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RP: Bahram Wing [Bahram Wing Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

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Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

"You are very welcome." Mu'Tasim smiled as Ishtar seemed to feel better from his empathic power. He eyed her unusual pink hair for a moment, and her strange womanly features that didn't seem to fit on a body of her size. In fact, what was stranger was how she commanded the two body guards so effectively. The Nohman said they answered to a FIOMNI-construct with the name of their ship's N.I. If that were the case, then that would likely mean...

"Would you be... Ishtar?" Mu'Tasim said, his rough yet gentle still resting on her shoulder. The other running through his apparently enticing, white beard.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Soon enough, Chanda leaned her head out the door, to see Malik practically glued to the ceiling. Repressing a giggle, she walked out and looked up at him. "What in the name of the Saints did you do?" she asked, looking about. "Is it okay for me to get him down? He looks most uncomfortable."
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Alia thumbed at Ishtar's bodyguards, "he must have pissed them off." She said as she walked over to the prone pilot as well and gave him a look. "You're right that does seem uncomfortable, and the look in his eyes looks like he's pissed too." She muttered, then grinned. "Let's leave him here to stew and hopefully calm down."
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

The NI nodded to Mu'Tasim's question. At Chanda's and Alia's she went a shade of red, embarrassed due to her guards' actions. Although the man did seem mighty angry... It made her shiver a little, and nod again.

" can be dissolved..." she said, pointing to the foam encasing Malik. "O-Or I can have Akkad and Sumer pull him off..."
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

"Eh, I'd rather try on my own first. Would be a good workout even on the try, and if we fail then the guys who actually can get him down can. Can't do much more then pull one of my muscles, or accidentally drop him to the floor, right?" she asked, smirking.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Mu'Tasim felt the anxiety coming off Ishtar and responded to it with his own gentle, calm nature. Hopefully her FIOMNI body wasn't too resistant to his empathic powers of settling other. As he did that, he looked over at Alia, Chanda, Isha, and Zus.

"I'm sure we can simply dissolve the material," Mu'Tasim stated, now looking up at Malik, "before we receive an explanation on why this disturbance occurred, of course."
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Zus watched the events unfolding, and sort of listened in on the coversation, Looking up toward Malik on the ceiling and then at each of the people around before responding to Mu'tasim's comment of taking the Cohronl down. "Well, since it hasn't really melted Malik yet, it's probably a base, so we need to find some kind of acid to neutralize it." she commented, thinking back on some of the basic scientific and chemical principles she had learned.

And then she was tackled into a hug, by another blond Eyr Ranr


Szemis had been biding his time, but now that things seemed more or less resolved, he continued itching to go over and greet his sister. Finally, the young Eyr Ranr couldn't hold back anymore, and made his way across, slamming into his distracted sister and embracing her in a hug that could only come from not seeing someone in a couple of years.
"Zus! I can't believe you're here! Same ship as me and everything! How comes I never saw you before now?" Szemis began jabbering excitedly to his sister, eyes gleaming as if he had once again met his hero.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Mridula rubbed her head a bit. She'd spent the last few minutes since the rest of her compatriots had left pacing up and down the bridge, watching over the sensors operators, making sure they were all doing their jobs. But there was only so much oversight she could do before she started to get incredibly bored, and she had passed her limit a while ago. She realized during a particularly unexciting circuit of the bridge that the NI's body - Ishtar, she mentally corrected herself - was freshly-built Solan Starworks property, and she should probably keep an eye on the girl, if she didn't decide to do an outright inspection.

The liaison made her way down the halls of the ship, her hands tucked into her uniform pockets. As she rounded a corner, she caught sight of the commotion - the NI and her bodyguards, Mu'Tasim, Alia, some more people she didn't recognize - and, most strangely, Malik glued to the ceiling. She approached the group with narrowed eyes. "What in bad dreams went on here?"
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

With most of the confusion over with, Ishtar had finally begun to relax her anxiety easing away. Even her head had begun to feel quite a bit better, the knot having decreased in size and ache a bit. She even begun to wore a little smile before a familiar voice from earlier caught her attention again. The smile dropped, replaced by a more worried expression as she saw the Solanii Rep coming close, eyes narrowed like a mother who'd finally caught a troublesome child in the act.

"N-Nothing!" she squeaked like the child caught, suddenly feeling the urge to hide. In the end however she blurted it out anyways. "My guards had a small disagreement with the man stuck to the ceiling there." Ishtar pointed to Malik while her other hand remained on her head.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Isha was quiet throughout the slow breakdown of the conflict. She came to understand it had been a simple misunderstanding and her guess was Malik got a little too mouthy for the Nohmans' liking.

"Ishtar, ma'am, would you be so kind as to have your... guards there help him down? And maybe explain what transpired? I'd like to make sure he's not injured."
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

ON, VSV Astarte
High Orbit Over Mazerin
Bukor 12, 936
7:43, Commonwealth Standard Time

"Attention, we will be entering fold in approximately ten minutes. All crew members are ordered to standby while we proceed with the operation." A voice rang out.

Eventually, the crowd around Malik was forcibly dispersed by a group of GI's and technicians would have to go to task removing him from the ceiling of the zero-gravity hallway. Although regulations might have had a word or two about it, the number of people moved away from the site of the incident was perhaps seven or eight times greater than the number of those initially involved, and made quite a noise as they were forced to leave.

Malik, on the other hand, seemed to be continuing to express his fervent hatred for the artificial humanoids that had shamed him, but could manage more than a lot of shaking and garbled yelling. As members of Bahram Wing and the crew of the Astarte moved away, they heard what sounded like powerful jets of liquid and some blood-curdling screams coming through, although one couldn't be sure if the noise was coming from a pressure device or Malik's own mouth.

With the deed done, and her guards having begun their trek towards the cargohold once more it left the NI alone for the most part. Ishtar watched as the people filed away and even winced at hearing the ugly sound, even more so at seeing where it had originated from as she decided to attach herself to one of the more familiar faces who'd been there. Namily, Mridula. The small woman tugged at one of the Solanii Rep's sleeves, trying to get her attention.

Mridula looked down at the diminutive NI and gave her a smile. "Oh, hi. Thought I lost you in all the shuffle." She turned to the girl and awkwardly ran a hand thorugh her messy, frizzled hair. " need something?"

"N-No...Maybe..." Ishtar rambled unsure of exactly what to say. "I-I kind of hit my head when I ran down the hall to make sure Vaybalri Rashidan hadn't been too terribly injured by my guards. T-They only took more appropriate measures after he shot one of them in the back with his sidearm."

"...ah, dreamshit. Let me see." Mridula bent down slightly to facilitate getting a better look at the top of Ishtar's head. She lifted her fingers and began to run them through the hair and all over the girl's scalp, checking for any potential injuries. "Where'd you get hit, how hard, on what?"

The stack of boxes was haphazardly made, unstable in it's foundation and structurally unsound. Usually, this would be something heard of a poorly made building, but today, that was not the case. Akjit struggled to keep a good grip, but at this rate, he was going to drop something. "Help!"

