Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP [Operation La Prossima]Mission 1: Ipnotizzatore della Discarica

Odori Settlement
The barrel of the Odori's deck gun plowed though the sand towards the last truck in the convoy. Without even the attempt to swerve a blinding white light streaked out and enveloped the last truck in a deafening blast that splashed over the middle truck and left nothing more than a crater where the other truck used to be. The two remaining trucks continued towards the entrance of the walls in a staggered formation with their heavy machine guns tapping out a steady rhythm of death.
Shots glanced off of the hood of their trucks from the snipers with one hitting the driver of the lead truck who hardly flinched as it struck his heavy chest armor, but his hand rose to stuff a cloth into the newly formed hole. The machine guns kept their pace of firing as the trucks rapidly approached. The marksmen rose from their perch and turned to take cover behind the wall, the taller of the two pulling the other to safety only for his chest to erupt into a spray of gore as a 35mm slug struck him from behind scattering bits of flesh over the men hiding below.

"Noo!" Griff cried as he raised his right arm and fired a volley of bluish white streaks from his plasma gun. A shot glanced off of the shields of the second trucks mounted gunner, transferring heat into his arm which the gunner shook his arm wildly as it burned his flesh and responded with more gunfire, to which Griff dove out of the way. Plumes of sand puffed from the sand where he'd been standing as the huge rounds made impact.

Odori Bridge
Scrambling out of the access panel, Thorn slammed her transponder cable into the tactical display to look for anything this old Odori still had to defend itself. Shields, comm, anything. She knew she had a developer copy of IIS's OSMSP, that she could load and if this beast had a working comm array of the right type, then she had a weapon. But alas, no luck. This ship had everything of value taken or disabled before being dumped here. And now, she did the only thing she could. She started running for the shuttle to retrieve the requested sword, and perhaps offer better fire support from a more heavily armed vessel.
Getting outside took her all of a few seconds, and another thirty seconds to cross the gap between the ship and she shuttle. She arrived at the weapons locker` windecanf the spooling turbine in her chest barely keeping up with her demand for oxygen. But she still hurled it open, pulling...

"He didn't say the damn sword was bigger than me! Fine...". So she leaned into the weight, half carrying, half dragging the sword out to the loading ramp and unceremoniously dropping it there as she saw Miko soar overhead in his armor. "Sword's outside on--" the sheathed sword instantly shot off like a missile towards Zerza.

"That fucking thing can fly?!" The takeoff took her by surprise, but she didn't have time to stick around. The locals needed support. She turned to run to the Shoebox's bridge and go through the shuttle's weapons as she brought the comms and targeting arrays online. "Good morning, friendlies, I'll be your intrusive thoughts today, I'm painting targets and will provide fire support where possible. Sorry about the mess."

Zerza Spaceport

Expressions of horror spread as the crowd split, pushing away from the scene only to be landlocked by their fellow market goers. The bearded man struggled as he dangled by the neck choking out his indignation, "unhand me- fiend! He-help!" Barone walked casually to a recently abandoned food cart taking a kebab of unknown meat off of the grill that looked close enough to ready and leaned against the cart and watched. Glancing to Dokusei he mouthed the words, "do science stuff" as he pointed to Brandt.

Victor Brandt threw the man down and demanded in the coolest of ways, "you will come with me and give me all of your possessions, then you will be my personal pilot." The aged man spat at him, "I don't work with thugs like you," with exertion he rose to his feet defiantly, "I've heard of you. These people might fear you but you'll never scare me!" With the speed of a long time gunslinger the bearded man drew his SiZi Model 30 plasma revolver and fired, the plasma bolt scattering over Victor's body harmlessly. He fired again to no avail as Victor held his arms outstretched mockingly. The bearded man pressed the barrel against Victors forehead as who willingly bowed to his level to accommodate their difference in height. The man roared a shout and fired again, this time his barrel bursting from the pressure buildup.

"Are you done yet? Because I am!" The Hypnotist yelled as he held his gold trimmed staff over the man. The gem glowed a bright green beam of light over the man's face who visibly entered a trance as he stared up intensely into the light, dropping the ruined pistol. "You WILL come with me and give me all of your possesions," he demanded loudly as the beam intensified, "then you WILL be my personal pilot!" The staff flashed a final time as the man screamed in pain, dropping to his knees, shaking.

The bearded man looked back up to Victor, "I- I believe I need to give you some things, yes? I will fly you when you are ready, sir," he stated submissively standing up, slowly, and standing next to him. "You see? Isn't it better when everyone just does what they're told?" Victor looked over the crowd who now found themselves being pushed toward the middle be power armored figures with various rifles and projections of Victor's face over their helmets, "I can do this to any one, any time, but I only wish to take on so many dependants so I'll do the humane thing and simply shoot anyone else that wants to resist. And now... Please hand over all of your valuables to the men with bags. Come along pilot!"

Men with large bags began to move through the crowd as Victor departed, their faces similarly covered by holographic projections of Victor. They worked fast looting the civilians until they worked their way to Barone who simply held up his arms as the men stole his belongings. His communicator, HHG, and NSP all went into the bag along with the half eaten kabab he voluntarily dropped in, earning him a slap in the face.. just long enough to send a final message to Thorn, 'track my communicator.'

Barone nodded reassuringly to Dokusei as the thugs approached her, gesturing an OK and making a sweeping motion with his wrist.
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Miko cussed under his breath at the sight of non armor in the area. His weapon of choice was an Aether Beam Saber-Rifle which would be bad for those unarmored health. He'd have to rely on his armors stealth and distraction of his wing pack to get him close. Miko did his best to put distance between himself and his weapon he was about to use. Everything went still for a moment as Miko looked down the scope of his weapon. The aether round made no sound as it left the barrel. The super heated air however cracked as it traveled down range towards the front truck. Miko's round punch the driver square in the head. He did not know if it was a killing shot but for sure that driving was having a real bad day.

Before the round even had hit, Miko was on the move. His squad of four drones were busy keeping the other truck busy. Three of the drones had landed solid hits, with one being a direct hit on the gunner. For the moment all of them had done well to dodge the return fire. As only one took a grazing shot from the exchange.
Odori Settlement
The second truck evaporated as Miko's four drones opened up with purple streaks of aetheric gunfire, addling the truck into a tumbling ball of scrap metal, slag streaming in every direction as it rolled. All hands were lost except for the gunner who's chest was now blackened from the aether shot, his jump resembling a superhero as he'd ripped off the mounted gun and leapt, firing at Miko's number 3 drone. Sparks flew as the 35mm slugs gutted the drone, turning it inside-out in a shower of debris. Landing on his feet the gunner fired another volley at Miko himself, the slugs grazing his shield as he rolled hard to evade.

Looking back to see his allied truck destroyed the lead gunner immediately addressed the new threat. Shouting to the driver he realized the volleyball sized hole in the man's chest and bailed, machinegun coming with him as he leapt from the back and slid through the dust, sending a stream of armor piercing shells downrange as the barrel began to glow red while the abandoned truck rolled through the entrance and crashed into a junk pile.

Miko rolled back the other direction only to be greeted by a slug into his helmet, his shields bursting into a shower of sparks as they rejected the mighty projectile. Falling onto the flat of his back Miko had blacked out for a mere moment, waking on the ground with contusions from the back of his head to his heels. A world of hurt, but still alive to tell the tale of what it's like to be a human skeet.

Two of the defending militia who'd had needed to take cover from the heat of the aether rushed to his side as he laid spread out.

Shoebox Bridge
"Miko, sorry about your cooking, you want me to stir the pot? Well how about this one. I'm reading shields on those power armors, your rifle should spall off the shield and splash the guys around it, I'm trying to get weapons online."

She found herself blocked again and again with 'access denied' messages of uploading her programs and accessing weapons. "Goddamn it, I was authorized five minutes ago! You got five seconds before I shove a Geist in your port ass, you little piece of shit!"

She did find one system that she had access to, the engines, and as she fired that system up, she found other systems clearing their errors. "Alright, looks like I got you folks some air support, who wants what to go away? Griff, you read me?"

"I read ya' kid," he yelled as he fired another volley of plasma bolts, "kill the gunners! Kill the gunners!"

"I got... Fuck it, I'm using the point defense!" Thorn's Geist transponder plugged into the gun controls as she slaved the fire control across the Geist, and into the orbital support as her ships pushed the flow of sensor data to the the open channel. Engines and alarms screamed and flared as she lifted off with the door open, popup guns deploying to lock targets. "Fuck these guys in particular, locking targets! And I'm nearly thirty! Like next goddamn week!"

As the shuttle flew recklessly overhead, the four turrets with a view below opened fire, plasma scorching the sand into glassy plumes as Thorn strafed the desert. The gunners leapt to the ground to avoid the fire, with the second gunner just a little too slow. The rapid firing cannon perforated his back, the man falling to his knees, arms outstretched as his cries of agony echoed over the vocalizer of his helmet. Taking up his machinegun again the armored man rose heavily to his feet, holding a hand to the side of his helmet.

Zerza Spaceport

Dokusei had been on the verge of taking action when Barone's unspoken orders were received. A singular eyebrow cocked upwards as if she thought he might have lost his mind. Nonetheless, she figured there was some purpose or reasoning behind the directions he supplied. As such, she began doing the alleged sciency stuff, awaiting the results with baited breath. When the mission lead suggested surrender of her equipment she staunchly refused, not letting one bit go to the thug who now had a hand firmly grasping her science scanner.

"You got guts.. don't be a hero," the man threatened as a another in power armor stepped behind her with audible thudding. Dokusei glared at the man in front of her with a deathstare that could cut steel. "Not on your life," she growled, shoving the man suddenly and spinning behind to face the PA ganger behind herself, NSP in hand. A three-round burst sparkled across the armor's shields, the operator flinching reflexively though unharmed. Dokusei seized his moment of hesitation to throw a roundhouse kick at the unarmored thug behind her, only instead of the satisfying sensation of her heel striking the flesh of his nose she felt only wind as the empty space the man should have been came into view.

'No,' she thought a moment before her vision went black, ears ringing, pain searing trough her very brain. Her vision would fade in and out of the man rifling through her belongings taking everything, bag included. 'Get up, get up, GET UP!' her mind begged, willing her body to action but to no avail as her hand reached towards the thug. The faint sound of a shout was undiscernable as his mettalic, cybernetic arm descended across her face once more leaving her unconscious.

As the thugs cleared out of the square the people in the square became agitated. A mottled mix of shouting, crying, and a token effort to follow the armed men began but to no avail as they began disappearing into the very air.

"Hey, wake up," Dokusei heard faintly, the second time hearing clearer as her vision faded back in, blurred but revealing the silhouette of a man over her and her fist instinctively punched for his face. Her vision cleared to see Barone grasping her fist, his cavalier response, "you're pretty spunky for a nerd. Get up, we got work to do." Standing from his kneeled position he pulled Dokusei to her feet by her fist. She cradled the right side of her swollen face where the thug her landed his punch right in the temple of her head. Her brain pounded with every heartbeat and the 'room' was still spinning like a top.

