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Trade Regulations

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Inactive Member
What are the trade regulations between empires? Can Nepleslia have open trade with minor races? Can Yamatai do the same? Or are there certain rules and regulations behind it?
I don't think trade is very regulated at all at this point, aside from some restrictions on certain dangerous technologies factions don't care to share. Lack of trade laws means it's pretty much wide-open.
Its trade, not expansion. Additionaly it is private trade... nothing of such is mentioned in the treaty. Also... its a Yamatai citizen requesting the goods, not the Lorath.
Right, you're trying to mince words while not thinking of political ramifications of an AWOL YSE soldier trying to supply a currently being expanded upon planet friendly/neutral trading relations via covert methods. This could constitute an infringment on the accord, as it has the potential (weither you agree or not) to influence said territories. Governmental control takes precedent over the private trader, in case one has to be reminded.

It doesn't take a stretch of the imagination to see this, but try to examine critically how troublesome such actions could get for parties invovled in the galactical political sphere. I highly doubt the Nepleslian goverment would back private actions (to the point of interdiction) on this scale into Yamatai territories.

Good try, though. :3 <3
The point of the matter is, the Nepleslia goverment is UNABLE to intervene with the private sector. the goverment lacks the power to contend with the larger gangs, and large corperations. Additionaly, no weapons, or troops are being requested, thus there is no possibility of Lor being aquired by Nepleslia.

Additionaly, Yosef is not AWOL, AWOL means absent WITHOUT leave. Yosef was given orders to leave the ship and remain on Lor.

<3 Good try luv. ^_____^ KEKEKEKEKKE
Remind me when he was, then ordered to provide them with the technologies from incorperated and recognized governments? Ones that, according to their 'Yamatai like tech level' they should logically have developed before his arrival? ;) When he was ordered to play research consultant for them? Also, you cheapen yourself by adapting my mannerisms in poorly veiled sarcastic jab. Just thought you should know~<3
Yosef was never ordered NOT to function as a technological consultant. Yosef is a free citizen and should be perfectly able to make his own choices in matters of education and trade. Additionaly, an imitation can never be as cheap as the original. =^_^=
Governments, even cyberpunk governments like Nepleslia's, like to keep a firm hand on what corporations and traders try to pull, especially when the things being pulled may interfere with diplomatically shaky neighbours. Yamatai is in negotiations with a culture whose ethics make SAINT look saintly, and things probably wouldn't be helped along by some bloke trying to order technological secrets from criminal organisations.
There are no "Technological secrets" being ordered. the vessels and equipment ordered are outdated and common place in the YSE or NSE. It would be along the same lines as a south american naitive tribe asking for a Ford Truck. :)

Additionaly, the Lorath ethical system is much more complex than what has been seen within the short time the Lorath have been played. Additionaly, Yamatai has no problem with owning and using slaves. The main regulation behind slave ownership in Yamatai is that the slave can not be murdered or kept for longer than eight years. SAINT is the devil encarnate compared to the Lorath.
Only the South American natives have a machine shop and are ready to reverse-engineer the Hell out of the engines. Technology is one of Yamatai's big carrots to lure the Lorath in peacefully, and the Empire wouldn't be pleased with anyone throwing bargaining chips around.
Technology is not the key to the Lorath, the key to the Lorath is their ability to remain in control of much of their own affairs. Also their ability to maintain the current operations involving their slave race. Tech is just sprinkles on the icecream.
Technology is, however, key to Yamatai. When you're in negotiations with somebody who makes your totalitarianism look pleasant, you don't want random people handing over, say, faster-than-light travel or powered armour.
Then that only proves that Yamatai's hand is weak, thus they have just advertised that they are hiding a weakness that they just gave a hint exists... But to the previous point, What right does Yamatai have to interfere with private trade to a neutral goverment?
Yamatai isn't weak, they just want to bring the Lorath into the Empire at a very basic level of civility and with a minimum of bloodshed. Bribing them with nifty technology is just one way to go about this.

And what right does Yamatai have to interfere with private trade? Transpositional cannons!

EDIT: Fixed spelling.
Yui seems to fancy it well enough. And while I think Yamatai would prefer to keep the matter as friendly as possible, negotiations do need to be made when a given culture exhibits similar traits to, say, a certain pack of floating takoyaki.
The Lorath don't need to be impressed by it. What they need to realize is that if they don't swallow their pride, and stop trying to get their race destroyed as a potential threat by conspiring against what was a friendly annexation offer by a far superior society, they will end up with the dire consequences no small amount of dubious roleplaying landed them out of in the previous encounter. ^_^;

Using the buzzword 'gunboat diplomacy' just as I saw it about 20 times in the actual plot, is almost akin to "Where are the WMD's?!" in an effort to deminish the validity of what is a two sided street. That the race itself is not free of blame in the matter. Also, they are a speck of a system in the big pictures, but a political victory means more than numbers sometimes, or what can be a serious risk to the integrity of relations between two much more expansive governments in said society (this is from either Neplelsian or Yamatai viewpoint).
Relations would go much more smoothly if the Lorath were not being bullied. Forcing a race into submission is most often met with counter-force. If the representative of Yamatai (Rufus) acted in a civil manner, the Lorath most likely would have already signed into the Empire.

The key is being polite, not kissing ass, but being polite.

PS: I said "Cowboy" not "Gunboat". B) Be sure to clean your glasses with anti-streak cleaner.
I don't recall how one can relay intergalactic poltics to meer 'bullying' but you must be watching a different situation than the rest of us. The YSE is well within their rights to enforce a blockade to keep the technology out, as per their territorial provisions with the only other friendly government with real power in the area. Having said that, neither side in the problem is free of their respective blame.

Also, I don't need glasses, but it's obvious to anyone following the Sakura that 'cowboy' and 'gunboat' are interchangable terms (one more IC acceptable than the other) that have been in use for one of the stated purposes. It's ahhh..a hard pill to swallow if you actually try to assert otherwise :oops:
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