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The news anchor Michael Archon stiffened up as the camera feed began, keeping his red-speckled wings neatly pressed against his backside. Behind him, the green screen's projection showed a busy Orbital Works in orbit around Elysia, the pulsing glow of fusion bulbs illuminating parts of the many...
I was recently answering my own questions on how to develop the Reds further into a functioning faction with a culture (as opposed to the inflatable frailing man used as a punching bag). Though stumbled on a bit of a writer's block that I think is relevant to the whole setting: just where does a...
Reporter Miura Ayame
In a press release today, the Yugumo Corporation and the Motoyoshi Clan placed $1.2 Trillion KS into a Recovery Trust. The funds were originally set aside to be devoted to further expansion of transportation systems in the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector, which is still...
Coming off of the success of their Tange Operations in partnership with the Yugumo Corporation, the Ryu Keiretsu announced in an investor virtual conference a plan to invest in the infrastructure of the region of space containing Sector Grids 1410, 1411 and 1511. Consisting of the systems...
I'll kick this off with a rewording of my previous argument, it seems like Yamatai is really wanting to inhibit free trade lately and is now pushing a treaty that is dooming IC corporations to government control. The IRC is discussing the future of corporations without any corporate...
So, recently, in the SCSC giveaway, my character Jax came into possession of a tractor trailer full of gold. In our standards, we would be set for life, and so would our children. But as I understand it, the Yamataian government is able to produce unlimited quantities of gold using aether...
Fort Minori, Nataria - The Star Army announced today that the retirement package would require 15 years to unlock, an increase from the previous six.
The Star Army of Yamatai has relatively-short 3-year terms of enlistment and thus 15 years would be equal to five full terms. The 15-year...