Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

[Open RP] Welcome to The Kikyo Sector (YE 45)

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"No, no," Poppy explained, pausing to sip her drink, "I'm not leaving the Star Army, I'm only leaving being an enlisted soldier. They're making me an officer, which I would have been if I'd waited to finish medical school before joined. I've already re-enlisted once in YE 42--Star Army enlistments come in 3 year stints--and now I'm signing up again so I guess that makes me a career woman. When I left home it was a little weird being on my own until I realized you're never really on your own in the Star Army. I made some great friends, starting with Gabriela, and now I have the best roommates ever even though they're all freaks, which is saying something coming from me," she laughed, pointing at a green-haired soldier and a red-haired soldier with a giant blue beetle crawling on her head sitting in the booths. "I guess I'll be in a much quieter officers cabin soon."
Sanda Hoshi stepped through the door way into the bar and imminently stepped to the side so she wouldn't be silhouette against the outside. Some things were so ingrained into the Ranger that she couldn't turn off even if she wanted to. Though to be honest, she wouldn't have had it any other way. She was wearing a beautiful blue sleeveless dress that matched her lighting tattoos streaking down her arms. When she moved, it looked like electricity was running through her arms. Her long wavy hair was tied in a pony tail with a large blue flower headband. She had long lightning bolt earrings dangling from her ears that matched the lightning bolt tattoo over her left eye.

It had been three years since she'd been to the Thirst Trap. She had just been a young Santo Hei about to head to her first ship assignment. The tall woman could see it clearly in her minds eye. She and two others, Music bug and Super Star, sitting at that table. Talking about why they had joined the Star Army. That had been just before the Battle of Glimmergold. Sanda had wound up taring up her shoulder so badly that she had to get a cybernetic replacement. Not that she minded. Being a Nepleslian born, cybernetics replacements were the norm. And it had come in handy in her line of work. Anyway, now here she was, a decorated veteran and an NCO.

Sanda saw Poppy over at the bar and moved to join her. She was there to celebrate Poppy's graduation as well. "Hey Pops! I haven't missed the free drinks yet have I?" Sanda laughed. Turning to the bartender she said, "Your best Rum and just leave the bottle." When the bottle had been delivered and a drink poured Sanda raised her glass up and studied the light through the dark liquid. "It's a shame they're making you an officer." Sanda teased with mock sadness. "You're too smart to be an officer." She raised her glass to Poppy. "To the best medic I've every known." Sanda downed her glass, smiling as the burning sensation slid down her throat.

As she refilled her glass she glanced at the woman Poppy had been talking to. "Who's your friend?" She asked curiously.
Sanda Hoshi Fancy Dress.webp
"O....Ohhhhhh of course! Was erm, wondering why you'd leave the army when you had such a glowing review for it." Alice lets out a nervous laugh and her cheeks flush a slight red in embarrassment, of course she'd just be getting promoted or something! Well, in fairness to the mechanic it's not like anyone could expect her to know a great deal about the organisational structure of the army, but still. "Well, sounds like..." Her face relaxes after getting over her self imposed awkwardness, speaking a little bit quieter now. "Sounds like you've had a ton of fun out there. Thanks, Poppy. Given me something to think about."

The mechanic was always on the fence about joining, but Poppy's glowing advertisement might just push her over the edge... Something to sleep on for sure.

Alice catches sight of Sanda making her way over and speaks to Poppy in a jovial tone, as she watches the brunette weave her way through the crowd towards them. "Wow, someone's popular~" She happily listens in to the banter between the two friends when Sanda arrives, looking almost surprised when the new arrival mentions her. "Oh uhm, Alice. Only met each other today though." She replies, flashing a slight smile at the tattooed woman. Geez, does everyone in the army have this many friends or is Poppy just especially popular?
Poppy grinned, her cotton candy hair bouncing slightly as she nodded towards Sanda. "This is Sanda Hoshi, one of the best Rangers in the Star Army and a good friend of mine. We work on the same starship. We've been through a lot together." She then gestured to Alice, "And this is Alice, a freelance mechanic I just met today. She's seemed like she would enjoy talking to someone so I took a seat and gave her some of my time. She's been asking about life in the Star Army. I told her it's not always a pleasant job but it's where I want to be. And you totally missed some free drinks but there may be more to come."

Poppy looked back to Alice. "I really should get back over to my friends but did you have anything you wanted to ask before I join them? Maybe my number?"

