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RP [Bounty Hunter Series] Mission 1: Housekeeping

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Duncan nodded at the remaining three Hunters, "This is wrapped up, grab your gear and head to the hangar." He walked to the wall and pushed a button, "Maxine, could you go and give Shasta a hand? She is full of good intentions but I would feel a lot better with you as a co-pilot."

"Why, sure thing sugar. I will start the pre-flights and meet you down there. I do love the enthusiasm of your new compatriots," the robot replied in her long drawl.

He turned and trundled after Salem and Kira whilst also shuffling Phage along with them. He walked to the Ferret's armory seeing as he had already moved his small yet still impressive range of guns in. "Grenades are in here with me, grab what you can safely carry. Hear me phage? Safely carry."

He slipped on his silver Emrys jacket to complete his tactical suit as he sidled over to place on his special made gauntlets. It would be his first time using the gantlets and his mask in the field and he looked forward to the possibilities. lastly he grabbed his CQBS-A2 to go along with the PIP on his thigh.

Iron Ferret Hangar

Shasta was only momentarily stuck until Maxine showed up in the Corona. The robot lilted in to the gunship and sat beside the mutant. "Oh darling, you have done such a fine job so far. Just watch what I do and we will get you flying in no time honey," the robot said she it began to complete the pre-flight.

As the group arrived Duncan would do his best to usher them in so they could be underway, evening was going to be starting soon and the darkness would help their insurgence even more beyond Frank taking out the outdoor guards.

The Target

Frank had a good eye line to three of the buildings corners though it's immense size made the furthest two distant but nothing to the experienced, modified mercenary. He saw a group of three thugs hanging beside a barrel fire trying to bring warmth back into their limbs. They lightl chatted and really paid no attention to their surroundings. A second group of three had just turned the corner past the lazy ones and would be a long time before they headed back that way according to Franks observations.

He was free to make a move if he so wished.


It was a few minutes after Duncan had finished outfitting himself that Kira joined him from the crew cabins. Her dark brown hair had been pulled into a bun so tight it almost looked like an artificial headpiece, without so much as a single stray hair breaking from the formation. She had shed the casual overcoat-and-jeans appearance in favor of a neck-to-toe encasement of suit of dark blue armor with dull silver trim, riddled with ammunition pouches. Though the visible armor plates across the torso, thighs, and arms were relatively sparse, clearly marking the suit as a light reconnaissance suite and relying on ballistic mesh and more flexible textiles for protection, on the short feminine physique that Duncan had previously seen in an evening dress, it made her look like a tank.

She held the helmet - a mean-looking full-face thing with a short visor over the almost opaque-looking faceplate - at her side in her left hand. Her right thumb was hooked under a strap slung over her shoulder, which held a long rifle with a jet black stock and silver barrel complete with flash suppressor that was nearly two-thirds as long as she was from head to heel. At her hip was her holstered sidearm.

A warm smile brightened her face at Duncan, punctuated by her pale eyes, and she clicked her heels together as she came to a stop just inside the room, presenting herself with a slight flourish of her helmet-wielding hand. "Ready to go, Skipper," she said cheerfully.

Salem strung his outfit together after pulling it all out of his bags. He donned on his usual work clothes, a frog top with operator bottoms and a set of black boots, sliding into his plate carrier after. On the left cummerbund of his plate carrier Salem had molle'd on a drop pouch with two double magazine pouches following suit along side a single quick draw pouch on the left side of his front carrier. Molle'd onto the right cummerbund was a small IFAK pouch for first aid towards the back, with two grenade pouches following after, nearing the front. An admin pouch for miscellaneous items and tools was molle'd to the front of the carrier on his chest, with a smaller admin pouch on the bottom right front. Strapped to his right thigh was a holster capable of holding his Paragon Infantry Pistol alongside the two extra magazines. On his back rested at hydration carrier with a tube long enough for Salem to sip water.

