Star Army

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Fallfest Convention

Hosted by Star Army
Hosted by Star Army

[Open RP] Welcome to The Kikyo Sector (YE 45)

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RP Date
YE 45.8
RP Location
Ternifac, Planet Yamatai
YE 45.8

The air vibrated with a piercing wail, a symphony of dissonance, just outside the bustling rail station that lay like the heart of planet Yamatai, pulsating along the main East-West artery. Directly opposite this hub of transit, neon lights danced with volumetric logos, painting the façade of a bar, a ramen shop, and a tunnel, the gateway to the labyrinth of pleasure and vice, in hues of otherworldly light. Above, the concrete sentinels of micro-apartment buildings stood watch, their surfaces kissed by the sands of the Jhuniata desert, the grains whispering secrets to the litter-strewn streets below. Welcome to Ternifac, a city that wore its Nepleslian heritage like a badge of honor, a melting pot of cultures and species. Not clean like the carefully-manicured megacity of Kyoto, but not without its own charm...

The rail cars exhaled, releasing a torrent of beings into the city’s embrace—humans with their myriad faces, androids with their cold precision, anthros with their feral grace, and aliens, the enigma of the cosmos, all merging into the streets of Ternifac. Many of them were wearing the distinctive regal blue uniforms of the STAR ARMY, with colorful panels denoting their area of expertise.

Within the bar, a cauldron of travelers from the far reaches of the sector mingled, their destinies intertwined for a fleeting moment in time, transient shadows in a city some would never grace again. Behind the counter, a woman of emerald skin and ruby eyes, voluptuous in form, played the dual dance of pouring libations and polishing glasses, her every move a symphony in this cosmic dance.

The slight creak of a door alongside the cacophony of the city increasing in volume for a few moments announces the arrival of another patron, although this one is far from being one of those travellers only in the city for a fleeting moment. Indeed, Alice is a native of the city, having grown up in Ternifac and apart from a few short stints aboard space vessels in recent years, she's been here all her life. Not that she's a regular to the bar though, the young freelance mechanic would sooner be drinking at one of the more out of the way bars for "locals", but it's a long journey back to her apartment and after the job she just finished, the orange haired girl needs a drink right now.

"Hey." Alice gives a quick nod to the bartender as she sits down on one of the stools, unzipping her grimy coat and letting out a sigh as she looks down to see she'd forgotten to hand in the brightly coloured contractor badge after leaving the spaceport. She stuffs it into one of her pockets and decides to just forget about it for now, hoping against all hope the port authorities will do the same. "Need a stiff drink, got anything that fits the bill?" Her speech is quite short, not that she's trying to be rude; just tiredness catching up with her after working all night on the hydraulics for that practically ancient cargo hauler.

One of the large cybernetic lenses atop her head twitches involuntarily as the mechanic goes to move a stray strand of hair from her face, the bundle of scanning and optical equipment on a short arm that allows her to move it down to her eyes or leave them resting in their current position with a thought. She'd normally not go drinking wearing the expensive equipment, but much like the reason she's gone to a nice bar in her grubby work coat... She just really, really needs a drink after that job and the bags under her eyes only further prove it.

Her eyes glow a dim green as she starts looking through missed messages and calls, having also replaced her original ones with cybernetics that remove the need for anything physical like a phone. More messages from mum about looking into a permanent contract with some organisation like the STAR ARMY.... Yeah it'd be more consistent and probably better work than her current freelancing gig but, well, it's difficult to commit to going off world for so long like working for a military or transport company would require. There is something scary about leaving home permanently after all and this grungy city is all she's ever known.


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The bar, a cauldron of transient souls, hummed with the whispers of the cosmos, each being a note in the grand composition of the universe. The air was a dance of aromas, the whispers of distant worlds mingling with the essence of Ternifac.

The bartender, Irchaet, returned Alice's nod with a warm smile as she wiped down a glass with a clean cloth. Her ruby eyes sparkled with curiosity as Alice took a seat at the bar.

"Hey there," Irchaet replied, her voice melodious and filled with a hint of playful charm. "I'm Ircheat. Welcome to my realm, the Thirst Trap. I think I've got just the thing for someone in need of a stiff drink." She reached under the counter, retrieving a bottle of amber liquid with a worn label that hinted at its age. She poured a generous amount into a glass, the aroma of aged whiskey wafting through the air.

