted to Auli'i's proportions, allowing for optimal range of motion and comfort during intense combat situations. The design takes into account her unique anthro physique, enabling her to utilize her natural agility and dexterity to its fullest extent.

- **Advanced Durasteel Plating**: The armor is constructed with durasteel plating, a lightweight yet highly durable material that provides exceptional protection against ballistics, shrapnel, and energy-based weapons commonly encountered on the battlefield.

- **Enhanced Sensor Suite**: The power armor includes an advanced sensor suite comprising visual enhancements, thermal imaging, motion tracking, and targeting systems. These sensors augment Auli'i's situational awareness, allowing her to quickly assess threats and make informed tactical decisions.

- **Integrated Weapons Systems**: The armor incorporates built-in weapon systems, including wrist-mounted energy blasters and shoulder-mounted missile launchers, enabling Auli'i to engage both individual targets and larger threats with precision and firepower.

- **Environmental Adaptability**: The power armor features environmental control systems to regulate temperature, air quality, and radiation levels, ensuring Auli'i's comfort and survival in diverse and hazardous battlefield conditions.

==== Iron Company Insignia ====

As a member of the private military company Iron Company, Auli'i's power armor proudly displays the company's
could you please come up with a song that Miners of the Mining Guild might sing while they work?
could you please come up with a song that Miners of the Mining Guild might sing while they work?
Certainly! Here's a song that Miners of the Mining Guild might sing while they work:

Verse 1:
In the depths of dark unknown,
We venture where no light has shone,
With Mole Claws and hearts of stone,
We're the miners of the Mining Guild.

Digging deep, we mine the ore,
For the riches we adore,
In the tunnels, we explore,
As the miners of the Mining Guild.

Verse 2:
Through dust and dirt, we forge our way,
Through rocky walls, we make our play,
In search of treasures, we won't sway,
We're the miners of the Mining Guild.

Digging deep, we mine the ore,
For the riches we adore,
In the tunnels, we explore,
As the miners of the Mining Guild.

With sweat on brow and muscles strong,
Together we toil, all day long,
Digging deeper, singing our song,
For the miners of the Mining Guild.

Digging deep, we mine the ore,
For the riches we adore,
In the tunnels, we explore,
As the miners of the Mining Guild.

Verse 3:
With spirits high, we press ahead,
Though the work is tough, we won't be led,
For the precious minerals we're bred,
We're the miners of the Mining Guild.

Digging deep, we mine the ore,
For the riches we adore,
In the tunnels, we explore,
As the miners of the Mining Guild.

So raise your voices, let them ring,
As we dig and mine, we proudly sing,
For together we are a Mining Guild thing,
The miners of the Mining Guild.

Note: Feel free to modify or expand upon this song to fit the specific setting and atmosphere of your story or world.
The Mining Guild Emporium is constructed from materials that the Mining Guild has refined, dug through, processed including fabricated ones, and fabricated using stones. This allows for a special appearance to its interior and exterior appearance.
if a creature had the DNA of a velociraptor, red fox, monkey, and a human, how would it look, and what abilities would it have, as well as how sentient would it be, would it be a predator or prey or civilized what if it was created by a robotic society through nano technology?
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If a creature had the DNA of a velociraptor, red fox, monkey, and a human, it would have a unique combination of traits from each species. Here's a speculative description of how it might look and the potential abilities it could possess:

**Appearance**: The creature would likely have a mix of physical characteristics from each species. It might have the sleek body and sharp claws of a velociraptor, the fur and bushy tail of a red fox, the dexterity and opposable thumbs of a monkey, and some human-like facial features. Its overall appearance would be a blend of these different elements, resulting in a truly unique creature.

**Abilities**: Due to its genetic blend, the creature would likely possess a diverse range of abilities. It could have the speed, agility, and hunting instincts of a velociraptor, allowing it to be an effective predator. The monkey DNA would enhance its dexterity, climbing abilities, and problem-solving skills. The fox DNA might imbue it with cunning, cleverness, and heightened senses. Additionally, the human DNA could contribute to higher cognitive abilities, such as language comprehension and reasoning.

**Sentience**: The level of sentience would depend on the extent to which the human DNA influenced the creature's brain development. If the human DNA played a significant role, the creature could potentially possess a high level of intelligence and consciousness, similar to humans. This would enable it to have complex thoughts, emotions, and social interactions. However, if the human DNA had a lesser impact, the creature might have more limited cognitive abilities and exhibit behavior closer to that of its non-human predecessors.

