Star Army

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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 6.2] Sword Flash in Darkness - Unsheathed


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
Aeon Bridge - Veronica Star System
0630 hrs

Katae sat at her station enjoying a cup of Sachi's elixir of life, coffee. She had spent most of the night dealing with a sensitive matter. One that she was able to defer up the chain. A mysterious voice from the void. A first contact situation, due to our guest onboard the Kyoten. Who would have thought. It would have been interesting to stick around, but I am a warrior and I'm glad to leave it in the hands of the diplomats. she thought. Josea would keep her informed of the events as he requested to remain as he had established a rapport with their guest.

One the main screen she watched as the ships from the 2XF began maneuvering to the rendezvous point. She mentally monitored the update from SAINT on their objective.

"Eternity, wake everyone up. Our time table just got moved up. It is time for us to get ready to go." she said to the ships MEGAMI, and took a sip of the coffee.

Instead of the normal chimes that would signal the start of the duty day at 0700 the ship's klaxons sounded throughout the Gunship. "Action Stations, Action Stations, this is not a Drill."
Freyja's eyes snapped open at the first klaxon. 'Was this a scramble?' She was out of her bunk and half way into her flight-suit before she remembered she was on the Aeon. She continued putting on her flight suit and placed her glasses on her nose. She smiled "I get to fly today" she whispered to herself as she walked out of her cabin. Her helmet under her left arm, she rushed into the wardroom to grab some food, coffee and a few pastries. With the food stacked on her coffee she raced down to the shuttle bay. The Tenba sat there beckoning to her.

Once she boarded she went straight to the flight deck and started up the preflight checks and power up sequences. She ate as she brought the shuttle up and alive.
"OHGODWHERE'STHEFIRE?!" Kyoka yelped, falling out of bed at the sound of the sirens. Covering her ears, she tried to ignore the minor aching pain in her body from falling so hard while protecting herself from the noise.

"Aaaahn, so annoying!" She grumbled, tugging at Saki to make sure she was awake. She tugged on a fresh pair of underwear, then projected her uniform over that after she made sure her bunkmate was fully awake and ready to go, giving the other neko a kiss on the cheek before dashing off to the control room.

"I'm ready and awaiting orders, Taisa!" She barked, tying long, messy, and pink hair into a ponytail with a band she must have picked up before she left the her room.
The sound of war.

Misaki closed her eyes to enjoy the klaxon wailing. The XO had woken up early, eaten quietly by herself, and prepared herself for combat including a stop to get a new ST scan taken before moving to the hanger to adjust the calibrations on her Mindy-1H, and ensure her requested ordinance had arrived and functioned properly.

Satisfied with her checks, the officer snapped out of her reverie, and connected with her suit's on-board AI again.

Turning herself towards the wall, the Chusa stripped quickly, and pressed her uniform into a locker before she hopped up and into the waiting suit, letting out a pursed sound of pleasure as the Mindy closed up around her.

As the systems came alive, she flexed her hand and reached to where her bladed submachine gun waited, performing one final check, she moved towards the shuttle, turning to face the door of the hanger, waiting for the rest of the team to arrive, she send a second message just to be sure.

Kurusu-chusa said:
Assault team, get to the hanger and prepare for combat.
Yoshiro woke up with a start and realized that the mission was going to start. He was a bit confused at first and a bit dazed but when he heard "Action Stations, Action Stations, this is not a Drill.", he realized that the s**t was about to get real. He put on his duty uniform, pulling on his shirt as he ran down to Power Armor bay. When he arrived he got to work on his Daisy. He started to sing the anthem of Yamatai as he stripped down and placed his armor on.

"Let the moments of our future,
Be greater than those passed;
And the reign of our great empire,
Stand strong and always last."

He checked the joints and made sure that they were all working. He then checked the weapon targetting to make sure that they needed no adjustment. He made minute adjustments to the targeting system so that they were accurate enough to use in combat.