Sliding the glass across the counter towards Alice, Irchaet leaned in slightly, her emerald skin glowing softly under the bar's warm lights. "On the house," she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Consider it a gift from one tired soul to another."

As Alice checked her messages and contemplated her options, Irchaet's attention remained on her, though she respected her privacy. The bartender had seen plenty of people come and go, each with their own dreams, fears, and burdens. Ternifac was a city of opportunities, but also a place where pasts were often intertwined with one's present.

"If you don't mind me asking," Irchaet began, her voice gentle, "what brings you here tonight? It seems like there's a lot weighing on your mind." Her tone was genuine, offering an ear for Alice if she wanted to share or simply vent.

As the bar bustled with patrons, Irchaet continued her duties, all the while keeping an eye on the orange-haired mechanic, ready to listen or serve another round, whichever Alice needed most.
Taharial was happy to be back in Yamataian space and it showed, her uniform was clean, denoting her medical training with the light blue panel as she stretched, her wings still folded in, the last thing she wanted to do was annoy a drunkard. She came back to relax and maybe find a nice ship to settle down on for a long time, the travels that she has been on more recently have really taken it out of her. She made her way to the bar and sat on a stall, as she looked over and saw the bartender talking to a girl, seeing the look on their face, she paused before speaking "I'll pay for their drinks ma'am and take whatever she is having as well." She had some pay and she had planned to use it all on her house, but helping some others also works well, she waited for her drinks as she hummed a small song to herself.

As this was going on, another woman walked in, but instead of any military uniform, they wore, a blouse, jeans and a leather jacket. At first glace it was easy to mistake them as a Neko, but the added ears and fur made it a bit clearer their was something more going on. She looked over the patrons, she was in a new place with new smells, she didn't really like it that much, but her time as a merc would probably count as something to these people. She remembered her Mother's advice about the Yamataians but shook it out of her head, she was at least going to try to get in somehow.
Irchaet's emerald eyes widened with pleasant surprise as Taharial offered to pay for Alice's drink and extend the gesture to herself as well. The bartender gave a nod of appreciation and a warm smile as she poured another glass of whiskey for Taharial, sliding it across the counter towards her.

"I appreciate your generosity," Irchaet said, her voice filled with genuine gratitude. "You're too kind." She noted the teal panel on Taharial's uniform and couldn't help but be intrigued by the medical profession. "So you're a medic? Always good to have someone with your skills around," she commented, a spark of curiosity in her eyes.

Just then, the door swung open, and the woman in the blouse, jeans, and leather jacket entered the bar. Irchaet's gaze shifted to her, taking in her unique appearance. She had the features of a Neko, but something about her seemed different. The bartender's curiosity only deepened as she observed the new arrival sizing up the crowd.

"Welcome to the Thirst Trap," Irchaet greeted the woman with a warm smile, motioning towards an empty stool at the bar. "Take a seat, relax, and let me know what I can get you." She glanced at the woman's attire and added, "And if you have any questions or need any information about the city, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to make your time in Ternifac as pleasant as possible."

With the bar bustling with activity and an eclectic mix of characters, Irchaet moved effortlessly between serving drinks and engaging in conversations, making sure every patron felt seen and welcomed in this cosmic oasis of Ternifac.
Alice lets out a low whistle when Irchaet breaks out the aged bottle, although she quickly realises Irchaet might be writing checks the mechanic’s thin bank account can’t cash with how old the bottle looks. She’s about to turn it down and ask for a shot of the cheapest vodka the pretty bartender has, when she mentions it’s on the house. “Ahh, guess I really must look that miserable, to be getting a freebie of some of the real good stuff.” She lets out a short chuckle under her breath and flashes the bartender a slight smile before reaching for the glass. “Thanks, just what I needed.” She takes a sip, letting the slight burn run down her throat and a satisfied sigh escapes her lips before putting the glass back down. “Oh and I’m Alice, a pleasure to meet you Irchaet. You’re a lifesaver.” Wouldn't want to be rude to someone kind enough to give her a glass of such expensive whiskey for free after all.

