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RP Chapter 7: Of Want and War

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Sudran in System Azorea
Bukor 24, 942
10:00, Commonwealth Standard Time

Aaki strolled out of her office and stood looking out at the busy street with its vendors and men and women of varying races milling about. A blonde woman sold beef sticks while an Iromakuanhe with deep, dark skin bought them from her and another Iromakuanhe couple strolled together with compassion for one another apparent in the way they held hands and chattered seemingly endlessly. A soft smile came to Aaki's red painted lips and she tilted her head. A rope of orange braids touched the velvety, padded shoulder of her dress as she did so and then she turned to Mahsa.

"Not on time, is he?" Aaki asked, "Or am I confused about when we were supposed to meet Huey and Alistair?"
Kyopelinvuori Streets

Mahsa followed along with Aaki through the streets in a teal sundress, happy that there were street vendors that dealt in cuisine that she was familiar with. She had nothing against the local food, but it was still good to have a favorite from home. The woman smiled before taking a delicate bite of the Zoloat meat she had in front of her.

She eyed around the area at Aaki's words and shook her head. "No I think this is the right time, but this is a new city after all, they might have had some trouble finding this place." Her voice was uncertain but she gave them the benefit of the doubt none the less.
Kyopelinvuori Streets

Huey and Alistair rounded the corner deep in conversation, each with concern on their face. The diplomat dressed in his normal black suit and green tie, but the soldier was dressed in his green dress uniform. When they saw Mahsa and Aaki, Huey smiled and forced himself to relax. While Alistair naturally relaxed at seeing Mahsa.

Huey spoke first. "Please forgive us, we had to speak with our superiors." He said smoothly. Alistair moved to Mahsa and smiled warmly, an odd site to Aaki as the soldier didn't seem to show much emotion in their interactions. "Sorry to keep you waiting." He said leaning over and giving her a peck on the cheek. He then held his arm out for Mahsa to take.

Huey nodded to Aaki. "Shall we begin the Grand tour of the city? I'm ready to explore." He added.
Kyopelinvuori Streets

"Huey, Alistair," Aaki said in a friendly tone. She nodded her head slightly and began walking away from her office building with a sly smile directed at Mahsa. It was a small, slight, and quick one, but Mahsa would be able to notice it.

After a few steps, Aaki anounced, "Well, Huey, I hear your nation is at war!" She titled her head to the side and looked up to his face. "When did this happen? And how?"
Kyopelinvuori Streets

Mahsa smiled when she saw both Huey and Alistair, she had made an effort to try to stay professional, but her smile was obviously more emotional towards Alistair. When she was kissed on the cheek she returned the favor with a kiss of her own and then took Alistair's arm, forgetting she was at work. "We did not wait long."

When she noticed the smile form Aaki, Mahsa blushed strongly, but did not let go of Alistair, she had forgotten where she was a moment, but she still did not want to separate, and Aaki did not seem to mind. So she kept close to Alistair as they walked.
Kyopelinvuori Streets

Huey nodded. "Yes, we are. A nation called the Elefrin attacked one of our ships and it's crew. In response we are striking back." He replied. "However... they are a race under the control of the Kuvexians." He added looking back to Aaki. "How much does the Commonwealth know of them?" He asked.

Alistair smiled warmly at Mahsa as they walked, forgeting work for the time being. He had made sure a security detail was following well behind them. He looked down at her stifled a laugh at her blushing. "Embarrsed?" He asked teasingly, playfully pulling her closer. "Let's just put work aside today. I am out for a nice stroll through town with a very lovely woman." He added.
Kyopelinvuori Streets

"We know just what the Garatagens have said in warnings to us. We know they are a threat to the Kikyo Sector. Them and their," she struggled to think of the word. "What are? The Rixxi—something that have been plaguing the Synthetics?" She, of course, meant Yamataians when she said "Synthetics". Her information was only half accurate, but Huey could fix it for her if he felt like it.
Kyopelinvuori Streets

Mahsa smiled and relaxed, letting herself forget about her work once more. Today she was just going to enjoy herself, after all she had taken extra care of her appearance today, and even polished her horns so they would be pleasant to the touch. "Well I see flattery is part of a date anywhere." She giggled softly and placed her hand on Alistair's chest before she gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "It works too."
Kyopelinvuori Streets

Huey look confused for a moment at Aaki before having an 'ooooh' moment. "You mean Yamatai. And the Rixikor. Yes but from we have gathered, the Kuvexian's don't do much of their own fighting. They enslave or employ other species to do their fighting for them. A fight with them could mean a fight against and untold amount of enslaved and bought off soldiers from a number of different worlds." He said enlightening his Iroma friend. "However, we will see this threat head on." He said determinedly.

Alistair brought his hand up to meet the one on his chest, his fingers interwineing with Mahsa's as he returned the kiss. "You are beautiful Mahsa." He said looking her up and down, moving a finger to touch the top of her horn, and running it down to her cheek. "Tell me more about you, I wish to know everything." He said with a smile as they walked.
Streets of Kyope

Aaki Loleth did not look comfortable knowing this about them. "'Untold amount of enslaved...' That sounds terrible, truly. For those fighting the fight and for yourselves."