The pouch placements on his plate carrier were changed every so often, Salem always toyed around with his load-out. He loaded each of his magazines and placed them inside his pouches bottom up, snatching two fragmentation grenades from the armory. He pulled a one-hole balaclava over his head before putting his helmet on. On the back of his helmet was a velcro pouch holding a small assortment of batteries, the front outfitted with a base plate with a rhino mount for NODs. The pièce de résistance was of course his eye protection, a pair of ballistic glasses that adjusted to lighting.

Salem modeled his kit after the olden operators and enjoyed the time he put into his gear and how modular everything could be. His load-out was tailored to his needs and could be changed on a whim. He S-clipped his pair of gloves to a free molle strap on the front of his carrier for later use.

Iron Ferret Hangar

With his suppressed SMG slung around his torso, Salem joined everyone else. He threw a 'hang-loose' gesture with his left hand towards Duncan, signalling his readiness before entering the Corona.
Iron Ferret Hanger-Corona Gunship

Making room for the spacer, Shasta opted for the somewhat more specious seating of the gunners cupola in favor or the spacer in the pilots seat. There she managed to twist and scrounge some of her baggage from the central seating interior of the gunship, Primarily shrugging on the thin and downscaled murr armor vest over her dress and one of her jackets, And her trusty origin energy pistol and stun baton. Sliding each into a holster on her waist and thigh respectively.

The rest was left to clunk and sit back in her baggage, Shoved under one of the benches with the exception of a couple of pre-assembled drones lacking their activation commands, sitting powerless and idle whilst secured with their strapping on one of the benches.

Her simple gear loadout acquired she secured her 'jockey and began to interface with the gunner seats screens and secondary systems. Avoiding the obvious FF and trace locking systems to avoid accidentally setting one of the gunships armaments live while still in the hangar. Sucess was reached rather shortly when a simple HD feed took over one of the screens from the perspective of one of her lachesis drones. The camera showing a simple and bleak view of the gunship interior, As well as jsut through its hatch into the hangar where a couple of other where finally arriving.

"Yosh!" she trumped, Unlatching one of the small cockpit windows as far as it would go before leaning out as far as the tight squeeze would allow. "Bozu, We're pre-flight and primed!" the mutant chimed, Ears twitching and tail swishing about within the cupola, Signalling the gunships armed and ready status.

Phage looked like they were perfectly ready to cover their body in grenades despite Duncan's advice, yet hesitated mid-grasp, mostly because of how awkward it would be to use all of their extra little pop-out bits. Having four arms wasn't all it was cracked up to be, some times. Instead, after giving the large man a begrudging nod of respect, they then simply sought out the most useful singular items they could find.

A pair of flat-faced scythe mines suited them well, great for booby traps. They also took two NAM smoke grenades and a magazine that looked compatible with their integral .357 SMG. No pockets to put any of it in on their bulky space suit, so the diminutive thing just hung the items from hoist hardpoints under their arms instead.

No point in changing anything else. The spacer had already been prepared for a hostile environment on this alien world, and was dressed for it.

Still, it was funny watching the giant planet-walkers strap additional bits of technology to themselves. That Killer lady had put on a really armoured space suit type of deal, which kind of looked like a robot costume to Phage's eyes. Did they really want to be one, after all?

Salem was more hodge-podge, methodically attaching stuff to his outside straps like one of those dresser crabs Phage had heard about, that disguise themselves using whatever material was common in the area. It just so happened that this area's common material was guns.

Iron Ferret Hanger-Corona Gunship

A short time later, the short spacer found themselves in the cockpit of the medium sized aerial vehicle, pouring over the controls with a fine tooth comb. Looking up at the back of their dog-eared friend's head didn't seem like it was going to help, so they did what came naturally instead, downloading their own hacked version of the manual.

Phage was versed in flying several kinds of small shuttles, but this 'hellio-chopter' thing was kind of like a weird old sailing boat in comparison... A flying thing that didn't even go into space? Who even made things like this?...

Time to just take a dive, and hardwire yourself in.

Much like Shasta's datapad, Phage opened up a couple of extra ports and directly spliced their inputs into the control centre of the small craft. The robot co-pilot was probably making disgruntled noises, but, like, it was faster than actually learning the controls, right?