It’s then that the mechanic realises her jacket has left a nice greasy smear of oil and lubricant across the lovely clean bar top, when she reached for the glass a few moments before. “Ahh erm… Sorry about that.” She says sheepishly, before grabbing a clean rag from one of her multitude of pockets and wiping it up as best she can. Following on, she takes the mucky garment off and bundles it up to the best of her ability, so she can leave it on the floor and the dirt coated outside won’t touch too much. Irchaet’s question piques Alice’s attention, after all complaining about work is a long honoured tradition in bars across the known universe and who knows, probably beyond it too. “Ahh you know… Work, same old same old. Some independent merchant captain flying around a barely flying rustbucket because he refuses to upgrade or even get it refurbed properly.” Alice takes a significantly larger swig of the whiskey than her first one, getting into her ranting a bit more now the alcohol is loosening her lips. “Of course none of the corpo mechanics will look at it, thing’s a death trap to work on and they can’t take the risk. Hell, wish I didn’t take the risk now.” Alice thinks back to the several times the landing gear tried to collapse on her while she worked on the several miles of hydraulic lines through the aging vessel, despite supposedly being locked in place. Then, she takes another swig.

“Anyway, long story short. Damn thing tried to kill me a few times. If I hadn’t rigged up the crane it might have. Was barely worth the pay.” She stops just short of complaining about her mother’s constant bothering about getting a more stable job. Alice might be on the way to getting a little tipsy off the strong whiskey, but her lips aren’t that loose just yet. “Ahh, but you don’t wanna hear me moan all night… Anyway, to better times!” Alice lifts the glass slightly to toast, before taking another big swig and setting the now almost empty glass down. “Nice place you got here though, a lot…. Cleaner than my usual bar.”

After quietly enjoying the last of her drink, Alice looks to the new arrival at the bar. She shuffles over slightly as she notices Taharial’s impeccably cleaned clothes, not wanting to get any of her grime on them. “Should come here more often if I’ll get all my drinks paid for.” Alice replies in a joking tone before turning to Taharial. “And who do I owe my thanks to, if you don’t mind me asking? I’m Alice, by the way.” The orange haired girl flashes Taharial a quick smile, the mechanic already feeling a lot more cheerful after getting her drinks paid for. “Oh but I'm buying the next round though! I’d start to feel real guilty otherwise.”
Irchaet listened attentively as Alice vented about her work woes, her eyes filled with empathy for the mechanic. She could understand how frustrating it could be to deal with old, poorly maintained vessels. When Alice finished her rant and raised her glass for a toast, Irchaet smiled and lifted her own shot glass, clinking it gently against Alice's.

"Here's to better times indeed," Irchaet replied, savoring the last sip of her whiskey before setting the empty glass aside. "And thank you for the kind words. I do pride myself on maintaining a clean haven for weary souls."

As Alice turned her attention to Taharial, Irchaet observed their interaction with a warm smile, appreciating the camaraderie that was forming among the patrons. She admired Alice's offer to buy the next round, a gesture that exemplified the spirit of community in Ternifac. People were tough here but generous. The bartender brought them fresh glasses for their next round. She placed the glasses before them, a glimmer of appreciation in her eyes. "On the house again," she said with a wink. "Consider it a token of gratitude for the connections forged here tonight."

With that, Irchaet returned to her duties behind the bar, attending to the other patrons and ensuring the atmosphere of the Thirst Trap remained welcoming and vibrant. As the conversations flowed and the vibrant tapestry of Ternifac enveloped them all, the bartender's eyes sparkled with a joy that came from witnessing the connections and stories that unfolded within her realm.

Not long afterward, a gorgeous woman with plentiful pink ponytail hair and intense green eyes got off one of the constantly-arriving trains, followed by a few friends. She was dressed in a sleeveless shirt and shiny leather pants that showed off her curves, and wore this huge leather belt covered in studs that, in an attached holster, head what was obviously a standard-issue Star Army energy pistol, the Ketsurui Zaibatsu Type 33 NSP. She had a tattoo of an ancient "Gibson Girl" art on one arm and carried a leather jacket under one arm that was covered in military patches including the red diamond with caduceus symbol for Star Army medical personnel. She handed her jacket to a smiling anthro woman who sat with the other friends in a booth while she took a seat at the bar. "The first time I was here, I asked for something strong and you gave me a green Elfish drink that gave me x-ray vision," Poppy told barkeeper Irchaet. "I had to be carried out by Gabriela over there. This is my last night as an enlisted woman so we decided to celebrate! I'm officially a doctor now. We chose your bar because this is where it all seemed to start for us as a crew. It was just before the battle of Glimmergold that ended the Kuvexian War, and all the soldiers were moving around by train getting to their new assignments for the battle, kind of like what is happening now for the big exploration push." Noticing Alice and Tahariel, Poppy introduced herself to each of them. "Dr. Poppy Pink, at your service."