"... Saints da-" Khiyai panicked when she saw Akjit ready to fumble the boxes, and reached out with her left arm to steady his stack. In practice, she managed to steady Akjit's grip by placing his jumble of boxes a bit better, but did so at the cost of losing grip of her own pile. "... awaaaah!" She tried to retain her own ballance, but was on the cusp of spilling the boxes and their contents all over the ground, flailing around wildly as she spiraled into a tumble.

Ishtar showed Mridula exactly where she'd hit her head. It had been near her forehead, just a little off to the side. "I was running and...and...ran into a wall because I wasn't looking..." the NI confessed while looking quite embarrassed at the mishap.

Mridula laughed softly. Cute! She gently ran a thumb over the small wound on the girl's head. "...well, you seem fine, and it's not that big of a cut anyway. Don't worry, yeah?"

Ishtar nodded glumly. "I'm a little worried about the Vaybalri. My guards used their cannons on him and burned all his clothing off before glueing him to the ceiling." she rubbed at the spot, the dull ache not as sharp as it had been. "I don't know if I should punish them for their actions...or let it go."

"Eh. If you knew how he talks to half the crew, you'd think he deserves it. He needed to be smacked down a little, I think... especially after he called me a slut." Mridula rested a hand on Ishtar's shoulder. "How are your bodyguards? Are they alright?"

Alia nodded. "She's right," she muttered simply. "Malik's too much of a brazen idiot to have not done something like what happened, here's hoping that this event has taught him to think before he acts." After a moment of herself thinking on this, she shrugged her arms. "But, knowing him, he'll hold a grudge."

Her efforts to save the stack of boxes was in vain, as Akjit sacrificed the partial stability in order to catch her. He threw out a hand and caught her wrist, keeping the worst of the impact from doing anything more. However, several of Khiyai's boxes were now strewn about, the well being of the contents unknown. The Ivuori's mind started to race. 'What now? She's going to hate me! Wait...people she or any of the other mechanics hate have their Frames examined last...If I anger her enough, she could delay Nightmare's maintenance.'

His hand still grasping hers, he made his decision. "I-I'm sorry Khiyai." He was on the brink of crying; he didn't have the heart to do something cruel, he couldn't believe he thought up that plan and he truly did regret screwing up on something such as carrying boxes. He didn't have what it to properly control an NI made for war, and he most certainly shouldn't be here. Akjit loved drawing, loved watching things grow. 'Why did I join?!' he asked himself.

Khiyai rose up from a large pile of slightly jagged metal and composite parts that appeared to have been contained inside of the one box that wasn't properly sealed, and seemed to be only slightly bothered by her fall. The truth was that she had fallen on her chest, which was no small source of pain for her, and what appeared to be a hooked component had gotten itself lodged inside of her sweater, but she wasn't initially aware because of the clearly overwhelming pain of falling that way.

Her hands rose up to cup them and massage the pain away, but she was reticent. Akjit was around and he would probably get the wrong idea, and I'd be in some sort of mess with the runners of Bahram Wing! She thought to herself nervously, turning around to peer at the Ivuori to see what state he was in. "H-hey... you alright, kid?"

"Th-They're fine... The Laiz Pistol only damaged one of their cloaks. But... can I ask that one of my guards have their missing eye fixed please? When I got him... they told me he had seen combat and I had gotten him as is." Ishtar looked over her shoulder in the direction they'd gone. "Uhm... Vaytulri Osei? Why is your hair so frizzy?" the NI pointed to the woman's hair then, having let it go for sometime.

Mridula's cheeks reddened at the smaller girl's question. "I, uh... I didn't have... time to brush it after my last shower. You know how it goes." She paused. "...well, I guess you don't. How are you adjusting to life, by the way?"

"Yeah." He spoke, rubbing his eyes. 'It's my fault." Akjit's moping lead his eyes to the mess on the ground, and he started to pick up the various bits and pieces. Without looking up, he asked her, "Are you angry at me?" Inwardly though, he was more distraught over something else. 'How could I? I can't do that. I shouldn't have thought of it, but, the outcome might be the same anyways.' He forced his voice out. "You ok Khiyai?"

"Yeah... it's alright though. Accidents happ-" Although Akjit's apology seemed genuine and registered, there were more pressing issues. Khiyai looked down to see her chest, noting the large composite hook, likely a fastener for a piece of disposable plating, poking through her uniform turtleneck and immediately thought of why or how the object had gotten there.

When ships are being built, they had their own rhythms and tunes. The same could be said for people and their speech. When the technician stopped speaking, Akjit's ears perked up at the disturbance. His eyes glanced at her eyes and then followed them down. The color drained from Akjit as he knelt there in silence, the two of them mutually staring at the protrusion in her chest. "This is the hanger bay! I have someone who needs medical attention now! Of course it's bad! There's a metal rod sticking out of her chest!" Akjit immediately started to call in medical personel, though, by the time they would arrive, assuming they did, it would look like he was the one loosing blood.

"Actually. Wait a second and belay that order... it's only in my shirt right now." Khiyai reached up to her chest and pried at the piece of hardened composite. It was certainly not nearly as bad as it looked, and has just sort of poked through her shirt and gotten hooked in. Tugging away at it gingerly, she heard the distinct sounds of fabric tearing, but ignored it for the moment and attempted to pull harder. The piece wasn't coming out.

So she pulled harder, and harder. But there was a sudden ripping noise as she attempted to do so, and upon investigation, she discovered that she had neatly ripped up the front of her turtleneck, exposing the dark blue uniform bra underneath. "...Saints dammit!" Khiyai turned a furious, deep shade of red, crossing her arms over her torso and waving Akjit away, clearly embarassed by what had happened. "Err... turn away!"

Ishtar began to search her video logs privately as she continued speaking to Mridula. "Oh! I like it very much! Everything is so new. Even what normal Iromakuanhe call pain... but I don't like pain... it made my head hurt. And running... I don't like running. It makes me all hot and sweaty."

"You're learning well, then," the liaison remarked happily. "Pain is supposed to be bad, and you're supposed to get... uh... hot and sweaty..." Her mind wandered for a moment, and she forcibly tugged it back to the task at hand. "...when you run. Yes. Any problems I should know about?"

Ishtar tilted her head to the side slightly, gazing inquisitively at the Solanii Liason before her eyes went wide. "So that's why your hair is messed up! You-" the NI paused, her face going scarlet. "I had no idea such modifications had been done to Lanbalri Vandranno..."

Mridula's hands flew to her mouth, and her soft brown skin turned a bright sunburned red color. "How did you... you were recording that?! I - you - you little pervert!"