By the time that the drone doggo darling was howling out the window at the members still remaining outside, the engines were thudding into life with a harsh spasm of forced connections. The little mono-eye turret on the nose swivelled to meet them, as if the helicopter was now sentient and beckoning them to come on board...

It technically kind of was. The Corona Gunship was Phage now.
Iron Ferret Hangar

Duncan grinned up at the rambunctious little mutant and slapped his thick gauntleted hand against the hull. “All aboard for money and mayhem,” he trumpeted as he too stepped in to the Corona gunship, his mask clinking from a hook on his belt, and closed the hatch. He stayed standing, holding a handrail that followed either side of the roof.

The nose was pointed toward the hangar opening as it was slowly pushed out by the automated systems of the Terrene. Once cleared the combination of Phage and Maxine easily sent the bird ascending the cavernous opening of the Iron Ferrets docking berth. The view out of the ship was simply clouds, smog and snow, a rather bleak beginning.

“Listen up, I have had zero contact from Frank my asset on the ground. Either something happened to him or he just wandered off, suffice it to say we need to try and make this landing as fast as possible and hope this current cloud cover is enough to cover our insertion,” Duncan basically shouted to the gathered hunters.

Hinkerman’s Howlers

The situation had been awkward and uncomfortable from the moment the four independent contractors had shown up and met their current employer. Griswold Hinkerman was a fat, weaselly middle man who would hire anyone, anytime for any reason. He had never been in the field, did not properly understand combat and certainly did not care about the people he hired, and he hid it all very badly.

He rubbed his pudgy thick fingers together as he gave the four the rundown of the job, “This is an easy one dears. A girl needs rescuing from a group of horrible gangers, no problem. My intel says there should be fifteen of the idiots, six on patrol and nine inside with the girl. Pop them, get her and come on back.” He had quoted them individually a surprising amount for what seemed so simple a job.

He slicked his greasy comb over to his mottled head one more time as he shooed them out of the Half Empty spaceport. They each had their own reasons for joining this last minute thrown together team. Maybe it was money, maybe they needed the rep, maybe they just wanted something to do to stretch their legs but here they were. The strangers had only a short time to do any real strategizing thanks to Hinkerman being so pushy about ‘Deadlines or dead girl, your choice.’

As they rolled up on the building, it was easy to place the ten-story rundown habitation building. Most of the windows were boarded up or frosted over. There was very little foot traffic but it was there, people shuffling through the brutal cold to destinations unknown. It was easy to note that although this was technically a Nepleslian planet there was no sign of non-humanoids and anyone in the know would relate this to the wide spread information that they were not welcome in the Malaise system.

Outside they saw three armed huddled men standing around a barrel fire shooting the shit as they did what they could to warm the limbs. They barely paid any attention to their surroundings, feeling confident that no one would be out to do anything serious in this cold. It could be assumed the three they were told of were simply doing their jobs and walking around the building. It seemed like the intel was good so far.

Habitation Building

It would seem Duncan’s words came true, at least as far as they knew. Their ride had been brief with a smooth landing on the broad roof of the gigantic building. It was a relatively barren roof, a massive iced over dome dominated the center and a single small hut stood off to the side with a solitary door.

A gust of frigid breath stealing wind filled the gunship as Duncan activated the doors, the wind strong enough to cause even Duncan to brace momentarily. “Thank you for riding the Ferret express,” he said smirking as he swept his arm toward the opening, “Shasta you stay on board, see if you can see anything through that dome, the rest of you on me and let’s get inside.”

He led the small group over to the small hut and tried the door which was of course locked and frozen over. He stepped aside sweeping his hand from Phage to the door in the universal gesture of ‘all yours’.


Satto was sad.

Well rather he was saddened knowing that this contractor, who'd been recommended to him several times, turned out to be so useless as well as a huge liar. It seemed he'd taking the politician tactic of making promises he would never keep in order to win people over to his side, for starters there was a team of them when the assassin had been promised a solo job, his preferred type, and the 'package' he'd been told he'd have to retrieve was an entire live person.