Nara smiled at Irchaet admiring the woman's teasing mannerisms. "A good punch might be just what I need." she said with a slight smirk. Her bright violet eyes watched as exquisite artistry was performed in front of her, tilting her head with intrigue as the drink fizzed, bubbled and changed color. "Thank you very much, I will be extra cautious, promise." she said taking a decent sized sip before looking back to Rin. "Probably, because we are here on our best behavior." she whispered in return with a small smile as she took another sip of her drink. "Drinking to forget, drinking in preparation or need to know basis?" she asked Rin. The Norian's ears twitched when she heard Sanda had arrived, though she chose not to leave her current companion for the time being. Instead she took yet another sip while awaiting Rin's response.
"Hey Sanda, nice to meetcha." Alice holds her hand up and spreads her fingers in a lazy sort of wave, her elbow resting on the countertop as she does so before returning her arm to resting on the bar. "Poppy's probably owed some money from the army's PR department, though." She remarks in a jovial tone before thinking on Poppy's question for a few moments.

"Hmm, what's this about a big exploration push? I heard you mention it earlier. I've heard bits and pieces, but can't say it's anything I've heard about in detail." Alice nods in response to the second question before replying. "Well if it's not too much trouble! Don't wanna keep you talking to some random grease monkey when you're supposed to be celebrating with your friends." She lets out a quiet chuckle at her little bit of self deprecation before continuing. "You got a phone or a uhhh..." She points to her eyes, which now glow a soft green as the cybernetic optics activate, the orange haired girl navigating through menus to get to her contacts. "Something else?" Not that it's much trouble to manually type her contact details in if they are on devices that can't just instantly transmit that across on their own, of course.
Poppy gave Alice a warm smile, her eyes glimmering with excitement, and explained: "Essentially, what's happening is that Taisho Hanako, Director of Star Army Personnel, sent our ship on a rescue mission for PEARL, which is Star Army Personnel's personnel extraction, recovery, and location division for MIA soldiers, and when we finally located a way to get to the ship, the Wakaba, we were ambushed by the Mishhuvurthyar, a species of bio-engineered flying crab-octopus monsters, which you probably remember from the wars in the 20s and 30s. Well, it turns out they've been out there building their forces and we need to find out where and stop them. It was a wake-up call to get out of the Kikyo Sector where Yamatai is, and into the rest of the galaxy. To do this, Yamatai and other nations are making a huge push to get people out there exploring the uncharted space around us. Not only this, but we need to spread out and find allies and new resources for battles yet to come. This place is alive with activity because there's thousands and thousands of soldiers moving around to new ships and missions to support the big exploration push."

She casually beamed her contact info to Alice's communications implant and added, "I'm always open to new connections and conversations, so don't hesitate to reach out." With a squeeze of her Alice's hand the pink-haired freshly-minted doctor went to join her table of friends that had been waiting on her, who cheered and pulled out a sheet cake with a graduation cap and a medical symbol on it.
"Oh wow... Sounds like a big deal." Alice nods, something stirring inside her; maybe something approaching excitement. To her, like many regular day to day civilians, safety is less something kept by the efforts of people and more like.... The weather, just something that has always been there. Sure she's heard about this big exploration push in the recruiting ads but to hear about it from someone so passionate about it, it's different to soulless words on a propaganda poster. "Yaknow..." Alice taps her finger on the counter for a second before stopping "I might just have to think a bit more seriously about joining up, sounds like as good a time as any ever will be. Right? Oh and I definitely will, thanks for the talk Poppy!" She flashes Poppy a grin and waves her off.

Maybe it was time to stop being so worried about going off world... Then again it would put her under that asshole Harris. Yeah, if she joined up she'd definitely need to make sure to end up on a ship and not here or he'd hold it over her forever.

Alice goes back to chilling by the bar, waiting for the bartender to be finished serving her current customer so she can order another drink.
As the night unfolded, Rin found herself immersed in the myriad of stories that echoed through the quaint establishment known as the Thirst Trap. The ebb and flow of conversations, the clinking of glasses, and the laughter that resonated through the crowd, all painted a vivid tapestry of camaraderie and ephemeral connections.

The arrival of Sanda, a decorated veteran and a familiar face to Poppy, added a new shade to the narrative that was unfolding around her. The playful banter, the stories of valor, and the introspective musings on choices and paths, all struck a chord with Rin, she felt as if she had not given the place a chance while she obsessed over her brother's condition.