She strode towards a great spire's entrance and waved an arm up, allowing Huey to enter first.
Streets of Kyope

Mahsa placed a hand softly on Alistair's and smiled "Where do I begin...there is so much I could tell you, about my culture and myself." She smiled softly as she reflected on her past for a moment. "I suppose you don't want a history lesson...but I guess to start..I sort of always knew that I wanted to serve the Vigil...ah that is the Dreamer Vigil, it is the religion of our people." She then let out a soft giggle. "Though not even I expected to become a consort at first."
Streets of Kyope

Huey nodded grimly. "Yes, it will be a challenge to take on such an empire. However I am confident in our abilities." He said walking in and holding the door open for the rest of them.

Alistair smiled as he listened. "That's cute Mahsa." He said warmly. "Tell me more about the Dreamer Vigil. Answer that then you can ask me a question." He teased softly as they walked in and he nodded to Huey.
Kyope Tower

Once everyone was inside, Aaki began walking towards an elevator clearly marked several dozen meters away. The building was richly furnished and there was an Iromakuanhe woman sitting behind a long desk that nodded to Aaki as the Member of the Conclave passed with the Nepleslian senator and their two assistants of sourts. When they reached the elevator, she spoke again.

"Wouldn't it be nice to be so secure," Aaki said to Huey. "I wish I could be. A war a friend is fighting spells trouble."
Kyope Tower

Mahsa stepped in the tower and continue to speak as they went on. "Through dreams, we can connect with the Makuori. They guide us and have taught us the power of dreams." She smiles and folds her hands "The Vigil is a life of the improvement, to constantly better ourselves, but there is no need to race to improvement or brag. Rather we let life and our dreams teach us."

There was a pause in her speech as she blushed softly "For that, we have several different meditations that we practice to help us relax and focus, such as the Ahni meditation that we did."
Kyope Tower

Huey nodded as they walked, examining the well furnished lobby they found themselves in. "I do wish to inform you that Nepleslia won't ask for the Commonwealth's aid. I know your people's stance on the matter. However if the people of the Commonwealth ever need an ally, we will come." He said, giving the Iroma woman a reassuring glance.

Alistair listened intently as Mahsa explained. He found himself fascinated by it all. When she mentioned the Ahni meditation, Alistair had to hide his smile. "I do have to say that the Ahni meditation might have to be my favorite, hands down." He said as they walked. "What other meditations are there for that matter?" He asked.
Kyope Tower

When the light above the elevator shone bright, it was time to go up and Aaki ushered everyone in, following after them. To Huey, she spoke, though everyone could likely hear her.

"I will see what I can do about securing a low-profile reconnaissance squad to... Where is this taking place? West of the Kikyō Sector?"
Kyope Tower

"Yes, west of the Kikyo sector. We are currently engaging the enemy at a plant called Polup. I will forward you the details once we are back in your office." Huey replied.

"Thank you Aaki... Any help will be a great boon. If you would like, we can do the same for you, and send in one of our own recon squads to cause havoc for the NVR, or just send you supplies." He added.
Kyope Tower

"No need for that," Aaki said in the elevator. "The Iromakuanhe are very strict about who is allowed in our space and who is not. It is for the best we do not bring your ships into our space just to pay a favor. Thank you, though."
Kyope Tower

While Mahsa did not say anything yet, she had been listening to Aaki's conversation as well, she did not like where it was headed, it sounded like they might soon have another enemy.

It was not her place to comment at this moment, combat was not something she knew much about, but she was pretty sure there would be some letters she would have to write soon. She decided to keep to her conversation with Alistair, but she did offer Aaki a light pat on the shoulder before she continued with her partner.

"Well, the Ahni meditation is one used to relieve extreme stress or pain, a unique meditation in the group. The basics are the Jafar and Bahbi meditations, they are used to simply relax and help retain knowledge and focus for the day, the Jafar is performed in a group and the Bahbi is solo." She gently rubbed one of her horns and smiled as she thought about the rest of the meditations. "Ruh meditation is less formal, but it is to concentrate your mind on what you hear, and take in that knowledge. The last meditation is Abu'Nal, it is by far the most difficult. Hunters use it to shed unnecessary thought and become more primal in order to do well in combat. However if done wrong, you might do something you regret, or you might not come back."
Kyope Tower

Huey nodded. "Understood. We won't forget this." He added softly, as everyone rode the elevator up.

Alistair too knew what they were talking about, as he had spoken to his commanding officers back in Nepleslian space. He was told of the impending operation. They debated on pulling him back to the front, but decided against it and allowed him to stay, on Huey's recommendation. He was thankful to the diplomat, for allowing him to stay.

He was surprised by the newest development. The Commonwealth assisting the them? Even one squad of their VANDRs would help greatly. The soldier was quietly pleased, returning back to his conversation with Mahsa.

He nodded as he listened to what kinds of meditations there were. "I hope that you can teach me some more meditations later? I would appreciate it." He asked, smiling. His hand moved to her's, his fingers interwineing around her's.
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