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  1. RP Shady Dealings in a City of Lights

    (OOC: Same night as this thread) The meeting had been set to take place in a nice bar a few storeys up one of the many towers that made up the skyline of downtown Kyoto, a nice little place made from panels of genuine lacquered wood that took a few obvious queues from historical Yamataian...
  2. NDC Business Offer

    «««[Outgoing Transmission]»»» NEW LOCAL COMPANY FOUNDING WANTED Attention entrepreneurs of the Kikyo Sector. We at the New Dusk Conclave wish to extend an offer. We are a growing nation in need of a business entity as part of our economy. Land, funds, security, and access government...
  3. F

    Abandoned Submission Business Treaty of YE 40 Update

    Submission Type: Treaty Update FM Approved Yet? No, @Wes Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? No. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? No. Changelog: Link Checklist Requested? Yes. An update to the...
  4. How to Gauge Profit

    So I'm working on a plot, been building it for a while, and I'm wanting to get some infrastructure in place to finance the plot. My idea is to have my character create a shipping company of both legitimate and illegitimate items. Now there's no point trying to micromanage the minutiae of...
  5. Investment Returns

    I had an idea regarding financial investments. You know how you can purchase shares of a company? That is kind of what my idea is. If a player character invest their money into a company I think they should be able to receive returns monthly, the same rate they receive their salary. I feel...
  6. Laz Public Network [H6] Inquiries and Transactions

    (paging @DocTomoe) TO: United Manufacturing Cooperative FROM: Hyacintho Vulpes Ingenium To whom it may concern, We are looking to purchase a number of Hikari-Class mining vessels outfitted with an ARIA core for control, piloting, and operations purposes. As such we would like to request...
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