Things weren't off to a great start, hopefully the team was ok.

The slightly disproportional man scanned the other members with an almost kind looking gaze, like the one you'd expect to see on a loving father, although while the expression overall may have been kind his eyes hinted at his profession. Slight flickers as he looked around, keeping his peripheral view as wide as possible while the exquisitely dressed man adjusted his cuffs and surveyed the scene.

"Greetings all, I presume we all at least got given the same mission considering we're all here at the same time?" Satto inquired politely, looking at his fellow teammates one by one.

There was a slight disturbance of light in the immediate vicinity but you'd be hard pressed to notice it until there was a light thud and two footprints appeared in the soft powder, followed by two round, perfectly round hemispheres joined in the middle as more snow was displaced with a somewhat meatier thud until Adley disengaged her photon suit's stealth field to reveal her armoured yet still rather curvaceous figure fitting down in the snow.

The quite clearly female figure removed rested a suppressed submachine gun in the crook of her lap and reached up to grip either side of her helmet and pull it off to reveal her purple features topped with a shock of short hair as white as the snow around them, her yellow eyes took a second to squint and adjust to the unfiltered glare from the iced up buildings and land around them.

It was safe to say the knife-eared woman looked like she belonged on the cover of a magazine rather than out here doing wetwork and VIP retrieval but here she was with all her gear and she looked like she knew what to do.

"I guess so, lankey - what do you do?" Adley queried playfully as she set the helmet aside and extended the forearm mounted blade to its full glory. "I kill people, and I have a plan for the three numpties circle-jerking over by the fire - people call me Six," the exotically-coloured Neko that barely looked like a Neko introduced herself rather abruptly, though she managed to keep her voice situationally quiet to hopefully not draw the three people by the fire over.
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"Shit.... Anyone ever tell you that's creepy as shit?" Tecuma offered the Neko as she hoisted her Minigun to the side and pulled the handgun from her side. She was a short thing, looked barely old enough to legally own a gun if that was such a thing on Nepleslia, much less having any place out here doing some sort of mercenary work. Red hair fell down the sides of her face to end in bouncing little ringlets which framed green eyes and a freckled white face.

"So what's the plan anyways? I say we just go in and light the fuckin place up." She explained as she reached around to pat the minigun at her side.

Satto chuckled a little bit. "Odd question, I don''t think we'd be here if we didn't kill people my dear." The taller man said with an easy smile, least these two seemed to have an idea of how to go about this situation, the assassin had also been monitoring the visible enemies trying to figure out the best plan of attack.

Satto was used to stealth and working alone so this was already far different to his usual work, although he had done this work on rare occasions. "Personally I think for the duration of this job we should place our personal safety above all else, the client seems inexperienced." He spoke softly to the other team members.

"Regardless I look forward to seeing how you all operate, it's been a while since I had company on a job."
Habitation Building Roof

Phage leapt down onto the snowy rooftop unquestioningly, but immediately found their wheels skidding and useless when applied to the icy concrete. A grimace of surprise came across their rounded face, followed by a few moments of attempting to adjust their environmental gear.

It was a losing battle. Best just to get moving, before the oil in their arm joints began to seize.

"Scouting machine will now pruceed." It was a whisper against the howl of the wind, fortunately using the team's com channel rather than just saying it. "Will investigate smaller structure mod-jule first..."

It wasn't just noise, but also data. Phage was feeding them all some pretty accurate raw numbers despite their stumbling voice, including things like elevation and wind speed.

"Warning.... Detecting an air tempur-ature ab-nor-mulity of negutive foofteen Cel-see-us."

Just another alien environment to them. Oversized soles of their boots clomped along carefully, arms working overtime to maintain balance.