Amidst the jovial exchanges, Rin's thoughts briefly wandered to her twin brother, a silent hope lingering that his official endeavors were bearing fruit. Yet, the present moment had its own allure, pulling her back into the warm embrace of camaraderie that the Thirst Trap offered.

Nara's inquiry about her thoughts pulled Rin back from her musings. With a gentle smile, she responded, “A bit of both, perhaps. Sometimes even the best choices aren't the ones that are good for us. Yet, with every sip from this cosmic concoction,” she gestured towards her drink, “I feel a little better about the things that perplex me. What about you?”

Rin found herself 'people watching' more drawn into the narrative, each exchange, each laugh, and each shared silence, adding a new layer to her understanding of Yamatai.
Taharial smiled but before she could answer Alice's question the bar lit up with activity, with a quick nod she chuckled "maybe if we serve together sometime you will find out my name miss Alice." She winked as she goes back to her drink and watches the excite unfold as she didn't want to push her luck and start anything with anyone in this establishment. She was more one to watch and wait till something took her fancy, like the people she has been with before.

Lilith was surprised with the bartender's attitude, never had she experienced someone like this at a drinking establishment. She was stunned when others came in, but was still intrigued by all the smells of the place. She noticed a group near the bar and thought it might be the easiest place to be and look less out of place as she moved with a smile and nodded "Hi there." It came out more awkward than she thought, she wanted it to sound normal and cool, like the bounty hunter she is, but her voice broke and she stuttered a bit. Stupid smells messing with her ability to talk, she looked over and say the winged lady in blue giggling and went over "what is so funny?"

Taharial smiled at the other lady and nodded "just didn't expect you to talk like that, but it is okay, have a drink and it will be easier." With that she handed Lilith her drink and turned to the bartender, "one more please."
Sanda smiled and raised her glass to Alice. "Nice to meet you too." Sanda laughed at Poppy's description on her being the best Ranger in the Star Army. "You got that right." The tattooed Ranger agreed. She sipped her Rum, savoring the flavor while she looked around the bar and listened to the music playing. She might make a request for some flamenco music later. She was wearing the dress for it after all.

When Poppy traded numbers with Alice, Sanda took interest in the cybernetics the woman displayed. After Poppy left, Sanda remained at the bar a moment nursing her drink. Finally she turned to Alice and asked with some curiosity, "So what kind of hardware you got there?" Sanda had a few herself. A cybernetic eye that had did a number of tricks plus her cybernetic right arm and shoulder. Both were made to look like normal body parts, which was slightly different than most Neps who liked to show off their cybernetic replacements but Sanda liked having them hidden as it gave her an advantage that most people didn't know about.

The conversations in the background formed a blended mass reminiscent of white noise. It was a pleasant atmosphere without Nara feeling like she was too outside of her element. The musings of Poppy, Alice, Sanda and others formed a pleasant backdrop to her attempts to calm down from goings on in other places. It kept her from getting a little stabby with someone who pissed her off as he thoughts wandered to Aelya.

Nara took another thoughtful sip of her drink before softly smiling towards Rin. "Indeed, sometimes the things that are good for us overall cause momentary discomfort." she said taking another sip. "I feel a little less stabby for the time being." she responded before switching to vesper. "Anything bothering you that I may be of assistance with?" she communicated privately.

Another uniformed Star Army soldier walked into the Thirst Trap bar and looked around taking it all in before proceeding. She had silky hair in a very dark brown color and Korean features. Taking a seat at the bar near Hoshi and Alice, she chatted up Irchaet. "Good evening! It's my first time here in Ternifac, I'm kind of a history nerd and I was wondering if you could tell me what you know about the city." She felt like she had to raise her voice to be heard in the bustling room.

"Would you like a drink too?" Irchaet asked with a wink.

"Oh! Yes, a Pina Colada"

Irchaet gave a little giggle and and went to work fixing the drink. When she came back with it, she said, "600 years ago Ternifac started out as a military fort and trading outpost at the edge of the Jhuniata desert, strategically situated on the only land route connecting the Western and Eastern continents of planet Yamatai. Over the years it just kept being built onto by more and more people in a kind of disorganized way, becoming a typical Nepleslian concrete jungle. When Nepleslia parted ways after the Nepleslian revolution of YE 28, it became a haven for those who wanted to stay behind on Yamatai or who didn't fit into the Sky Marshall's new military-led regime. Because the city is a sort of mazelike warren full of nooks and crannies and people who are, well...freedom oriented, it's got a reputation for being on the seedy and shady side. But you can find anything here for the right place and if you know the right people, and there's always opportunities. The spirit of the old Empire that came before Yamatai lives on here. It's also a city of immigrants. A lot of us so-called random aliens end up here."