Akjit watched in fascination as Khiyai grasped and pulled on the small culprit. But he didn't expect for something like this to happen. Not one bit. He had sat there in utter silence as she unknowingly unraveled her turtleneck in front of him. Blood rushed back into the cold and pale Ivouri and brought him back to a semblance of life. And then said blood turned his cheeks red in embarrassment. She desperately tried to wave him away but he just sat there in red shock. He handed Khiyai a box. A simple cardboard box to hug and thereby cover herself with.

Ishtar just kept up her look of innocence at the suddenly embarrassed woman. "No... I record everything. Private conduct however is kept strictly private unless it violates ship rules and mandates or is directly harmful to the crew." she however seemed amazed Mridula's dark complexion could go darker with her face flushed. The NI then looked to the ground. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Then why did you... say it out loud?! It's... that's my - our private business! Nobody should even know about it!" Mridula's embarrassment was quickly giving way to anger; she knew she shouldn't get upset with the poor NI, but having her so casually spill details of her private liaisons was a little more than she could handle.

"But no one is within aural range to know. I even made sure, and pitched my voice low enough as a secondary measure." Ishtar blinked her large golden eyes, shuffling back a little from Mridula, looking a little wary. She'd stuffed her pale hands in her jacket pockets, her shoulders slumped seeming to have caught on to her indescretions.

Mu'Tasim spent the last few minutes putting his weight equipment back where he had last placed it, including his bar staff. After everything was put back in order, he grabbed his towel and walked back out into the busy corridor, where the had been disposing of Malik. The shirtless Temple Guard tightly dried his hair with his towel, slightly obscuring his eyes as he did so. He wanted to ask the FIOMNI a few more questions about the situation concerning her Nohmen. Though, the small girl was busy with the liason, so he spotted someone who wasn't busy, specifically Alia.

"Jyotsna! Are they already all done here? I was hoping to question Malik on the situation after talking with, Ishtar." said Mu'Tasim as he waved to her with one hand and continued to dry his head with the other.

Alia turned her gaze over to Mu'Tasim, pausing for a second to just stare at him. 'Those robes hide him well.' She though as she blinked and remembered what he asked. "Last I heard he was still getting cleaned off the ceiling with a high pressure hose. Though they should be about done with getting him down by now." She said, looking up slightly while crossing her arms. "I doubt he'll be in a very talkative mood though."

"Well, at any rate, I would've liked to see this situation cleared up peacefully and without the usual hot-blooded meddlings." The Temple Guard sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest, the towel nestled between his forearms. Then, he seemed to come to clarity with something before looking at Alia, an eyebrow raised. "You know, I just realized, I don't think I've ever seen you anywhere beyond the hangar bay. What are you doing down this way?"

Alia raised a hand to rub behid her head. "Actually, I came looking for Khiyai." She said, "The girl didn't wait for me to finish my work before calling it quits for the night and I kinda wanted to ask her for a drink."

Mridula looked at the nearest bulkhead, grimacing as she tucked her own hands into her pockets. "...sorry. I guess I just... didn't expect you to know. I didn't mean to get mad, and you don't know any better, so... forgive me?" She turned toward the NI again and opened her arms.

Ishtar looked up at Mridula warily then and to her outstretched arms. The NI fidgeted slightly before slowly shuffling over and into the open arms. Wether or not the older woman had intended for a hug, Ishtar had decided for her with her own smaller ones wrapping around the woman's waist.

"Well, I've not seen her down this way, though, knowing how she is with Rashidan, I would've assumed that she would be spending time with him with this free time." Mu'Tasim descerned, rubbing his beard with his hand, he eyed Alia again. "I've wondered, though, as much as Malik wants to be with her, have you seen them actually spend much of any time together? I noted back in Jarizas, that such time tended to be relative to his mental health."

"Not really, But then again, I don't see Khiyai that much out of the hanger, unless we're in mess or at the lounge together." Alia said. "The girl mostly keeps her affairs to herself unless she needs to vent about Malik doing something steriotypically himself."

"A cardboard jacket would be great, but I don't really have much choice. Just don't stare and I won't kill you or something horrible like that." Khiyai said in a shaky and dour tone of voice. The turtleneck would have to stay, at least until she could get a hold of her jacket in the office, and she simply took a few moments to pile the dropped items back into the composite-cast containers and resumed walking. "Of course, you'd be an idiot for trying to stare at me from a weird angle like that."

Luckily, a hug was exactly what Mridula had been planning. She hugged the younger girl to herself and lifted her just a scant bit off her feet, grinning. "There we go, all better."

"Ah! Malik seems to do the same to me whenever he needs guidance as well." Mu'Tasim grinned in what almost seemed a sarcastic fashion. "It seems we share similar roles in their relationship, eh? Though, in all honesty, the amount of trust he puts in my counsel makes me feel like some old man."

The Temple Guard appeared to think for a moment, before a questioning look came over his face.

"Do I look old?" he asked.

"You look refined, if that's what you mean." Alia replied.

"But..." Mu'Tasim pressured his response a little, "Do I look... old?"

"..." Alia pondered the question for a good minute. "By old, you mean fogey old, right? Not just greying hair, but still spry, old."

"Well... Do I look like I'm twenty-seven, or do I look like I'm thirty-seven?" Mu'Tasim tilted his head, a bit of pained twinge in his eyes, as if afraid of what the response would be.

"Well, you're not young, if that's what you want to hear, but honestly, I prefer a man who has lived as opposed to a hotshot idiot kid." Alia said

Ishtar squeaked in surprise at being lifted off the ground ever so slightly as she was hugged back. "... Are you still angry with me?" the FIOMNI asked while looking up at her having had her face buried in Mridula's chest before doing so.

"No. All better." Mridula smirked as she squeezed Ishtar in for a moment more, then relinquished her hold on the girl. "How are you feeling?"

"Y-yeah. I'd have to be a real weirdo or something." Akjit replied. With all the things put away, and their grim march resumed, he couldn't help but feel guilty. In an attempt to assuage his fears, he opened his mouth. "Sorry for costing you a turtleneck Khiyai. But, but, look on the bright side. I mean, not look! Not look!" Akjit tore his eyes away from her face and gazed straight forward in a rigid pose, spine straight. "I mean, sliver lining, at least the day hasn't been so mundane, right? Or...I'm sorry. I tried." He spoke, giving up.

"F-Fine!" Ishtar stuttered at the sudden physical show of affection after the Ivuori had been angry only a few scant seconds ago. "I'm just bored. Since I can regulate the fleet wirelessly but now have a body of my own it does not occupy all of my time."

"Well, I hope not 'too' old." Mu'Tasim chuckled weakly, a light blush going across his cheeks. "One of the stewards in the shrine said I reminded her of her father, and she was only seven or so years younger than me! I understand that I am not young, but I don't want to appear as an... 'old fogey', as you put it."

"Old or young, if you have energy, use it." Alia said, somewhat proudly. "It's my colony's motto, since we have to recycle so much stuff on the ship."

"Hm! That is something worth remembering!" Mu'Tasim spoke with clarity as he gave Alia a thankful nod. "Thank you, Jyotsna, now I wish I could help with locating Khiyai in return for such helpful counsel."