"It's strange, they took that guys broken revolver. Why would they steal that, it was completely melted," Barone stated as he stepped towards the spot where the trader had been abducted. "Strange?!" Dokusei shouted as she approached Barone furiously. Her fists balled as she cast her gaze toward Barone. "They stole Star Army weapons and equipment, and you're thinking about a broken pistol!" she scolded him, then yelled, "and you just gave it to them- everything! What is wrong with you? How could you just stand there and let them do this?!"

Barone smiled coyly, turning back to face his angered colleague and replied, "simple answer, I'm actually a fairly lazy person. While you beat your head against impossible odds just now trying to protect shit that don't matter I chose to let them do my job for me. You should see yourself right now, all worked up about our target falling on his own sword.. not every battle must be won in order to win the war." Barone began walking past her. She caught up to him and grabbed his arm, "you just gave hardened criminals your NSP. What do you think they'll do with it?!"

His gaze caught hers, a certain seriousness in his voice, "nothing they aren't doing already." His shift in tone caught her off guard and she released his arm as the heisho continued, "do you think I can't track my own communicator? Mark my words, Shoi. This is the last mistake these criminals will ever make. Now I asked for science stuff earlier. Did you get anything?"

"Yes." she said in a quiet professional tone, "there were minimal energy emissions generated during the entire scenario. One bit that stood out was that the gunfire did not generate the heat that one would anticipate from a plasma weapon. No electromagnetic field was detected around Brandt, this could indicate that he did not have a shield around his being. Although, his staff did produce readings reminiscent of a graviton projector."

"A graviton projector?" he asked incredulously, then quickly asked, "you know what that means?"
Dokusei blinked slowly, "No. Do you?"
"Nope," he answered, "I was hoping you knew. I guess we'll just have to find out later. I could've sworn there'd be more energy readings from something that flashy." A certain sound came in the distance causing him to cast his gaze skyward. Taking a step back he reached out and caught the projectile, an audible slap sounding as the 1.4 meter sword connected with the skin of his hand. His face winced in pain for a moment as he tried too hard to look cool. "This is our ride back," he said taking the side with the handle, "I figure a Neko could handle this," he said offering the saya side to Dokusei, "Hang on, it does something like 500 an hour."

The small wince of pain was not lost on her, though also not much of note at the moment given the grand scheme of things. However, once their return vehicle was identified as the flying sword she tilted her head slightly in apprehension as she accepted the saya side with caution, gripping onto it for dear life. "Are you going to be able to make it back this way?" she asked out of authentic concern.

The odd man shrugged, "I hope so!" The sword rose into the air carrying them in a shaky lift their innate gravity manipulation could keep up with before accelerating to eye-watering speeds as they sped towards the Odori settlement.

Odori Settlement
"Weapons are in the shuttle," he stated, then watched the ship fly off, "Oh.. Okay, we do this without armor. Hold up a minute. "His sword detatched from the sheath which slowly descended as Barone carried forward, grasping the hit two-handed. Below him Valla engaged the last standing PA wit a borrowed GP-1, its age not slowing the old assault rifle a bit as it sent bullet after bullet until the break locked open, it's magazine empty. The power armored ganger raised his machinegun her way and took aim, only noticing as it was too late that death truly could come from above.

The spark and crackling of failing shield flashed as a dark blade sheathed in neon blue speared the man's chest and pinned him to the ground, impaled to the pommel by a man wearing a red shirt adorned with white flowers. Barone stepped back as he pried the mighty blade from the man's chest, it's inactive blade now a soul eating black. Griff came to his side, his heavy breathing audible on the tinny old helmet speaker. "Wait, there's another!"

Barone placed a hand on his arm mounted plasma cannon, his skin hissing as it touched a weapon with a horrid cooling system. Maintaining his composure, and removing his hand from the super heated metal, he replied, "No need to worry, there's more blood on his suit than in his body. I might have need of him later." In the near distance the 35mm machinegun fired again wildly only for the man to drop it for good this time as he began crawling in despair. "Who's that guy, anyway?"

Griff shook his head angrily, "you people are government types, you should already know thi-" Taking a step back he gestured in a manner suggesting he needed to cool down and removed his helmet. "I'm sorry. This was all very sudden. Your people just saved us from the same crooks that chased us from our homestead. They're Vicktor's men and I have no idea what they were here for," the big man reported, still worked up on adrenaline, "I need to see to my men.. we lost a man." Barone nodded as Griff left and waved over Katerina.

"This clearly wasn't a coincidence, sir," Valla stated, "Emma Brant shows up here and they're suddenly under attack. And by the looks of it they weren't looking for much of a fight.. They're going to find out what happened here."

"Fortunately they stole my communicator." Barone winked.
A devious smile curled across Valla's lips, "oldest trick in the book. I'll go secure our hostage." Her casual gait in the wounded man's direction clashed against the assembly of Griff's men rushing out to assault the soon-to-be prisoner. The memory of watching their friend become red mist had clearly instigated a frenzy that was hardly Katerina's problem. Nor Barone's. Seeing the Shuttle in the distance Initzio waved then pointed at the ground. Thorn would know what to do.
Odori Settlement

The eccentric woman rolled the shuttle as she passed over her CO inverted at a low speed of nearly 200KPH in defiance. Her second pass, she pitched the shuttle hard port into a half-roll with engines at full burn, leveling out at the last moment for her previously 12 degree decline in attitude to result in slamming the ship hard onto it's landing gear. 'Attitude' the thought echoed in Barone's mind, 'gonna show that chick real attitude if she blew my new hydraulics out.'

Seeing the feisty woman smiling wildly as she stepped down the ramp while small streams of hydraulic fluid puddled around the landing gear made Barone's blood simmer with frustration. "The pistons are brand new, bushpilot," he yelled as he maliciously threw his 18kg Hikō Ōdachi for her to 'catch'.

The small woman reacted instantly remembering how heavy it was yet not gauging it well as he'd thrown it so effortlessly. Catching it was easy yet the weight quickly caught her off guard and landed her squarely on her bum, though she'd managed to not drop the big sword. It was truly a win given the sword weighed two thirds her own weight, a victory she celebrated as she held the sword triumphantly, if not briefly.

Odori Settlement Perimeter

30 minutes after Shoebox landed Barone stood within the assembly of the La Prossima crew with all but Thorn kitted in new Mindy armor suits. "Okay crew we've seen what we needed to in Zerza but have more questions than answers as a result. It's time to pool out observations," he stated, his voice measured and professional for the first time since arriving, "We'll go around, starting with what we know. Valla, you have intel on this guy's origins. Who is this guy?"

Katerina rested upright atop her armored coils. Adjusting her shoulders she gave her report, "Viktor was a scavanger that lived very openly. He found something extremely valuable and wasn't quiet about it. It's hard to believe he'd become a hardened criminal overnight and rob the same people he lived nearby. Especially with a wife and expected child who is here. Apparently this group found her wandering in the scrap heaps nearby."

Barone nodded, "an unlikely villain, but it looks like that is after what he did in Zerza. Though something was off there.. I'll show you." his suit's hardlight projectors flickered to like showing the scene from Inizio's eyes, "Dokusei, tell them about the readings you took."

"Short story, it was all lights and no emissions. A plasma pistol fired point-blank into Viktor's face didn't even scratch him and yet there was no heat discharge detected, no EM signature from a shield, and his staff was emitting gravitons without even a trace of radio waves or other signals used for psionic transmissions. Absolutely no scientific reason for anything we clearly saw."

"All of that show, yet nothing on scans,"
Barone mused, rubbing his chin, "additionally, they disappeared into thin air on their way out, but we had no scanner by that point. Something isn't adding up here. I want his wife interviewed. Why was she found in the desert? What did he find? Why can't we scan any emissions?"

"She wanted to help with that,"
the boisterous Neko from the settlement chimed in as she drew near, Emma Brandt cradled in the retired NH-33A's muscular arms, "Whatever Katerina did bagged us a live one." Her obvious exageration was evident in the weary mother's fragile, but conscious state. Barone's telepathic connection to the ship ran her identity. "Jôtô Hei Jin. Nice to see retirement treated you well. Seems like you know how to please us spookies. Emma, please have a seat," Barone welcomed. A quick glance to the ramp control panel and an array of cusioned chairs appeared, compliments of the volumetric projectors.

Jin laid Emma gently into the chair who shifted awkwardly in the imposing presence of a power armored squad. Barone kneeled by her with a relaxed, yet stoic expression, his tone moderate and serious, "Emma. Viktor is in serious trouble but he doesn't have to die. Tell me what's going on and I'll do everything in my power to resolve this without harming him. What am I missing here?"

Emma fought back tears, struggling with the words, "th-those men.. they took me in the night.. they wore these masks that had Viktor's face.. they put me in a hull somewhere way out in the old fields where the best salvage is.. they barely fed me and I barely escaped with this." Reaching into a cargo pocket she produced a shiv made from what appeared to be plastic, dried blood still covering the tip. "I don't know who they are but Viktor wouldn't do that to me!"

"What did he find in that got so much attention? He'd been talking about a big score,"
Barone pressed, "what was it?"

"It was a golden ship, he though it was Kuvexian. The hull was sealed tight and seemed to be untouched. We couldn't easily cut in so we tarped it and he filed a claim on the lot. He bought it and rented heavy ship breaking tools. The last I saw him he was heading back with a rover and tools expected to return by the end of the week. Four days later they abducted me. Now I'm hearing the my husband is some kind of criminal kingpin!?"

Barone nodded. "Alright, guys. There's something weird happening here. I want Viktor alive, problem is that Silas is already on it and I didn't specify what condition Viktor would be in," Emma gasped though Barone continued without skipping a beat, "truth is I'm not sure what his role even is anymore but I know salvagers aren't known for operating criminal syndicates. What ever the case, we have some reinforcements coming. Should be here soon..."

Shuttle: Upper Atmosphere

In the skies far above those assembled, a Ke-T10 “Fukuro” Multi-role Shuttle drifted gently through the sky. The rear bay door slid open to reveal the upper atmosphere of Yicuqibu I, so empty and open, with the horizon of the planet below, so dusty and arid. The pilot's voice cut in, the voice of an aged woman speaking to the passengers, "Alright ladies, we've reached your stop. Should have a six minute window to jump and land on target but I wanna see my kids so.. hop to."

Oodori waved to the pilot from her seat, both acknowledging the request while dismissing it. For the moment, at least. "What're the odds that this'd be our first operation together, eh, Ori-chan?" The tall Neko was currently using her Mindy's volumetrics to make her helmet appear invisible, revealing her wide, friendly grin as she finally got a moment to check in with her friend. "Sorry, guess it should be Paddenmour-Hei while we're on the clock..." Her voice over the radio was more teasing than apologetic.

After smirking at the human in a Mindy even taller than her own, Oodori spared a glance for the other Neko along for the ride. "You good over there, Ryuko-Hei?" Another wave was sent in her direction. "I think this is our stop!" Still all smiles, she gestured towards the open bay door.

Wanting to set a good example as the highest ranking person here, Oodori finally stood, helmet shimmering back into view. "Guess we shouldn't disappoint our new boss and be late on the first day, eh?" Double-checking that her array of swords were all firmly attached, especially the one on her hip, Tsumenaga began to head for the door, glancing back to ensure the two soldiers were following after before peering down at the planet far below.