Soon enough, they reached the smaller hut, and examined the situation with the locked door. A drill module folded out from their rear left arm, braced under their gun-bearing front one, and began to dig into an area low down on the door frame; Surprisingly quiet, though the wind no doubt helped mask the subtle grinding noise. Once it penetrated, their fibre optic camera would come next, sliding through the hole and having a peep at whatever was directly inside...
"I mean, I dunno - I don't see a gun on you so you could just be the computer guy or some such," Adley replied as she poked the blade back into the wrist-mounted mechanism and leant back rather casually in the snow, gesturing toward Tecuma with a flick of her head. "She clearly wants to go in guns blazing but maaaaybe we should be quiet until we get inside," the exotically-coloured Neko tilted her head to the side as she faced the Nepleslian woman and continued speaking, "No offence hun, you look like fun and no doubt we'll need you to fire your load off soon enough - but not just yet m'kay?"

After speaking she fwumped back lightly into the snow and began slowly making the outline of an angel with her limbs with a content sigh as Adley stared up into the sky. "I reckon I can get all three of them by m'self, I'll happily admit that - what do you bozos think though?"
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The tall Separa'Shan's face was a mask. Her long tail was enclosed in a simple cold weather sheath to keep the cold out. Her armored vest ran warmers to help keep out the cold. It didn't make the harsh wind on her face any more pleasent though. She listened to the others before speaking herself. "Wait untill all six of them are in one place and then take them quietly, if possible." She suggested, a throwing knife seeming to appear out of thin air in her hand and then disappear just as rapidly to help make her point.
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Classic thought process of a fighter, the lack of visible weapons didn't necessarily mean Satto was unarmed and she should really avoid assuming things based on appearances alone, might get her killed one day. "Just because I don't appear to have weapons. Does not mean I do not fight, this tells me you and I do not operate in the same business however, so it is to be expected we each look for different signs." Satto stated politely to the neko. "Although I would appreciate it if you would refrain from using such terms to describe me." He continued, referring to the 'bozos' comment.

Turning to listen to the separa woman he nodded again. "It would seem that at the very least we all agree on the importance of going in quietly, personally I'm a little disappointed in the lack of information about numbers and guard cycles but it can't be helped now."

"So we have one member with a high powered arsenal, I don't think I caught you name and then Six here is confident she can dispatch multiple enemies alone with relative stealth. You can all call me by Satto for now, it's probably a good idea that we at least know that much about each other."
Tecuma just raised her brow, looking the Sepra'Shan up and down before she turned back Satto.

"Yea yea whatever, let's just get this over with 'Kay? I'm hungry as shit and living off those instant noodles lately is killing my gut. It's Tecuma by the way." She grouched and rubbed at her stomach a bit. Her last job had gone belly up midway through and she had lost her big payday halfway through, but there was money to be made here if the catgirl could focus for more then a minute at a time.

"Well kitty? You gonna get to it or do I gotta throw some catnip out there for you?" She asked. Clearly Tecuma was a great ambassador for her people...

Shasta left her cupola temporarily to deploy her drones topside from her benchside bag. The two reinforced drones whirred to life when assembled, Two sets of dual lasers training on and then away from her and each of the team as it identified each member on its simple coded do not shoot parameters. The deployment was coupled by sending out two small blister drones as well before she went back into her gunners seat.

Stationary and secured again she began programming their sequence of commands and sent the four off on their flight paths. The two Lachesis flew off into the obscurity of the falling snow and night on their flight cycles while the two blisters circled Kira and Salem, Their cameras sending feed and information in real-time, Faces appearing on on the gunners display and her datajockey as highlighted green faces recognized even with their gear on before each drone took up a position behind each of them over the shoulder, Noticeable as a whirring white-noise created by their hover in each of the twos blindspot.

"Eyes are on, Bozu." She adjusted the gunners headset in a way she could still speak and hear without agitating her ears. "Oba and I got the guns to keep the streets and skies clear on your call. Nearest precinct house is ten blocks over, N' city records say nothing about air or door kickers so maybe an hour if we get loud before the NPF converge in force. Maybe less"

Being a spook was pretty cool!
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"Riiight, and I'd appreciate if you took the stick or whatever weapon it is out of your ass to help us," Adley shot back to the guy called Satto with a wide grin before she slipped the helmet back on and floated herself into a crouched position with the smg in one hand. So this was the team, a stabby snake, a Nep with a big gun and some guy with a hard-to-reach holster somewhere... things could be worse.