"It's not like I have to foot the bill on my uniform. I'll just write it off as an accident and the Commonwealth will cover the cost the quarter inch of actual bio-mesh they spend on these tops." Khiyai remarked, her initial ire at the incident starting to wear off a litte. It was hard to remain angry at someone who was genuinely apologetic about what happened.

"You should pick up a hobby, or make some friends and do things with them," Mridula suggested to the NI. "And there's always OGNEIR. Plenty of things to fill up all that free time you have!"

"Well, I kinda owe you now with all the trouble I caused you." He paused as he looked about. Just where was her office again? "If you need any more help, well, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't want it. I mean, after all this. But, well, if you need it, I'd be glad to lend a hand." He smiled. The burn scars on the side of his face twisted slightly as he did so, but it was partially out of her view. "Um. We're just going to say this didn't happen though, right? Or, what are we going to say?"

Ishtar placed a pale finger to her chin, tilting her head in thought. "I suppose... My older sisters tried to give me suggestions. But I didn't really understand them. And... " she paused pursing her lips and staring at the deck once again. "How would people accept me? I am a Fleet Intelligence. I-I kind of stand out." Ishtar wiggled her shoulders a little. "Would people find me strange?"

"Maybe a little," Mridula admitted as she pat Ishtar on the head. "But they'll get over it once they get to know you, I think. People are usually nice, and you're cute enough that I'm sure there'll be people lining up to be your friend." She smirked slightly, ruffling up Ishtar's hair.

The little NI then looked up at Mridula, eyes wide and innocent. "T-Then w-would you be my friend?"

Mridula grimaced and wobbled as the fold drive activated. She was as unused to the sensations as the rest of the crew, but she recovered quickly; they weren't that bad, after all. She seemed to have lost her train of thought for a moment, though. "Uh. Yes, yes, I'd love to be your friend, Ishtar."

"Well, how about you grab me some food? I've gotta do some paperwork before we leave fold, and I haven't had a chance to catch breakfast because of the maintenance work."

Having anticipated the jump, Ishtar had been ready for it, easily compensating as the ship transitioned into FTL flight. But when she'd heard Mridula's acceptance sent her into a small run right at the Solanii Rep. The small NI barreled into Mridula, hugging her again her head nuzzling into the older woman's chest, utterly overjoyed at the prospect of having a friend.

Mridula was barely able to catch her newest friend, but held her with a small squawk, her arms easily encircling the girl's small frame. "Ah...! You're... very enthusiastic." She lifted Ishtar up a bit so the girl wouldn't be molesting her chest so enthusiastically; asied from that, she was perfectly alright with the affection.

"Attention. We are now entering fold. Be advised, distortion fields may cause electronics to become unreliable. We... don't know." The voice that had informed the crew of the Astarte's launch moments earlier was not sounding off the start of her departure.

There was a rumble.

Space itself seemed to be the object in motion.

A quiet ripple that seemed to pass through the ship as the exterior sights seemed to bleed and melt. From an outside perspective, the vessel had vanished entirely from view, but the crew aboard the vessel could still see the space over Mazerin bleed into an unknown morass of orange, distorted into clear streams of light and pulled towards a point in the distant space behind the gold-clad vessel. This effect seemed to continue on for minutes, while the vessel itself seemed to be entirely immobile.

"Ah! I've an idea, Jyotsna!" Mu'Tasim said, an idea appearing to come to him as he looked over at Ishtar. "We have the ship's N.I. right over there! She could locate Khiyai with fair ease!"

"You have a point there." Alia said, nodding before glancing over. "Excuse me, can I ask Ishtar a question?"

Ishtar stopped her nuzzling momentarily to look at the person attempting to get her attention. It only took a split second for her to identify Alia. "Yes, Lanbalri Jyotsna?" she asked.

"Can you locate someone for me?" She asked as she walked over to the nuzzling AI. "I seem to have lost track of a co-worker."

"Uhm... I suppose I can. Whom did you wish me to find?" Ishtar asked, slipping free of Mridula's grasp and brushing out the wrinkles on her shirt and skirt.

Mridula straightened herself as well as Ishtar pulled away, grinning at the girl's interaction with Alia.

"Vayshirin Sahrzad, if it's not too much trouble." Alia said,

"Oh!" Ishtar snaped her fingers. "She is in the VANDR Frame Bay for the First and Second Squadrons."

"What?" Alia blinked. "Why's she all the way there?"

"Uhm...Uhm...moving cargo?" Ishtar responded. "Would you like me to show you there? Or do you know the way?"

"True, the crew is doing their best to organize for combat." Mu'Tasim clarified. "It may be best to have N.I. guide us, I actually do have some business in the Frame Bay, but I'm still getting lost in this ship. Haven't been here long enough, to be honest."

"Well, I might as well get an escort," Alia said, "so, lead on Ishtar."

Ishtar nodded. "O-Ok!"

It didn't take that long to reach the VANDR bay, a large chamber set with row upon row of organoid frames in sets of four, all connected to a share launch platform. Khiyai was nowhere in sight, but the lights in the office and small sounds of activity at the far from the center of the preparation area seemed to indicate that she was in that general direction.

Mridula followed behind the two of them, her hands in her pockets. She wasn't sure if she was invited, or if they wanted her along, but there wasn't anything better for her to do and she was sure she could talk her way out of a tussle if she had to.

Ishtar continued to lead them deeper into the bay, holding the Temple Guard's rough, calloused hand. While she knew exactly where Khiyai was due to her internal sensors, it was just a matter of going through all the clutter. The small group passed stacked cargo boxes of spare parts, tools and possibly munitions on their way deeper into the frame bay, even passing a few of the VANDR in their berths. It didn't take long for the little NI to lead them to their destination, which was the office for the frame bay.

Heading towards the doorway, they came upon a most curious view of the mechanist they were looking for. Through it, they saw the back of a figure of tanned skin, holding up a ruined turtleneck in one hand and a bra that appeared to have been slightly cut into by an unknown sharp object, muttering under breath about bad luck or clumsy idiots. And based on her reactions, or lack thereof, it was clear enough that she had no idea of the small congregation that had gathered nearby.

"Sahrzad?" Mu'Tasim arched a brow, still holding the FIOMNI's hand in his. Even if her back was bare, he was unaware if her chest was as bare as his.

"H-" Khiyai turned around, and experienced a delay of perhaps half a second before she covered herself with the tatters of her top. She was too angry to scream, and too shocked to move her body away from the site of the incident. Instead, with perhaps just the right combination of embarrassment and anger, she kicked the plas bucket at her feet, half-full of water and soapy grime, in Mu'Tasim's direction.

Alia smiled and waved at Khiyai.

As Mridula followed the small parade into the VANDR bay and around the boxes into the office, she looked up to see where exactly they were going - and caught an eyeful of the topless Khiyai. Though it was only her back, it was still mightily good-looking... and it was even better when she turned around. The liaison put two fingers to her lips and let out a loud wolf-whistle before her face broke into an immense grin.