Ryuko stared ahead at the seat infront of her her eyes focused on.. the dust she saw, or perceived. She grabbed her trusty rag, and started furiously wiping at her perceived dust, then smiled. "Hah, Ryuko 1, dust zero" She said with a satisfied smirk. That's when she heard Oodori in her head, causing her to squeak in fear. Before she remembered where she was. But she didnt respond, whether out of paranoia, and fear of something unknown or some other reasons not sure.

Looking down at the ... planet, for lack of a better term, below Orianna did a quick readout on her suit making sure everything was okay, she trusted the suit manufacturer but she still had done a complete check on the suit once she got it and equipped her own loadout to it, She knew the work that SAINT did was going to be difficult that wasn't what worried her, what worried her was...

It was at that moment that Oodori spoke up and Orianna looked back at her a moment "To be fair I didn't expect to see you for a while before I was officially Deployed till later Odi" she said back with a smile using her old nickname for her friend, though the correction by her made her smile even more as she gave a limp wristed salute "Of course mam.. sorry mam won't forget it next time mam" she said with a clearly overemphasized professional tone of voice... All before she started to laugh.

Though as Odi spoke to the other Neko with them Orianna looked over to them as well "Don't worry about the suit.. I gave them a once over the moment we were issued them, they are fully maintained and well looked after, so gear is good" she flashed the Neko a thumbs up as she set her helmet back to normal so it was blocking her face as well and she gestured the okay to Oodori.

"Truth be told Odi I didn't think you had a whole Settlement named after you... couldn't you have picked a better location for it though?" she asked in a joking tone as she walked to the door to join her and get ready for the jump.

Ryuko listened as Oodori and Orianna spoke to each other, her hands on her knees, as she scanned the space around her, before she pounced, to attack another dust spot, before she hopped towards the two others.

"Odori, not Oodori! Completely different!" Tsumenaga wasn't really taking the teasing seriously, but she did lift both hands, displaying the Yamataigo characters for Oodori above one and Odori above the other. They looked completely different, despite the similar pronunciation. The beautiful Yamataian language was once again the victim of Trade's brutal simplicity.

Dropping the volumetric projections, she glanced back at Ryuko hopping about. At least the other Neko was steadily approaching them. "Uh...not to be rude, Santo Hei, but we got a schedule to keep here." If the strange newbie didn't straighten up, fast, Oodori might just have to toss her out of the shuttle. She wasn't going to be late on her first day because of an eccentricity.

"Well close enough for government work right?" she laughed as she looked down at the planet making sure to get the coordinates nodding to herself before she looked over to the other Neko in the group who seemed to be somewhat distracted... maybe it was nerves? then she seen her jump again and likely she was just bored.

"Hey Ryuko! We are jumping soon, come on, once we land and get orders to move in we will have a lot to do" she called to the other Neko as she displayed the coordinates "Oh right double checking the coordinates it seems they want us to land by their ship, report in and stand by, seems we are on reinforcement duty rather then doing a hot drop" she was sure Oodori was well aware of the mission but always good to go over it again.

It was just like going over your equipment before a mission or over your homework before handing it in, always good to make sure things were set and that you didn't miss anything, except in the case of a mission a mistake or something forgotten could get you killed.

Ryuko suddenly appeared behind Oodori and wrapped her arms around her. "She is here, ready to jump to dirty place." she said to the other Neko, her tail swaying behind her.

"This is why you struggled in Yamataian Literature class." Oodori shook her head...before tensing up as she was latched onto from behind. "...uh, you alright back there?" She could tell something was up with the third member of their party as soon as she spotted Ryuko, but she hadn't quite been expecting this.

"This ain't a buddy jump." She gently tried to unwedge the other Neko from her body and get her moving towards the ramp. Even though Tsumenaga was doing her best to ignore the pilot's voice in her helmet, she sounded annoyed. Their jump window was rapidly closing.

Watching the other Neko move in behind Odi Orianna simply smirked a bit, though her manner of speaking was a bit odd and she seemed a bit off she made it through SELECT like the rest of them so she had no reason to doubt her skill, just quirky she assumed "Yeah we need to get off this boat I think the Landlord is looking to Evict us" she relied hearing the pilot complain once more.

"and for the record Odi I may have had trouble with that class but I still got higher marks then yours..." she waited at the door a moment as she looked down "All systems green ready for jump" she announced to her superior officer, since after all as team lead she was either going first or at least meant to give the order for them to head out.

Ryuko just giggled, and released the other Neko, but glanced at Oodori's armor a second but she trusted that the Armorer handled the dust but she wasn't so sure about it. Ryuko giggled crazily as she jumped out of the shuttle with a squeal of glee.

"I can't believe you'd pick on a three year old like this, wow." Oodori feigned shock and disbelief at Orianna's response, before finally managing to pry herself free from Ryuko's grip. Or perhaps the other Neko had simply gotten bored of her attempt to cling to the NCO, as she flung herself out of the shuttle a moment later, temporarily escaping Tsumenaga's reach.

She can be the Joto Heisho's problem once we hit the ground. Oodori thought to herself, nodding to Orianna as she moved past her, jumping out after the fleeing Neko. "Camo up, and let's cut all the chatter until we land and get the all clear. Be advised that local gravity is 1.5 times Yamatai normal. Freefall only until 200 meters up, then initiate inertial deceleration. I don't wanna see a spec of dust disturbed, much less any footprints!"

Oodori's transmission cut off as the Neko's tall Mindy rippled and disappeared from view, plummeting towards the ground thousands of meters below. Besides the ping the Mindy registered to each of their HUDs, and the occasional cloud disturbed by her descent, there was no longer any sign of Oodori. Everyone had the coordinates, so they knew where to land. She trusted Orianna, of course, but she'd be watching Ryuko like a hawk.

Watching Ryuko, Orianna smirked a bit as the girl flung herself into the job, literally it would seem, and she laughed at Odi's comment about her age "A three year old that out ranks me despite her bad marks" she laughed a bit more before waving to Odi as her friend jumped out next, with a quick nod to the order she sent one last transmission to the pilot.

"Thanks for the lift, and get back home safe eh?" before she jumped out and activated her Camo. The plummet down was silent of course, and it gave her time to think "So we are on a hold and reinforce order, looks like they have a ship at the coordinates for our drop, but they want us in quiet, makes sense three Mindy's dropping in would cause quite a ruckus, the fact that they wanted power armor Equipped reinforcements on standby probably means they are expecting things to heat up.. least the brass here is thinking ahead"

The thoughts filtered through her mind as she fell the altimeter ticking down towards the desired height that was ordered, and as it did so Orianna was already going through another systems check, not a full diagnostic just a quick check on things as she kept looking back to her altitude for confirmation. "Weapons look good, armor interlock good, Seal Good, power system good, equipment secure.. 280... 270... 250... 230... 205... Decelerate." As she hit the desired height she started her deceleration and soon touching down with not even a sound on her landing let alone dust or a disturbance. "Just like in training, this time anyway, low tech and no shots coming in on the drop" she thought to herself as she stayed silent and waited for Oodori to report on their arrival.

As Ryuko plummeted from the shuttle, her senses heightened by the rush of adrenaline and the thrill of the freefall. Her Mindy armored form cut through the air, the wind roaring in her ears as she descended towards the unknown planet below. Despite the gravity being higher than what she was accustomed to, she couldn't help but feel exhilarated by the challenge.

In the midst of the descent, Ryuko's auditory sensors picked up the voice of her teammate, their words cutting through the roar of the wind. The command was clear It was a standard procedure, one that Ryuko had rehearsed countless times in her obsession, yet each time brought with it a renewed sense of focus and determination.

The information about the planet's gravity being 1.5 times that of their capital world of Yamatai sent a jolt of anticipation through Ryuko's circuits. She adjusted her trajectory slightly, preparing herself for the increased pull of the planet's gravity well.

As the ground rushed up to meet her, Ryuko couldn't help but notice her teammate's offhand comment about avoiding disturbing even a speck of dust. It was a remark that irked her slightly, the cleanliness-obsessed nature of her Nekovalkyrja upbringing conflicting with the chaotic nature of their mission. However, she pushed aside her concerns, focusing instead on the task at hand.

With practiced precision, Ryuko waited until she was just 200 meters above the surface before initiating the inertial deceleration sequence. The systems built into her Mindy armor activated, slowing her descent to a controlled landing. As she touched down on the planet's surface, Ryuko couldn't suppress a feeling of satisfaction. Another mission, another successful deployment.

Oodori nodded to herself as the blip that represented Ryuko showed signs of deceleration. A few moments later, she used her own inertial control to do the same, glancing at Orianna's status to confirm she followed procedure as well. Not that she was too worried about the human, but it didn't hurt to check. She was supposed to be in charge of these two, after all.

At least until she checked in with the Joto Heisho running things down here. She'd better get on that already. The shuttle they'd been aiming for looked even worse now that they were at ground level. The one they'd dropped from seemed fine, why was this hunk of junk the one that'd actually landed? Oodori wasn't very confident it would be able to take back off again, much less escape this increased gravity. Or get them back home.

Well, that was a problem for the future. For now, they needed to check in. The group of Mindy-clad soldiers was easy enough to spot near the shuttle, along with a few unarmored folk that must be locals. The one leading the conversation should be the man in charge. Aiming her laser communications antennae his direction, she sent a private message to Barone.

"Nito Heisho Oodori reporting in. The two Hei are right behind me. Didn't know if you wanted us to come right out and join this conversation. Looks like you've got a few guests." She broke off contact after that, sure he'd either open communications properly or know how to find her. He should be better at this job than her, after all.

Hopefully the other two could follow her lead, even when all they had to go by was a rough idea of her position. Any Operative should be able to handle this kind of situation without someone babysitting them.

Odori Settlement Perimeter

"... should be here soon... scratch that, they're already here. You can uncloak now, I'm sending the briefing we had digitally. Recording for Orianna,"
he finished psionically sending the relevant data to the four of them.

Oodori's Mindy NXT flickered back into visibility, bristling with bladed weaponry. She motioned towards the others to do the same, if they hadn't already, after receiving that order. Along with Barone's view of the recent briefing.

"So, what're your plans for the extra firepower, Barone-Heisho?" Despite all the smoke and mirrors, it sounded like they were after one guy and a few grunts. Did they really need backup?

Hearing the Order to drop cloak Orianna did so, her larger framed Mindy seemingly phasing into existence absolutely covered in heavy weapons, she then also took a moment to go over the briefing that was a sent her and she nodded as got a bit more caught up on things, Her Team lead Oodori already asking the important question on their role and the over all situation so she herself had nothing much to ask, other then looking over all three of her partners Power armors.

It was more out of habit and nothing much to do at the moment more then anything but again if they were expecting combat always good to know if the gear was fully ready to go, and taking a quick once over it was clear that their Power armors were as good to go as they ever will be, with that finally settled in her mind she took up a watchful position, best to keep a eye open while everyone talked, didn't need your eyes to hear a conversation after all.

