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RP: Bahram Wing [Bahram Wing Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

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Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

He spoke with an excited stutter. "M-my name is Akjit Chirimar, Miss Khiyai." The Ivuori thoughtlessly reached out and grabbed another box. Outwardly, it may have looked like a young man stuttering as a result of talking to a pretty young woman, but inside his head, things were different. 'When will my fate be ready?' he asked himself in private. He took another box.

Khiyai did say she'd have someone else double check it before sortie. Akjit reached out and grabbed another box as he kept on thinking. He had time, that was a certainty, and if something did go wrong, at least she wouldn't be at the forefront of it all. 'Thank The Saints. I even have time to get to Nightmare first too.' Akjit reached out and grabbed another box from Khiyai's stack. Except, she wasn't holding any more boxes.

"W-wait a second! How'd I end up with all the boxes?!" he asked in panic.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

One of the towering figures seemed to be missing an 'eye' by the looks of the other that had four of the glowing orbs illuminating its face. The two stoic figures seemed to look at the other a moment before the one with the missing eye lashed out at the Cohronl frame runner grabbing him firmly by the neck.

The other that had raised it's arm earlier aimed at the ceiling, two sharp cracking whines emanating from a built in linear rifle. Two pellets of a strong foamy adhesive impacted upon the ceiling releasing the contents. The one holding Malik then proceeded to slam the runner's back into the substance which held him firm and even seeped through the back of his clothing to his shoulders and back itself. The effect was one of him hanging there, arms and legs dangling. The two large figures having coordinated to disable their impedance.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Well. This was an inconvenience.

If you could call being stuck to the ceiling an inconvenience and not annoying. To make things worse, those two goons were escaping, walking away like nothing had happened. Luckily for Malik, they were stupid enough to leave his arms and legs free, giving him enough room to pull his Laiz pistol from it's holster, and take aim.

Now, Malik wasn't the best shot on the ship, but nor was he the worst. He liked to think of himself as the average. Of course, hanging upside down from the ceiling made things more difficult, but Malik was sure he could hit atleast one of them.

"Uglies! Turn around!" Malik yelled out as he pulled his pistol's trigger, laser beams scoring a few hits on the goons, but nothing really critical.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

In truth they'd not gone far. The Laiz Pistol fire had proven to be little more then a nuance as the pair whipped around now deeming him a threat. Their eyes seemed to dim slightly as both sets of their weirdly shaped arms rose targeting the pinned runner. The guard with the missing eye did something strange with one of it's arms then. The hand split open, folding back while becoming pinned to the forearm, exposing three cylindrical prongs.

There was a moment of silence before the air around the three glowing prongs distorted. The air around Malik seemed to heat and ignite. The runner's clothing burned itself off save for what held him in place along his back. His skin however was now singed from the airburst as the remnants of his clothing began to float and dance in the air, now little more then ash.

The other guard fired several more, precisely placed rounds much the same as the one that held him in place. Except now they impacted upon his body, hitting with about the same force as a paintball, bruising him slightly while the foam formed all around him save for his head. The pair finally lowered one arm each, keeping the others trained on him easily.

By now however the two had sent a terse message to their charge.

'Hostile detected and disabled.' with the notification sent the duo simply waited.


Ishtar's mood had remained much the same, bubbly and happy at the prospect of being able to roam the ship. While she'd watched from the sensors before, she'd never actually walked it beyond the short jaunt to the bridge. And with the oncoming event planned, she could watch just as they could as well as with her own sensors. That thought set the NI off into a wide, but short lived grin.

She seemed startled a moment while cocking her head to one side. The little NI had just gotten an alert from the two bodyguard units who'd accompanied her, Akkad and Sumer. The bright golden eyes that had held a smile to them now went wide with shock. It seemed the pair had found a hostile. The girl managed to get loose of Amari, making panicky motions while she used the ship's internal sensors to get a read on the individual, cross checking records and crew manifests. What she found made her squeal in surprise while also reviewing the recordings of the event. It didn't take long for her to side step Amari, and break out into a full on run. A run as fast as her smaller legs could carry her.