"O-oh my!" Mu'Tasim yelped, shocked at the sight before him, throwing a free hand over his eyes, covering his eyes to protect his innocence from her breasts. He only stepped back slightly as the grim came to his feet, and pulled back Ishtar as well as to keep her from getting soaked as well. His grip, however, was loose.

"EVERYONE." Khiyai stomped on the ground, her balled fist tight enough to accidentally crush the plas clips of her bra into something non-functional, all the while screaming at the top of her lungs. "OU-."

Thankfully for the NI, she'd elected to come through the side door reserved for Mechanists as the front was only used for general crew. Ishtar had easily cracked the lock and stepped inside when she saw something rather odd in front of her. Seemingly fascinated the petite NI made her way over while Khiyai's attention was diverted, small pale hands making grabby gestures until they found their mark from behind.

"So females have these on their chests?" seemingly questioning no one in particular while she squeezed them. "I should have some too though! But mine are so small... This requires comparison." then the NI decided to press her own into Khiyai's back.

"..." Alia was staring at the sight, jaw agape. "The NI is groping my assistant."

"..." Mu'Tasim kept his hand over his eyes. Though, Alia's account gave him an accurate assumption of the situation. "I... this..."

"..." Khiyai frozen in place, before bellowing again her cheeks flushing a deep and flustered crimson. "Idiots... ALL OF YOU!"

Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Agni loved to make these little trips through the ship. Having to go for signatures and confirmation for shipping and supply orders were the best way for the Sentulri to get out of the office, especially on a slow day like today. Rosni was off, and doing his own thing, so everything was quiet so far. The former Ace needed some pizazz to light a fire under this day's tail, and even though he enjoyed the walk, it wasn't enough. As he entered, the Frame Bay, though, his interest became piqued when he spotted a group forming around the entrance of the office.

"Oh? What do we have here?" Agni said in his usual swirly tone, straightening his glasses and uniform as he moved closer to investigate. Instead of asking for the group to part ways to let him through, he simply slithered in between the people there like a snake, barely letting his small mass shove or push them. He popped his head out, and smiled delightfully as he saw Khiyai's exposed pair.

"Well well... Now this is a delicious sight." chuckled Agni.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Within a dozen or so feet, one could easily see the black half-gear markings that passed around the sides of her breasts and cross over the top of her chest and collarbone, Ishtar's pale little hands covering the important details. Pale hands that provided quite a contrast to the darker coffee color of the Cohronl woman's skin, and demonstrated the supple nature of her chest through unwelcome gropes. Not that being molested was any kind of relief to Khiyai, or that she was any closer to being calm just because Agni and Mu'Tasim did not have a perfect view of her exposed breasts.

Alia's never going to let me live this down.

In a panic and a rage, Khiyai wrapped the tattered remains of her clothing around her chest, still blushing a red that bled even through the rich brown of her face. Shoving Ishtar's arms away and made for the corner of the room... before promptly slipping on the wet floor and falling face down onto the ground.

It hurts.

She wanted to... she had to get them out, to yell at them even more for being a bunch of weirdos, but everybody there was above her station and one of them wasn't even a member of the military in the first place.

She'd... post harassment charges! But then... the recordings would show her stripping herself down in a public area of the ship and being approached normally, not being accosted in the showers or harassed on duty. Really, they'd probably blame her for taking too long to get dressed and reacting badly because everyone had to make a big deal of it.

Why did everyone had to make a big deal of it?


The bridge was rife with activity, with no less than a full staff of operators all calling out clear values for sensors and equipment feedback, all nervously checking over them and making sure NOTHING was wrong. The Astarte was afloat in a sea that had never been seen before, and the slightest mishap might doom them to be locked in the space between dimensions for an eternity, or collapse a star system as they entered it.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

While having her arms shove away had been a momentary shock, it did not stop Ishtar from mulling things over. The opportunity to download the differences between the genders had been a low priority while only a smattering of it having been downloaded before her implantation. The technicians hadn't had the time to go over things more fully, just giving her the bare basics of survival and having asked that she be taught as well as for her to download whatever information she'd needed herself.

They were so soft!

Khiyai herself was secondary at this point while the fascinated NI simply stared down at her hands and then up again. Ishtar flexed her small hands a few times, examining the digits every so often before they went to her own chest.

Not the same.

She frowned slightly. Maybe choosing this form and listening to advice from some of her fellow sentient-NI hadn't been a good idea after all. Ishtar gave this some thought before joining the others. Individuality and what came with it was still so new, the very idea of not having a identical chassis, power systems, armor, weapons, shields or engine loadout was alarming as she'd spent most of her life, up till now as such. Going from one ship-class to another. But with them it varied so widely it was still a little too much to take in right now and had been reminded of it just then.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Mu'Tasim kept his eyes closed for the most part of display, he didn't want to embarrass Khiyai any further than he already had. Though when he heard her trip and collapse on the floor, the Temple Guard could help but step forward in this situation. Her embarrassment and anger was evident as the he felt even stronger as he pulled his towel off his shoulders and set it down in front of her. It smelled a little of his musk, but not overwhelming, and was large enough to decently cover her accessories.

"I don't have anything more decent than this, but I hope it will be satisfactory for now." Mu'Tasim said, looking away again, before he would get flashed again.

Agni on the other hand had a look of disappointment on his. Even with his skill of removing clothes, he wasn't fast enough to get his jacket off to gain an advantage on the situation. So he only grunted as he put jacket back on. As he seemed to mope, he roped his arms over Mridula's shoulder, and then Alia's and pulled them in for a moment.

"Now look, Farouk has gone and ruined all the fun." said Agni as he got a handful of both Alia's and Mridula's chest.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

"GYAAK!" Mridula's elbow jerked back reflexively as she saw a very male hand on her chest, and the bony knob caught poor Agni directly in the chest. She used her other hand to pry his away. "You bastard!"
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

While Mridula retaliated against the lecherous Quartermaster, she and Alia were simultaneously attacked by a different set of hands. The small NI had decided to join the fun it seemed, except she was neither smiling, nor did any uplifting emotion leak from her. Instead she had an analytical look about her countenance.

"Hmm..." she began applying pressure to each of them. "The consistency of each are subtly different..."

Ishtar then looked a little confused as she walked forward and simply stared. "But they are of the same general size... Lanbalri Jyotsna's are firmer due to her regular usage of upper body strength and muscle while working. Which, also decrease overall size by five percent." the pale hand released Alia.

"Vaytulri Osei's are not. They are softer and more supple due to decreased physical activity involving upper body strength. But...perhaps this is merely a genetic occurrence between the two with physical factors playing a roll." Ishtar let Mridula go free as well putting a fingertip to one side of her mouth in a very stereotypical pose of thought.