2023 Poppy Pink in Casual Clothes by Wes.png
Squeezing herself between other patrons toward the countertop, a costumed woman in what looked like a luchador's mask eventually made it to the bar. Her outfit was various shades of purple and made out of some sort of thin, tight fitting material that hugged her body. Where her skin showed through seemed a little glossy, and it looked like some dust and grime was caked into where sweat had dried. Bright magenta eyes peered out from her mask, and her long blonde hair hung wildly except for a thick braid that ended in a foxtail near her armpit.

There'd been a wrestling match in Ternifac tonight — a few fliers were pasted up around the city's gritty pathways and alleys in the week prior — and this girl Hōjō Kagura had just finished her all of her bouts. The local Ikemen oyabun paid out just fine, but it was more about the fun and glory than making a few pennies for tangling up bodies. But it was enough pay to check out Icharet's hotspot dive and grab some refreshment.

Upon approaching the bar, Kagura slammed the bottom of her fist down twice to grab the bartender's attention. Not hard, but enough to be heard over the conversation and queue herself up for a drink. She began to speak immediately when that attention finally came, but her words were muffled by the mask's fabric. After covering her mouth with a hand though an embarrassed chuckle, Kagura removed the part that covered her mouth and (lacking pockets on her costume) stuffed it into her bosom. A single dark red triangle tattoo could now be seen pointed upward to her lower lip, and the right side of her chin was bruised from a seriously fun thwack she'd got at the beginning of her night.

"Can I get something tall and blue?" Kagura asked, excitement from her physical pastime still marking her voice. The bar was busy enough that she hadn't noticed any of her old crewmates from the Resurgence yet. "I'm really thirsty! Don't mind if it knocks me out, either!"

Irchaet's eyes danced with recognition as Poppy approached the bar, her vibrant pink hair a beacon amidst the sea of patrons. The bartender's lips curled into a knowing smile, her memories of that fateful night with the green Elfish drink still fresh in her mind. "Ah, Poppy! Congratulations on your achievement," Irchaet exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine warmth. "It's always a pleasure to see familiar faces, especially those with such memorable stories."

As Poppy recounted the tale of her last visit and the significance of the Thirst Trap in her journey, Irchaet's heart swelled with pride. Her establishment had been a backdrop for countless stories, but it was always special to hear about the profound impact it had on someone's life. "It's an honor to be a part of your journey," Irchaet replied, her eyes shimmering with emotion. "And to think, it all started with a drink that gave you x-ray vision."

The sudden thud on the countertop drew Irchaet's attention to the masked woman who had just entered the bar. Recognizing the outfit from the fliers that had been plastered around the city, Irchaet's eyes widened in surprise. "Ah, the wrestling sensation of Ternifac!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "It's an honor to have you here, Kagura."

As Kagura made her drink request, Irchaet nodded in understanding. "I've got just the thing," she said, reaching for a tall glass and filling it with a shimmering blue liquid that seemed to glow from within. "This is the Nebula Nectar. It's refreshing, with a kick that might just send you to another galaxy." She slid the drink across the counter with a wink.
"DETAIL, HALT!" The Uesureyan Chūjo's voice rang out loudly as the line of attachés and honor guards obeyed with practiced instantaneousness, the two-beat of their last steps punctuating Unipuma Annapuma's drill command. "LEFT, FACE!"

The line became a row, and the Uesureyan officers, in full dress, stood at rigid attention. Their commander, tall (for a Nekovalkyrja, at least), with a purple bun contrasting the deep brown of her skin, paced in front of them. "Now, this... frivolity in the face of a terrible foe making war upon us may seem excessive. It may seem superfluous, and it may seem irresponsible. But what it will not be, is a missed opportunity to become reacquainted with this world and its people. For, as hard as it may be to believe..."