"Maybe if you threw some mercury my way but anyway, now that I know there are six I reckon we should do what stabby said and wait for them to group up, then we can wallop them in one strike instead of two different groups - any of you have any kind of objection to that?" Adley continued with a look to each of the people standing with her in the snow, hefting her backpack slightly as one armoured foot impatiently tapped against the ground.

"Also Tecuma, don't be a bitch - you're too pretty for that," the purple Neko remarked with a chuckle from behind her helmet, things were looking like they were either going to go very well - or things were going to be an utter shit show, it was a 50/50 thing with a group like this.
Habitation Building - Roof

The heavy thud of Kira's Muur boots hitting the surface of the roof was lost in the howling wind as she hopped down from the gunship. Her rifle was slung tightly across her back, and the moment her feet hit concrete her sidearm was in both hands, pointed safely at the ground with a round chambered. She quickly scanned their surroundings from behind her helmet's faceplate, following close behind the Freespacer trundling along towards the door. Despite being covered from head to toe against the biting wind, she couldn't suppress the shiver that wracked her body. It was cold.

Gathering her wits about her, she cleared her throat and tapped the side of her helmet to activate the built-in camera and heads-up display. Her vision flickered slightly with electronic static as the interface booted up, flashing a blur of diagnostics and self-tests across her field of vision. In seconds the view stabilized, showing readouts both from her suit's internal systems as well as from Phage's data feed, and relaying what she saw back to the Corona. "Shasta, are you receiving my feed?" she asked over the comms in her all-business voice, keeping the chill-induced waver out of it with some effort.
Iron Ferret Hangar

Upon hearing that Frank was no longer in contact with Duncan, speculations of what happened to the man swirled through Salem's mind. The two most probable situations were either comm is garbage as usual or that Frank was caught by the opposing force. The latter would be bad for the entire operation as the goons in the building could be tipped off that something was about to go down. Salem couldn't believe that someone would wander off the job.

Habitation Building - Roof

Time must have passed quickly unbeknownst to Salem as he contemplated whether comm was garbage or if the goons caught him. He came back into the real world as Duncan activated the doors, the wind was chilling but he found it nice. Better to die from hypothermia than heat exhaustion. Unclipping his gloves from the S-clip attached to his front, Salem pulled the gloves over his hands before loading a magazine into his SMG. Salem tapped the bottom of the mag into the magazine well, racked the charging handle back, and performed a quick brass check to ensure the first round was chambered properly. It's a funny and sometimes costly mistake when someone goes to pull the trigger, only to find out their weapon didn't feed correctly.

Salem followed the rest out of the Corona, his boots hitting the cold ground. He scanned his perimeter with his weapon at the ready before falling behind Duncan and the others to bring up the rear moving towards the hut. The cold was definitely hitting him, but it didn't matter because soon enough Phage would have them inside the building with hopefully still unaware residents. He stole a quick glance at Kira as she spoke to Shasta, seeing her hi-tech visor.

"Some investments in a headset and some holographic 'smart-eyepro' is top priority after this." He mumbled to himself. For now a small radio resting in his smaller admin pouch with an earpiece would suffice.

"I've put some thought into Frank's silence, in all likelihood comm is just shit, but if he was caught it could have alerted the building that something is about to happen. It's probably not what happened but we should expect the worst, just thought I should say that before we walk into a red carpet welcoming."

"Five. By. Five!" She declared over the comms to Kira, Watching the feed through one of the gunner compartments various monitors before linking the drones feed over woman's shoulder to her as well through her HUD and cycling between the two blisters, Mostly showing the backs of their own heads before minimizing the feed. "Got you cross linked too! This way we can look ahead in like rooms and stuff and you can see it too!"

She was rather proud of herself, She traded the scripts for that very feature not even hours before at the terminal, How lucky!
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