Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Approved Character [YSS Junpū] Hayashi Akiko

Very extensive, dude. Nice work! I can tell you put a lot of effort and thought into her.

@Wes will make the final call, as always, but here are some thoughts and information from the SAINT perspective so that you can head off issues before he gets here. Probably won't comment again unless there are changes that need to be addressed.
Species: NH-33 (Eihei) Nekovalkyrja
SAINT operatives don't just get to be Eihei. Most, even super deep cover operatives, are just NH-33 or NH-33S. There should be a reason she was ordered to upgrade. Tachihara Reika stands in for a princess' samurai yojimbo, for example, while her far-more-experienced counterpart Suzuka Yukari is still an NH-29. If your GM asked you to play an Eihei, no worries. Maybe she was upgraded to Eihei for her assignment to the Junpu?
Personality said:
emotional perfectionist... She'll also panic - oh, how she will panic - if she's unable to think and plan her actions out... She's also argumentative... Akiko is extremely emotional... Akiko responds with tears and misery, instead of rage when pushed past her limits...
All of these personality quirks, particularly the bold ones, make it almost impossible for her to be an operative who can maintain a security clearance. To inaccurately quote Wes, "the Star Army doesn't hire unstable people," and especially not SAINT. Operatives are expected to confront high-stress situations constantly and the way you've written her makes it seem like she'd fall apart in the middle of a mission behind Mishhu lines.

You're allowed to play characters with emotions and who are connected with their emotions, but should probably stray from having a secret agent who is dominated—or "will panic"—by whatever thought runs through her head. It seems like a minor fix, tbh.

Just put her in control of herself. She might already be totally cool and steady from your perspective and all of the conflict is Inner Sakura-tier stuff, but it doesn't read like that. Make it read like that!
Personality said:
she's very possessive of the equipment issued to her
This is amusing, given that she has been issued an Eihei body, the only NH-33 model still considered to be Star Army equipment. Doesn't really need a change unless you foresee it being a problem someday; being possessive of her equipment-body fits in with being a Neko racist, anyway.
History said:
Akiko's performance - in every aspect of Basic with the notable exception of Socialization... was phenomenally high due to the sheer amount of zeal she poured into her studies. Her natural stubbornness, tenacity, and love for (intellectual, thankfully) arguments didn't exactly improve her relationship with the other trainees, either; fortunately, however, it did improve her chances of being selected by Star Army Intelligence
For the reasons outlined above, I'm not sure this statement is entirely true. Maybe if she'd been selected to be an intel officer/analyist. But operatives need to be able to talk to people and be able to work in a vast variety of environments, which includes social settings. Not every operative will see missions that make them act like a suave James Bond at a casino, but they should have no holdups with confidently attempting such if it's requested of them.
History said:
the ordeal left the young Neko with vicious nightmares for several weeks
SAINT would have noticed this during monitoring and washed her out of the program. In real life, soldiers without sensitive occupations like Akiko can get discharged for stuff like this. In the Star Army, the shrinks can literally access your brain and know it's going on without you having to tell them.
History said:
reassigned her to Operation Military Intelligence
Should be Yamataian Operational Military Intelligence.
History said:
by YE 39 even Akiko was beginning to wonder if she'd simply been “forgotten” or if her superiors had actually managed to figure out where her loyalties actually lay
If her loyalties are anywhere but with the Star Army, then SAINT would know and she'd have been discharged. I assume the Nagase angle has been worked out with @Doshii Jun. But if Akiko is a Black Spiral initiate who still maintains loyalty to that organization, she would have been weeded out long ago.
History/Service Record said:
Character sheets are from an OOC perspective. Any FM should be able to look at it and go "okay, I know what this character is about." There aren't any secrets on a character sheet. Names and locations are fine, I suppose, but there's a big chunk of actual character-building-history that was simply omitted. So given her blanked out service record and the "redactions," this character is technically incomplete.
Nagase was my assist, yes.

When it comes to the Eihei body, I figured that could be to give her an edge coming into the group. My bad on that one.
The body is going to be necessary, and I don't see a problem, considering what it's meant to counter.

Fortunately, character applications are GM discretion. Raz has good points. I'm not going to argue with them. And I don't have to.

I would recommend listening to him and taking his opinion into consideration on most of those points, but as I said earlier, punitively this character works for the plot, as both Doshii and I have helped you create it. Refine a bit based on his suggestions (he makes a good point about emotional instability), and you're good to go for the plot.
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It's actually @Wes's discretion, since he has to approve such an extensive history for his faction.

Frost has already asked me some questions and fixed some things. I am confident, from my discussions with him, that he'll make the appropriate changes so that she's a canonical SAINT operative.

Also, before you come up in here being rude for no reason, Cadet, please note that I was tagged twice in the OP post so I would look at this.
Gallant's approval is literally the first reply in the thread.
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Not sure what that's supposed to suggest or why it's relevant. You're too busy to take a quick glance at the thread you're replying to?

The first reply to this thread is Gallant's approval of the character and the fourth reply reiterates the approval whether further changes are made or not. There's no need to wait for a third time.