A pair of Minkan being quite informal and relaxed while in Star Army uniform distracted Annapuma-Chūjo, while simultaneously illustrating the point she was about to make. At the sight, a sneering wrinkle rose to contort the corner of her lip. She cleared her throat and moved on, "While you are granted liberty, you will conduct yourselves as officers and Nekovalkyrja. Remain in pairs. Dismissed!"

As the group parted ways in pairs as instructed to mingle around, if somewhat condescendingly, with the locals and Star Army personnel, Unipuma turned on her heel sharply, and went into the bar. Immediately, the sheer Nepleslianess of the place struck her like only the most lascivious, and therefore punishable, rumors about His Imperial Highness's alleged man cave could. The Uesureyan admiral stuck out as much as anyone could given the teeming diversity of the thronging hoi polloi.
rin_eitan_2_andrew_midjourney2023.pngRin disembarked from the ship with a singular purpose in mind: she needed a drink. Stepping into the Thirst Trap, a place she had never ventured into before, she couldn't help but feel that it was an entirely new experience. Her striking appearance, featuring cascading dark blue curls, soft crystalline blue eyes, and an ethereal beauty, seamlessly blended elegance and technology. Dressed in a form-fitting high-tech bodysuit, adorned in black and teal-colored iridescent niranium that shimmered under the bar's lighting, it melded with a silk-like tapestry hanging gracefully over her shoulders. Complementing her unique attire were delicate silver cuffs enhancing her elfin ears and an intricate crixa pendant gracing her neck. After a quick survey of her surroundings, she confidently approached the bar.

"Good Evening," she greeted the bartender with a polite smile. "I'd like a drink, something surprising and fruity, please. I've never been here before."

As her eyes wandered around, Rin found the other patrons intriguing, particularly a wrestler who was unlike anything she'd ever seen. Curiosity piqued, she couldn't resist asking at some point. Not yet though. "I'll also pay for a drink for each of them too." she added. While Rin had visited Yamatai briefly during the Hanami Festival, she hadn't explored the city extensively. Recent news meant she wouldn't linger long either, as she was one of the few seeking something different amidst it all. Her twin brother was in some kind of important meeting commander of the Star Army. Nevertheless, the vibrant atmosphere of the bar was captivating and fresh, keeping her appreciation for the scene intact.

She observed the entry of the Uesureyans, that something different.
1696301009675.webpNara had not had a drink in some time, that was about to change tonight. After seeing that message of Alastair's creeping into an encrypted communication with her dear friend she was quite enraged. When she landed it became a priority to report it in person to the nearest responsible party. What in the world had the man been thinking? Why spend time worrying about it? Things at Gashmere had been hectic and it was about time she went out to relax. This night was about just that.

Donned in a skin tight, black body suit with matching thigh high combat boots she approached the thirst trap with her usual little decorations hidden away within the outfit. As she crossed the threshold of the Thirst Trap she took a moment to look over the joint and its current inhabitants. Spotting the source of future relaxation she slipped past those gathered and approached the bar.

Upon reaching the bar she noticed that she had ended up right next to Rin. Figuring the woman needed her time off Nara elected to let her make the first move in initiating contact, that was not about to stop her from ordering a drink though. With a sweet smile the blonde Norian greeted the bartender, "Good evening, may I have your strongest fruity drink please?" She wandered off into her thoughts for a bit pouring over all that had happened this year. Between making a dear friend, almost dying, and now all she wanted to do was relax. Though it was kind of hard to do with the Uesureyan admiral sticking out like a sore thumb.
Alice almost chokes in surprise on her new drink, as she goes to take a sip when Irchaet says this round’s on the house too. Sure, the first one could be an easy way to get a loyal customer but surely after that you get them to pay? Well, not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Alice gives the green skinned bartender a warm smile and clears her throat to try and get the feeling of whiskey going down the wrong hole out of her throat. “You sure? Awful generous of you. Yaknow, might have to try and convince my regular drinking buds to come round some time if this is a regular thing for ya.” She says with a sly smile. Then again, she had met most of them in the “broken optic” and they definitely weren’t going there for the beer; it all being watered down, or the shots, made with rubbing alcohol that’d send you blind if you weren’t careful. Nope, the rundown dive bar only has two advantages and that’s that it’s close by and cheap. Well, she could try, after all a bunch of free vintage whiskey goes a long way in earning favours in Alice’s book and she owes the generous bartender that at least.