"Unfortunately the city's history isn't that well documented. There's not really a tourist guide..."

"I don't know if the tourists really go that deep into Ternifac," Irchaet laughed. "That's why my bar is at the train station!"
“Oh uhm, nothing fancy really.” Alice’s eyes seem to light up at Sanda’s question. Sure, it’s not like she has a huge amount of expertise in cybernetics, since her education and work is more in maintaining ships and other heavy equipment; but it’s definitely something she takes interest in. “Well the optics are kinda standard fare, a few little tricks like being able to see outside the visible spectrum; but mostly they’re just for replacing a phone or tablet.” She holds her hands up to emphasise her point. “Makes life a lot easier when I'm crawling around in some engineering access tunnel that I can have both hands free, while still able to pull up schematics.” She rests one arm back down on the counter, while pointing up at the two large looking cybernetic lenses on top of her head.

With a thought they swing down with a near silent movement of the joint where they’re attached to her head, the small arm they’re attached to moving them until they’re over her eyes. “Pretty neat, huh? Got all kinds of diagnostic tools and that built into em’, saves having to drag all that equipment around when I can use these for anything short of super high power scans.” The lenses then swivel back to their resting place on her head, going back to just looking like some very large hair accessories. “Would’ve taken them off but came here straight from work. Can uh, get a bit heavy after a while” She finishes by flashing Sanda a quick smile.

"I know some people can be a bit... Touchy about it all but I've only ever seen mine as an extension of myself, not any kinda replacement."
"Nice. I've got that as well plus a few other tricks." Sanda smiled. She held up her right hand and pointed with one finger while her thumb was up, like a kid would do if they were pretending their fingers were a gun. "I've got sensors in my palm that sync whatever weapon I'm holding to my eye. It allows me to have very quick yet super accurate aiming. Although as a Ranger who is always prepared for anything, I practice without it just as often as with. One can't become too depended on tech that might malfunction in the field."

Sanda nodded as Alice showed off her stuff. "That looks like it would be real handy for fine work. And would be useful if you joined the Star Army." Sanda added causally but reinforcing the suggestion Poppy had made. "There are good benefits, pretty good food too. A chance to travel the stars. And don't worry, they'll train you well. You'll make some very close friends as well. Its hard not to become friends with someone after you've fought off a horde of Mishhu together." Sanda looked around the bar at some of her crewmates. They were a crazy group of people, but Sanda trusted each and every one of them with her life. As she looked around the bar she spotted Nara, someone she had briefly served with on Gashmere. "Excuse me, I just saw someone I haven't seen in awhile. Let me go and say hello." Sanda excused herself, but left her glass and bottle on the bar indicating she'd be back.

Sanda made her way over to Nara. She didn't know the Norian very closely. They had served together on Gashmere, which had been a nightmare assignment. Some terrorist organization had toyed with them and the Star Army. It had been one of the most challenging times of Sanda's carrier. The only time she had felt she needed to seek consoling for afterwards. But despite the hardship, Sanda was glad to run into Nara again. "Hello Nara! Fancy running into you here. How are you doing? Is Itami around?" Sanda asked warmly.
"Ooh fancy!" Alice's eyes seem to light up at the mention of the cybernetic aim assistance Sanda has built into her hands. While the engineer was trained about and has worked far more on large equipment such as industrial machinery and starships she has an interest in cybernetics, it being a bit of a hobby of hers to constantly adjust the parameters of the diagnostic equipment built into the lenses attached to her head. "Hmm yeah, always best to not rely too much on one piece of tech. Can't count the number of times I've thanked myself for still carrying around the lower tech handheld stuff, alongside these." She taps one of the lenses with an outstretched finger to emphasise her point.

Sanda going into something similar to what Poppy said earlier about how good the Star Army is has Alice nodding slightly along, it's definitely something she's had a hell of a lot of reinforcement about tonight. Yeah... Maybe she will pop in to see the recruitment office tomorrow.... What's the worst that it could lead to after all? "Sounds like a lot more of an option now than it would have a few hours ago. Honestly I never even considered going off world, but it sounds like it could be a hell of an experience if nothing else." She flashes Sanda a smile in as she finishes her response.

