Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Search results

  1. Reynolds

    RP [Operation La Prossima]Tana del Diavolo, Part 1

    Oodori dutifully stood still and let Orianna hem and haw over her armor for a few minutes, checking and double-checking the panels and attachments, before sticking with what she'd already selected. Once the armorer was distracted by other targets, the tall Neko gave the new suit a test run out...
  2. Reynolds

    RP [Operation La Prossima]Tana del Diavolo, Part 1

    "I see Barone-Heisho heard my plea and recruited a medic to put us back together after the snake chops us up." Oodori said this with a smile, before donning a pair of sunglasses for the brief trip across the bright, open area. This allowed her to dramatically remove them a short while later...
  3. Reynolds

    RP [Operation La Prossima]Tana del Diavolo, Part 1

    "Just don't die, folks, it's that simple!" Tsumenaga repeated Barone's suggestion quite loudly, as she turned to head for the door, doing her best to shepherd along the rest of the crew. Gently rotating Orianna to point her the right direction, sure she'd otherwise remain stubbornly in place...
  4. Reynolds

    RP [Operation La Prossima]Tana del Diavolo, Part 1

    Oodori also rolled her eyes at the comment from their resident mad scientist, but otherwise let most of the replies pass without much remark. These decisions were made above her paygrade, so she'd focus on what she could actually control. "Boss, considering the whole, uh, suicide mission...
  5. Reynolds

    RP [Operation La Prossima]Tana del Diavolo, Part 1

    Oodori filed in along with the others, immediately snapping to attention once she spotted the Chui's projection. Remaining frozen until the call ended, she relaxed and moved to stand behind one of the chairs, only taking a seat if Barone indicated they should. The tall Neko listened to the...
  6. Reynolds

    RP [Operation La Prossima] Wastin' Away Again

    Tsumenaga's gaze flickered to the side for a moment as Miko grabbed for a beer, but she otherwise seemed content to continue enjoying her snacks. She'd brought along the booze for everyone to enjoy, after all. "Sounds like we need a second doc to make sure this one puts us back together after...
  7. Reynolds

    RP [Operation La Prossima] Wastin' Away Again

    Oodori let the conversations continue behind her, as she focused on selecting her snacks. Grabbing a pair of chopsticks, the tall Neko began piling food onto her plate, carefully plotting the distribution to ensure no mess would be created. When another new arrival joined them as the employees...
  8. Reynolds

    RP [Operation La Prossima] Wastin' Away Again

    "Rules are made to be broken and all that, huh?" Realizing he was about to offer her another drink, Oodori tilted her head back to chug the rest of her beer, crushing the can in her hand before setting the flattened disc of metal aside. "Hopefully they bring a trash can or something." She...
  9. Reynolds

    RP [Operation La Prossima] Wastin' Away Again

    "There are definitely some advantages to having an extra decade or so of experience." Oodori nodded along at Orianna's story, before rolling her eyes as the thong went flying across the room. She was content to sip her beer and listen for the moment, one hand patting her head to make sure the...
  10. Reynolds

    RP [Operation La Prossima] Wastin' Away Again

    "You're just determined to be no fun, huh?" Oodori shook her head as multiple participants refused her offer of prodigious amounts of booze. By now her passengers had been let down, the tall Neko giving Orianna a smirk as she complained. "Hey, I was only following orders. Take it up with the...
  11. Reynolds

    RP [Operation La Prossima] Wastin' Away Again

    After a few moments of fumbling to undo the latch, the bamboo gate to the open air onsen of Tsukimi-so was rudely kicked open. Oodori Tsumenaga lowered her bare foot after clearing the way, wearing nothing more than a towel at the moment. Her two companions, Orianna Paddenmour and Ryuko...
  12. Reynolds

    RP [Operation La Prossima]Mission 1: Ipnotizzatore della Discarica

    Odori Settlement The eccentric woman rolled the shuttle as she passed over her CO inverted at a low speed of nearly 200KPH in defiance. Her second pass, she pitched the shuttle hard port into a half-roll with engines at full burn, leveling out at the last moment for her previously 12 degree...
  13. Reynolds

    OOC Battlefield Education: My Martial Arts Are Completely Interfering With My School Romantic Comedy

    I do not think I am ready to jump right back in to GMing a plot. If someone else is interested, I might be able to offer assistance.
  14. Reynolds

    Approved Character [Operation La Prossima] Oodori Tsumenaga

    The extra teleporter addon requires removing the one that's already built in, if I'm reading the articles correctly. The optional one has a faster recharge, no overheating issues, and a much longer range. I'm not sure if the default one also creates the shockwave within atmosphere, but I...
  15. Reynolds

    Approved Character [Operation La Prossima] Oodori Tsumenaga

    Thanks, I rewrote the history section just a bit to make this fit better.
  16. Reynolds

    Approved Character [Operation La Prossima] Oodori Tsumenaga I'm using some placeholder AI generated artwork, but any sort of custom art would be nice. I might poke my friend that did the art for my other characters, back in the day... @Rizzo @Wes
  17. Reynolds

    Hello All

    Hope you'll have a good time here.
  18. Reynolds

    Closed Star Army MUD/MUSH

    MUDs were that generation's version of FTP/mobile games. 90% of people were playing them because they were young and/or had no money. You had only a few people spending cash to keep them running/updated. I think there's very little chance of new people showing interest in MUDs when they could...
  19. Reynolds

    Closed Star Army MUD/MUSH

    As someone that was big into MUD/MUSH stuff for a while (if you've ever played the main 'tree' of DBZ MUDs then you've probably played in zones I built and possibly worn items named after me created long after I retired) I don't think this is a very good idea. MU* stuff isn't exactly seeing...
  20. Reynolds

    Approved Submission [Media] Actual Sentai Warriors, Leo Station Rangers

    Paragraphs, lines, blank lines don't show up at all. A code/file tag works, if that's acceptable.