Poppy’s arrival piques her interest, Alice listening in as she sips at her drink; people watching being a hobby of hers. It seems like the woman has had quite the illustrious career, Alice would just dismiss it offhand usually; after all she’s spoken to more than her fair share of boastful currently serving or ex military personnel, if she believed them they would have all somehow single handedly won the same war about 20 times over. Then again, she doesn’t seem to be lying. Poppy introducing herself snaps Alice out of her idle thoughts and she takes a final sip of her whiskey before replying. “Nice to meetcha Poppy, I’m Alice. A uhh, freelance mechanic.” The orange haired girl gestures to the stool next to her, to offer it for the doctor to sit at. “Wow though, to think you were involved in the battle of Glimmergold. Heard about it on the radio at the time.” She doesn’t mention that she was working on a badly damaged smuggling vessel at the time, damaged from making a run around the outskirts of the battle with some time-sensitive cargo, though. Sure the good doctor might’ve just left the military but you never can know how many connections people have to their old bosses, getting blacklisted before even deciding if she wants to apply for a posting isn’t exactly high on Alice’s wishlist. “Congrats though, miss doctor.” Alice is starting to get a bit red in the face at this point and flashes Poppy a slightly tipsy looking smile, perhaps misjudging the whiskey’s strength just a little.

The arrival of a few more patrons, and especially the stick up the ass admiral, has Alice shifting a bit uncomfortably in her seat. Yeah, there is one other thing to be said for her local dive bar… No tourists and off duty military types. No offence to Poppy of course, although is she really military now? Alice waves the bartender over before leaning over and keeping her voice low, hopefully low enough to avoid that razor sharp hearing Nekovalkyrja are supposed to have. “This uh, normal for your place?” She asks, pointing her thumb back over her shoulder at the admiral before putting her arm back down to rest by her now mostly empty glass. Then again there are rather a lot of suited up star army personnel around, more than she’d think would be hanging around the city anyway. “Lotta people in uniform around.”
"Uniforms, yes. Admirals no," Irchaet replied to Alice. I mainly serve train travelers moving around the planet, and the Star Army is the largest employer in the Empire, so there's always enlisted soldiers coming in here. But this is not the sort of place an admiral typically would show their face in.

Meanwhile Poppy took a seat on the stool by Alice, returning her smile. "Thanks!" she said, her voice filled with genuine warmth. "It's been quite the journey, but I'm glad to be where I am now. And don't sell yourself short, Alice. Freelance mechanics are the unsung heroes of the galaxy. Keeping ships running, especially the older models, is no small feat. There's a reason why the motto of Star Army Logistics is Nothing Happens Until Something Moves."

Poppy glanced around the bar, taking in the diverse crowd. The presence of the admiral was a surprise, even to her. "Seems like the Thirst Trap is the place to be tonight," she remarked with a chuckle. "But don't worry, I'm off-duty and not here to cause any trouble. Just looking to relax and enjoy some good company."

Irchaet, sensing the slight tension in the air, decided to lighten the mood. "How about a round of the house's special? A drink that's guaranteed to bring people together," she suggested with a playful wink.

Poppy raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "I'm game," she said with a grin. "What's in this special drink of yours?"

Irchaet leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "It's a secret blend of ingredients from across the galaxy. But I promise, it's a taste sensation like no other."

Poppy raised her newly filled glass in a toast. "To new friends and unforgettable nights."

Irchaet, with her practiced grace, moved seamlessly between patrons, ensuring each had their drink of choice. As she approached Rin, she noticed the woman's unique attire and the shimmering pendant around her neck. "Welcome to the Thirst Trap," she greeted with a warm smile. "Something surprising and fruity, you said?"

With a flourish, Irchaet began to mix a concoction of vibrant colors, each liquid swirling and blending into the next. The final result was a radiant, iridescent drink that seemed to shift colors as it caught the light. "This is the Cosmic Cascade," she explained, sliding the drink over to Rin. "It's a blend of exotic fruits from various planets, with a hint of stardust for that extra kick. Enjoy!"