"Oh of course! I imagine with all of the movement going on you'll see loads of friends around here, don't let me stop you seeing 'em. Thanks for the talk Sanda!" Alice waves her off, before going back to her relaxed position leaning on the bar. A message appears in front of her vision, her mum asking if she'll be coming home tonight. A quick look at the clock on her HUD elicits a sharp intake of breath from the slightly short engineer, how did it get this late so quickly? Well, time does pass fast in good company after all.

Nara's ears twitched at the sound of a familiar voice addressing her. The last time she heard that voice was in the hellish landscape that was the events on Gashmere. In all honesty she was surprised that neither the Kodian general or the Star Army of Yamatai actually dealt with the letter she sent. Nonetheless Sanda was a welcome presence, "Sanda! What are the odds?" she paused to smile warmly. "I am doing well, thanks for asking. What about you, been up to anything crazy recently?" The warm smile on Nara's face remained while her mood fell slightly. "I have not seen Itami since we left. Though I would imagine he went to visit his family. If I happen to run into him do you want me to say hi for you?" she inquired politely.
Sanda smiled. "Fighting some Mishhu. But fare better than the nightmare we fought on Gashmere. At least you know exactly what your fighting against the Mishhu." The fight on Gashmere against terrorist's had been horrible. Every step they took it seemed like the enemy was just toying with them. And the worst part was no one even knew who the enemy was. It was probably the hardest most draining tour Sanda had ever done.

Sanda could feel the slight change in Nara when she mentioned Itami. "Sorry to hear that. I always got the impression that he was sweet on you. Yeah if you see him say hello for me." There was a moments awareness before Sanda changed the subject. "So what are you doing these days? Are you still in the Star Army?"

Nara took a sip of her drink while she listened to Sanda. "Goodness, I am glad you are okay!" she paused. "Those Mishhu sound intriguing and not in the best way. At least from what I have heard, never seen one in person. Gashmere was an interesting conundrum, I agree on that." she smiled. "Though enemies are always prone to surprises, that is why I always expect the unexpected." Gashmere certainly had been a nightmare, but she had made some good friends out of it. Some interesting acquaintances out of it to as well. Though she was certain there might still be some contention between herself and Zanven, not that it was anything more than mild tactical disagreements.

With a nod she responded,
"People come in and out of our lives routinely, it is simply the way things are whether we like it or not. Though I am glad to have met you! If I do see him, I will pass on the greetings." Nara took another sip of her drink and coughed a little choking on it when Sanda asked about her being in the Star Army. Maintaining her composure, she looked back up to the woman next to her, "Erm...I just got back to Tsenlan recently. Not sure what is next on the path for me, more of a freelancer at the moment. I umm...I was never part of the Star Army, my participation in Gashmere was as an independent contractor. Prior to coming here I was an Aelol with MERN, I believe its the equivalent of a Shoi in the Star Army. I take it you are still with the Star Army?"
Across the street from the Thirst Trap bar, Arro parked her gravbike, a crimson junker that looked like it could fall apart at any moment, at the curb. To a Nepleslian like her, Ternifac was just another concrete jungle with greasy scumbags, easy marks, and psycho gangbangers sporting enough chrome to light up the night. A Nepleslian knew places like this served some damn good alcohol, too, and the Thirsty Trap looked promising for no other reason than gut instinct. After locking her gravbike down, Arro strode across the street with a confident gait and a smile on her lips. Even though she'd found herself right back at the type of place she'd wanted to leave behind, tonight was a time to celebrate.

Predictably, the bar was crowded with a bevy of patrons, some civilian, some Star Army -- to Arro's surprise. Although she was a newly-graduated soldier, Arro had hit the town in a plain set of jeans, a white tanktop, and a loose fitting jacket. She wasn't on duty after all, and taking a naked dive out an airlock was preferable to getting a speck of dirt on her uniform. Arro fished a thin band from her pocket and hastily tied the back of her short, auburn red hair into a stubby ponytail, just in case any of those Star Army soldiers recognized her. With her hair properly secured, Arro approached an uncrowded spot at the bar and rested her arms atop it. Some of the bar's lights reflected off the young woman's cybernetic hand, until she noticed, then proceeded to cover with her other, olive-skinned hand.

"Gimme a drink," Arro said brusquely, rapping her knuckles on the counter to punctuate the request, "Gin on th'rocks, cheapest ya got. Please'n thanks." Her voice was high-pitched and coarse, the audio equivalent to crawling on glass. Rather than eavesdropping on any of the conversations like a lowdown ruffman, Arro's attention was on any sort of screen showing something interesting -- like a gravbike race.
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