"Extra firepower, heh. My plan is to remind the people here that Yicubique still flies a Yamataian flag. The people here suffered while their Rikugun failed to apprehend the perpetrators. Now is our chance to right the wrong and overkill is not a concern. Only do not kill Viktor Brandt and watch for any hostages," Barone answered directly.

Ryuko immediately uncloaked allowing her visibleness to appear. Ryuko looked around at the settlement around her and immediately, the first words out of her mouth were. "dirty!" Her tone of voice conveyed her disgust, and she patted her sides as if she could find something she could use to clean the place around her.

Barone for his part cocked an eyebrow, then nodded as he put together the situation. "Ah, you're Ryuko. We'll talk about how dirt's dirty later. Dokusei, Valla, grab the CBRN kit and decontaminate the radiation here. I want the people here on iodine and the aether radiation clear. Rikugun will be here to relieve you in a few hours."

"Hey, Spooky. I just lost contact with your communicator,"
Thorn informed Barone, "it made a circular path before it went offline and one of my EYEs caught sight of what might be a cloaked ship. It's gotta be where they landed, it's hidden really well."

"La Prossima, load up,"
Barone ordered, donning his helmet as he stepped up the open ramp, "time to figure out what's really going on here."
The ground passed quickly under the shuttle's open ramp as the strike team prepared for the assault. Thorn kept Shoebox at a comfortable and clean air conditioner setting somewhere in the neighborhood of five thousand feet. "Kay, so Barone got himself mugged and they took a Star Army communicator. Two, actually. Point is that gave us tracking data. My Eyes have confirmed the communicator's signal and location, tracking it to a location you will find on your maps. We don't have visual, so they have some kind of cloak but it's there. And for a third point of reference, went and pinged the tracker in the grip of Barone's NSP. Not sure what they're doing stealing tech like that, but I want that intel when you folks kick his ass. And if you can recover that staff Barone reported, I'd like to take it apart and study it. I'll be your air support, and pulling double duty as your mission operator. mostly by plugging myself into the ship and leaving my body for a bit. Anybody else got something to add?"

"Yeah, I do," Barone radioed as he stood by the edge of the ramp, "This ship doesn't have a xiu coating yet. I know we're invisible but.. let's make our finally approach as low as possible. Stike team, we'll jump out at full stealth and let them wonder what passed overhead, then hit them in the back."

"In that case, I'll come in low and fast, .9 mach, 200 feet off the deck with a 7 G vertical above the target. Immelman turn and burn hard for altitude 11K. You'll have about three quarters of a second to let yourself fall out the back. And they 'll be too busy scrambling anti air to notice some stealthed out Mindies." Thorn gave a shrug, her slight size barely reaching Barone's hip. But none would mistake that weariness and stiffness of her movements or the scars on her face for anything but age. Some form of dwarfism in the Nepleslian, perhaps? Or something darker that cursed her with a body that would age, but never grow up. Fitting, for the mercenary scientist wanted on so many worlds. Though it had been years since anyone had seen hide or hair of her. Many had assumed she finally got in too deep, died, or been stranded somewhere. It seemed she had simply retired. And SAINT had dragged her back for this. "Don't worry, never been shot down before."

"That means no time for conversation this go around, ladies!" Oodori spoke up after their latest pilot laid out their approach. Two drops within an hour. At least this assignment wasn't boring.

"Ori, you're on overwatch. Pick your favorite high ground and give us a play by play. Direct traffic, but be prepared to reposition after firing." Not only would the type of fire she preferred absolutely give away her position, it'd probably be destroyed in the process.

"Ryuko-Hei, you're in the dirt with me." Hopefully she could handle it. If the other Neko was going to lose control as soon as her Mindy got scuffed, better to learn that sooner than later. "Maintain stealth, no aether unless absolutely necessary." There'd already been issues with that after all, which was half the reason the three of them were here right now.

"First priority is recovering Viktor Brandt alive. No disintegrations. Do what you gotta do otherwise. It's amazing what you can live through nowadays." Oodori managed to not broadcast her chuckle at her own joke to the rest of the squad. "No need to use the kid gloves with any of the other hostiles. Let's try to be careful about potential hostages, though? The name of the game is intel, after all. Who knows what they've seen here?"

Ryuko gasped audibly as she was told that she was in the dirt with Oodori. "better not for long" she muttered in disgust quietly to herself as she prepared to move out, but making no comment.

"Got it, High tower overlook, don't fire unless needed since well,,. can't really keep stealth with this loadout gonna give myself away the moment I so much as single shot something she chuckled a bit at that as that was quite the understatement considering the weapons she carred for long range.

"If you need an specific area supressed let me know, I got the guns to force some heads down if needed, other wise I will be looking for heavier issues that might be coming up and keeping you apprised of any flank, you know the usual" she gave a thumbs up as she made sure to prep herself.

If she was going to be on overwatch she was going to make sure it was a good spot, and the drop window this time was even smaller than before, but overall they should be fine, the systems on the Mindy could make a short window like this more then enough, and their training easily covered hot drops and short windows.

"Oodori, I thought I was the commander," Barone teased on a private channel as he spun a pair of W-4100 aether sidearms into their waist mounted holsters, "keep the kids safe out there. I don't want to think about how bad I'll be chewed out if we lose someone to a gang of petty criminals. You got this, right?"

Oodori's head turned towards Barone, as she received that private communication. "Sorry, Barone-Heisho. I thought you called us in to handle this." She responded privately, as well. Helmet dipping for a moment as she spotted him readying his own weapons. "Didn't realize you'd be joining us." Requesting a shuttle full of strangers to throw into the meat grinder while the commander and his actual squad stayed behind had seemed more likely to her than them really needing a half dozen or more Mindy to take on what appeared to be desert bandits.

Barone shook his head. "Oodori.. don't take me too seriously. You'll find yourself in charge of the team more than myself," he said in the most nonchalant way possible as he took an AHAMR out of the weapons locker along with a satchel, "I'm going to hang back for a bit. I'm still curious how this is going to play out. I'm going to trust your instincts heisho. Good hunting." His armor disappeared before Oodori's eyes in a haze as he wished her well, vanishing without a trace.

"Three seconds to drop!" Came over the PA system as the shuttle began its final turns.

"Fireteam, GREEN LIGHT!" A gut dropping dive into the canyon as the rear shield shut down to unleash the brutal winds of Yiqubi's atmosphere so close to the speed of sound, followed by the ground seeming to invert, the roar of thrusters becoming audible as forward speed closed to almost zero and vertical speed increased in that gut wrenching acceleration.

"Ryokai." After that response, Oodori simply nodded, turning towards the rear of the shuttle as the three second warning was announced. "Move!" She shouted to the other two, ensuring they were properly motivated this time.

One mind, 81 Sedoka. Closing her eyes, gathering her concentration, the volumetrics on her Mindy suddenly began projecting hundreds, if not thousands of thick, black Yamataigo characters above her arms and shoulders, rising above her head, hovering around her weapons. It looked as if there were solid blocks of dark, glossy plastic swirling around her for a moment, before they disappeared just as swiftly. Followed a moment later by the rest of her Mindy.

With only a split second to orient herself after letting gravity rip her free from the shuttle, Oodori angled her descent towards what appeared to be a large landing pad or staging area of some sort, near instantly canceling her momentum to stop on a dime, hovering above the metallic surface.

Ryuko began moving out, all the while grumbling about dirt, and messes though admittedly she was pleased she was in armor at least.

Orianna nodded at the order to move and move she did, her systems were already primed and ready and she new her target, what she wasn't expecting was the rather radical departure from normal operational procedure and such a stray from what she thought the deployment plan was going to be.

Luckily she was able to keep up with the changes and she rushed out her suit disappearing as she activated her cloak as ordered for their insertion, she had a much much smaller window then Ryuko and Oodori did with her landing, made even shorter by the way they were being dropped in, but she would manage, thankfully seeing a good high spot was rather easy and she manuvered herself to land without a disturbance of the area on a good overlook of the base as she took up her overwatch position.

Thorn had pulled over vertical and sharply banked over, aiming to put the canyon wall between herself and incoming fire before initiating her climb to 11000 feet, where she could use her guns and the squad's directions to drop supporting fire. If this worked, she should be safe, but she didn't know how many fighters would come after her. None, she hoped. But the Universe has a sick sense of humor, so she watched the sensor feeds as she began the process of plugging her Geist into the main computer.

As she watched for fighters to launch she hear a sharp crunch across the nose of the shuttle, alarms blaring in the cockpit as various warnings illuminated the dashboard.Her immediate response was to launch into a string of decidedly not childlike curses over the open comm.

The shields were the first to collapse as the collision occured followed by the engines reporting debris blocking the turbines. The viewscreen remained clear at first before a second decidedly harsh pull sent the shuttle careening into a spin, the viewscreen now blocked by a metallic silver fabric, its surface lined with tiny hexagonal stitches.

"Weird," came Barone's voice from the copilot seat beside her, decloaking he took up the shuttle's SLAM and wrapped his left arm around Thorn's waist as he teleported, the two reappearing at the ledge of the canyon overlooking the team below. In the air they could see the scene visible to all, the shuttle had been fully enveloped by a massive 'sheet' of some fabric that had previously not been there, smoke billowing out as the squidded parachute of a collision plummeted from the sky to the ground, exploding as it crashed.

Initzio stood stoicly as the scene had unfolded with Thorn still firmly in his grip, "well... Now we know why we couldn't see them from orbit."

"Yup.... As comfortable as it is tucked under your arm like a sack of flour... Thanks for the rescue. That knocks one off our debt... Damn it, I liked that ship.". Thorn squirmed momentarily before settling down and beginning to tap away at the data pad inside her wrist. "Sending you the access codes for Auger and Seer, sir. Guest codes. Still. You should have user access to my sensors, and I want a sample of that sheet."

"All business now?" he bantered as he let her go, "I'd rather let you handle the nerdy satellite stuff. Wanna have some fun?"

"Last time I was a combatant, I got blown up by an insurgent, so I'd like to not die again. Besides, I'd need heavier commo gear like what's between your ears to dip out of this body if I get shot. And the Eyes have the computers to hold my mind till we get home. So if it's all the same to you, boss, you're my escape route." He handed the SLAM to Thorn with a subtle waggle. Dusting herself off, Thorn looked quizically at the SLAM. "Though those fuckers put up something that crashed me. You know how I am about payback."

In the bottom of the canyon it was nothing short of panic. Shouts from the people living there echod off of the sheer walls. Shouts including, "we can be seen" and "scramble the Cobras" matched a similar scramble of pilots to a trio of cobra gunships in various states of disrepair, yet all three clearly armed to the teeth. In the garages built into the canyon wall a pair of Type 31 Troll tanks started their engines as their crews sprinted for their rides.
As the clamor unfolded a third door opened, a spider-like tank inside lying dormant.

Hefting the rocket launcher, she settled onto her knees, letting her satellite feeds link to her neural implants, checking targeting vectors. "Buy me some time and I'll take out their air support as it gets airborne."

At least until she saw Oodori's communication go up through the net. "Or not. Retargeting..."

