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RP [Bounty Hunter Series] Mission 1: Housekeeping

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"Answers are answers! I need me this compu-core!" Phage responded to Kira whilst still tangling with the robot controller, in a tone that might have been matter-of-fact. They apparently expected resistance, but still tried to continue the machine beheading regardless. "This just gonna take a minute, then-!"

The short oblate thing was actually pretty easy to pick up despite the surprising weight, going stiff in Duncan's hand and sticking their limbs out, whist they wondered why gravity had suddenly reversed... But it took literally zero seconds after hitting the floor again for the center of the jelly-bean to start squishing and squirming again, willing itself out of the large man's grasp. They were no match for his size or weight, but still snaked out all sorts of extending camera-cables and interface wires from their claws, like polyps in coral...

"What is wrong? It is parts! I need parts for knowledge!" An obnoxious squeaking noise, causing their helmet to fog up again. "Dune-can, you slang make no sense! So just let me see the CPU, an... And I gife you... erm... A really great treasure, yeah!"

Lying; Not a strong point. Also realising the difference between salvage and other people's property.

"How am I gunno' make this sheep into a big 'o death fortress if I not know what you saying? No way to connect to minds?... But machine brain has all of the answers! Yah, I'm gotta doin' this fur all your benefeets!"

Hunger finally taking over her boredom, Shasta claimed a modest bounty of her prepared meal and started a hasty cleanup when it became obvious that nobody was coming. After several days of neglecting to take care of herself, A filling meal to cover the tremendous amount of calories she burned on a daily basis was exactly what she needed to re-vitalize herself in preparation for a big job.

Between the aftermath of the meal and the cleanup and deposit of the leftovers into refrigeration she could pick up the faint skittering. Her curiosity was increasing more and more while she played mental charades and tried to discern a location. She knew there was Daniel, But he certainly didn't match. And Bozu never mentioned anyone else on board she should keep an eye out for...

It wasn't uncommon for either the bold or foolish to stowaway or attempt a hijacking at a terminal. Even Shasta had played the part of stowaway from time to time when she discovered a particularly undermanned vessel might be heading in the same direction she couldn't afford to. She wasn't so much worried about stowaways, She could sympathize with them and warn them about just whose vessel they just sneaked up on board.

She dawned her energy pistol and threw herself silently to the side of the bulkhead like she saw in all the spy movies, And quietly slid through the opening door with her pistol outward and a stun baton at the ready considering the tight nature of the ships corridors as she began making her way towards where she thought she heard the sound last.

Better a friend like Shasta deal them quick than some hardened spooks like Bozu, And Neesan.
Iron Ferret bridge

Duncan chuckled as he looked down at the squriming and fussing Freespacer, "Phage, come on, if you have questions just ask. I get that this may be a new kind of thing for you but we can do this." It was common in a fairly cowboy styled nation for a big man like Duncan to be lumped in with gruff, strong and silent types. Most people would assme he was some scary giant but it was readily apparent in his visage and demeanor that he had a fairly high value on patience, his time spent with children obviously helping out with the awkward Freespacer.

"Listen though, Maxine has maintenance stuff to do I am sure, and I think we have left poor Shasta waiting too long. Who knows how much food she has prepared for us what she has gotten into so let's go. Plus, we have a contract to fulfill."

He gestured to the open hatchway that would lead toward the Wardroom.


No sooner had Shasta left the Wardroom then she heard a small scrape and a clatter come from back inside, from her stacked position on the door frame, she was able to sidle a glance around and saw an unusual sight in an ever increasing list of sights. Standing over the freshly made pancakes and helping themselves was an actual Ferret only dressed in what appeared to be greasy mix and matched clothing with various too large tools dangling awkwardly.

Shasta's keen eyesight and hearing also picked up a second oddly dressed Ferret squeak rapidly at her appearance as if he were standing guard. Both Ferrets froze as if they were in fact Deer caught in headlights, It was a staring stand off...
Iron Ferret

"File request vokully? Tranmishun quality is inferior! And what if somebody can't hear Phage?" The tone mutated from something like annoyance into concern, waddling along behind Duncan with a clunk-clunk-clunk. "No parts or language consistency! No way of even checking consistency! It is broken way of you are doing thing!"