"All three sets have their merits and flaws which are based on the genetic profile and predisposition to work, work ethic, body type and how well each individual takes care of their physical health."
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

All had gone pretty smoothly as far as Firuz had been able to observe. Other than for the new NI's body's introduction and the little tumble she had earlier, the day had gone pretty much normally and was only now getting a bit more stressful with all the readings and clear call outs on systems performance and all that while the Astarte got into hyperspace fold for the first time... or, at least, it seemed so.

People here were rather nervous about the ship's readouts right now. Considering Firuz had stepped into these parts of space before, he was perhaps a little bit more calm. The colony he came from was pretty far out into the solar system's fringes, and talk of the New Veyrin was something he had overheard in some of his friends' parents' conversations. He wished he had gotten a lot more interested on New Veyrin before now, though...

...whatever this organization was, it was the only thing keeping him nervous about their current travel.

All of this talk of the outer fringes of their star system made him think about the conflicts in the colonies. The late conflicts of the outer systems had actually been what had put his father out of business, now that Firuz thought about it. His dad was a rather honest man, and all of these 'rebellious groups' coming out of the colonies were always wanting his dad to make deals with them back when he was an interplanetary merchant. Firuz' father refused the offers... his competition didn't. And now Firuz was the son of a divorced couple, who left each other more out of necessity and loss of love than out of violence.

As Firuz scanned through the numbers, the numbers began to glow red with hate.

If I'm a part of this, I can help end the rebellions for good... even if all I can do for now is call out readings. I swear on the saints I'll avenge your dreams, dad...
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

As Akjit walked back to Khiyai's office, he mulled over just why he was in Bahram Wing. Had it just been a moment of whimsy and nothing more? Or something else? The Ivuori refused to admit it was an act of whim. No; it wasn't a whim. As he looked into himself, the truth began to come out as each step fell to the floor with what sounded like fate itself slamming into his soles. He came there to leave his parents and the sheltered, easy life he had in favor of hardship and the heroism he expected to find in the Vanguard.

Yes. That was it. He wanted to be a hero. He wanted to have fun. He wanted glory! Akjit swallowed this down hard; here he was, taking himself apart without the help of Nightmare. Wasn't it what it usually did to him anyways? Whatever the NI had done, it was still going on inside his mind. Akjit glanced at the small package he held in his hands; wrapped in paper was a new turtleneck and bra for Khiyai.

It was embarrassing! Absolutely embarrassing! The person there looked at him like a pervert! Though they eventually worked things out, it was still something that weighed on Akjit's soul. He would forever remember asking another crewman for a woman's underwear. To make matters worse, Akjit never thought he'd prefer Agni! Where was the quartermaster anyways? With all his mental musing, the Ivuori didn't notice anything odd as he stepped into Khiyai's office, standing behind the small crowd. He had a good view.

He froze and simply stood there as he watched a little girl cup the other Iroma's bare breasts. And watched as it all devolved into absolute...something. The impact it had on the young man was devastating, much like a young child walking in on the parents making love. Furiously.

Frozen, he stood there witnessing everything, the package of clothing in hand, the light fading from his eyes. They lost Akjit.

A loud thump could be heard as he fell over.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

ON, VSV Astarte
High Orbit Over Mazerin
Bukor 12, 936
7:52, Commonwealth Standard Time

With the commotion in the maintenance office getting worse and more people showing up, Khiyai made herself scarce as possible and scampered behind one of the filing closets to slip her jacket over her shoulders. The towel was nice, but just covering up a little would still be too embarrassing! What kind of half-assed gesture was Mu'Tasim trying to even do!? Agni's inappropriate actions and poor Akjit's panic attack definitely made things easier, and gotten her just enough time to return 'in uniform', albeit basically just wearing her jacket buttoned up to her neck. At this point, even showing collarbone would be a risk.

"A-a-alright, alright." Her face was still flustered and red, and her voice tense and rather angry. She was still of the mind to beat heads with wrenches for gawking at her, but almost everyone there was ranked enough to make it a problem. Of course... it didn't help her keep calm at all. "Are y-y-you all done being i-i-i-diots?!"

Seeming to ignore Khiyai's stuttered remark, Ishtar had squatted beside Akjit the poor frame runner it seemed had passed out. The NI had been sure to check his vitals noting it had just been mere surprise that had done him in, and was now poking at his face with a finger.

"Is it normal for frame runners to become unconscious when they see such things?" while she had pieced together how he had ended up the way he had she wasn't too sure they had.

"Well, seeing those things is something he's not used to." Alia said, smirking.

"That is true, Akjit is a soldier, but not all soldiers are..." Mu'tasim remarked, thinking on what was the best way to describe it, "...well-traveled. Like Jyotsna said, he is not used to seeing such things." After his explanation, he looked over at Khiyai and crossed his muscular arms, giving her a stern stare. "As for you, I suggest you tighten up your attitude. We all admit this was an honest mistake, and you're lucky it wasn't someone like the Marranr who would more than likely report this infraction."

Soon enough, Akjit stopped breathing. Of course, Ishtar would notice, but before anything could be done, the young Ivuori started making gurgling noises before hastily opening his eyes. The first thing he saw made things worse; panties. Akjit sat bolt upright, blood pouring from his mouth and nose. "I saw The Saints! And...and boobs. Panties? Is the afterlife that perverted?!" He asked in panic.

The young soldier reached up to wipe his nose, but then noticed just what he was wiping away. "Gack! Blood? Who's?! Saints help me! Wait...." Akjit rubbed his nose again, sniffed once, twice. And looked around the room again. His cheeks reddend a little. "Can someone give me a tissue or something? I think it's a nosebleed."

The package containing Khiyai's new clothing lay on the floor, forgotten.

"Easy there," Alia said placing a hand on his shoulder, "you're just in unfamiliar territory, is all." Alia said, explaining it roundaboutly.

"But! But! How come he'd pass out from seeing those?" Ishtar pointed dead at Khiyai while still staring intently at Akjit. "They were so soft! and nice! That's just...just...being mean!"

"That is because it is rude to stare at such assets, at least, to just anyone. Akjit was simply embarrassed, and such embarrassment caused his capillaries to rupture, it seems." Mu'Tasim explained, hoping that would give her a correct explanation.

Alia sneaked over to Ishtar and cupped her hand to the NI's ear. "He's a virgin, that thing always happens to them." She whispered.

"Uh-um. Yeah. What Mu'Tasim said." Akjit replied sheepishly. "Well. It was kinda more than that. It was l-like. Well. You, whoever you are, groping her. And then him groping them." He replied, referring to Agni. He brought an arm up to rub his face on his sleeve, a red smear left behind on the cloth of his arm. "Um. Speaking of you....uh. Who were you, and why were you kneeling next to me?" Akjit went on, asking. 'And why were you kneeling so close that I could see your panties? Is there any decency on this ship?' he thought.

Agni gave a short wave in response, with that same sly grin. He was holding his chest at the moment, still recovering from Mridula's counterattack to when he grabbed both Alia's and her breasts for a quick feel.