"Ryuko, take the far right. Get the pilot. I've got the other two." The message was encrypted, sent while Oodori was already flinging herself across the landing area, accelerating instantly to a speed that could cover hundreds of feet in a few seconds. She'd be upon the pilots before they'd run more than a few steps. "Ori, disrupt the tanks." She didn't have time to be more specific.

Oodori's monomolecular edged nodachi was drawn silently, as she aimed to cut down one pilot, then the other, ignoring any of the other crew members for the moment. She could always mop the rest up after the most pressing issue was handled. Sword and armor still cloaked, it was as if an invisible mass had simply appeared within the ranks of the enemy combatants, stopping as instantly and effortlessly as she'd accelerated with the bisected men falling to the great shock of the surrounding gangsters.

"Ok, Ryuko gets the pilot on the far right" Ryuko said as she too used her Mindy's speed to bring herself to the designated pilot to get him as she was ordered too.

Looking on at the situation... then the sound of a crash above them Orianna took a quick moment to look up and send a encrypted message using her laser to keep her stealthed position "Bird is down.. crashed into something on air support now" she informed Oodori before she looked back at what was available down below.

"Three corona class gunships, old looking but if they were kept in good order the Armor on them should be Rated as Teir 8 if I remember correctly on the Armorers tiering system, so usually used on medium mecha and fighting vehicles fairly resiliant but we got the hardware to deal with it will take some time though, it's Durandium Alloy armor unless they up armored it with something stronger, Aim for the underside if it gets in the air as it uses relativly softer Durandium Alloy down there to help cusion a crash. Armerment, if they kept the main loadout, two Pulse laser arrays for point defense, four NAM extended Rack missle systems, one NAM Medium 30 Milimeter Chaingun, and two kegbuster rocket lauchers."

She continued to look at the other available equipment that was being rolled out "Identified two type 31 "Toll" Tanks same Armor classification, as the Corona gunships, standard load out it looks like, Armament 105mm Gauss Cannon, 35mm Machine Gun, and two twelve rack missile launchers" she continued looking on at the other things there as her heisho went to work.

"Wait.... Careful they have a Mech with them Moon Spider..." she contiued to focus on the Mecha till she could get a better view "Correction.. no Mech... it's a Tasha Autonomous Support Heavy Armor. it's a floating tank basically, armament is one oh five Milimeter Plasma Cannon, fifty Milimeter Grenade Launchers unless they changed the ammo it will likely have white phosphorus grenades, two Thirtyfive Milimeter Machine Gun, one Aether Gatling turret, four Point Defense Turrets basically they are equivalent to NSP's, and two leg-mounted micro-missile pods, that Tasha is going to be the hardest target if they kept it in good repair, it will have both Yamataium with thick Zesuaium panels and reactive armor coating, Scalar will have no effect, the Conformal EM sheilding and stealth system will make it that much harder to deal with"

"Thorn, here. Barone and I survived the crash, we're still gonna give what support we can. I'm patching the fireteam to my satellite network, that crash gave us coverage. You tell me what to spank, yeh?"
. Her mind's eye processed the information, listening to Orianna's report and scanning for those targets as she responded using what sattalite communication she could. "Looks like your battle's denying their air support. I have a loaded SLAM with plasma"

Ryuko blinks her eyes as she looks up and she saw the shuttle crash. The poor Neko shook in disgust, fear and something else. She was stuck on his dirty world and to say she was displeased was an understatement. Ryuko blushed when she heard Thorn spoke. "Spanking is hard and possibly dirty" she said in comment, before she tried to force herself to focus on the mission.

"Thorn take out the Tasha, you got the heaviest hitting gear here and most of our weapons will mostly ping off it or be asporbed by the shield and if that thing gets moving it's going to be hell for all of us, I'll target the tanks and the crews I got a clear shot from here" she sent the secured communication to Thorn before her 8ga cannon flipped up to her shoulder and she took aim at the two tanks with their crews trying to get to them, "Should supress them too..." she thought to herself as her Scalar machinegun also flipped up, and she opened fire, killing the tanker who'd failed to keep his head down after taking cover behind a junk rover.

"Target spotted. I can drop three missiles on it and use the last to drop the roof on it." Thorn looked up. "Shot's your call, sir. Targets locked, ready to fire on your mark."

"Hold up a moment, I've worked with these before," Barone responded to Thorn as he gazed through the scope of the massive sniper rifle, "not even the SLAM will work, and then we won't have it anymore. These things usually had a handler. He'd be the one to start it up. We need to keep him from getting there. "

"Easy. Drop the roof on it so they can't get to it."
Barone stared downrange, eventually pointing to a boulder jutting out of the canyon wall. "That, above the door 6 meters above the door. If we can dislodge that boulder we can at least obstruct access to it, and maybe even cause a landslide to block it off," he replied, "drop that rock, Thorn. I'll snipe anyone who tries to make it in."

"Roger. Target locked. Missile one away. Next target."

Barone continued sighting in targets, "marking now, three PA's, take 'em". Thorn pulled the trigger, letting her first missile fly before locking on to those targets Barone had marked.

"Missile away." The second missile lanced from the launcher, aimed for the three power armor units furthest from the main cluster of the fight, the missile landing between the three to splash two of them with plasma as the third leapt to safety. Two, at least, we're burning. "Splash two and three. Next target."

Dokusei dropped into the fray, thankful that her little side mission had wrapped up somewhat successfully. Though the results could not truly be known as of yet. She thought if this particular scientific mischief warranted further discussion, she would get an ear full from Barone about it at a later date. After situating herself near Barone and Thorn she sent a sweetly succinct message to the former, "Easy job, I am back." With an essence of all the rage bottled up from earlier instances she lit off a shot from her Ke-M2-W2901 Aether Beam Saber-Rifle directly towards their closest enemies. The rage she felt towards them was endless, they had brought shame upon her for what had happened. That had induced a blood rage within her that simply could not go unsated.

"Hey Doku," Barone said, still sighting targets, "I figured you'd want a slice. Do you see those guys with no power armor? One of those forty-something guys robbed us. Go kill them for me, the others are doing similar."

A switch flipped in Dokusei's mind when Barone dropped some knowledge about the guys with no power armor. Those were the goons that accosted them earlier? It made her absolutely fume as her focus narrowed in on them. Their suffering would bring her great satisfaction. "With pleasure," she responded in a devilish tone. Without hesitation Dokusei piloted her Mindy towards enemy forces. She felt like an angel of death as she hovered above them with their end in mind. In rapid pulse mode her sable-rifle began raining suffering down upon enemy forces. They would pay for what they had done.

Aether bolts rained down on the heads of the motley assembly of thugs still trying to figure out the gravity of their situation. The bolts of pink-hot aether burst upon the men and the ground, pulverized the barely armored men and bursting the sand into plumes of molten sand. The men fired blindly at anything they hoped was their attacker while diving for cover. In the chaos that ensued 8 men took shots from their ally's frantic bursts of fire.

With her targets picked and decided on Orianna lined up her weapons and started to fire her Machine gun at the crews whole her 8 guage cannon rattled off, first an armor shot aimed at the Tank crews, followed by Kinetic slug aimed at the first tank, she moved the cannon again to launch an air burst near the crews once more and the final plasma round was aimed at the second tank, all while she raked the area the crews were running through with her Scalar Machinegun, putting down the heads of the 2 crewmen who hadn't been exploded by the 8 gauge airburst round.

She made sure to aim her Slugs at the tank's Missile launchers as they would likely pop the tanks since the they had some tough armor. The Kinetic slug aimed at the first Troll would hit squarly in the middle of the left rack of missles, while the Plasma Slug would impact a little lower on the Right rack of the second tank.
All the sudden weapons fire from her location would of course give her away especially with he muzzle flashes and report of the guns, but she had a job to do to take out the armor and the drivers.

A smokey hissing came from the first tank's missile rack while the other instanly ignited a payload not commonly used in the SAoY, a sugary-oxide based fuel propelling the 11 missiles from their home in their tubes as the first burst into intense flames chaining the existing magazine which launched in random directions like a psychotic fireworks display, collapsing the ceiling over it.

Not stopping the 11 other rockets that had fried in random directions, Orianna's HUD illuminated with alerts of an imminent impact by her feet, dropping her barrier and exploding a pair of gangers into the air. All the while Thorn's SLAM rocket rocked the canyon wall, freeing the bolder to fall heavily over the entry to the Tasha, hundreds of kilograms of smaller rocks

Orianna watched as the three men dropped, two from the 8 gauge cannon air burst round, and 1 from the sweep of her machinegun, leaving the tanks with only a singer operator, and the handy work of her rounds got a very good result on the Trolls, well one of them anyway as the second one instead cooked the missiles and caused them to fire off rather then explode.

As one of the random firing missiles flew at her Orianna jumpped back her barrier thankfully taking the damage of the explosion and while it recharged she had the good fortune of having a large dust cloud be knocked up between her and her targets. so she returned to stealth and used the cover to reposition, being careful to not leave a dust trail behind so she could remain undetected for another strike later.

Mikodimus knew his team would be bold, perhaps even a tad reckless. While this might be alarming to some, for Miko, it simply meant that dull moments would be scarce. The mission was straightforward, though initiating action was somewhat impromptu. Miko couldn't help but grin, recalling his brother's favorite saying for such situations: "Apart from everything going completely wrong, it's all going according to plan."

He was in awe of the overwhelming firepower that Spark and Orianna demonstrated. He had just deployed his drones according to the action plan he devised, and they were already testing the limits of their ammunition reserves. There's nothing quite like formidable firepower to make a statement. In his mind, the bass music began to thump, setting the rhythm for the chaos.

The drones diverged in three separate directions. His crew was decimating anything that moved. Miko planned a more tactical approach to eliminate any adversaries that managed to endure the initial onslaught. To ensure Miko asserted his domination, he first put his focus on the Corona Gunships which were still in action. With only three drones he figured a few rounds from each would be enough to blow through the major parts of the gunships. Other than the AA, his drones would now rule the sky and rule they did as they savaged the engines from the Coronas, rendering them flightless.

As the drones swiftly dealt with the gunships, Miko targeted the power armor units. Individually, they weren't too powerful, but collectively, they posed a significant threat. He was confident that his weapon's beam mode could easily dispatch at least two of the light power armors. His initial two shots either missed or merely chipped away at the armor's defenses. Refocusing, he exerted maximum effort on his subsequent shots. This time, his precision paid off, resulting in two headshots in a single burst. He surmised that the operators were either incapacitated or deceased, but at least they were temporarily out of the fight.

A single power armored trooper dove out of the way as Thorn's rocket landed, blasting away the shields of the other two and setting them ablaze in plasmic flames. The survivor tried frantically away from the scene only to receive a hyper-velocity 12.7 zesu slug to the head, exploding into a murder scene of its own. Barone opened his left eye to see a pair of men pulling the tarp off of a handmade AA gun built with 4 large auto cannons. "Oh boy, we can't have that now," sighting in the gunner as he claimed into the seat, he fired a shot into the gunner's ches and instantly followed up with a second shot into the spotter. With the gore of the AA crew covering their machine he nodded with satisfaction.