"My guards attacked one of the crew!!!"
her voice high and panicked as she tore off down the hallway, running right past crew members and even causing one to drop what they'd been carrying. All the while she repeated what the two on the bridge had heard fading away.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

"Well, this is just great." Malik muttered, feeling helpless in his current situation though he still attempted to break free of the foam. Even with his defiant actions, the runner knew that he was stuck. Atleast he still had his mouth.

"What, is that it? You give me a nice flambe, and save me for later? What are you, giant spiders in people suits? Why are you nightmares even on the Astarte?"
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

"Well! It is a pleasure to meet you, Isha Ragnar." Mu'Tasim nodded his head to the women in respect, smiling warmly as he did. Though, before he could go on, he couldn't help but pick up what were the sounds of Laiz Pistol fire and other strange sounds coming from outside the rec room.

"What in Ahni's loving graces was that?" Mu'Tasim thought, dropping down a bit into a ready stance instinctively. He looked to both Zus and Isha, "One moment, please..." The Temple Guard heaved up one of the bars for bench pressing weights with one hand and put it over his shoulder before heading out to the exit. He stopped abruptly when he spotted two constructs who had apparently stuck Rashidan to the ceiling. It seemed that Malik had gotten himself into trouble again, which was beyond Mu'Tasim, how many times could a man find or cause unrest? Nevertheless, he let the bar clang to the floor and held it much like a staff that Chanda had been using to practice.

"Ah, excuse me! Would one or two of you like to explain what exactly is transpiring?" Mu'Tasim asked in a mix of kind and authoritative tones.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

She smiled and nodded back only to jump at the sound of laser-fire a moment later, seeming a little frazzled. "Who in the Heavens... Why are we shooting aboard a ship?" she asked no one in barely a murmur. Vayshirin Ragnar was a bit slower to respond, but followed a few paces behind Vaytulri Farouk. After gazing tentatively around the corner, she found herself facing quite the scene.

A pair of unseemly dark figures- are they even organic?- were headed this way. Beyond them, and stuck to the ceiling of all places, was none other than the talkative Malik Rashidan. He was clearly missing his shirt, and what she imagined from this distance to be industrial-grade adhesive covering a good portion of his body.

She hurried from the doorway, but quickly stopped finding herself face to face with the guards. Looking down and looking rather preoccupied with readjusting her glasses, she turned aside and tried to slip by. "Um... excuse me. I've a medical situation to attend."
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Alia was randomly walking the halls of the Astarte, trying to locate Khiyai. "Hmm, where did that girl go." She muttered as she turned a corner, and saw a scene. "...?" She stopped in her tracks when she rounded another corner and found Malik, covered in expanding foam and looking slightly redder the normal. Two tall persons standing a distance from him with raised arms.

"What in the name of the Saints is going on here?"
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

One of the two, the three-eyed guard turned about, facing Mu'Tasim and Isha. The same hissing death rattle Malik had heard before emanated from one of the pair. The other had stayed where it was, rifle leveled at Malik, unmoving despite two of the eyes now gazing at Alia.

The three-eyed gaunt giant grabbed its cloak, pulling it off in one sweeping motion, exposing a grotesque sight that had been hidden underneath. The fact that it looked as if it lacked skin, muscle and organs exposed to open air, pulsing, veins pumping fluids could have been startling to some even giving Isha's unasked question an answer. It was however heightened by the fact now a queer sound akin to cracking bones came from it as an armored organic shell formed over the exposed sections.

As it did so, the cloak held in the flattened hand coiled about it, forming a wicked looking blade fit to be wielded with two hands by an average person by the looks of things. The guard however handled it with ease with just one. The other hand exposed stubby flat fingers that elongated slightly to better suit it while the entity now seemed to stand fully erect, having been slouching over slightly to its full height.