Ishtar merely blinked in response to Akjit's questions and Alia's answers. "Vaytulri Osei? What exactly is a virgin?" blurting the question out right beside the bloodied Akjit.

"H-hey! You've all done something unforgivable... and I need t-t-to..." Khiyai spouted off nervously, glancing at the pile of clothes. Even a flimsy lie would be better than just saying that she wanted to get dressed alone in the office, without any peeping toms or weirdos. "D-do some maintenance!"

"...what?" Mridula blinked over at Ishtar. She was still halfway across the room. "Someone who hasn't had sexual intercourse yet. Why are you asking?"

Alia turned and stared at Khiyai, a very predatory grin on her face. "I can help you." She said.

"Lanbalri Jyotsna said that Vaybalri Chirimar was one." Ishtar confessed, looking between the two.

Akjit choked on his own spittle when the little girl asked, and Mridula casually answered. He sulked a little in his own little puddle of red before Khiyai spoke up again. 'That's right! I forgot!' Akjit's hands and eyes moved about, searching for that small paper package; his hands found it first, just below the strange little girl. "Khiyai! He-here. you this knowing you'd, well, you'd need it. I-it's a new top for you, so you can cover up. Not that there's something wrong with you being...I'll shut up."


"The Astarte is now exiting fold. Attention. We are now exiting fold."

The Astarte remained in fold for seven hours before she had to exit at her first stop, the organoid chassis of the ship beginning to feel the stresses of FTL travel and the drive itself needing to recharge before it continued on. The ship emerged slowly over the course of a minute, the colors of the new environment bleeding into the stretched 'space between' that it had passed through for the previous few hours, eventually 'snapping' into place.

"We have arrived." The ship's internal comms lit up again, the operator's voice far brighter this time. "If you turn to the nearest viewport, you'll see the Garden of Mu'Klamal. We're maybe the third ship to ever see it in person, and the first to get this close."

The stretched void painted with stars and blurry trails had been replaced with a great field of orange and burgandy, with distant horizons of space awash in the orange glow of ailing supernovas and brilliant protostars. They had arrived at their first waypoint, the nearly mythic Garden of Mu'Klamal, an ancient stellar nursery that was the playground of the revered Makuori in distant eras.

Firuz took a break once they were out of FTL. "Dreams... on... ice..." The trip had been a bit ardously boring. Even with the advent of the New Veyrin organization possibly either knowing they were coming or ambushing them, Firuz felt the constant need to tell people to calm down, if only calm down just a little. Once the ship stopped, that meant he didn't have to go over the proceedings of the drive and report updates to the rest of the bridge staff. Now he looked at Mu'Klamal on the viewports on the bridge.

After the issue in the VANDR bay, Mridula had retired to her quarters. She had read for only a few minutes before going to sleep, not particularly caring for the sights of the outer system - she was a homey person, and didn't like being so far away from her bed, her employers, and her sister. If something went wrong, there was no one to help them, and she had come to terms with the fact that they were probably going to die. So she spent her time off-shift getting what sleep she could.

"And now she's going to check you out!" Akjit yelled out from his seat. The Ivuori sat within Nightmare, telling his tale of woe, horror, and fanservice. It was amused. The cacophony of voices replied to him quickly.

"You are a queer one. Not necessarily a bad thing, but queer none the less."

"Don't call me a queer!"

"Ha. Very funny."

"Yeah, whatever. After what happened though, she might delay her checkup on you out of spite at me. Just come up with something that'll explain what I said alright?" Before the NI could answer, Akjit disconnected, and hopped out of the cockpit. As he strolled away, a single faint voice called out to him.

"Look out a viewport. You won't be disappointed." He shrugged, and made his way to one.

For the second time of the day, his mouth dropped in awe.

Having spent the better part of the entire duration within foldspace together within the wardroom. The vibrant and undulating colors' light having bled through the wardroom viewport. Serhan had begun to nod off while the two merely sat there enjoy each other's company and quiet conversation. The doctor had left the Maranrr to drift off, instead having moved over to the bar a small glass of wine in hand. She leaned against it, watching from her spot as it was announced their emergence from the weirdly beautiful phenomena of foldspace to an equally shocking destination.

Enough of the bridge, Firuz thought to himself, I gotta get out of here and stretch my legs. With his shift over, the young Vayshirin unplugged himself from the ship's NI and exited the bridge, moved down the corridor leading down to the VANDR bays. Despite never having had much of a thing for VANDR-- at least, not enough to enlist himself as a frame runner-- he certainly had respect for them, and for the pilots that proved themselves out on the 'field' whenever they would go into combat, much as had happened earlier. Eventually Firuz would find himself walking up to Akjit, who was staring at a viewport.

"Mu'Klamal. Impressive, isn't it? Being so far away, so close to something so legendary? Kinda makes you think you're at the world's end... from, you know, the metaphorical point of view."

"Nnn..." Serhan squinted as the voice sounded off, pointing out his immediate and somewhat unwelcome need to ready himself for the bridge. He'd enjoyed his time with Amari up to that point, but duty called and he'd have to return to the bridge to catch a view of their bearings. If he was lucky, he might manage to convince her to come with him, and spend a little bit more time, but he had no assurances.

Standing himself up shakily and stretching around to get the numbness out of his sleepy limbs, he glanced over at Amari with the thin outline of a smile on his face. "How long was I asleep?"

Akjit was still staring out at the great fiery expanse before him when the other person came about. He quickly snapped his mouth up closed and placed a hand on the back of his head in embarrassment. "Uh, yeah. It's really special to see something like this. I mean. Well, you know..." Akjit modestly replied. His eyes darted to the other Iroma's uniform for a brief second.

Firuz. That was his name, and he learned more by looking at the uniform as well. Bridge crew, most likely on break. 'At least my noggin is working after that bit of blood loss.' He tried to squash his visible embarrassment and reached a hand out to shake. "I'm Akjit, Akjit Chirimar. Frame runner. You kinda scared me when you spoke up you know."

Amari took a sip from her glass as Serhan stirred. "A few hours... you looked as if you needed the rest so I did not bother to wake you." she put the half empty wineglass down on the bar then. "I almost nodded off as well. But just let you lean on me, sleeping soundly while I watched the viewport."

The Marranr let out a faint chuckle and placed his hand over his mouth, yawning softly. "I see."

The vayshirin shrugged. "Sorry. We've already met, right? I saw you the other day, when we had the drinks, I think...?" He reached out, grabbed the frame runner's hand, and shook it. "Anyway, name's Firuz Jaralei. Just in case you forgot." Then he'd turn to look at Mu'Klamal on the view port. "So... what do you think about this place? I've been told it was some kind of colony of the ancient Makouri, but you'd think no one would get close to it unless they were looking for historical evidence or something. Kinda like in Mazerin. I'm surprised there's no archeologists around the site... at least, not from what I can see."

"Are you still sleepy?" Amari asked, moving over to a small coffee maker, fully ready to make something to get him going. "I can make you a cup of coffee if need be." she offered.