Irchaet's attention then shifted to Nara, the blonde Norian who had just requested their strongest fruity drink. "Ah, looking for something with a bit of a punch?" Irchaet teased, her eyes twinkling. She reached for a deep blue bottle, its contents shimmering mysteriously. Pouring the liquid into a tall glass, she added a splash of a fiery red syrup, causing the drink to fizz and bubble, settling into a deep purple hue. "This is the Nebula Knockout," she said with a wink. "It's got the sweetness of a fruit cocktail but packs the wallop of a supernova. Drink with caution."
"Heroes of the galaxy huh?" Alice lets out a snort and softly giggles to herself. "Tell that to Lieutenant... Or was it Captain? Well, doesn't matter. Tell that to that stick in the mud Harris at the spaceport. It's all 'Ohhh Alice you forgot to hand in your contractor access card again, don't you know that's a security violation? Alice, why did you jack that dangerously old welder power supply directly into the power circuit for the port? It dims the lights in the staff room every time you turn it on.' Ohh but the second they get some kinda issue their techies can't fix, who does he bother about it? 'Alice I'll forget about the time you "borrowed" our heavy duty lifting equipment without asking, if you can fix the boarding ramp in bay seven for us.'" She gives the port official a whiny high pitched voice that is quite obviously not real, a time honoured tradition of people the universe over complaining about their higher ups. When she's finished she lets out a sigh of annoyance before lowering her head to rest her chin on the bar. A moment later the mechanic lifts her now empty whiskey tumbler with one hand and stares up into the bottom of it, she then swirls it around in slow repetitive motions that send the last dregs of the amber liquid swirling around the bottom in lazy circles.

"You got any stories of asshole bosses, Poppy? Ah but nothing confidential or anything, don't wanna get you in trouble or nothin'." Alice asks, looking up at the pink haired girl from her lowered vantage point before sitting back up straight.

The mechanic nods in response to Irchaet's answer, makes sense that a ton of star army lot would be passing through but, and no offence to the lovely little place Irchaet has here, it hardly seems like somewhere a posh toff admiral would want to be seen in. The proposal of a special drink does intrigue her though, the slightly tipsy girl very open to more of the green skinned girls very nice alcohol. That and who says no to free booze? "Sounds good, I'm game for whatever other fancy drinks you got back there." She flashes a quick smile at the bartender.
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Rin observed the unfolding camaraderie with a mild sense of amusement. The tales of workplace annoyances from Alice resonated to an extent, though her own experiences in the cosmos were of a different, perhaps more perilous nature. She gently swirled the Cosmic Cascade in her hand, the ever-changing colors reflecting in her eyes. She appreciated Irchaet’s craftsmanship; it was a drink that mirrored the enigmatic beauty of the cosmos. With a polite nod, she acknowledged Irchaet’s expertise, “This is a work of art. Thank you, Irchaet.”

She took a delicate sip, the exotic flavors dancing on her palate. It was like tasting the essence of various planets in a single gulp. The conversation around her drifted between casual banter and deeper discussions about their past experiences. She admired Poppy’s calm demeanor amidst the tales of military service and Alice’s amusing yet relatable grievances about her job. It was a snippet of the myriad life stories that intertwined in places like the Thirst Trap.

The presence of the stern admiral and her entourage added a contrasting, rigid note to the otherwise relaxed environment. Rin’s gaze shifted between the Admiral and the personnel that accompanied her, a subtle reminder of the varying walks of life that found their way to Yamatai. It certainly was strange to see an Admiral in that kind of place, then again a former Queen of Tsenlan and the Cae-Aester of Noria was just as unlikely.

The offer of the house's special from Irchaet, welcomed by Alice and Poppy, brought a soft smile to Rin’s face. It was a gentle reminder of the transient yet beautiful connections forged in the heart of the galaxy. She raised her glass slightly towards Irchaet, a silent toast to the ephemeral moments of camaraderie amidst the vast, unyielding cosmos.

