Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP (non-canon): D&D Behind the Scenes


🎖️ Game Master
Dice rolls (Rolled 7 for attack + base att + strength), translating story language into d&d language (When I said I prayed for protection, that's my way of casting Shield of Faith), and any maps that I decide to make for you guys (Me: You guys are in this village, went north five leagues, went off course by a league, got lost, wandered near this village, which wasn't actually that village, and now you guys are here. Sentient: What!?)

Here are going to be templates for every type of die roll that I will ever use:
Critical: Yes/No
Damage Reduction: #/No
Final Damage: #

Percent Chance of Stabilizing: 10%
Roll: %

Trap Damage:
Critical: Yes/No
Saving Throw:
Damage Reduction: #/No
Final Damage:

Cure xxx Wounds:
Cure Roll: xd8 + 1/lvl (max +x)
Here are some maps that are found at the center of town. They show the town and the country map (Yeah the country map is a little confusing, i drew it by hand and i suck at organization). I'll make sure to use marker next time.


  • D&D World Map.webp
    D&D World Map.webp
    65.7 KB · Views: 267
  • Caloma.webp
    58.7 KB · Views: 267
When Aurelus comes down from the rooms in the inn, he only has his longsword, an unlit torch, the leather vest of his studded leather armor and his clothes. Everything else is left in the room.

Just thought I'd mention this in case it brings some kind of penalty to armor for only having the vest.
Move silently check, staying quiet while coming up behind him. D20 roll = 14, Move silently = 6, total of 20.
DM Check: Automatic "Listen" check for Ghira Manaalin (Moogle).

1 d20 roll + Skill Modifier (Listen)
d20 roll: 12
Skill Modifier: 6

18 (Ghira) < 20 (Denkou)

Ghira does not hear Denkou approaching his rear flank.

Sorri received a Masterwork Healer's Kit. On top of the normal +2 to the healing skill (For using a healer's kit), Sorri get's an additional +2 on top of that (So +4 total if she uses the kit).

Aurelus received a Masterwork Chain Shirt. It provides +4 AC (No, you can't wear the leather and the chain shirt), and since it's masterwork it only has a -1 armor check penalty (Rather than the normal -2, so it has the same armor check penalty that the leather did).

Talarin got a necklace of eagle's splendor, which gives +4 charisma which increases his charisma modifier by 2 (So you have 21 charisma and a modifier of 5).

Denkou's short sword was enchanted by the bard (the elder) and gives him the use of the blink spell once per day. The elder explained it pretty well, but basically you can turn into a ghost for ten seconds, people can't see you or hit you while you're a ghost, and while you are a ghost you can move through walls, doors, etc, and you can also see things in the ethereal plane (you can see other ghosts). It lasts 10 seconds
Does that new charisma boost affect everything he does or does he have to apply it? Wondering if I should roll to refuse answering his question.
Generally any of those types of magical items (Eagle's charisma, Fox's cunning, Bear's stength, etc) are basically a misc modifier boost to your natural (insert stat here). With the necklace, your charisma is boosted by 4 and it will stay that way unless you take off the necklace, in which case it will revert back to normal.
Actually, that's a good question for this campaign in general. Normally, it would only apply to the associated skill checks, but I don't know if we have to initiate these checks or whether Gabriel is auto-rolling diplomacy checks for us as we RP. Gabe?
Well it all quite depends on the type of information you're trying to get. For instance, if you ask me my name, if I'm not going to give it, no amount of charisma will change that. However, if I choose not to give my name, then you can engage in diplomacy and persuasion to try and convince me to give my name, at which point you would need to roll.
DM Auto Check: Bluff (Sorri) vs Sense Motive (Aurelus)

1d20 roll + skill modifier (Bluff) vs 1d20 roll + skill modifier (Sense Motive)
13 (d20 roll) + 1 (Bluff Modifier) vs 12 (d20 roll) + 0 (Sense Motive Modifier)
14 (Sorri) > 12 (Aurelus)

Sorri successfully bluffs about her name.
It was supposed to be an obvious pseudonym, like a street name or a screen name. If he thinks it's her real name, that's cool too.