To the spacer, all communication was like code. A null response wasn't adequate because it lacked of fault reports. Was somebody supposed to just figure out the same issue every single time for themselves? What a waste of effort!

Regardless, their body language did suggest they felt a certain authority in the huge man's demeanour. It might have been their patience.

Still gave one last good look at that hardwired robot's cranium on the way out, regardless. Maybe they didn't have to take it off all the way... But the little tendrils and wires still retreated back into their sockets, for now.

"Does Kira also consume the food?" A new inquiry, and another look back, before darting back into Duncan's personal space and grasping his left arm slightly. Hard to tell how much species similarity these three even had. "Is eating the sweets of the female biped canid also a requirement of the mission? Is there a time limit, or limit to the amount of applied force we are supposed to project?"
Duncan laughed as he once again slid Phage's grasping hands off his arm, "No Phage, eating is not required. As for communication well, try and remember that while you are plugged in constantly, the rest of us have been using our words our whole lives. Sure, things sometimes get lost in the translation but I like to think we get by all right."

It was a short walk down the corrier once the small group was off the bridge when they came upon Shasta standing in the doorway to the Wardroom. "Hey, did you find everthing you needed or..." Duncan was cut of as an intercom squelched loudly.

"Hey Capo, we got us a new guy here. Says you called for him, want me to take care of him," Daniel's voice came echoing throughout the halls. Duncan walked to the wardroom door and hit a button on the door panel while taking a look inside to see what stunned the little mutant. He grinned when he saw and heard the startled squeaking of his diminutive maintenance crew.

"No, Daniel, we talked about this, your job is not whacking people. It's to take care of the day to day, If his name is Salem, give him directions to the wardroom and send him up." He turned to thr group, "Looks like we have a late comer, I worked a job with him before, solid guy. Now, come on in everyone and don't mind the ferrets." He said the last part as if his statement was of the most commonplace, as if it was perfectly normal to see two small Ferrets clothed and using tools.

The appearance of the two "weasels" devouring her leftover had stunned Shasta into fighting off a strange predatory response she didn't even realize she had. On one hand the uplifted had it worse off than a mutant like her, And she knew even stunning them could possibly kill them. But on the other hand worse things awaited them if Bozu caught them, Or even, Perhaps, A tiny almost impossibly quiet voice in the back of her mind told her. That if they bolted she might just chase them herself and she didn't even know what she would do...

Her mind was made up for her when said Bozu sneaked up on her with Kira and phage in tow while she zoned out, Startling her and forcing her hairs to stand on edge as the choice was made for her. Despite the fact he was easily tall enough to look over her head, Shasta blocked the path to the wardroom after a quick shoo'ing motion to the ferrets and hid the energy pistol behind her back with all innocent smiles and the worst poker face that was a cross between immeasurably concerned and business as usual.

"A-ano...Bo... Zu..." She mumbled, inclining her head in submission but not vacating the bulkhead. "It's a mess and... Maybe you should find your friend because i need... Its really , I mean really dont want to go in there, And its not ready yet!" she stammered as her least proficient skill, Lying, Showed its worth in full.
Outside The Wardroom

Phage was already mostly hidden by Duncan's considerably larger frame, but took the sudden agitated appearance of Shasta to mean that there was a serious threat on-board. Putting her back to the wall and staying out of view, they instead poked their fibre-optic cable around the corner to see what the trouble was...

It was not NMX squiddies, but in fact a pair creatures at the mid point between cat and pipe cleaner. They had gathered tools, most likely to kill everyone on board and steal their pancakes. Duncan, the poor oblivious fool, evidently found them below his range of vision, and was already talking on the intercom inside...

"-Now, come on in everyone and don't mind the ferrets."

...or, maybe not.

"...The... The poly says they just meaty pet things, Sha-stah?..." A newly confused look on the short thing's face. They relaxed just a little, but the cable-cam was still out, wriggling in the air like a worm. "I don't think you gonna die."

Pets were an alien concept. Hunting instincts were an alien concept. Anxiety, that was a thing Phage could at least physically detect, but with these planet-walkers, it was almost always impossible to relate cause and effect.