Her mind, however, wandered briefly to her twin brother, hoping his official endeavors were going smoothly. But for now, she chose to immerse herself in the present, in the warm hues of the bar, the laughter resonating through the crowd, and the stories that flowed as freely as the drinks. She looked at Nara and said quietly to break the ice with a light laugh, "Two Norians went into a Yamataian bar, why does this seem like the start of a joke?"
Poppy brushed a hand through her cotton candy hair and wriggled her lips together and an annoyed expression flashed on her face for a moment as she recalled her answer. "I have been acting chief medical officer on my ship since the first month of YE 43, so nearly 3 years now, but at one point this guy Doctor WIlson comes in and outranks me so he runs the show briefly. But he came in judging my past work without knowing the whole story, jumps to conclusions, then pulls a gun on me and tries to arrest me because someone attempted to kill herself with my pistol, as if it was my fault. Which, by the way, I had already saved the person's life and her unborn child. Well, it all worked out in the end and I even learned to like the guy a little afterward, but 'boss holds you at gunpoint' is seems to fall into the asshole boss category. Everyone else I've had over me in the Star Army has been pretty great, especially captain Aoba."
Alice listens along to Poppy's story, looking quite attentive... Or well, as attentive as it's possible to be after downing two generous servings of strong whiskey. She lets out a surprised gasp as the doctor mentions the gun being pulled on her, muttering a quiet "Oh my god..." to herself. "Geez, I can't even imagine that! Sure me and Harris have waved a few proverbial sticks at each other, but pointing a gun at someone?" She shakes her head before wiggling her butt forward on her seat to get a bit more comfortable, the motion causes that stray bright orange hair to flutter back down in front of her face again and she unconsciously moves it back to where it was in a long practiced motion.

"Why'd you decide on the Star Army in the first place though? Figured it'd be a lot safer to just go to a regular medical school and go straight into a hospital planet side." Not that Alice is really in much of a place to question the decision, after all work at some corporate repair firm would be a lot safer than the jobs she takes on as an independent mechanic; then again there is something to be said for the freedom of choosing your own jobs and your own hours. She's also curious, of course, about reasons to join that weren't already covered by the recruiters that turned up to school every year, where better to get those reasons than from someone no longer reliant on a star army paycheck?
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Puzzled, Poppy Pink pondered the probing point of question, cataloguing and concatenating a complex cerebral cauldron of motivations and feelings. "I didn't see the point in waiting. Yamatai was already in the early parts of the Kuvexian War and I wanted to be out there where history happens, where the undiscovered is discovered, where I could learn the most, and where I could do the most good. I asked for an assignment on a starship, and after Glimmergold they told me I could have my choice of any starship I wanted in the fleet, so I chose the Resurgence where my friend Gabriela was, because she told me that was the ship that was going to be the right place for me to see the galaxy up close and personal."

The pink-haired medic continued: "People join the Star Army for a lot of reasons, some because they're running from something, or because they need a steady check more than what the LACY universal income provides. It was never about the money. I come from a family that could have given me anything I asked for. The Star Army was never 'plan B' for me. This is exactly where I want to be. I'm good at what I do and wouldn't my burden on someone else who might not be as good at it. Lastly, I really enjoy being in a combat support role. Supporting soldiers is my happy place and being able to immediately provide care when they need it the most is incredibly rewarding."
"Where you could do the most good hm?..." Alice ponders on Poppy's answer for a moment, staring down at her glass and absentmindedly running an outstretched finger around the rim a few times. The cybernetic lenses atop her head twitch slightly in response to Poppy as she mentions about how well off she is, the immediate response Alice has being internally questioning why the hell she'd go off and put herself in danger when she could just laze around all day doing nothing. Herself being the child of Nepleslian immigrants that arrived with nothing, having that much money and still choosing to work is hard to understand, then again... As much as she might bitch and moan about annoying clients or ships held together with tape and string, deep down Alice does really love her job. Getting rich wouldn't change that, she'd probably be able to be a bit pickier about her clients though....

"Sounds like you found the place you belong then." Alice eventually replies, after spending a few moments biting her bottom lip in deep thought as she tries to formulate a reply. "Why leave then? Being your big dream place to work and all that. Ah! But you don't gotta say if it's something private, don't wanna ruin your celebration." She says the last part a bit panicked, not wanting to offend the pretty doctor with a poorly worded question, a mistake Alice often makes even without 2 glasses of whiskey in her. "How was it though, leaving your home for the Army? Must've been scary, unless you grew up on ships and the like I guess. Then it'd probably be business as normal." There it is, perhaps the biggest source of the knot of anxiety that balloons up every time her mother tries talking her into getting in with the army or a corporate gig that'd pay way more than her freelance work. With the questions hanging in the air, Alice goes back to staring at the countertop below her and idly starts twiddling that stray strand of hair between her thumb and forefinger, desperately hoping she hasn't made it awkward.
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