"I'll live." Serhan replied calmly, cracking his knuckles before slipping his gloves over them. The rest of a few hours was good enough for him to keep going, and he didn't want to impose... or ask for unnecessary things. "I'll have to head to the bridge for a progress report. Care to accompany me there?"

'That's right! We did meet!' Akjit thought. 'I take that back, the nosebleeding I did earlier is taking it's toll!' He let out a short, uneasy laugh before replying. "Sorry about that, I had interesting day today and I'm a little out of it Firuz." The Ivuori turned back to the viewport.

"You're kinda right I think. Though I'm embarrassed to admit that I know too little of our own Mythology, I'd have to say it might be the place to hide in, assuming not to many research crews come by. Uh, sorry! Talking too much on my part. What do you have on mind?"

The doctor tilted her head in thought. She'd only been on the bridge once, and albeit briefly a scant six hours ago. Finally nodding after a moment's consideration. "Of course. I never got to look around save for when I had brought Ishtar there for introductions. And, I think it would be nice to spend a little more time with you..." Amari paused then before continuing. "The Vaygraiv, would he object to my being there?"

"Heh. No worries." He replied to Akjit about his apology regarding his excessive talking. Both of his arms stretched over his head, grabbing his hands together as he stood on tip toes. As he stretched, he made a bit of a struggled 'urk' sound, then stood as he had been before. "Ah... man, it sucks being on the bridge for too long... anyway, I'm thinking it's weird there aren't any archeologists around. And that, like you said, it's a very good spot to hide if people have all but forgotten about it. Considering we were just told we're the third ship to get to see it up close, that might mean you're right.

I can see how we might want to make a stop here to check it out... but that might also mean I might have to go back to the bridge soon, and you might have to get on your VANDR." Although he kinda hoped he'd get to see some action soon, he also wanted that not to be the case. Fighting off rebellious forces near a home planet was comforting, but fighting them off in the middle of space was a bit unnerving.

"Not unless we went about doing lewd things in his presence." The Marranr answered plainly, deadpanning what might have been an intentional playful jab. He placed his hand onto the door pannel and moved into the hallway, turning to Amari to continue his explanations. "I suspect Osei and most of the sensors specialists will be there for the data. No one has been this close to the Garden in over two centuries, so I could easily claim your necessity if we detect a biosphere on one of those worlds."

Amari smirked slightly at the deadpan expression upon Serhan's face. She soon walked over to him, entwining an arm with one of his. "I would be more then happy to accompany you then." she stared at her feet, smiling faintly, the smirk having subsided. "It's a little funny, as a girl I had a poster of the Garden on the wall of my room. It was such a beautiful sight...and to now actually be here! I would not want to miss this for the world."

'If there's a place to hide, it would be here.' Akjit thought. He looked back at the viewport and laid a hand against it. 'If that's the case, then combat might begin soon enough to stop Khiyai from examining Nightmare. The Ivuori spoke up again, his voice a little deeper as he thought, reflecting his personal insecurity. "Firuz, why do you think they tried to wipe out an entire biosphere?" He asked.

"I mean, it's a good terror tactic, yeah, but I just think it's wasteful. You know? More efficient to just bomb the cities or release a biological agent that only attacks us. In fact, I think that would be much more terrifying." He rolled his shoulders to release some tension, glancing back with the scarred side of his face. "You know, slowly hemorrhaging to death from the inside and all..." He shook his head. "Maybe I'm just thinking about this too much. But to me, it looks like a stupid move by people that aren't supposed to be so stupid. Maybe they were trying to do something else. Or maybe they already knew we'd succeed in protecting the planet, and just wanted to deliver a message." Akjit turned back and looked at the other Iroma expectantly.

"You know, man... I don't know. You could say that, that it was all just to scare us, and that there are things that are more efficient at doing what they do... but some people just have a lot of hate inside of them. A lot... of hate." Sighing, the Cohronl put his index and thumb fingers on his temple and rubbed the top of his eyebrows. "I come from the colonies, so I've been closer to the rebels than a lot of the people on this ship. What kind of people do you think these rebels are? What stories have you heard? Because... what little I have seen... and thankfully, it hasn't been a lot..."

Firuz stared back at the Mu'Klamal after extracting his hand from his face. "...they're very zealous. They're overly devoted to their cause. So much so, they consider others that aren't in agreement with them should be condemned to nightmares for all eternity, even if they live in the colonies. They really wish harm to the state. It's all they share in common. It's what keeps them together. And they're willing to do anything to satisfy their goals' quota." Firuz inhaled deeply, then continued his talk. "So if you ask me, man... these people aren't out for land. They aren't out for money. They aren't out for surrender. They're out for genocide.

World-wide genocide. They didn't want that planet. They wanted that planet to cease to exist; such is their hatred."

Akjit started go snicker. Then giggle. And finally laugh. The splash scars on his face twisted with his smile as his voice sounded through the hall. And then he wound down, wiping a tear from his eye. "Heh. Maybe I gave them to much credit then, you know? Well, assuming what you said is true. Me? I don't know a thing about them; kinda been living under a rock. Well, a few shipyards to be more accurate." He took a deep breath in, and let it out slowly in an attempt to relax. 'He could be right, or it could be propaganda on our part. Everyone's done it before after all.' He rubbed his chin in thought. "You know, if the only thing holding them together is their hatred of us, what happens after we fall? Something tells me they're not the best long term planners." Akjit spoke a bit more cheerily, attempting to poke fun at the situation.

Firuz was staring at Mu'Klamal, finding the words coming out of his mouth disturbing, and making him fear whatever was within that old ruin, if any. Then he heard Akjit laughing... and both of his eyes darted in the runner's direction. O...kay... Someone's had a little too much time on the war field. Alienated, he simply stared at him until he stopped and continued to state that he hadn't payed much attention to the terrorists, and that this whole thing was wrongly planned by them. For a second, the spaceship operator hesitated to answer.

After that second, though, he figured the man before him, crazy as he may be, wasn't going to harm him or anything. So he continued. "Err... yeah... I guess they probably haven't thought about that... though, chances are, these bastards are going to hold a party if they get rid of us. Then dreams only dream of whatever the hell else they have planned with the system. Chances are they'd just annhialate us and move on out of the system. If they're willing to destroy a planet, they don't have plans on sticking around with the other ones.

...though maybe you're right about your first thought. Being so close to Mu'Klamal, it makes me think maybe it has to do with Mazerin being so ancient, and some hidden technology we don't know about being only right under our noses that would let us discover something they don't want us to discover." Firuz shook his head. "All I know is, we have to take them out. With the level of intensity they attacked Mazerin, and with what little I know about them, one thing is certain: they aren't going to surrender. They'll fight until their last breath."

"Yeah, what you're saying sounds perfectly reasonable." Akjit looked out at the great expanse once again to think. "You know, we could just ask one of them. I think Malik caught a runner last battle, and judging from her voice, she's a cutie."

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