"...You, hurm... Want me to stun 'em?..." Another blank look from their red eyes. The four bulbs on their shoulders pulsed just a tiny bit for effect.
After receiving the direction from what he assumed was Duncan's little housekeeper, he made his way to the Wardroom. He remembered the last time he worked with Duncan and the old bounty hunters. It was a mystery as to why the group fell apart with each of the members either retiring or moving on, with Salem himself continuing on with his mercenary career.

He carried a rather large and worn duffel bag with his bionic arm, the words painted on there previously now chipping and fading with scratches and small dents permeating the entirety of the arm. Wearing simple casual attire with a backpack as well, the most notable feature besides his arm is the old curved bill NPF hat he wore, signifying his proud service as a former officer of the law on Nepleslia. Although he loved wearing the hat, he frequently caught glares and insults from those working on the other side of the law. He never minded their rudeness however as he always kept his pistol tucked inside a torso holster under his jacket for any case the street garbage grew ballsy enough.


He soon flagged the rest of the group down and waved at them.

"Found you guys, sorry I'm late, got caught up in being lost."

Upon immediately realizing most of his future co-workers were female, his eyes veered towards Duncan questioning himself if he was caught up as a background character in a harem trope. Passing his eyes from Duncan to the ferrets, his face visibly lit up. He absolutley loved animals and was even more overjoyed that they were dressed up so cutely with their little tools.

The little "misunderstanding" back on the bridge had been so swiftly defused by Duncan that Kira was more than happy to stand aside and let him handle it. Well, perhaps mostly because of the professional way he'd handled it, anyway, but if she was perfectly honest with herself, a good portion of her inaction was purely due to a "file not found" error of her own. So much so, in fact, that she'd remained more or less completely silent the whole way to the wardroom. She had seen some strange things in her career, but nothing quite so zany as what had happened back there.

Her bewildered demeanor was beginning to soften by the time they got to the wardroom and the smells of Shasta's prepared meals wafted across her nostrils. She breathed the aromas in deeply, her eyelids flaring in anticipation for an instant as the smile touched her lips again. Then Phage spoke.

"Yes," she replied to the Freespacer's question about her eating habits, though her voice had lost some of its previously accommodating, patient quality ever since she witnessed it try to manually decapitate another android without hesitation. The pleasant air about her remained for the most part, but she never let her pale eyes stray from the Freespacer for long.

When the ferrets and the new arrival came to her attention, she did her best to try to conceal her wary observation and the brilliant, inviting smile lit up her face again as she greeted each of them in turn. She was turning to greet the newcomer when Phage asked in the background about stunning the ferrets.

Kira's lips pursed as she closed her eyes gently in a demure expression of mixed self-restraint and mild embarrassment, but only a cursory examination revealed the snicker that was trying to force its way out. She opened her eyes, the ice-cold irises standing in stark contrast to the rest of her inviting features, and gave Salem an apologetic, helpless, yet still somewhat amused shrug.

Three and a half foot from the ground. Lights in here, beaming. Glare caught the transparent quartz dome that kept Phage's bluey head-fuzz close to her face, hampering their ability to look upon the heads of the tall thin organic ones, looming overhead.

Aliens, they were, silhouetted in the lights. Scary. Speak in tongues with no metal-waves, yet some kind of code, subtle winks and nods and secret messages in the posture of the face. Couldn't read. No information on it to read. Ancient secret of those who came from primitives, could never be taught. Unpredictable, secret-talking, aliens. Quite scary.

Tube-shaped cats interesting, bendy at the middle. Too smart for their beady eyes. Had the primitive touch all the same. The language. How? Level at Phage's waist, like she stared at others. Suspicious fur-clad tubers.

New fellow had a metal arm. Judgement; Sentimental, too little practicality... Paragon Pistol?... Opening network ports of the mind said so. Same kind Independent Worlds League once used. But he was too tall and muscular for a fellow spacer...

Eyes; Lock on this one 'Kira'. Not observing. But most likely to detect this scale movement. Facial signals unknown. Looking at newcomer.

Repress wheel-sound level 2. Motive to vicinity. New man big, but not big like Duncan.

Phage put their weird pod-claws out, and attempted to wrest the pistol from it's holster, keeping two eyes on Kira all the while. Phage wants to see the artefact.

Difficult. Holster clip... Designed for thumb-fingers configuration?... Not Phage pincer configuration?...