"Aahaow!" Thorn cried, almost dropping the missile launcher to cover her ear and wipe away the blood leaking from her ear. "If you're gonna blow out my eardrums, at least blow out my back, first! You haven't even bought me dinner!" Thorn shook off the injury long enough to re aim the missile launcher. I got two shots, smiting that Troll.

With a squeeze of her hand, she let the last two missiles fly. "Goddamnit, I can't hear outta that side! You fucking popped my eardrum, you dick!"

Junk Flats, 20km from the Canyon Hideout

("Anyone got eyes on those gangers yet, over?") Yeoman Sergant Lucas called to the spotters, watching the nearby surroundings as the gunners loaded the massive 205mm Cannons they'd brought with them. A few halftracks with anti-air rolled up-the quad 4cm autocannons scanning the sky as four additional squads of infantry dismounted from others, and a single Myrmidon had gone hull down up to counter any armor that might show up. The scavers had gotten it into their heads to steal from one of the company ships when they'd arrived to do some salvage work; they'd struck hard and fast; leaving them with precious little time to react-no fatalites, but it'd been close; and had made off with some gear-details were sketchy, but they'd had to answer regardless; retrieving the gear was priority-but the gangers were a problem. So they'd decided that it was time for a little...payback.

And a reminder of the consequences for stealing from them.

("Negative; can hear some gunfire nearby-some of it sounds pretty heavy, but don't have eyes yet, over.") The man sighed, prepping his Juggernaut's weapons; a fullisade of chaingun, missiles, bar mace and heavy laser, were ready. The fact that he'd been deployed with a Guardian was indicative of just how seriously they were taking this. ("Copy that; let me know you have eyes, over.") A follow-up of "Acknowledged, over and out." Ammo count was solid, and they had everything from HE to a couple of Nukes; just to get the point across. ("We got sensor coverage yet, over?") A pause, followed by a ("Negative, eta 2 minutes.")

("Oi-Yeoman Sergant, come in-over!") Lucas looked up with a start, charging his changun on instinct. ("Lucas here, status-over!") A pause followed by ("We've got comms chatter all over the place; indie, yammie; and we've got eyes on the Myrmidon-south by south east running full tilt-looks like their burning hard, over!") What the hell were the cats doing here?

("Roger that; keep an eye and give us direction while we move to intercept, over and out!") He turned to the squad; ("Alright, we've got eyes on the Myrimidon-Sapphires 3 and 4 mount up and one AA battery with us-1 and 2 remain behind with the other tank and guard the artillery-we've got Yammies in the area so we need to get the tank and get out-Let's Move!") The yeomen mounted up in rapid succession, clambering into the halftracks as they set off-Lucas running beside them as they surged forward.

Canyon Hideout
As the chaos ensued the 4 standing PA gangsters began shouting orders to the others began equipping goggles. The faces of the criminals became covered by the trademark holographic projection of Viktor's face, though with glowing blue eyes. They separated themselves into 3 groups of 5 while one of them ran to the surviving Troll while another who'd always had his mask on was distinctly on his own. The 3 teams began scanning about for the menace who'd savaged their men. The solo scanned similarly for where Dokusei had been, searching quickly. "There it is!" called a team leader, "take aim and wait for my call!"

The solo took aim with a black NSP and fired a shot perfectly at her head, sparks crackling off her helmet. As Dokusei's attention was caught firmly by the deadly marksmanship of the 'masked' man, she noticed a subtle nod of his head towards the leader who was shouting "I said wait to fire!" The others began echoing "fire?" and "fire!" beginning a confused, staggered firing from the group as they experienced varying degrees of hesitation in their attack. This gave Dokusei more than enough time to dodge the ineffective hail of rifle caliber bullets, with two zapping off her shields reducing her barrier to 75%. She retaliated at the commanding figure with another spray of aether bolts, saturating the men in pink-hot death.

The power armored man nearest to the group fired his machine gun, striking Dokusei with impressive marksmanship, dropping her barrier as lead connected with her Mindy, but it couldn't save him as her ASBR fired a beam through his chestplate into his heart. His chest burst as the energy escaped in the only direction feasible, dispensing his crispy organs across the sand as his body collapsed onto it's back.

In that moment, there was a wicked smile that spread across Dokusei's face underneath the cover of her armor. "Shame their suffering ended so quickly." she thought before ripping her attentions elsewhere.

From the garage the Troll battle tank pulled out clumsily, the inexperience of the untrained driver on full display, Oodori diving out of the way as it rolled past her. The turret rotated in Orianna's direction, seeming to know her presence. The machine stared angrily as a glow formed within its barrel now pointed towards the armorer.

"Shit," Dokusei whispered to herself as she watched the horrifying situation unfold. She positioned herself to be ready for attempting to zoom in and support Oodori if the need arose.

The first of Thorn's shots went wide, her distraction from her injury forcing the missile off course. The second, however, splashed against the shield with a thunderous boom as Thorn cursed. "Shot one miss, shot two, solid hit, target's still shielded!"

"Damn, Thorn, you suck with that thing," Barone commented.

"Fuck me about it, shitbag!" Such rage and anger exploded from her tiny, childlike body that she wasn't sure if her voice had carried to her sattelites and rebroadcasted across the planet on open comms.

Watching the tank roll out Orianna realized it likely could detect her, especially when it turned the main fun towards her "Okay well figured that considering..." she thought to herself as the tank was taking aim, "the barrier on that things to tough for most of my gear other then the Missiles I have.. but that cannon is going to be an issue.. the shield should open up a moment when it fires.. if I fire a missile down the barrel it should cause an issue with the firing mechanisim, the missile rack is also smoking a missile there should set them off rather then launch them... might be able to take them out if I do that...

As the tank got ready to fire, Taking a moment she readied herself, before her launch pods on her legs opened, as she stared down the tank She thought about it, and closed the other bays "Should only need one actually... just have to time this right.." she thought to herself as she took a deep breath and waited she thought of the weapon and the vehicle, weapon and computer timing. Going over mentally all the calculations, the timing it needs to send the commands to the different parts needed to fire the cannon and open the window in the Barrier. And how long the Tank would need to get a proper firing solution, it wouldn't be able to pinpoint her exact location but even with ten year old tech it could get close enough for that Cannon to do work.

Things seems to slow down for her as she focused, on that tank, focusing on the timing in her mind as she continued to think of the process that needed to happen for the entire attack, and just as she got to the point that the window would open in the barrier she fired off the missile. Aimed down the barrel of the machine in front of her, taking aim at her.

Just as the cannon fired the missile flew down the barrel reaching the main chamber and detonating both itself and the main gauss capacitor, causing a chain reaction in the turret of the Troll. The capacitors overloaded and the turret exploded off the tank, being sent into the roof of the garage it was in, taking the machine gun with it leaving the tank out of weapons it could use, but also sending a massive energy surge through the system from the built up energy in the capacitors of the gauss cannon.

The barrel popped like a ballon of shredded steel, a moment later a bright flash blinded those around as the turret burst from the hull propelled by the force of an exploding electrical capacitance system. The turret reached Barone and Thorn's height before falling back to the canyon ground below. As the domed scrap metal looked them in the faces Barone made the comment, "huh, I gotta pop off like that too before I die."

"To be honest, the best response to me would have been 'when tank turrets fly.' The irony would have been delicious." Thorn gave a shrug before a shuddering cough, one that nearly pushed the rebreather filters out of her back to leave red stains on the back of her once white tee shirt. "Ghads, this air's nasty. Filters are clogged, I'll need to get them cleaned again."

"Oh damn, Thorn, don't die on me here. We're just getting started," Barone exclaimed then commented, "oh, and I didn't say I was creative. I just have a REALLY good team, apparently," he commented then radioed to Orianna, "fan-frinkin'tastic Orianna!"

"You are far less creative than your brain-daddy. But I can get jiggy with it. You want me to nudge a piece of debris out of orbit and smite these heretics? Cause I'm fine, happens all the time."

"Noooo no, we don't need anything that'll cause an artillery effect."

"Roger that, taking up spotter. And don't blow out any more of my eardrums. Not like I carry spares or can heal like you. In fact... Am I getting old?"

Barone shrugged and rested his cannon-like weapon on his shoulder, "maybe a little, but at least you're not alone in it."

"Maybe. Thirty fve years, by the way. I'm thirty five. Not sure how long this body was supposed to last. Who's that Mindy pilot down there shredding the Infantry? She reminds me of an old friend of mine."

Barone shrugged and recalled the soldier's dossier. "Orianna Paddenmour, she's human too," he paraphrased, "graduated Zenjinkaze, served as an armorer for a while. Super high marks in direct action missions. She hasn't even served that long and she's racked up an impressive body count.. the makings of a combat hero."

"May have to throw her at Sergeant Pine if we go after Taii Koun. I read her file and the ship's manifest... We may need a diversion or three if she doesn't want to cooperate. Go ahead and put two in that guy. Shot pocket between the neck and shoulder." Thorn painted a target on one of the power armor troopers still standing, specifically the one she noted the shields seemed down on.

"Ooh, he is open," he confirmed taking both a knee and careful aim, switching the gun to Hard Target mode, "watch me do it in one." After a moments pause the shot rang out, catching the heavily armored man perfectly at the base of the neck, his helmet flying airborne as a shower of red sprayed the area. The PA troops to his left and right jumped in surprise and looked directly to where the shot had come from. Ever so slowly Barone backed away from the edge of the canyon to avoid any retaliatory exchange.

"Clean hit! Beautiful-- Oshit!" Thorn ducked behind the rock face to avoid being seen as she pulled a gem adorned ring from one of her pockets to toss at Barone "Nice shot, looks like I owe you five Bells. I can pay in Water Credits right now. Get that back later."

Barone smiled in his helmet. "I'm not doing this for the money, buddy," he stated creeping forward to sight in another target, "I do it for the love of the game." The gun fired and scored another decapitation on the armored man who'd begun searching for the sniper. reaching into his buttpack he fished out another magazine and perfomed a common speed reload in a slow, methodical motion to minimize any disruption to his camoflage before racking the bolt and chambering yet another round.

Turning after she took out the tank and she got her 8 guage cannon up into a firing position and opened fire on the infantry and some of the power armorer units dumping ammo on them as she let rip with the cannon, working to thin the numbers even further as she moved to break line of sight once more to try to keep moving and let her barrier recover.

The kinetic slug tore into the armored arm, blood and hydraulic fluid bursting from the shoulder as the left arm was torn from the human within. Dropping to his knees the man screamed in pain as he bled profusely. Though not dead, the man was far from being in fighting shape.

Firing an airburst round, the shrapenel hadn't the chance to take a life as the sheer percussion instantly burst the 5 metal clad foot troops blood vessels, the metal fragments shedding their carcasses in a storm of metal.

The other power armored ganger fired a stream of high-caliber bullets from a home-made rifle built from an old mounted machinegun. Orianna stepped back letting the big projectiles pass on harmlessly as her 8ga cannon took aim and fired a plasma shell, the superheated shot bursting and enveloping the man in it's intensly hot flames. His barrier deflected the heat though imperfectly so as the metal of his suit glowed read at the point of impact, paint burned away.