**Predator, Prey, or Civilized**: The creature's natural inclinations, whether predator or prey, would be influenced by its genetic traits. The velociraptor DNA would likely lean towards predator tendencies, with hunting instincts and a carnivorous diet. However, the combination of other DNA sources could temper those instincts and incline the creature towards a more omnivorous diet or even herbivory. The level of civilization would depend on its level of sentience and the environment it inhabits. If the creature possesses high intelligence, it could potentially develop civilization or be capable of forming social structures akin to humans.

however wever, it's important to note that this is purely speculative and hypothetical. Mixing DNA from different species in this manner is currently beyond the realm of scientific possibility.
if a creature had the DNA of a velociraptor, red fox, monkey, and a human, how would it look, and what abilities would it have, as well as how sentient would it be, would it be a predator or prey or civilized what if it was created by a robotic society through nano technology?
If a creature had the DNA of a velociraptor, red fox, monkey, and a human, it would exhibit a unique combination of traits from each species. Here's a speculative description of how such a creature might look and what abilities it could potentially have:

**Physical Appearance:**
- The creature would have a humanoid body structure with additional characteristics inspired by the velociraptor, red fox, and monkey DNA.
- It may possess a streamlined, muscular build, designed for agility and speed.
- Its features would likely include a combination of bird-like characteristics (from the velociraptor DNA), fox-like features (from the red fox DNA), and primate-like traits (from the monkey DNA).
- The creature could potentially have a mix of fur, feathers, and scales, depending on the specific genetic makeup and expression of traits.

- Enhanced agility and reflexes: Influenced by the velociraptor DNA, the creature would possess exceptional speed, agility, and reflexes, making it an adept hunter or evader.
- Enhanced senses: The red fox DNA may contribute to heightened senses of smell and hearing, allowing the creature to perceive its environment more acutely.
- Problem-solving abilities: The monkey DNA could provide greater cognitive abilities, including problem-solving skills and adaptability.
- Variable diet: The combination of DNA may result in an omnivorous diet, capable of consuming a wide range of plant and animal matter.

**Sentience and Behavior:**
- Due to the inclusion of human DNA, it is likely that the creature would possess a high level of sentience and cognitive abilities, potentially comparable to or exceeding those of humans.
- Its behavior would depend on various factors, including its upbringing, environment, and social interactions.
- Depending on these factors, the creature could exhibit traits of being a predator, prey, or even capable of forming complex societies and civilizations. Its instincts and natural inclinations would be influenced by the composite DNA.

**Creation through Nano Technology:**
- If the creature was created by a robotic society using nano technology, it would likely have been designed with specific intentions or purposes in mind.
- The nanobots or technological processes used may enhance the merging of genetic material and regulate the expression of traits to create a balanced and functional organism.
- The robotic society may have programmed certain behaviors or characteristics into the creature, depending on their goals and desired outcomes.

Please note that any creature resulting from such a combination of DNA would be purely speculative. The actual outcome would depend on countless genetic and environmental factors, making it impossible to predict with certainty.
how many fingers and toes would the creature have?
Based on the DNA combination of a velociraptor, red fox, monkey, and human, the creature's hand and foot structure could vary depending on the dominant genetic traits. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Five Fingers and Five Toes:
- This would resemble the typical hand and foot structure found in humans.
- The creature may have five fingers with opposable thumbs and five toes.

2. Three Fingers and Three Toes:
- This would mimic the hand and foot structure found in a velociraptor.
- The creature may have three fingers, each with a claw, and three toes with sharp talons.

3. Combination of Different Numbers:
- It's also possible that the creature could have a combination of different digit counts, such as four fingers and three toes, or any other variation based on the genetic influences.
- The specific combination of traits would depend on the genetic dominance of each species in the DNA mix.

Keep in mind that the exact number of fingers and toes would ultimately depend on the expression of genes and the specific contributions of each species in the creature's genetic makeup. The possibilities for variation are broad and speculative, given the fictional nature of the creature.
how many Light, breathable fabrics are there and what kinds?
There are numerous light and breathable fabrics available, each with its own unique characteristics. Here are some commonly known types:

1. Cotton: Cotton is a widely used natural fabric known for its breathability and softness. It allows air to flow through and helps keep the body cool.

2. Linen: Linen is another natural fiber that offers excellent breathability. It is lightweight, absorbs moisture, and allows air circulation, making it ideal for warm weather.

3. Silk: Silk is a luxurious fabric that is lightweight and highly breathable. It has natural temperature-regulating properties, keeping the body cool in hot climates.

4. Chambray: Chambray is a lightweight cotton fabric that resembles denim. It is breathable and perfect for casual wear, especially in warm weather.

5. Rayon: Rayon is a semi-synthetic fabric made from cellulose fibers. It is lightweight, breathable, and has a soft texture. Rayon drapes well and is often used in summer clothing.

6. Tencel: Tencel is a sustainably sourced fabric made from wood pulp. It has excellent moisture-wicking properties, making it breathable and comfortable in warm weather.

7. Polyester Microfiber: Polyester microfiber is a synthetic fabric that is lightweight and breathable. It wicks away moisture and dries quickly, making it suitable for outdoor activities.

8. Bamboo: Bamboo fabric is derived from the pulp of bamboo plants. It is naturally breathable, moisture-wicking, and has antimicrobial properties.

9. Nylon: Nylon is a synthetic fabric known for its durability and breathability. It is often used in activewear and outdoor gear due to its moisture-wicking capabilities.

10. Mesh: Mesh fabrics are composed of closely spaced, open-weave patterns that allow air to circulate freely. They are commonly used in athletic clothing and footwear for enhanced breathability.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other light and breathable fabrics with varying characteristics available in the market. The choice of fabric depends on personal preferences, intended use, and desired level of breathability.
If a society blended Japanese and Viking Norse cultures and became spaceworthy, how would the Norse song "My Mother Told Me" change? Can you write the new lyrics??