"You will cease your hostile posturing and relinquish your improvised weapon or you will be re-classified as a threat. The miscreant is being detained until our superior determines what action will be taken to alleviate the situation ."
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Mu'Tasim's gaze hardened with the bodyguard's declaration. The Temple Guard was not familiar with who these people were, and the fact that they demanded him to drop his 'weapon' was odd. Instead of relinquishing the bar peaceably, he dropped into a readied stance with the heavy bar pointing at the disfigured opponent. He tilted his head, and eyed what the Sund Wakir thought was it's face. Despite the intimidating and disturbing look of the Nohman, Mu'Tasim did not seem too deterred.

"While I normally would take such advisories peaceably, I will first need to know who you're acting under, and what gives you the right to act so openly." The Temple Guard stated calmly, standing stalwart.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Malik struggled harder now, fully determined on breaking out of the restraining foam. The foam was originally used for crowd restraint on VANDR, but whatever those... things were, they had it as well. And it hurt. Of course, that wasn't what was pissing Malik off. What pissed him off was them threatening his friends. Mu'Tasim wasn't going to sit back and take it, and Malik was sure that he could handle himself. The runner, however, was worried for the newly arrived Isha and Alia.

"Mu'tasim, watch out. I think they're a new type of VAADW. At least one of them has a gun in their arm."
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

"We are Altjiran Nohman-type Synthoid Guards acting under Fleet Intelligence Operations Master NI: FIOMNI-construct 'Ishtar'." was Mu'Tasim's answer as the sound of a round being chambered into the rifle attached to it's free arm. The one watching Malik re-engaged its Resonance Emitter which remained hidden underneath its own cloak.

"The detainee will remain silent." the guard looking at Malik stated, not even giving him a chance to respond while it fired another round this one detonating prior to impact. The foamy adhesive splashed over the runner's mouth effectively silencing him, and leaving his nose free to continue breathing.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

"Ishtar? The ship's NI?" Mu'Tasim answered with a rather confused look on his face. A short sigh escaped from his lips as Malik was silenced. I guess that man incited the defense protocols of these constructs. He rose out of his ready stance and leaned the bar up against the wall.

"I believe there has been some sort of misunderstanding, then. Though, I am still somewhat unsure of exactly 'why' an NI would have its own personal security detail." said Mu'Tasim, crossing his arms over his burly, naked chest. It seemed apparent he had little idea of what a 'FIOMNI-Construct' was, but at any rate, to him, the situation had calmed down.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Szemis had made a speedy exit before he could enter the room, due to the sudden presence of two very large imposing people. He had deiced it would probably be better to go back later when those... guys... were gone, but they didn't seem to be wanting to leave, however, a scuffle ensued, and the blond was drawn to it, He stood at the opposite side of the two hulking things from the rest of the people coming out of the room, looking at the man on the ceiling, before his eyes came back down and he saw....


Zus followed Mu'Tasim and the others out of the door when he got up, the Eyr Ranr having nt had time to properly introduce herself nor respond to her love, Instead, Malik had gotten himself in a fight with two of the large guards similar to what Ninlil had had with her, and stuck to the ceiling. "Mu'tasim, they're the same kind of guards that were with Ninlil!" She whispered to the Sund Wakir, not noticing a slightly shorter, slightly stockier Blond Eyr Ranr on the other side f them, whom had very much noticed her.


Szemis was tempted to run through the two... Synthoids were they?... and greet his sister, but something told him that now was definitely not the time. He did, however, finger his laiz pistol, just in case anyone gt uppity and he had to shoot one of these huge things that was in his way.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

"Waaaaaaiiiiitttttt!!!" the voice somewhat ragged and shrill. The rhythmic sound of light, fast footsteps approaching them and suddenly a small blur of pink ran past the conjoining hall.

A squealing sound of rubber soles on the tough deck plate audible as the person came to a very abrupt stop. A yelp, and thump on the deck came next that caused the Nohman staring down Mu'Tasim, Zus, and Isha to quickly turn about. The three it seemed were no longer deemed a threat by the looks of things. But now it appeared as if something of a higher priority had come barreling past, crashed, and was now in the process of making their way back with the three-eyed Nohman plodding past Szemis without a thought and towards the sound.

The other guard had remained stationary, only twitching once at hearing the noise. It had lowered the arm pointed at Malik, the other reassembling and putting the resonance emitter away while it stood at ease.