The last surviving man in power armor ran for the blocked TASHA keying on his wrist computer pad only to stop hard in his tracks, impaled on Oodori's freshly energized aether blade nodachi. He went instanly limp as the blade melted through his chest, metal quickly beginning to glow. Oodori swiftly withdrew the aether blade from his chest and with a flick of her wrist docked it back onto it's shoulder hanger. "Area secured."

A pounding came from the boulders blocking off the TASHA's hanger followed by a blast that launched Oodori back, doing a handspring to recover with her ASBR draw in the process. The TASHA crawled out, squeezing through the hole it'd made with it's guass plasma cannon. The spray painted desert camoflage and supplemental plate armor welded across its hull suspiciously covering many of the sensors scattered across its hull.

The armless PA troop scambled helplessly as the spider tank leapt onto him, crushing him underfoot. "Where is my century?" it's motherly voice demanded of the crushed man with a reproachful tone. His deceased state proved to be an issue. With unexpected coordination it manipulated the corpse in such a way to kick it aside while its various weapon systems scanned about, the obscured visibility of the crude supplement armor plating making it difficult to track the Mindy's in full stealth, "I know you're there. Where is Fifth Fleet, Fourth Battalion?"

"Oh boy. That's not good," Barone commented, mentally putting in a request for data on Fifth Fleet, Fourth Battalion but only being reminded that the shuttle had crashed. In the distance he could see a tank-like vehicle with a plow quickly approaching and he made a quick call, "guys, back off of that tank. It's can't track us apparently and we have company. Repeat, fall back. We have have a tank incoming."

"Shit" Dokusei cursed to herself as the behemoths began to converge. "Say less, falling back now." she responded as she relocated amongst her teammates.

Ryuko tried to remain calm, but her paranoia, and her OCD was causing her to be distracted somewhat. She attempted to recenter herself as she moved to fall back with Dokusei.
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Tank Battle in the Canyon

The tank was unlike anything Jack had ever driven-inspite of that oversized mech tool-who the hell strapped a pair of rivet guns to a tank? Still, a gun was a gun, and they needed all the firepower the could get. "Alright, listen up!" He said, spotting the smoking ruin of the base as he fidgeted with the controls-the overside cockpit made him feel vulnerable, despite the extremely high speed and manuverabilty. "Looks like something came through and lit the gang up-we get any survivors and get out-I don't wanna be here when those Company assholes show up to get their tank back." As they neared the base-he saw it-six overbuilt legs, a round, almost saucer like body and several half-domed turrets. "Well, that explains it-Liz-get on the guns and light that thing up-gonna try and ram it!" He gunned it as the crew took their stations, fiddiling with the controls as he revved the engine-hitting gunning the engine as the massive tank surged forward.

Detecting the shot go wide the TASHA reacted, "hostile detected." Leaping over the incoming Myrmidon with its tanks tracks kicking up massive dust cloud as it sped past the TASHA, legs spread outwards, and landed behind it, firing it's plasma guass cannon lancing into the other tank's electromagnetic screen, intense sparkling rippling across the barrier. "Enemy combatant, cease hostilities and await Star Army personnel."

"Damn it!" He shouted as the screen flashed-while the language was unfamiliar, he at least got the general gist of the alerts across the hud-you were shot dummy-at the same time he'd hit a button and managed to get what was essentially the hatch over the cockipit: well-at least he had a bit more protection now-slamming the tank into overdrive as they reversed suddenly-Liz brought the massive guns around-firing them.

The TASHA's shields sparked and shattered as the pair of explosive bolts exploded across the barrier rendering it offline and taking the mech aback. Springing forward through the smoke it fired again, it's sensors blinded but AI still projecting it's potential position. It fired but missed entirely, it's follow up shot coming closer but missing too. Speeding off evasively it began a more evasive personality.

"Barone, you have my comm codes. The Eyes have a hyperspace transceiver on board. I need your access codes to get Fifth Fleet's codes." Thorn watched the TASHA for a moment before she closed her eyes, concentrating. Brain to Geist, Geist to implant, implant to Barone, Barone's brain to the orbiting support vessels, she started blanketing the area in electronic warfare signals, pounding sensors and communications in mid amplitude high wattage signals to get the attention of the raging automaton and blind the tank. Signals that matched a repeating transmission she had been hit with before, a Star Army equipment inte
rrogator code. If her math was right, the venerated war machine was too experienced to be inconvenienced noticably by the signal, but scrappers and novices like their enemy would have a hard time separating the signal from their sensors. "Transmit them to orbit and gimme three minutes. We may get a TASHA outta this if I do this right. I left the plan in your brainpan as I passed through using you as a relay. If not, go ahead and add impersonating a Star Army vessel to my criminal record."

"Yeah, transmitting now," he answered then added, "don't help it too much. I wanna see how this plays out. Not everyday you get to see these things at work." Looking through his scope he asked, "say.. what's all that scrap metal they got welded to it?.. that can't be helping it. Anyone know why that crap is on the mech."

"Looks like they blindered her like a horse... Poor girl. I'm freeing her. Don't worry, I'll take full responsibility." Thorn wasn't looking through her eyes, but her Eyes, still bombarding the machine with friendly signals, though now at a reduced intensity as she tried to coax it willingly into the team's network. "SAINT codes aren't working, they did get me their codes... Masking Augur to transmit those..."

Ryuko silently observes the action and activity with a big grin on her face as they all did their job.

Dokusei situated herself next to Ryuko silently watching like her comrade. She was itching to get back into the fray and wreak more havok. In this moment there was not much she could do except for wait for the time to strike. "Perhaps an attempt to deter close up assaults?" she responded to Barone just as intrigued as he about the sitation. She did not hear or register what it was Thorn was up to, otherwise she would have offered her assistance given her training in computer sciences. Though granted her talents were better suited for the other areas in which she had received education.

Orianna after having dealt with the enemies had gotten the message to move back and so she did, taking cover as well as she listened in on what everyone was talking about, Barone had a question about the metal on the Tasha, Orianna replied "Likely it was to blind the vehicle to prevent it from using visual confirmation of it's Handeler, forcing it to use other sensors to confirm it's handler one moment"

Orianna located the man that had tried to run over to it and taking the chance she moved over to their body during a safe, or rather a safer point in the ongoing fight, and grabbed the body, and headed behind cover before teleporting with it up to Barone and Thorn "Got the body of the man that was waking it up, he likely has the Needed IFF codes on his Terminal here, if not we could try the engineers and Maintenance codes to let it know a friendly work team is nearby, that should have different codes from the handler" she advised.

Company Unit, Canyon Edge

("Hold it, got eyes on tank!") The Yeoman Sergant hunkered down as the half-tracks came to a halt not twenty feet behind them-fighting somekind of wierd spider-mecha-thing, ("Bastards are engaging an unknown.") Signaling for the troopers to prepare to dismount, the autocannon unit began to seach to the skies...

Hearing the shaking of the ground Barone checked his sensors and swore. He'd been so fixated on the tank fight he'd missed the 3 halftracks on approach, IFF tagging them 'Iron Company'. "Huh. Hey guys, the Senti-hunters are here. I guess that explains the weird tank. Thorn, head down. I'll handle this." As the trucks pulled alongside the cloaked man he happened to be standing beside a heavy power armor. Dropping his cloaking devices he spoke, sniper on his shoulder, "howdy." Lucas moved with a speed the belied the bulk of the armor-briging up the chaingun in his hand with the grumble of an old desiel engine as he pulled the zip cord. "Is that a gun?"

For a moment, the Yeoman Sergant stared, gobsmacked by the question. "What do you think Skirt?" He shot back-indicating the four omnious-looking barrels ready to send the 10mm ripple cartridges, "Rips open gribbly armor fine, not that it's any concern of yours."

"But why a combustion engine?" he asked incredulously.

"Because," He explained as the yeomen looked on in disbelief, "It's easier to build, and it can take a lot more punishment than an electric motor." Lucas held up his free hand. "Handles heat better, higher load tolrances, higher RPM-spools little slower though." That and it fired three 'bullets' with each round but he didn't need to know that.

Barone stood in disbelief, but the sound of cannons firing in the canyon changed the conversation, "I'm guessing that's your tank down their?"

"Aye-wouldn't be here if we didn't have a reason." He explained, guesturing to the vehicles dueling, as he checked his gun, "Bastards nicked it when they hit our landing site," If he could've, he would have spit on the ground, but the suit wouldn't let him, though his tone shifted from aggravated to satisfied as he continued, "Their friends weren't as lucky though."

The gears in Barone's mind turned. "There are so many reasons we're wiping these guys out today, but they nicked one our TASHA's- like an automated spider tank," he explained, "maybe we can help each other out. We're out of anti armor weapons and I can probably peg the driver if we drop the shields. Otherwise, the show's been great."

Lucas thought for a moment, they had launchers, grenades and missile, and some EMP rounds-detpacks too; and the skirt's help would definately make their job easier. "Alright," He responded, checking his suit, "We've got anti-armor gear; including a few EMP's. Our orders are to disable the tank within 6 minutes of contact; failing that we're to scuttle it." He checked the power reserve devoted to his weapons, then chronometer, "And we've already almost wasted a full minute with this yammering; so you help us get our tank, we'll help you get that peice of junk; deal?"

"Deal," Barone agreed, "Initzio Barone, Ittô Heisho." He offered his hand to shake.

The yeoman hesitated for a moment, before taking it. "Yeoman Sergant Lucas." He responded, before abruptly releasing his hand hand barking to the yeoman. ("Sapphire 1, head left-Sapphire 2 take the AA and go right-both squads prepare to dismount on my orders-standard envelopment!") As the half-tracks moved, he turned back to Barcone. "Squads are moving to posistion to try and knock them out with EMP's-you n' I are gonna get their attention." As he turned and prepped the Ion Thrusters on his suit, he lept over the edge and the comm chimed to life with his voice. "Try to keep up, Skirt." With that he trigged the suits in built in ski system and began rapidly speeding down the narrow canyon wall.

"Oh no, I couldn't possibly!" he yelled dramatically before teleporting to the canyon bottom, his state-of-the-art teleporter leaving an hazy image that disintegrated into the air. Only he didn't reappear elsewhere.

"Oh, lookie here, a Skirt with a fancy toy." He retorted before looking around and realized that Barone hadn't reappeared, "Oh you cowardly shit-guzziling Thurok Fucker!" He bellowed as he reached the bottom, ramping off a particualrly poorly placed metal catwalk leaving glowing trails behind as he triggered his jets. ("Alright boys, change in plans-don't know what happened to the skirt when he activated his gizmo-might hhave some kind of fancy cloak and used it to done run off-Sapphire 1 begin attacking, I'll hit em from above and see if we can separate them-Sapphire 2 wait for my signal and then hit em' with EMPs.")

Jack gunned the engine back as fast as possible as Lisa brought both guns around. "Nail that fucker!" He roared as she fired, letting a out a roar as she did so. The TASHA hit the Myrmidon's barrier as the rivets tore blasted across the TASHA's outer hull, it's percussive effects breaking it's flight and drive system, rendering it immobile but not defenseless as it fired it's cannon with AI precision, hypersonic plasma flaring across the enemies shields, masking the view of the spider tank collapsing to the sand, it's legs struggling in vain to drag it's disabled carcass, but with one camera uncovered by the blast.