"Our hearts and minds will long prevail,
And keep its spirit true;
A million stars forever ours,
And we’ll do it all for you."

He was checking his weapons systems to make sure that they were working smoothly. He wanted to be able to aim quickly and fire quicker. He was alone in his thoughts and he thought about the vastness of the empire that he and his friends served.

"Our strength and wisdom put to use,
Like nothing ever seen,
The power we will not abuse,
Defending peace serene."

He knew why he did this. He knew that his friends would die for the Empire and so would he. That was why he had joined in the first. He finished his checks and was raring to go. He grabbed a bladed submachine gun and then walked to where the Chusa was as he placed his helmet on and accessed his suits computer systems. "Miyaki-chusa, how are you?" Yoshiro asked.
"Whuzza- what?" Saki woke up to the alarm and the feeling of Kyoka shaking her. Her sleepy eyes looked around and she yawned, watching Kyoka getting her uniform on. Saki rubbed her eyes and slipped down from her bunk. She stretched and looked for her things. Kyoka was dressed already and Saki blushed a little when she received a kiss on her cheek.

The young neko shook her head and started dressing herself. She put on a working uniform and belt with her sidearm and basic equipment. She did not forget to take her Katana as well. With that she rushed off to Power Armour bay to equip herself.
Once the shuttle was up and live, she started downloading sensor data from the Aeon directly. Weather and location data was the most important, followed by ship copies of the music she heard at the club the other night. Other pilots swear that they keep a clear mind in combat when they have music playing, and the comms layered over it. She then thought to ask the infantry team lead a plan on how she wanted the insertion.

Tsubei-sama, Ma'am I was wondering how you would like to work the insertion, landed with the rear hatch opened, or would you like a air drop. With an airdrop I can give you an low or high drop, at any speed you would like.

She relaxed into her seat while she waited for a reply from the Santô Juni.
Surprisingly, Trowa was already up and was sitting down in the mess hall with a cup of coffee. He was leaning back in his chair taking it easy when the alarms went off, making him spill some of his hot coffee. He put all four chair legs back on the ground and sighed. “Duty calls.” The eye-patched man said out loud and took quick swallow. “Eternity.” Called Trowa as he stood up slowly and stretched. “Keep the coffee hot ok. I’ll be back for it later.”

Trowa headed down to the armory and began to suit up his Daisy. “Going to ground again.” He said to himself. “I hope I don’t forget how to fly.”

The Aeon slid into the lead position of the formation and her Urufu-Class escorts moved into their position. After checking the squadron's positions, Katae turned to Gi.

"Keiko-Juni, send our fold coordinates to the group, and engage hyperdrive." she called out.

Gi's fingers ran over the console as she entered the coordinates. A second later the calculations for fold were complete. She transmitted the coordinates to the other ships in the group adjusting for their place in formation.

"Coordinates transmitted to the attack group Taisa. Hyperspace Fold is charged. Engaging in three... two... one..."

Around the sixteen vessels that were part of the attack group, teal spheres of light formed and grew brighter until the ships withing could no longer be seen. Then with a flash the spheres vanished taking the ships with them.

Katae looked at the status all ships had entered fold, she picked up the handset and dialed the ship's shipwide communications as well as the group.

"Attention all hands, Attention all hands. We are at Condition Two, Repeat we are at Condition Two. We will be at Condition One when we emerge from fold.

We have initiated fold and are enroute to our target. We have departed earlier because we received some new data. Long range sensors have detected an NMX supply convoy heading to Higflan. With our new departure time we should arrive approximately 30 minutes before they do. I want to take out that supply convoy when it comes out of fold. This does not affect the time table on the planet."
"It is Kurusu-chusa, soldier." Misaki replied without even a hint of annoyance. Pre-combat jitters were never a reason to come down on someone, though it was mostly alien to her at that point in her life, she thought about her teams, then pressed the rear hatch on the shuttle, standing out of the way until it was clear, she walked up and inside, using a wireless transmission to the shuttle to add herself to the HUD for current cargo.