Alternate attainment route; Ascertain possibility to remove human pants, without human noticing?
As their presence was abruptly called out and obvious attention shaking their way in the form of various guns or optic cables the two small ferrets chittered almost angrily or annoyed, one even shook his tiny paw fist in irritation as they took the distraction of Salem to scamper off toward the nearest vent. One ran fully in but one stopped at the entrance turned back to the food, looked at the doorway of big people and back at the food, it ran at break neck speeds, scooped up a last pancake and fled along with it's brother.

Salem's arrival also pulled Duncan's attention as he smiled broadly, "Salem! I am really glad you could make it." The big man took up Salem's hand shaking it in camaraderie. It seemed that a part of Duncan was relieved to see someone he had worked with in the past, his shoulders somehow relaxing. It wasn't that he found it ever difficult to work with people it is just that the feeling of being beside someone he had worked with in a gunfight allowed him some tension relief.

"So, those two were Riki and Roo, our on board mechanics and engineers, they don't socialize a whole lot but they are good. And this is Salem, Salem this is Shasta, Phage and Kira," Duncan gave introductions with short waves of his big arms. It seemed almost natural when he also swept aside the the grasping claws of Phage as if he were merely dusting not stopping an impending theft. "Why don't we all come in the room and have something to eat, we can get the briefing started and get down to making some money, sounds good right?"


The single word was soft and without malice or aggression, like the voice of a mother preemptively correcting an impeding infraction. And like the aforementioned maternal tone, the subtle hint of authority hidden beneath its tender surface was unmistakable.

Kira was standing across the room from the Freespacer, who was now evidently making yet another of its rapidly-becoming-trademark invasive moves to pilfer something, and this time the target appeared to be the newcomer. Her arms were folded across her chest, her steel-colored eyes locked firmly on the oblong mass of pincers, wheels, and tubes. There was a gentle smile on her lips, however, softening the glare, and she was shaking her head slowly from side to side. She let that message sink in for a second or two before she spoke. "Perhaps," she said in a quiet, accommodating tone, "he'd be happy to explain how it worked to you if you asked him instead?"


Shasta slunk back into the wardroom somewhat forgotten as for once as her diversion was overlooked with her actions for once being normal compared to those in her proximity, As if a spry mutant blocking ones path with a weapon in each hand was "normal" she didn't question. She huffed at the loss of the strange weasels, Part of her still wanted to play and chat and revel with her uplifted comrades but for now she was content for her newly discovered friends to scamper off after enjoying some of her prepared meal.

The thought of food suddenly brought her back to motion as she realized everyone was present. With pokes and prods and a constant "Ne Ne!" Shasta tried to pry bozu into the room hopping everyone would follow but the man, But like most nepleslian men, Was simply too big and occupied with his old friend to even register her attempts.

Kira Neesan was equally focused elsewhere. And while She could likely be overpowered and brought in by surprise if she was fast enough, But her intensive stare and tone at TwoBee was one that gave her too much pause, Too much like her mom would use but with less of a threat of violence, But still early similar. She wondered if Kira had children too?

All that left was TwoBee. The new snow-globe friend was easy to maneuver behind while they where occupied, And it was too late by the time Shasta threw her arms wide around her bulbs and helmet, locking around like a vice and leaning over to her with a mischievous smile all in the span of a couple seconds.

"Ne, TwoBee! Can you eat with that thing on, Do you like pancakes?!"

"...But Phage knows how it works?" First shooed away by Duncan, and then caught like a deer in headlights by Kira, the short thing continued the obnoxious tone none the less. Actually, the attitude of the cultivated woman was the aspect that caught them off guard the most, since Phage's mother had tank tracks and didn't resemble that kind of demure organic respectability in the slightest. To hear that tone coming from what looked like an tall elven fairy thing to them... It was rather nice, but also a little suspicious? This person named themselves killer after all. "Paragon model pistol may count as a minor artefact! Phaaaage neeeeeds iiiiit!~"

Thankfully the screech was cut short by the female canine crew member grasping around the outside of their helmet. Phage immediately tried to roll away, but was typically off balance and ended up just flopping around like a rag doll, quartz dome still restrained by this overly-enthusiastic sparkly-eyed alien beast.