Lucas watched as the Myr disabled that piece of shit Skirt tank-good riddance; those things were nothing but trouble whenever they'd found them in salvage; still, it'd managed to pop the shield which was good enough for him-raising his sunbeam-and ensuring there was enough left in his immediate power reserve before firing-the brillant green beam lancing out the left tread-blowing it clean off and fusing the road wheels together, Fuck. Now they'd have to call in a transport to pick it up-once they got to hosing out what was left of that crew.

Barone reappeared in a bright red burst as he dropped against the TASHA's hull and slid to the sand. "What the hell?!?" he swore as he took in his surroundings then realized the Myr staring him in the face, "dammit!" Acting on reflex he took a knee and dumped his magazine into the armored cockpit. Mighty gun barked 4 times, aether bursting in flashes across it's canopy shield.

A single pink-white flash blinded the crew as a round detonated in the cockpit's blast shield. Jack shouted in pain as the heat scorched his skin, barely surviving to see Lisa slumped over the dashboard, thoroughly scortched. Taking a labored breath he paniced, realizing that what had hit the cockpit. As the radiation began to make him wretch he whezzed his final words, "damn you.. Yamatai."

Lucas whistled. "How bout that, a skirt that can actually shoot." He landed as he opened the canopy; popping a latch under the left side that was hidding from view. Looking at the pitful remains of the asshole who'd thought he could make off with their kit. ("Alright, get a salvage team down here-and bring some hammers.") He said over the comm as he wrenched the man out, ("Make an example out of em.") Lucas looked down at Barone. "So what in the Ancestor's name happened-you tinkering with a tele' or something?"

Barone quickly regained his standing, but only literally as he tried to look cool. Looking into his new ally's helmeted face he said, "I have seen eternity... I.. think my teleporter is broken.. it was very awkward."

"Then recalibrate the damned thing-last thing we need is you bringing in veilspawn because you're too Thurok-Fucking retarded to understand that broken teleporters do bad things." He retorted as the three half-tracks pulled up-the yeomen dismounted and taking up position as several entered the tank to secure the crew.

"What the hell is a Thurok, and are they hot?" he asked simply.

Lucas looked at the man for a moment as some of the yeomen exchanged murmurs-likely betting on this. Was he serious? "Oh aye," He said, his voice taking a sardonic, exaggerated tone, "If your into sodomizing 4 meter long beasts, then go for it." The yeoman sergant's tone became serious. "War and Labor beasts-sometimes they get bigger n' that-and are good eating. Bloody ill tempered to boot." The man's tone was matter of fact as the crew was hauled out.("OI!) The yeoman sergant barked to his men, indicating the smoking tank turret, ("Get that damned thing put out before it goes!") Grabbing fire extinguishers, the yeoman made to put it out as the crew members were impaled upon makeshift pikes and hoisted-leaving them twitching and bleeding in the air.

"Oh.. cool," he acknoledged, still out of breath. Taking site of the de-tracked Myrmidon he nodded, "nice work on that track. Did Tasha drop the shields or did you guys?" he asked as he leaned against the crippled spider tank. He jumped when the tank responded: "that was me, sir."

Having caught them off-guard the TASHA continued, "S-sir, I detected-d-d-d you saying that you are an It-It-It-Ittô Heisho. Pl-pl-please contact Command. Th-th-th-this unit belongs to Fifth Fleet, Fourth Battalion."

"Hey, sweetie..." Thorn finally managed to get somewhere with Orianna's gift of codes and her own contact with other forces. "You're gonna be okay, I'm making my way to you, now, can you hear me?"

"We'll take care of you, TASHA. we'll bring you home," he promised patting her hull, then turned to see people skewered on metal poles, "what the fuck?!- screw, it. I don't wanna know. La Prossima, on me." With that he headed into the main building of the hideout, content to leave the Iron Company to do whatever the hell they were doing.

Canyon Hideout Interior

Barone took the lead as the team entered the hideout's main entrance they encountered the booze shipper who'd been taken at the Zerza spaceport carrying two large bags stuffed to the limit with money and valubles, Barone's communicator reporting it's location inside one of the bags, the same one that had Viktor's staff poking out the top. The man was startled at the sight of the 5 Mindy power armor suits. "Oh- uh, you must be here to rescue me. Well, too late! I got that damned hypnotist all caged for ya," he declared nodding towards an impromptu jail cell in the corner of the room where Viktor sat in the corner, face bloodied, "all he had to do was put his staff down for a second. Here, take it! I don't want it! If you'll excuse me.."

Dokusei caught the staff and immediately began examining it as the man began walking towards an open doorway to a large enclosed hanger. From the shadows Silas stepped out, his 'Viktor' mask no longer worn. He pointed to the wan who was briskly trudging towards the light freighter that was in the hanger bay and shook his head wordlessly. Tossing a clump of a severed wire harness to the ground Barone didn't worry about the shady man leaving any time soon. He approached the caged man, the hypnotist looking up in defeat, then looking back down. "Let me guess, life in prison? I'd prefer to die."

Barone gripped the barred door and gave a pull, steel shrieking as the steel hinges sheared apart. "You know, the politics of this planet are starting to piss me off," he said as he took a seat in one of two hardlight wingback chairs his suit began projecting. He pointed to Dokusei and gestured for the staff. Catching the thrown device he looked back to Viktor, "we know that you found a Kuvexian ship and purchased the lot. What is this thing, really? What happed on this dusty rock?"

Viktor gave a weak laugh. "Look, I have no idea what it is, it doesn't work. Just lots of light an- wait. I never told the dealer it was a Kuvexian ship," his demeanor instanly changed. Grabing onto the empty chair and pulling himself up he stood with tremendous effort and sank heavily into the chair, "besides these guys, only one knew it was Kuvexian. How do you know this?"

Thorn seemed to appear in Barone's shadow, watching as she wiped the dying fluids of the old war machine off her hands. "Not hard to tell. Yamatai's never seen it. The Senti had no idea based on the photos we had. Not hard to deduce. What I'm more interested in is your TASHA. She died with all the honor you stripped from her, you know. I tried. I really did. But I don't have the tools to pull her data core."

"Thorn..." Barone cut in, his helmet disappearing from view as the volumetrics enabled transparency, "I don't care about a tank."

"Of course, sir."

"I know many things, Viktor. I especially know of a woman named Emma Brandt," he responded, "Your wife."

Viktor's eyes widened from their confused state. "Please, where is she?! Where is emma and our child?!" he pleaded, tears welling in his eyes, "he told me you killed her. Surely you wouldn't do that! What happened to them?!?"

"Who said that?" Thorn looked confused. "I think our medic has her right now."

"HIM!!!" he screamed in anger, pointing to the booze shipper who'd been abducted, the man returning as his ship wouldn't start, "Thomas Read, I hired his company for the salvage mission and he stole everything! He made me 'The Hypnotist' in these staged performances using those gods-damned projectors we salvaged from MY lot and forced me to sign documents, publically rob people, and worse so I would be his fall guy!" Standing and pointing at the man he accused further, "he took my wife prisoner and would beat her and my unborn child if I didn't play along. I'll kill you!"

Barone caught his arm as he tried to pass, stopping him from acting. "Now that," he said darkly, standing up and turning menacingly towards the pilot, "that is the most logical version of the story I've heard since I've arrived."

"These guys would be out of their jurisdiction... I, however, am a mercenary. Sir, you want me tracking him or how big a mess am I allowed to make?" Thorn looked over with a smirk. "Cause fuck this planet. As I told you before, I was a slave last time I was here."

Internally... In the deepest parts of her mind, only Barone could hear her scream and rage as he had only seen once before. Rat bastard. "Cause Viktor's been here since before we got here. We cleared this in what? Five minutes?"

"I don't respect jurisdictions," Barone answered flatly, "I fix problems."

Thomas the pilot's expression shifted to a stubborn one. "I have an attorney you'll need to talk to about that," he declared defiantly, "you Skirts think you're so just but you have no idea what life on this planet is like. We have to fight to survive! I fought my way to the top! If you think I don't have the best attorney you're crazy. You Yammies can't touch me. Look, I'll even surrender!"

Barone grinned with a certain evil glee, "I do not accept your surrender.."

Standing up aggressively his sword appeared seemingly from nowhere and sliced the bars out of his way. Realizing the imminent danger that was upon him Thomas attepmted in vain to run, only for Silas to kick out his knee, kneeling the kingpin to the dirty concrete floor. "Men like you are what's wrong with the universe. You crave power but once you get it all you can think to do is wield it against those without the power to stop you," he lectured as he approached the grounded man, "you have no honor, but I'll give you a chance to regain it."

Thomas struggled against Silas' four arms as a special opertions combat knife landed on the dirty floor by Thomas' knees. He yeilded his struggle to shout back, "you bastard. You really expect me to commit Sudoku?!"

"It's called Seppuku, dumbass, and yes," came the stark response.

Taking the SOCK in a shacky grip, Thomas looked up to Barone and then back down. The room was deathly quiet as he contemplated what he was being forced to do. His horrified face showed only the deepest of fear as he pointed the blade towards his belly. His horror turned to a subtle grin as a last ditch idea turned to determination. Swinging the knife behind himself Thomas was able to stand again as his lunge to stab Silas was answed by the operative simply stepping away.

The quiet shwoosh of Barone's sword ended the display of resistance though. Thomas stood motionless as the knife dropped from his hand, clattering to across the floor. A wet squishing noice was produced as the two halves of Thomas began peeling apart, his body splitting from his head downwards as Barone sheathed his huge sword.

Thorn shrugged, picking up a nearby toolbox and beginning to leave. "Now, sir, we do have a wounded machine spirit I have to tend to, so I'll leave this under SAINT while I go inventory recovered Star Army equipment and collect the bounties on the missing serial numbers."

"Belay that, Thorn. Orianna can forward that to you. I see out next ship," he mused as he gazed upon a faded green Origin Industries Starliner, his voice surprisingly commanding, "Silas, take Thorn to get whatever wire harness that is fixed. Everyone else, go with Orianna to get as much of th TASHA loaded in that ship. I'm calling in the Rikugun." Turning from them the transparent visage of his helmet vanished as his helmet returned to being visable again, this time with a holographic skull being projected onto the faceplate.

"Barone Ittô Heisho to Yicuqibu Rikugun, mission successful. Begin delivering aid and send me a recovery crew for my shuttle."


Shuttles began arriving at each location only minutes after the call had gone out, relief supplies and rescue personnel landing to begin establishing aid centers. A knocking at Gratixa's hovel was answered by the suited Graxlat, delighted to see the delivery of supplies, a similar delivery to Griff who welcomed the medical personnel warmly as his men greived the loss of their friend.

News reports would circulate the story of how the Iron Company nobly tracked down the Hypnotist and his band of dastardly theives. Their name was praised for days as the populace celebrated the removal of the criminals from their planet. As for Viktor and Emma, SAINT would issue new identities and housing on a planet far away from the dusty rock known as Yicuqibu I.