Squad leaders, get your troops on board transport and get ready to hit the supply convoy. I want communication centers as priority targets, then weapons, then neutralization of the targets. We're going to hit them hard, fast, and hard. A warm up for hitting the ground. Misaki sent them, then moved to stand near the side exit to the shuttle, already wishing she were in the thick of battle.

All of the final quadruple checks per second finished giving her the green on her armor, and she waited for the signal, ushering the other soldiers on board as they rushed to the hanger, subtly timing them to see whom would be last on board for the scramble order, and of course, to see how long it would take a strike team from the Aeon to be ready to deploy from nothing.
Emiko woke to a start when the ships alarms began to sound. Rubbing the sleep from her emerald-green eyes, the neko glanced about for a few moments before pausing to listen to the repeating message. Climbing out of bed, Emiko slipped into a clean uniform and donned her belt and sidearm. It was then she received the second message sent out by Kurusu, instructing the members of the assault team to report to the armory for preparations.

With a sigh, Emiko left her cabin and navigated her way through the ship to the Aeon's armor bay. After quickly running through the checklist and making sure the Daisy was properly fitted for battle, the neko headed briskly after the first officer and joined her aboard the waiting shuttlecraft.

"Kurusu-chusa." Emiko said simply in greeting, inclining her head towards the officer respectfully, then took a seat.

At that point in time, nine Daisy clad infantry came into the Transporter. They moved smartly and with a synchronicity that came from training. The lead member had his helmet open. He spotted Misaki's armor. "Squad Ten Hut." he yelled out and his soldiers snapped to attention, their armors clanging in unison.

He moved towards Misaki, came to attention and bowed. "Kurusu-Chusa, Gambit Squad, First Legion reporting for duty ma'am'."
A fully suited Kyoka suddenly appeared in the the bay, having selected one of the plasma rifles for herself, as well as shoulder capacitors, barrier shield modules, and leg NSB Launchers. She had a pouch of ammo containing 5 Incindiary, 5 SLEX, 5 Airburst, and 1 flare round for her grenade launcher.

"Alright folks, this is how we are running things!" She barked, her tone not vicious but more motherly in address.

Primary weapon:
(2 in stock) Flamethrowers (Select this and an aether SMG)
(3 in stock) Accelerated Plasma Rifles, with a grenade launcher, with incindiary, airburst, flare rounds, and/or SLEX rounds.
Aether submachineguns

Barrier Shield Module

Shoulder: If you want weapons here, select capacitors for your leg hardpoints.
Shoulder Gauss Cannons
Shoulder Missile Pods
Shoulder Capacitors

Leg: If you want weapons here, select capacitors for your shoulder hardpoints.
Countermeasure Augmentation Pods with anti-missile warheads, only.
NSB Launchers
Offensive Augmentation pods
Leg capacitors

"Those that pick the Tasha will be our heavy weapons on the ground, with the group using them either as artillery or a spearhead. We are rescuing prisoners first, that is our priority! Your barrier is your best bet for the survival of these POWs. Don't neglect the capacitor, either. I want to see everybody coming back from this in one piece!"

To Freyja, she responded,
Land and let us out, unless we're dropping in hot. I'll judge how dire the situation is once we identify how clean the landing area is.
"I apologize Kurusu-chusa. "Yoshiro said and bowed. He headed over to the weapons and looked at them. Yoshiro decided that he wanted to some damage. He placed the leg capacitors on and placed a gauss cannon and a missile pod on the shoulder mounts. He grabbed a plasma rifle and and 10 explosive rounds for the launcher that was mounted on the gun. He slung the rifle over his shoulder. He placed the grenades in a pouch and made sure that he was all ready to go. "Heavy ready to get some! Lean, mean fightin' machine raring to kill the enemies of Yamatai!" He said in a mock action hero voice, trying to make some of the others smile.
It just keeps getting better. Misaki thought with a keened excitement as the infantry squad arrived. "Good morning, Gambit." The XO nodded in her suit, and bowed slightly in return, "We're going to go in hot, and fast. Just like the briefing. Right now we've received intel about a convoy, it's become our first target on the blazing path of justice to our target. I want any small craft, pods, anything they throw at the assault squad as your first priority. We will not want to be in the way of the main guns when the group opens up on the convoy anyway." Finally the chusa finished, and looked over to the other squad.