"Eat that brown stuff? Doesn't even look like food!" More being difficult, of course. Their head had pulled itself down into the collar at the mere mention of removing their environmental protection, leaving little visible but a cloud of blue hair and a pair of wide accusatory ruby eyes. "This place doesn't effen 'ave no radiation! The microbes gotta be everywhere! All up inside your cakes of pan!"

Couldn't reach the top of their head with those arms, so they couldn't dislodge Shasta either... Needed to think of a plan, and fast!

...What did videos on the mindware say about distracting these sort of creatures?...


...Really, it was that simple?...

"Look, a monster!" Phage blurted out. Their rear-right arm was pointing at a rather intense glowing red spot on the floor, moving around in a precise figure eight in time with their multitool pincer.

And, I mean, of all the tools the thing carried, a laser pointer wasn't going to be one of them, right?
"Come on team, I'm hungry and we have business to talk," Duncan said as he walked past the preoccupied Freespacer and Mutant. Inside the Wardroom was a small kitchenette already displaying the scattered battered mess thanks to Shasta's culinary exploits, the counter had several plates stacked with pancakes of various sizes. It had a moderately sized table with standard, pre-ordered uncomfortable chairs. A couch was off to the side that faced a non-standard, fairly large flat monitor that spoke of someone who clearly enjoyed their entertainment.

Duncan walked over and helped himself to a decidedly small stack of pancakes for such a big man and stood beside the monitor as he forked a small amount into his mouth. He rather liked them and decided that he would have to persuade Shasta to make more in the future. He did not dwell on his thoughts long as he knew he needed to pressure out information to the group and he had a field asset waiting on him.

"Grab yourself some food and try to get comfortable. To start, I wanted you all to know where we stand, which is that going forward we are filling the role of subcontractors. I was approached by a small group who pushed this gig at me and I in turn called up most of you while others were referred," he continued though it was readily apparent that Duncan seemed very uncomfortable taking charge of the speaking. "We have all come to this frigid planet to basically kidnap a wayward daughter. I don't make a habit of asking too many questions about these kinds of things but I did ensure that, while she came here willingly at first, she no longer has the option of leaving. She does not wish to be here anymore, though in retrospect I don't think she will be particularly happy about being returned to her family. I am assured by our contractors that that business will be sorted later and honestly I only care that she is taken out of a bad situation and we get paid.

"Some key notes before we talk about our target, this needs to be a smash and grab. While this system is a Nepleslian system it has its own militia called simply, the Malaisian Enforcers, and they are some bad fuckers to mess with. They pretty much hate outsiders and are not afraid to shoot first and ask questions later. That being said we are hitting the base of one of the larger local 'families', a criminal outfit basically allowed to run by these Enforcers. All I know about the building is that it is a tall ass apartment building. Which leads me to Frank," Duncan took a breath and hit a button on the wall which would contact a person he had sent to recon the area for the team. He knew he was speaking rapidly but he really did just want to get out of the current spotlight, he was feeling very nervous in his current role.

"Frank, it's Duncan you there? Can you tell us anything about the building?"

@Charmaylarg Dufrain
@Primitive Polygon
"Gosh darn it Duncan could you have picked a colder spot I'm freezing my ass off out here!?! "Frank would complain in his gravely deep South ascent.

"Ya ye got a well fortified entrance, not much goes in or out and by the looks of it 5 guys on guard duty at 5 hour shift with s total of 15 guys that are tasked with guarding the outside."

He would walk around and bit and roll his exposed arm so the ballistic fiber skin don't toughen up in the cold.
"Unfortunately the lack of visibility and problem of trying to get closer makes finding a exact number impossible for ya.
I reckon that there's a lot more inside the building due to the shouts and stomping round those feller's do in der."

After the "situation" between Phage and Shasta had been resolved (albeit less tidily than she would have liked), Kira sighed, shaking her head as she followed Duncan across the room to the platter full of pancakes and pitcher of syrup that had been left there. She took a fork and plate, serving herself a single, modestly-sized pastry and topped it with barely a thimble's volume of syrup before making her way to a seat on the edge of the room.