The three-eyed Nohman rounded the corner with someone in tow by the look of it. One of the large flat paddle hands now had a much smaller one grasping it, the cloak that had been a weapon before now in place about the figure again. What the synthoid guard had been after had been the owner of the voice, and hub bub. A short pink-haired Iromakuanhe who was vigorously rubbing the side of her head a glum pout upon her face with the large Nohman as escort. From her odd attire it could be surmised she was clearly not Vanguard personnel as she was dressed in civilian fare.

Now though she looked around at everyone, from the two blond Eyr Ranr, to the black-haired physician and bare-chested Temple Guard man with his odd beard. From the looks of her however it seemed she had run all the way from where she'd been prior, her pale cheeks red from exertion and how she puffed trying to catch her breath.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

"Ah..." Mu'Tasim tilted his head as he watched the spectacle infront of him unfold. Things were indeed turning odd, especially with the intervention of this civilian. When she went barreling by, he instinctively raises his arms up to usher Zus and Isha back. Though, when the new person seemed peaceful, he relaxed. The Temple Guard put his hands on his knees giving her a deep stare, as if searching for the physical pain within her eyes. "Are you alright, young lady?"
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

At the basest levels of his being, Malik absolutely HATED the situation he was in. The foam covering his mouth was making it harder the breath, and not only was his entire body restrained, but the stinging from the foam on his raw and slightly singed skin was growing worse by the second. The feeling of having his body forcefully restrained and then gagged was causing Malik to panic slightly. Thrashing around, he tried to speak, but his angry and panicked words were muffled by the gag.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

"Unyuuuu..." the response more of a mewl really as she touched the lump on her head with a wince. "It huuuuurrrrrts!" was the real response which began with nearly stamping her foot down on the deck in protest until she heard a sound. The little NI momentarily forgot the knot on her head as she stared up at the originator of the ruckus, only to find a man encased in what looked like a opaque foam to the ceiling.

So that was where he went! Ishtar thought while looking from Malik, to her guards and the group of people and back again. She felt a burst of guilt at the situation the runner had been put in. Well. Really...the Nohman were not entirely at fault though...but someone had gotten hurt!

"I'm so sorry!!" she squeaked up at Malik, hopping up and down, trying to reach him with outstretched arms. It was an odd sight as she fell well short of how far up he was. Around the third time though, the subtle shock of jumping combined with the now splitting ache in her head was cause enough for her to sit down against the wall.

"Ow.. Oww...." whining while being careful to avoid the spot she'd accidentally struck in her mad, reckless dash to get on scene. One of her fingers touched the knot which set her to drumming her feet on the floor. To be fair, it was her first time feeling such a thing as pain.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Mu'Tasim wasn't too sure what to make of it, but the pink-haired girl seemed to be in pain from her sudden stop. It didn't seem that much of fall, to him, but perhaps it was because she was small. The powerful looking Temple Guard could feel a twinge of her aching within the limits of his empathic range. Feeling a bit of a duty to assist her, he stepped forth and placed a hand on her shoulder. At the moment, the two Nohman seemed less important, and Malik wasn't likely to be harmed anymore.

"Here," Mu'Tasim smiled, "maybe I can lessen the pain for you." with that touch establishing a connection, he helped by sharing the aching between them. It felt like a light blow from a sparring match, so it didn't bother him much, he hoped it would do the same for her.
Re: [Main Phase: Mission 3] Silent Garden

Ishtar nearly jumped, startled by Mu'Tasim's touch before realizing it was him. Just as she felt on the verge of tears from it. She made a little sound of acceptance and acknowledgment as she felt the odd sensation. It was another of the things she'd never felt, and for the first time was. The NI however wished it had been under better pretenses. It also gave her the chance to get a good look at the Guardsman and resist the urge to tug at his beard.

"T-Thank you..." Ishtar managed while staring up at him. It really was...a weird feeling, empathy. She'd researched it, but had never felt it until now. She felt somewhat anxious, nervous about it yet, it fascinated her.
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