Miss Kyoka, status report. She sent the other Neko with her mind, already reviewing her squad loadout, the officer nodded, and performed one last check on her leadership support payload. When it was completed, she stood even on the deck of the shuttle, her mind already drifting to the beautiful chaos of the impending battle drenched in the pitch, beautiful expanse of space, much less what they'd be mucking through after.
The Strike Force continued on their way towards the star system. In front of the Tenba a pair of TASHAS were seated. Hisa the Aeon's Engineer was giving them a final go over.

The brown haired Neko in her Engineering Protective Jumpsuit gave Freya a thumbs up and then keyed her communicator. "Kurusu-Chusa, Away team. The TASHA are ready for deployment. When the Transporter moves out. They will proceed to the edge of the cargo hold. Then Oinari-Hei can snag them with the Graviton Beam and bring them to the LZ. Good Luck."

After that Hisa made a quick sweep of the cargo hold to ensure that nothing loose was lying about. She then left the hold to return to Engineering.
Freyja returned the thumbs up and smiled as a tingle excitement raced down her spine. She sent the Santô Juni a reply.

Yes Ma'am, I will do a high speed flyover then roll back on a landing approach, At that time I can ether pull for the heavens for a combat drop or land and let you guys walk out. I will keep you updated on scans of the LZ .

She sat back in the pilot's seat at waited, 'this is what I know' she thought smiling.
"Should we wait until we are on the ground or join up with the TASHA now?" Yoshiro asked. He wanted to do some heavy fighting but he wasn't sure where to go and he sure as hell did not want to make a mistake at any point.
Saki was already in the basic Daisy with no load-out, whey Kyoka came in and gave them more information. It seemed that several things were up for grabs so Saki just went and took one of the plasma-rifles. She then let the machinery attach missile pod on her shoulder. It was too bad this launcher could not be reloaded on the ground, since it was fairly powerful. On her other shoulder she slapped a capacitor. As far as her legs were concerned she put another capacitor there and NSB launcher. NSB's were awesome, since they will give her so much extra targeting data. And shoot down incoming projectiles.

"I'll take one Tasha Kyoka!" Saki said happily as she moved to one of the ammo-boxes to stock up on grenade launches ammo. She took 5 SLEX rounds, 5 Airbursts, 10 HE rounds and 5 flares just to be sure. She put that in bags on her belt and finally put her Katana to her side. She did get to train with Kurusu-chusa after all. Saki made sure shield on her forearms sits well and moved in with the rest of the team.

"Oh someone should take at least one flamer. There might be parasites in the prison as enemy counter-measures!" Saki said. She would take own flamer, but they were to be used with SMGs and she will be handling Tasha so she won't be able to get too much up close and personal most likely.

Katae sat at her station on the bridge, watching their flight path as it was plotted on the main screen. They were about to enter the Higflan system. It would be a matter of minutes and then they would hit the Hills Sphere for the planet. Katae reached down and picked up the intercom handset and selected ship wide, and squadron channel.

"Attention all personnel. We have just entered the Higflan system. All ships go to Condition 1. Repeat was now at Condition 1. Four minutes to STL transition."

With saying anything to Gi at the Helm, the purple haired Neko hit the status code into her console. She then picked up her helmet and put it on, then strapped herself back into her seat.

Katae watched the status display on her volumetric, as the Aeon made the final preparation for combat. The CFS was shifting to combat configuration and through out the Gunship the Blast Shutters were deploying.

"Time to kick the Mishhu in the teeth." she said picking up her helmet and putting it on.