She listened intently to Duncan's briefing, only occasionally cutting tiny bites of her breakfast with the edge of her fork before placing them on her tongue and chewing silently. To anyone who happened to be looking her way, her resting facial expression was rather at odds with the warm, friendly personality she had displayed thus far. Her metallic-shaded eyes had an intensity as she absorbed the meager information the team was given that was almost dehumanizing, and her sharp facial features fell into a stern, mechanical look that was nothing but business. The cheery and approachable aura that had permeated the air around her before was gone, replaced by an eerily cold focus.

One of her eyebrows flicked upward as Duncan addressed another as-yet-unknown member of their group over the intercom. Those bombardier's eyes of hers shifted away from their reluctant leader towards the source of the disembodied voice, narrowing slightly as she tried to decode its heavy accent. When it finished, she placed another tiny sliver of pancake on her tongue and chewed pensively, her gaze sliding back toward Duncan. With the preliminary information divulged, her robotic facade faded a little, and the sense of humanity returned to her face as her features softened slightly, but not into a smile. From the look on her face, it was evident that she had several pressing concerns about the nature of the mission, not to mention looked the slightest bit put off by the surprise introduction of yet another team member. She remained silent, however, watching Duncan to see if there was more.
Everything was hurried along faster than Salem could reply, as well as graciously shake everyone else's hand besides Duncan's. Through Duncan's invitation he found himself alongside a motley crew of characters that seemed almost as if they jumped out of a fictional sci-fi thriller. He didn't quite care much for their appearance or personality however, all that is secondary to whether or not they can do their jobs efficiently. Salem already knew about Duncan's work ethic, he witnessed it firsthand on a previous job they had done together, he was keen to see how the rest work.

On the side he did note Phage's interest in his trusty Paragon pistol. To be honest he wasn't entirely sure whether or not the pistol was even being manufactured anymore, any official TM's regarding the pistol have been rescinded and he can't seem to find any official sources by Paragon. Perhaps the manufacturer was absorbed by a bigger one and the model was discontinued, and he just missed the news.

Salem politely refused the morning food as he had a bite before coming. As Duncan began his brief of the mission, he quietly removed a small handbook from his back pocket and began jotting down notes, paying special attention to the disembodied voice known as Frank describing the building and enemy combatants. He circled what he thought was important and necessary to mission success.

Classic close quarters urban combat. He thought. He wondered how they'll enter and sweep the building, how many exits there are, how many floors, the layout of the building, and a plethora of other things he seemed visibly lost it.

"Do we get raiders?!" A simple and honest question while Shasta rubbed the bridge of her nose. Phage's laser distracted her, But in a way that made her try to wrestle the pointer closer to examine it before it inadvertently jerked her in the face.

Not even waiting for the answer, Her expression calmed somewhat as she displayed an atmosphere of professionalism that was likely the answer to any questions on how she kept a job. She berated Duncan with an endless barrage of questions about security measures and stop-gaps, Supporting companies and subsidiaries, How far he was willing to let her go on their security systems and how much time she had to collect records on building layouts, Grids, And inventories of available equipment she could likely tap into aquiring...

All in the span of a few minutes of seriousness and her giggling and disposition were back in full swing as something else distracted her and she began playing/ Assembling an identical drone from her bag that resembled a small sun not unlike the one used to concuss and disorient a group of environmental extremists at the White Marlin before.

"Oh and who is frank!" She revealed she hadn't necessarily been listening.
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Phage took a plate of pancakes and doused it with syrup, not because they were intending on eating the weird alien food, but because it seemed like meeting this 'conversation ritual' half way was probably a good idea. Ideas of examining Salem's vintage pistol were stored away for later use, and the short thing clambered onto the entertainment couch, finding a reasonably good viewing angle by crossing their legs and slumping their upper body over the back.

"Malaise... Weapons manufacture planet for the Neps." The Freespacer didn't have to look it up, remaining grumpy, but newly focused in expression. They knew of the place's reputation alright. And all of the highly advanced tech that could be found laying around there, too. "Don't like outsiders much, yeah. Even the gangs are pury-tuns..."

"This land-structure, close to others, is it? Squished together like all your habo-tation blocks?" Squirming arms, muscle memory working out a plan of action. Phage seemed to glance at each member in turn and size them up, making a minute negative response expression for all of them except Shasta. "Get onto roof. That's what Phage would do. Neps still think in 2D some reason. Could maybe take canine-girl but... Rest of you all is too big... too heavy for me carry 'cross..."
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